“I wonder if aliens deny that we exist?”
― Anthony T.Hincks
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Post by LostNFound »

I thought this might be a good place to start with this subject simply because it does in many ways deal with our origins. This subject first appeared to me from a post that Christine did where she brought up the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. When I researched into the Emerald tablets because I just happen to run across this theme on another internet site I came into what will follow with commentary and a total of 14 videos. Dante Santori is the author of these video's and it seems that he may be connected with a secret society that is trying to wake the human race to "FIRST CONTACT". This I am not fully up to certainty in my own research. It is the content and belief of Dante Santori that has captivated me to some degree in my own search for truth.

I must say that I have also looked into the Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean. Thoth is thought to be an ancient Egyptian God who wrote these tablets, Who also lived in Atlantis times. There is much more to research in this line of thinking and walking and it all does seem to tie together through history of the biblical standard and long before.

I must also say that both these accounts, The Dante Santori one of EKHENON and the one of Thoth the Atlantean have similar concepts and refer to the Annunaki in our very distant history's. The word is spelled a bit different but yet one in the same. The very idea that we are all extraterrestrial can jump out at the reader or watcher. The idea that we may have been genetically enhanced lies in the pages of history, time and the foregone Biblical writings.

One other line of research that is coming into focus, and I am just beginning with it at this time, is Bloodlines, blood types and DNA. This barely surface study so far has revealed connections to the above research. I might even say that the Biblical writings, names, Characters. stories seems to be connected to most things. In other words, the dots are starting to form into a solid line. I don't know where this may all lead to yet but that is just the point YET, it seems.

So without further adieu, I will begin with the Dante Santori videos and you may spend the time to review or not. I am looking for feedback however and there are others already deeper into these things than I am. Thank you and here we go.

The Emerald Tablets: EKHENON – Parts 1 – 7 | Dante Santori [videos]

Hot off the new Gutenberg at YouTube today…

After all the seriousness, bullshittery and high drama of the hurricanes, election fraud, the torching of California, and the streams of militant, illegal immigrants arriving at the southern US border—not to mention the anxiety and intrigue surrounding “Operation: Hot Musket”—perhaps it’s time for some levity and an opportunity to shed new light on the history that has been so mangled by the the controllers that few know the truth any longer.

Dante Santori always uses humour in his educational videos and makes me laugh out loud. He, I believe, is a representative of a group (secret society?) on our planet with a plan to educate Humanity about the reality of our world, our origins, history, and prepare us for “First Contact”—which is an absurd concept when one considers that in actuality, there have been off-planet entities sharing Earth with us for eons and still are, but that’s a topic for another day.

I can’t say the information we get from Dante is all true or not, and we know disinfo has its purpose, but I appreciate the effort because I believe much of it is valid and it resonates with me. Dante has many fans and while brilliant, his methods aren’t for everyone. His videos are quirky, historical accounts including personal artifacts, news clips, excerpts from movies, and include some great music. He uses repetition a lot to reach the subconscious and I feel it’s important enough material to pass on. It’s both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Dante and his friend, Petro, who met an untimely demise, were the ones who found what has become known as, The Alien Races Book. Dante published this book and it’s fascinating reading; said to be documented by the KGB and found in an old trunk belonging to Petro’s family in Russia.

You can download the book free of charge here and read Dante’s account of the finding of the book and scores of sketches and notes about extraterrestrial and non-terrestrial entities. It’s a tragedy that the original copy on the seat of the car when Petro was eliminated was stolen—not on the scale of the destruction of the marvelous library of Alexandria, but a great loss.

Dante has a colourful past and he and his team publish videos under the channel DS-AHK, as Dante Santori, Alien HumanKind, as there are so many hybrids on the planet and the tales about the Gods from the sky (Anunnaki) engaging the beautiful women of Earth and producing offspring appears to be true.

The group has been actively fighting the marauding evil-doers on our planet for millennia and have seen many fall in the effort.

