The Problems With Christianity – Why Even though I love God & Christ, I Am Not Christian

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The Problems With Christianity – Why Even though I love God & Christ, I Am Not Christian

Post by Spiritwind »

I don’t necessarily agree with everything in this article, but it does make a lot of good points. And I know some will say that the historical Jesus Christ never existed. Well, the story itself may not be correct, but I know within my own being that a Christ like energy is available to us all, and the name doesn’t really matter, or even the so called facts of his supposed life and when and where he lived, and what he actually looked like. I definitely feel he had a female counterpart as well. But anyway, I subscribe to no particular religion anymore, and never will, although I still respect the many good people I know who do still cling to a particular belief system. That is, as long as they are not involving themselves in acts of genocide and harm to others, and are generally moving towards heart centered ideals of love and respect for all life. And, to be fair, there are some wonderful interfaith groups who are trying to bridge those differences that those higher up seem to promote, and doing their best to bring people of all faiths together for the betterment of their communities.

The Problems With Christianity – Why Even though I love God & Christ, I Am Not Christian ... christian/" onclick=";return false;?

The Horrible Problems With Christianity

Why Even though I love God & Christ,
I Am Not Only Not A Christian But I Reject Christianity Entirely
Often I will meet christians who ask what I do, and when they hear that I am a metaphysicist, spiritual teacher, and ordained minister, they will want to make sure that what I am teaching is christianity.  They are sure that christianity is the only way that a spiritual person should be and that being christian is all one has to be in order to be “good” and “right”.  Ironically I know without a doubt that even though I do not think of myself as a christian, I act more like Christ than people who call themselves christian, and live by the ethics of christ more.  It is the fact that I know God/Christ and am a very spiritual person, rather than being a religious “christian” that I have a moral code that I live by and I live to do good in this world every moment of every day.

I always have to make a distinction with Christians about the difference between God/Christ and the christian religion, and let them know that while I love God and Christ, I am not a christian – because God/Christ and christianity are actually not one and the same thing, but are quite different. Christians are always so confused by this, and why I would not then just be a christian.  And aside from the fact that my mother was one of the many christian parents that traumatized her children with christianity (in fact I think that most of the psychological complexes and issues that people have these days comes from the oppression, guilt, shame, fear and other dark things instilled in them from their christian upbringing), there are so many things that are terribly horribly wrong with christianity.  And for these reasons, even though I love God and Christ, I reject Christianity altogether.  And so in order to enlighten all of the christians out there on what the problems with their religion is, since they seem to be too blind to be able to see these problems themselves, I have outlined them here in this article.  At least 40 of the biggest ones.

The 40 Biggest Problems With Christianity
1. Christianity is a “Totalitarian Religion”.  They are an authoritarian organization that is more like a dictatorial form of government.  They do not believe in religious freedom, or separation of church and state.  Many countries that are not free democracies like the US declare themselves “Christian Nations”, and the people have religion forced upon them and the christian orthodox churches claim real legal jurisdiction over its followers and that the word of the church is law (the largest of these being Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church).  Those who live in countries with religious freedom do not believe in this religious freedom, but that their countries should be the same as those who force Christianity upon the masses and that the church should dictate law.  Being a totalitarian dictatorship they believe that they are the only right religion in the world and see all others as their opposition who are not only wrong in their beliefs, but are the enemies of God and Christ, and must be campaigned against and converted, and if they cannot be converted, condemned and persecuted.  Those who accept the religion and become followers of christianity are subjugated by it, which is really just a system of sociolopolitical tools for subjugating its members.  Christianity is the religious equivalent of fascism.  And so it follows that…

2. Most Christians are ignorant and brainwashed. They speak in regurgitated scripts they have been programmed with from their pastors/priests just like robots with artificial intelligence.  And they do not actually know the facts about their own religion because they have never done their own independant research, they are simply listening to what they are told and obeying orders.  If you were to compare the psychological principles of brainwashing practices (as practiced in places such as communist POW camps) to what goes on in christian institutions such as churches and bible camps you will see that these institutions have been systematically engineered for brainwashing.  Christians have been systematically rendered incapable of thinking for themselves, and none of them have done any deep research into what is supposed to be their own religion and beliefs.  Which is why none of them know the following of what is about to be said, and are incapable of debating about it.  If you are to bring up such facts to a christian, their brain will simply shut down and they will not be able to respond.  This religion can only thrive upon brainwashing its members and keeping them ignorant it cannot function with free thinking, educated and enlightened ones.

