~ Aries Full Moon, 25th of September ~

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~ Aries Full Moon, 25th of September ~

Post by Christine »

My fire is Aries, my depth Pisces ... last night in a vision dream I saw a fiery sword in my field, I allowed it to pierce my heart with an intense burning pain that was felt through my whole chest. There was a fleeting sight of a warrior who embedded it in me, so I rose and sat. Allowing the pain to recede the only words that came to me were: "I protect that which I cherish and I will until the end of time." On further reflection it was allowing love to pierce my deepest parts ... for to love with all your particles on fire you become the wave.



Here comes the Aries Harvest Moon, falling just days after the Autumn Equinox. This is a Lunation of reaping the fruits of the seeds we have sown over the previous 6 months. Intentions planted at the Aries New Moon on the 15th of April now reach culmination, and begin to appear in our physical reality.

However, this Moon also amplifies the tense T-Square formation that is currently playing out between Sol, Chiron and Saturn indicating that this will also be a Lunation of deep soul healing and karmic retribution on many different levels.

The flaming Aries Full Moon sits in opposition to the Solstar and Mercury in harmonious Libra, asking us to create equilibrium between these two polarities in our lives. Impulsive, impatient Aries rushes ahead with no thought for consequences, knowing Her job is to initiate the new. Diplomatic Libra deliberates and weighs Her options.

Aries is defensive, Amazonian like in Her need to protect that which She cherishes and holds dear.
Libra is gentle, compromising and compliant, looking for solutions that serve the good of all. Aries is independent and freedom loving, charging ahead and forging Her own path regardless of the opinions of others. Libra seeks external validation, concerning Herself with the thoughts, opinions and judgements of others.

Aries, as the fearless Huntress goes to War for their cause, thriving on the adrenaline of battle, wanting to win at all costs. Libra, as Ma’at, Goddess of Divine Justice holds up her silver scales, seeking a fair outcome to every issue.

The Libra/Aries is axis is possibly the most challenging in the astrological wheel, as it calls us to find equilibrium between our own needs and the needs of others. Mars ruled Aries is concerned with asserting Herself, finding Her passion and claiming Her individuality, Venus ruled Libra seeks love, beauty and partnership, reminding us of the power of connection and co-operation.

This Lunation illuminates how balanced these two archetypes are in our lives. Perhaps some of us are entrenched in the Libran energies, feeling lost, unsure of who we are or incomplete without a partner, depending on friends, family members or even business associates for support, feeling unable to make decisions for themselves and people pleasing in order to create the atmosphere of harmony they crave. We may be passive and ineffectual, or fearful of taking action. We may feel unable to deal with confrontation or hold a direct conversation, instead manipulating, charming and flattering in order to get our needs met.

Or, maybe we are too much in our Arian warrior vibration, charging ahead with spear and sword, taking responsibility for everything and everyone, unable to allow ourselves to receive help and guidance from others, afraid to show any sign of weakness or feeling we will lose our independence if we allow others in. We may be insensitive and confrontational, caught up in our ‘doing’ and striving, unable to relax, let go and be held.

We are about to collectively enter a long cycle of learning about ourselves through relationship, as Venus prepares to station retrograde. This Full Moon shows us how to stand in our own sovereignty, with strong, healthy boundaries whilst simultaneously remaining soft and open to giving and receiving love.

The Lunar Queen reaches Her zenith whilst in extremely close conjunction to Chiron the Shaman, who is spending His final few hours in Aries before heading back into Pisces until February 2019. The Moon is the keeper of memory, representative of the inner child and our emotional nature. Chiron is indicative of the deepest wounds of the psyche. In the explosive sign of Aries, this is a catalytic combination that can bring many buried or forgotten feelings and old traumas to the surface. We may find ourselves experiencing volcanic wrath or restlessness as we release ancient anger from our cells.

Times where we have lost our own identity in order to appease others, issues connected with unworthiness, abandonment, rejection, betrayal, particularly those that are passed down through the mother line or are connected with women and the feminine will come up for release under this cathartic Lunation.

It is important to remember that Chiron is the rainbow bridge, a multi-dimensional energy that invites us to transmute our suffering though many different incarnations and realities, giving us an opportunity to heal the karmic source of our pain. Once we have faced and felt our wounds, and integrated our lost fragments of self, Chiron calls us to the next stage of our heroines journey, the ability to share the knowledge and wisdom we have gained through our challenges to help others in overcoming the same difficulties and patterns.

With Mars, the ruler of the Full Moon still in square to Uranus, the Storm God, and approaching another conjunction with wild and rebellious Lilith in Aquarius, it’s advisable that we treat any triggering situations as messengers that provide us with clues as to the inner work we still need to do, rather lashing out from a space of reactivity, or severing long term connections without proper consideration. We may find we regret our actions at a later date!

Since he shifted into Aries on the 17th of April this year, Chiron has been teaching us how to reclaim our power, restoring the knowing our rage is a scared tool that gives us the courage to make the necessary and needed changes. Saturn reminds us that our healing is our own responsibility. Only we hold the key to our own liberation. Let us wield Aries’ flaming sword of truth, as we break free of the chains of conformity and apathy that have kept us bound to the past, reigniting our soul spark as we walk boldly towards our dreams and desires.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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