Watching these videos will, at the very least, encourage the viewer to accept that we have been lied to on such a grand scale, the deception cannot at this stage be plumbed to its full depths. It will take time to correct the history books the controllers rewrote to serve their own ends, and to reeducate Humanity. The Truth is far more colourful and interesting than the fakery passed off as our legitimate past and just may cause the viewer’s imagination to take flight and contemplate new possibilities.





More to follow in next post
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Post by LostNFound »

Here are four more with commentary between 7 and 8




If you’re hooked on Dante Santori after watching the previous 7 segments of EKHENON, you now know that Dante and his team are part of a secret group calling themselves Karistus. I didn’t share this at the outset for my own reasons, but one rude reader found it necessary to resort to name calling and leave a comment showing his “superior” knowledge of the subject.

There is nothing worse than the awakened attacking the awakened, in my opinion. Next in line are those who comment just to show their own vast, personal knowledge. Humans really need to drop the ego trips.

A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed from non-members. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence. The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence. Source – Wikipedia

The Karistus, as a secret society, have been battling the dark forces for millennia and according to Dante, keep the balance of good and evil on our planet from tipping to full-on evil.

You saw Dante’s stamp on the videos: Azazael 8867.100 Dante is living his 100th incarnation, birth date August 8, 1967. When he hit his 13th birthday, I believe it was, he suddenly began remembering his previous lives. Long story, as you can well imagine.
The dark has always deceived us by controlling the narrative. Through their videos, Dante and his team are setting the record straight on many things, including the bad rep the dark has given the archangels and the Karistus.

You are free to believe what you like, but according to the historical data and hard evidence presented over hundreds of videos, history has been drastically skewed to vilify positive forces, and you may decide to change your mind.

For example, Dante tells us Ishtar or Isis is one so maligned. Cobra has also told us that the goddess Isis is a positive force the dark has inverted to represent evil; hence the dark’s intentional use of the the acronym ISIS for their mercenary army in the Middle East. They seek to turn us against their enemies. Reverse it all and you have a more accurate picture.

One of the things we learned in the first release of the Emerald Tablet segments is that EKHENON means “emerald” and it was the name given by the Karistus to one of the 7 daughters of Lushifar; one with emerald eyes. The tablets she inscribed were not green, nor made of emerald, but she was the author of these coded and protected historical accounts.

History, as traditionally taught and documented, is so wrong about so many things and through Dante’s videos we learn just how much we have been deceived, if you subscribe to these revelations. It seems the information resonates very strongly with some of us in particular, and perhaps there is good reason for that. We may not recall our past lives, but perhaps when we are triggered, it resonates.

I felt these videos are some of Dante’s finest work, and serve the purpose intended.
Without further ado, here is part 8 of the series about EKHENON, and how she affects us today. ~ BP



Follow parts 10, 11,12, the Epilogue and 2017 - 2022 What to Expect in the next post
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Post by LostNFound »

And these are the last of this particular series by Dante Santori. For another perspective, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean should foiiow.




The Emerald Tablets Ekhenon (epilogue)

2017 -2022 What to Expect

As with most anything today, you are your own best researcher. The above video's could be just one man's story telling in an odd way to present it. There is always some truth in every story, documentary, opinion/research of others. It is up to you and what may or may not resonate in your own heart chakra that makes the difference. Please enjoy if you so find time. I will continue to present my own research in time with the other areas I have began to move into.

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Post by Christine »

Thank you Steven, I have come across his name before and took note though my focus has been pulled elsewhere for the moment. I plan on giving them a good listen soon then will make comment. Actually as a friend wrote me a forum is for sharing our unique perspectives on the material presented. I love what you wrote here:

"As with most anything today, you are your own best researcher. The above video's could be just one man's story telling in an odd way to present it. There is always some truth in every story, documentary, opinion/research of others. It is up to you and what may or may not resonate in your own heart chakra that makes the difference. Please enjoy if you so find time. I will continue to present my own research in time with the other areas I have began to move into.