3. Modern Christianity is based entirely on mistranslations and misinterpretations of the Bible, as well as adaptation by political authorities like King James for the brainwashing and control of the masses. The bible most people are reading these days is nowhere near in its original form.  It has been deliberately mistranslated and edited for mental manipulation.  It is no longer the real word of God.   Adam and Eve were not named Adam and Eve (which are english names), they were named Obola and Biome (which are african names).  Mary was not a Virgin, that was a mistranslation of the hebrew word “young girl”.  Even Jesus was not originally named Jesus, it was “Yeshua”.  His Birthday was not December 25, that is really the biggest pagan holiday called “Saturnalia” that the christian authorities were trying to overwrite.  Christs was actually born on January 17th, his birthday is now called “Epiphany” and is not even celebrated in most forms of christianity, instead they celebrate “Christ-mass” and tell their followers that it is the birthday of Christ, becuase conquoring pagans and overwriting their religion was more important than being true to Christ.  The entire religion was engineered and adapted to overwrite the folk religions and paganism of the time, which it did by mergeing with them and overwriting everything that was already in place.  Then all they had to do was change some of the language and by doing this they were able to control the population.  But most of christianity is actually rooted in paganism, even some of the prominant figures in the bible such as King Solomon were actually pagans, and christ himself was a figure now called by religious scholars a “Shaman” – a folk magician, priest and guru.  This is why most of the works of Solomon were removed from the bible (because he was practicing what they deemed “black magick”) and why christ was actually put to death by the same authorities in Rome that then later appropriated his teachings and made them orthodoxy and under government control, saying that he died for everyone’s sins – the perfect reframe to help them gain control of his followers and have them begging the government’s forgiveness anytime they disobey its law, which they said was actually God’s law. The entire religion is an adaptation based on complete misinformation engineered for manipulation of the masses.  These people do not even know the truth about their own religion, and do not even know the man they are worshipping.  All they know is the lies that they are told.  Christianity is in fact the greatest case of the “Mandela Effect” in history.

4. Modern western Christianity is not the same as Christ himself.  It was not invented by Christ.  It was invented after Christ’s death.  Not by the Apostles or the followers of Christ.  But by the governments, for appropriation and control of the beliefs of the masses.  Christianity was not forged in the likeness of Christ.  For Christ was not a Christian.  And christianity is so different than christ was that christ probably will not become a christian when he returns.  Rather the opposite, he will probably be telling everyone about how far they have gone astray from his original teachings. But christianity focuses on worshipping Christ, not being like him. Its masses of followers are nothing like Christ, rather more the opposite.  No one practices being like christ and following his example of being good, as they should.  Instead they focus on accepting that they are sinners, living as sinners and asking for forgiveness from him.

5. The bible is full of contradictions and Christianity is full of hypocrisy. Almost no one in the religion practices what they preach.  Probably because they cannot, for what they are taught is full of contradictions which by definition are impossible to practice altogether as a whole.  The religion itself is a living paradox.

6. While God and Christ are about love and blessings, Christianity is about hate and fear. It teaches everyone that they are inherently evil and sinful from birth, that even infants are not innocent.  And the more hardcore followers literally call it a “God fearing” religion and say that they are god fearing people, which shows how much they do not know god, for when you know god you know that god is love.  God loves us and does not want us to fear him.  These people obviously have mistaken God for the devil.

7. Christianity is a religion that has built its following upon coercion and control through the fear of condemnation and being damned to hell, not actually the divine love and light of god.  In fact “Satan” – the thing that it uses to instill fear into the hearts of its followers is equally important to the religion as Christ & God.  They use this fear to motivate their followers because they know that psychologically fear is a more powerful motivator than love, or any other positive emotions.  But as illustrated above, christianity is a fear based religion, not a love based one.

8. The Christian church is not a spiritual philosophy or way, but a business.  And this business was built and funded by exploiting the masses (via fear of this condemnation & damnation), with christians being able to buy blessings and even special places in heaven, despite whether they behave in moral or immoral fashion.  Even gangsters and military leaders who are responsable for great amounts of human suffering and death will have their acts of violence ignored for a price.  For while christianity may preach about morality, its idea of morality is only a tool for manipulation, and essentially it is an amoral business, and its bottom line is doing whatever is good for business.