With every turn of the sun I am more aware that each of us has an unique cosmology, it is in the expansion of our consciousness that we are ever more inclusive and able to hear what resonates, accept what does not and continue the inevitable spin of the inner life blooming in a sweet beauty that few can see.
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Post by Christine »


Angels vs Predator AVP. I started to watch this and decided my energy best spent elsewhere. DS AHK (Dante Santori) has a cinematic flare in sharing his information, at times something I admire at others I prefer a quieter commune with silent emanations from nature or sitting with a good friend. In a dramatic manner he does put the Spiritual battle right in front of our collective noses though most will not see it for what it is.

Steven, I viewed the first four of the Emerald tablets and found them to be disjointing, the use of dramatic (best experience with headphones?) music and a story that develops too slowly for my time taste so would you mind writing a bit more about what you found in these videos? For myself the Emerald Tablets are codes from the emerald light or feminine cross plane of creation (the heart), in other words each of us has access to them encoded and buried in our DNA. I write this due to a profound experience I had a couple of months ago, I have referenced it repeatedly in my writing and videos.

He is obviously using names re-spelled and from what we "know" Akhenaten had seven daughters, etc. While clever I guess I prefer a more direct approach at this time. He also starts his series talking about how other You Tube channels promise a lot and never deliver so it left me wondering what he delivers other than his own particular and peculiar cosmology.


Winding my way through several threads on our forum I am also left pondering how they inter-weave and what story they are revealing. I read the Jim Morrison piece posted by Professor Doom and gloom (poking some fun here to lighten up the dark astral cloud). It rather grabbed me hard and wouldn't let go until I did some inner work. Just as Santori's work is dark in tone so was the generation of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll.

"It was for opening the doors of perception. Perceiving why we’re alive on this planet, where we’ve come from, where we’re going. Answering those basic human questions that all people have asked themselves. Then bringing that information back and getting into your rehearsal studio, getting into the recording studio, creating your music, creating your songs, creating your words. That’s where all of that came out. You didn’t do it on LSD. LSD was your foundation. Psychedelics were your foundation on which to build."

The irony of the opening statement was not lost on me, foundation? I agree they opened Doors of perception but they were blown off their hinges in the process. It is fairly well known that the CIA or some other such nefarious agency released LSD into the budding consciousness of the innocence of the flower power people; dump in lots of alcohol, wild sex and watch them self destruct... wow. The article actually doesn't come close to revealing the real Jim Morrison, what demons and what dreams drove him? We are simply given the surface hedonistic behaviors that destroyed him.

The reason I am relating this on this thread is because there are connections to be made, and here I drop in the whole bloody affair of the astral thread. As I said I got grabbed hard reading the Doors piece, it through me into a chaotic disconnectedness (Santori's work does the same). I guess I have some practice at navigating these states now, that observer in me that detaches and watches where the energy is taking my consciousness. I found myself journeying in an astral realm of illuminated by golden and green light piercing through an opening in a massive swirling dark cloud. Figures came in and out of view, all looking up as I was. As I watched the sky turn darker and more violent the clouds vortexed inward closing off the streaming light. I sat silent listening. I admit this could all be a product of my imagination but what came to me was feeling a whole generation of souls captured in the promise of what they perceived as to Why we are Alive on this Planet. So few made it out, so few had the inner strength to not become lost to their demons, I was left wondering what happen to Jim Morrison's soul after what he went through.

I am writing in free flow consciousness here... not even sure where I am going with these words.

What I see is that the Predatory parasite will take advantage of every opportunity given to consume the lucidity of light. The survivors are those who built an inner body of gnosis and were humbled by this. It's not any different today, the sophistication of the technology and drugs of choice is beyond most people's comprehension, it's been refined and so many succumb. It doesn't matter if we fall to drugs, sex or judgemental moral righteousness both have the same affect on an opposite spectrum of polarity.