9. Christianity invented the concept of Hell and Satan in order to instill fear in its followers to motivate them to be more obedient.  There actually was no concept of hell in the original tribal roots of christianity.  And Lucifer himself was actually the planet Venus, and the translation of the word Lucifer actually means “Morning Star”, or “Light”.  They changed who Lucifer really is in the bible and turned him into “The Devil” as a scare tactic for manipulation and control, instilling fear of satan into its followers because they know that fear is a powerful motivator to get people to do what they say.  What a horrific thing to do to people, what kind of religion would do that?  Not a Godly or spiritually pure one.  And actually the concept comes from the greek polytheistic concept of “Hades” which was the “Underworld”, which was influenced by the far eastern (Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist) concepts of their being lower levels of existence that were lower consciousness and less pleasant than this.  And yet it is Greek and Eastern Polytheists that christians say are evil and going to hell just for not being christian…but since christianity didn’t have a concept of hell it is them who they took the concept from…just so that they could tell them they are going there for being non-christian…does anyone else see the irony there?  European christians even went so far as to return to africa where christianity first started as a tribal folk religion under the real Jesus Christ, and then started telling the tribes there, now called “Bwitists”, that if they didn’t change their evil ways of practicing their folk tradition and start worshipping Jesus Christ, they would go to hell.  To which the Bwitists replied, “You mean Jeshua? We do worship him,” showing them his picture.  To which the European missionaries (conquistadors) replied “Oh, well you have to worship him our way, and read this new translation of the bible.  Otherwise you are going to hell”.  The Bwitists asked what this “hell” was, and when the conquistadors told them, the Bwitists laughed and laughed and laughed, exclaiming, “Why would god invent such a place and do such a thing to his own children?”  They couldn’t believe it. Because it isn’t real.  At least not in the original version of christianity.

10. The Christian symbol is a torture device, exemplary of the darkness of the religion and the pain it causes others, and the general attitude of its members.  Torture is just so fundamental to it.  Christians even enjoy the thought of christ having been tortured and crucified for their own benefit.  In clinical psychology this is called “sadism”.

11. Christianity is a highly toxic and destructive religion, like a virus. Christian Churches have dark toxic energies, and traditionally they were places where people went to get yelled at abusively by a pastor for being such bad “sinners”.  And christianity as an entity is responsible for most of the war, fighting, slavery, torture and other suffering that has occurred in the world since its creation.

12. Christianity has always been weaponized and used to justify horrible violence against innocent people and torture, which has been commonplace throughout history. From the spanish inquisition, the crusades and Columbus, to the Nazi’s of Germany and the Salem Witch Trials and more, Christianity has been one of the most destructive and horrific weapons the world has ever seen.

13. Christians feel that non Christians are lesser beings that are beneath them. They see them as less than human and undeserving of human rights and deserving of persecution. This is why throughouth history Christians have treated non-Christians with not only disdain but violence.  They have dehumanized them and would call them  “savages” and treat them like animals, conquering them and beating them into submission and taking them as slaves, or even call them “heathens” or “witches” to justify treating them like demons and persecuting, torturing and killing them.

14. Christianity has always been one of the primary creators of war throughout history.  Christians have always created war against other non-christian civilizations in order to conquor them and spread their own culture in their quest for world domination.  It has been an incredibly destructive force, and I cannot think of anything less divine than this.

15. Christianity and its “morality” is a paradox of hypocrisy. It claims that any innocent people who are not Christian are evil to justify doing evil against them and feel some sick sense of virtue in it.  But this hypocrisy is the only way that christian morality can work in its favor.  If it weren’t for this it would have no legs to stand on in its campaign for global dominance.

16. Christianity’s main driving force is not spirituality, God, or blessings or anything divine. It is domination and control, and anything spiritual that it preaches are just tools used for that end. How can you trust a religion that does this?  Christianity is responsible for more genocide on this planet than anything else in history. When indigenous civilizations do not adopt the Christian culture the crusaders would try to impose upon them, they would be ethnically cleansed, if not taken for slaves. Christianity is a destroyer of cultures. It has almost entirely erased many indigenous cultures of other countries from the face of the earth and forced them to become westernized Christians, erasing and re-writing their history and making it nearly impossible for social scientists (such as myself) and anthropologists to study these cultures.  This is very similar to what is called “ethnic cleansing” and is commonly accepted as one of the most evil acts possible.

17. Christianity is a religion of division and fighting.  Even christians cannot seem to agree and are constantly creating divisions amongst themselves.  There are countless different denomenations of christianity each fighting over what god wants and claiming that they are the only right ones and that all of the others are going to hell, some even going so far as to call others “satanic”.  Could this really possibly be what god wants his children to be doing?  Constantly fighting among themselves about what he wants and damning each other to hell?  And what is the statistical probability that any one of them is right?