Holding core energy intact and coherent will demand we let go of all things and in doing so find the All of things. Elusive as ever it must be experienced to be known. Alignment with cause is the effect, this is immutable we can not break this reality. It's enough to drive most people mad so better to stick with the devil you know, the proffered safety of the systematically inbred known.

I have to go right now so will leave off here for the time.
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Post by Professor Doom »

"Just as Santori's work is dark in tone so was the generation of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. "

Well I agree it was not ideal In my mind I was asking myself a question : Is it because she's from California , because she's been to Venice Beach- she grew up with that music ...maybe ...just maybe she's not all that objective . But then again maybe that's why i choose Jim Morrison to begin with.
See I like to take her out of her comfort zone ... Always did .:P

Real questions:

1.Why was humanity not ready in the 60's . Don't tell me you were taken over . If you were taken over you were not ready.

2. Is humanity ready now?

3. Do you think -Christine - that if you die and incarnate again ..and get to be in your early 20's . Do you think all the rage/hormones/sexual energy/awesomeness you have you think all that will not lead to a bright flame burning fast?
I'm asking of you because actually I want to ask about teenagers today. How can you/me/we help them? They sit on a volcano of energy obvious some of them will be Jim and Janis. So what do we do?

Prevent them from creating? Lock them up?

Why is destruction always associated with evil. I tried to make a case for destruction being an intricate part of creation. Can't tell me what Jim Morrison did bad was demonic and what he created was awesome. One just can't draw a line like that.
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Post by LostNFound »

Christine wrote:[youtube][/youtube]

Angels vs Predator AVP. I started to watch this and decided my energy best spent elsewhere. DS AHK (Dante Santori) has a cinematic flare in sharing his information, at times something I admire at others I prefer a quieter commune with silent emanations from nature or sitting with a good friend. In a dramatic manner he does put the Spiritual battle right in front of our collective noses though most will not see it for what it is.

Steven, I viewed the first four of the Emerald tablets and found them to be disjointing, the use of dramatic (best experience with headphones?) music and a story that develops too slowly for my time taste so would you mind writing a bit more about what you found in these videos? For myself the Emerald Tablets are codes from the emerald light or feminine cross plane of creation (the heart), in other words each of us has access to them encoded and buried in our DNA. I write this due to a profound experience I had a couple of months ago, I have referenced it repeatedly in my writing and videos.

He is obviously using names re-spelled and from what we "know" Akhenaten had seven daughters, etc. While clever I guess I prefer a more direct approach at this time. He also starts his series talking about how other You Tube channels promise a lot and never deliver so it left me wondering what he delivers other than his own particular and peculiar cosmology.


Winding my way through several threads on our forum I am also left pondering how they inter-weave and what story they are revealing. I read the Jim Morrison piece posted by Professor Doom and gloom (poking some fun here to lighten up the dark astral cloud). It rather grabbed me hard and wouldn't let go until I did some inner work. Just as Santori's work is dark in tone so was the generation of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll.

"It was for opening the doors of perception. Perceiving why we’re alive on this planet, where we’ve come from, where we’re going. Answering those basic human questions that all people have asked themselves. Then bringing that information back and getting into your rehearsal studio, getting into the recording studio, creating your music, creating your songs, creating your words. That’s where all of that came out. You didn’t do it on LSD. LSD was your foundation. Psychedelics were your foundation on which to build."

The irony of the opening statement was not lost on me, foundation? I agree they opened Doors of perception but they were blown off their hinges in the process. It is fairly well known that the CIA or some other such nefarious agency released LSD into the budding consciousness of the innocence of the flower power people; dump in lots of alcohol, wild sex and watch them self destruct... wow. The article actually doesn't come close to revealing the real Jim Morrison, what demons and what dreams drove him? We are simply given the surface hedonistic behaviors that destroyed him.