18. Christians are prejudicial and do not respect anyone who shares different spiritual values or lifestyle. They feel the need to constantly argue with others who have different values.  And, being against the separation of church and state, and for a totalitarian christian orthodoxy, they believe they have the legal right to practice discrimination.  Christian business owners even believe that they have the right to refuse service to anyone who is not christian. They are the posterchild of cultural and religious intolerance.  If anyone did this outside of the umbrella of christianity today they would be called a racist or some form of bigot.  But somehow it is not racism or bigotry when you do it as a christian?

19. Christians may pretend to be socially benevolent people, but it is no more than a guise.  They are actually very socially malevolent and wear this mask in order to campaign against anyone who does not share their beliefs. They think that anyone who does not believe what they believe is bad and they will act defensively or even offensively, in many cases going as far as to tell them that they are going to hell among other things if they do not conform to the Christian beliefs.  Everything they do socially, even charity, is simply an act of manipulation in attempt to convert people to their doctrine.  And when benevolent measures fail they have no scruples about using malevolent ones.

20. Because of this, Christians are quite socially inappropriate. And can be socially manipulative and toxic. You cannot attend any social events with them because this dialogue will always come up, which is not only socially taboo (for good reason) but it’s very purpose is to make the listener feel uncomfortable until they conform to the Christians beliefs, which is offensive.  A socially healthy person knows that it is inappropriate to even discuss religion in most social situations, and even when it is, that one should never try to push their religious beliefs on others.  But Christians thrive socially on this sort of inappropriate behavior of pushing their beliefs on others.  This is because Christians are taught that they not only have a god given right, but a duty to be socially domineering towards others for the purpose of recruting converts.  They are trained and conditioned to believe that these behaviors are not actually socially inappropriate and wrong, but are right because it is their duty to “save the souls” of those who do not go to their church.  It doesn’t matter to them if they are going against the norms of what is considered healthy social behavior in doing so.  In clinical psychology this is called “Anti-social personality disorder”, otherwise known as “sociopathy”.

21. Traditionally, those who would not conform to the Christian religion being imposed upon them would get tortured by being crucified, burned alive for being a “witch”, or put into special torture devices. Now of days since that has been made illegal, Christians will instead simply tirade against you since it is all that they can legally do. However if it were still legal, they would still be using torture and any means necessary to subjugate non-Christians.

22. Christians believe that humans are the only ones who have souls, and that Christians are the only one’s who are going to Heaven. And many Christians believe that only those in their denomination are right and going to Heaven, and that everyone else is wrong and going to hell.  In clinical psychology this is called “Narcicism”. But in line with this narcissistic thinking, Christians believe that it them the right to mistreat, persecute and even torture and kill anyone who does not belong to Christianity, or sometimes even only their sect.

23. Because christians believe that humans are the only ones that have a soul, and also that god put all of the other creatures on the earth here to be part of “mans dominion” for him to “rule over”, they believe they have a right to treat all other creatures as objects for them to use and abuse.  From the mass neglect, abuse and genocide of animals on ranches, to their torture in the animal testing and fur industry, they believe that the inhumane treatment of animals is either justified, or is not actually inhumane.  If you ask them about it, they will simply say “well god put animals here for us, it says so in the bible.”  They simply see nothing wrong with causing suffering to innocent creatures, in fact many of them enjoy abusing and killing animals.  In clinical psychology this is called “sadism”.

24. The bible is full of darkness, evil, and just bad things that may have been accepted during biblical times, but civilization has evolved and made great progress since then. We have greater humanity, and are much more enlightened since then. And we can now see how unacceptable these parts of the bible are.  And yet somehow, while Christians think it was ok for the bible to have been changed for purposes of power, they are not changing it to help it reflect the greater enlightenment and humanity of the new age we are now in.  Therein…

25. The bible is outdated and obsolete, and offensive to those with modern sensibilities and higher consciousness.  It comes from a time and culture where people were little more than cave men who were savages compared to how we are today.  In this time and culture many things were acceptable that are not today.  From slavery to child abuse to rape and even torture, and all manner of other human rights violations that we have now deemed unacceptable in this day and age in which we have made so much progress and collectively raised our consciousness far beyond what it was back then.  It is due to the fact that this manual from such archaic and brutish times is still being used as a blueprint for life today that such human rights violations will sometimes continue in spite of the fact that most people today know that they are wrong, except for in christian fundamentalist christian sects in which these abuses and transgressions of basic human rights will continue to persist as if these people are still living in biblical times.  There is absolutely no reason that we should be using the bible as a blueprint for life in this day and age in which we have made such great strides to evolve beyond such a horribly dark and savage existence, and are now supposed to be able to live a more peaceful one free from the harms of such abuses.