The reason I am relating this on this thread is because there are connections to be made, and here I drop in the whole bloody affair of the astral thread. As I said I got grabbed hard reading the Doors piece, it through me into a chaotic disconnectedness (Santori's work does the same). I guess I have some practice at navigating these states now, that observer in me that detaches and watches where the energy is taking my consciousness. I found myself journeying in an astral realm of illuminated by golden and green light piercing through an opening in a massive swirling dark cloud. Figures came in and out of view, all looking up as I was. As I watched the sky turn darker and more violent the clouds vortexed inward closing off the streaming light. I sat silent listening. I admit this could all be a product of my imagination but what came to me was feeling a whole generation of souls captured in the promise of what they perceived as to Why we are Alive on this Planet. So few made it out, so few had the inner strength to not become lost to their demons, I was left wondering what happen to Jim Morrison's soul after what he went through.

I am writing in free flow consciousness here... not even sure where I am going with these words.

What I see is that the Predatory parasite will take advantage of every opportunity given to consume the lucidity of light. The survivors are those who built an inner body of gnosis and were humbled by this. It's not any different today, the sophistication of the technology and drugs of choice is beyond most people's comprehension, it's been refined and so many succumb. It doesn't matter if we fall to drugs, sex or judgemental moral righteousness both have the same affect on an opposite spectrum of polarity.

Holding core energy intact and coherent will demand we let go of all things and in doing so find the All of things. Elusive as ever it must be experienced to be known. Alignment with cause is the effect, this is immutable we can not break this reality. It's enough to drive most people mad so better to stick with the devil you know, the proffered safety of the systematically inbred known.

I have to go right now so will leave off here for the time.

Christine, yes Dante Santori certainly has a dark image of this story, I call it a story because I can only view it with that in mind. However I did see how he has taken the beginnings of our existence today and threw it all back to MAR's for the purpose of his premise. This of course goes back in time perhaps millions of years. The Lushifers and the Kashians, I am not sure at this moment how that is spelled, are nothing more than what we would call the Luciferians and the Christians of today. I see how Dante picked up on that and yes he has mispelled or twisted words, IMO to suit his entire story. The very idea of the creation of the seven daughters and then the L7 being EKHENON herself is a rewriting of the story of good and evil. Dante has shown us his version of what has been going on for eons.

His thoughts and story line of reincarnation have some resonance to it. I was caught with that for sure. So imo, this story of Dante Santori makes connection to the Bible of today and its stories. His videos are certainly disjointed somewhat but he does hold a thread that always comes back or plays into the evil one that he calls EKHENON. So I think he is trying to tell the reader or viewer that we are in a very long war, a Spiritual was as it is and his dark videos do portray this is many ways. I myself will look at the light as best I can. So in summary, these videos do make connections to our lives in today and one has to wonder if seen on the deeper insinuations, how true or not it is that we are controlled, designed by aliens and where is it we will go with the gnosis we find as we move along this path to that next door way. What is beyond that? not know yet or perhaps known and still here to learn more before we go back or forward. There is a proof that we do reincarnate to some degree. People research this much in their lives and began to understand that we are just growing in our spirits more so each time we come back. Who knows at this point where we go if we have learned all we can on this plane.

As for Jim Morrison and his tormented life, I cannot say much. His music was certainly mind blowing to so many during his brief stay and he could be in another corporeal body as we speak, learning something that he missed or refused in that body. I believe Professor Doom may have said the right thing about the darkness of the time period we all seemed to wade through but have to read that more myself.

Now as I have said, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean are a bit different but yet they also make connections to the bible and the Anunnaki. Here is a piece that perhaps gives a little about THOTH. He was a god in Egypt and some kind of King, Priest in Atlantis I believe and he supposadly wrote many Emerald Tablets so I will go that direction next to show a correlation and perhaps a difference from the dark Santori story.

and this one

I will be back, Thank you
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Post by Christine »

Thank you Steven, my online time is more limited than it was in the past and really appreciate the synopsis. I too will be back. :-)
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projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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