26. The bible is patriarchal, misogynistic, and oppressive to women.  It literally deems them as the property of men, not much more than slaves, and ordering them to be submissive and subservient to men, and allowing men to beat and rape them if they are not obedient enough.  Christianity is the root of all sexism in our culture.  However somehow when you commit acts of sexism under the umbrella of christianity, it is not called sexism, even though it still is.

27. Christianity invented the patriarchal institution of marriage to charge people huge amounts of money just to fulfill their basic human need and desire for sexual intimacy, and also for social/sexual control, manipulating people into having the types of relationships they dictate, and allowing men to control women and their bloodlines which they were not able to do in the previous polygynous and polyandrous cultures.  They even went so far as to cover up the fact that Christ had a lover who he was not married to, named Mary Magdeline, who they deleted the gospels of and called a simple whore who he took under his wing and blessed.  And they ignore the fact that Adam and Eve (or Obola and Biome), were not married, nor were their children who were all supposed to be having incestuous sex together to create the human race.  But for some reason now it is christian “law” that humans need to be married in order to have sex, otherwise that sex is sinful and the woman is declared a “slut” and publicly shamed and humiliated, and in biblical times was even brutally tortured and killed.  And the man is declared…well nothing, since in the partriarchy it is not really a sin for a man to have pre-marital sex…and worse yet, any innocent children had “out of wedlock” will be declared “bastards” who will go to hell for their parents sin.  For the christian authorities know that sex and sexual pleasures are the primary human drives and motivating factors next to fear and food, and by controlling people’s sexuality they can control them in the deepest most powerful way.  And can charge them large amounts of money to have sex, which any sexually repressed and frustrated person who can afford it will pay out the ass for after two decades of forced celibacy.  And they can control people’s bloodlines and make sure that only those wealthy christians who attend their church and give it large amounts of money are the ones who are procreating, and giving birth to children who will then also attend the church and give them money.

28. Anyone who does not fit into Christianities Patriarchal, Heteronormative, monogamous & prudish version of sexuality and may be of the LGBT, Poly, feminist, or any manner of sexually alterantive/kinky orientations have always been shamed, oppressed and persecuted by christianity, and would traditionally be publicly shamed and humiliated, jailed, tortured and even killed.  In fact Christianity is the posterchild of sexual intolerance.  But for some reason what would normally be called discrimination and oppression isn’t when it is done under the umbrella of christianity, even though it still clearly is to any conscientious person.

29. Christianity is sexually unhealthy, shameful and oppressive to everyone and is the sole cause of most of the sexual issues people have in the world.  Christianity deems sexuality to be sinful and evil and causes sexual guilt complexes in everyone, just for starters.  Then most christians go on to suffer from sexual repression and frustration and sexual dysfunction such as anorgasmia in most women, or even an ability to be able to ever enjoy sex entirely due to the sense of shame.  However it is also common for christians to even suffer from severe sexual mental health disorders and become sexual deviants and even sexual predators and pedophiles.  Just for one example: the forced asceticism of circumcision is meant to partially remove the man’s sexuality and ability to experience sexual pleasure so that he can be more sexually “pure”, but in reality is a cause of sexual trauma and dysfunction and other issues.  These sexual issues get passed down from parent to child, causing an epidemic of sexual dysfunction and abuse because it is christian tradition.  Again, this is due to mistranslations and misinterpretations of the bible, which I explain in this article here.  And even though we now have the medical science to know what is and is not sexually healthy, christianity ignores it and continues its tradition of sexual trauma.

30. Christianity defies logic, rationality, evidence, facts, science and all of the very things that can make a person well informed, knowledgeable and enlightened. It is a religion of ignorance and denial. Christians still believe that the world is only 6,000 years old, a belief that has been so disproven that it is hardly sane to even entertain the idea, but Christians believe that science is “a thing of the Devil” and is just a bunch of lies made to refute their religion, even though it is not and it is simply a coincidence that science has found explanations for reality that are more rational and factual than their fantastic mythological explanations.  Christian universities are literally nothing more than disinformation indoctrination camps where students are systematically brainwashed most deeply and trained on how to deny facts and science.

31. Christians believe that any Gods of any other name in any other religion are demons, and their followers are Satanic.  When christianity took over the middle east it deemed that all of the gods of the gentiles were demons.  Even though these were in many cases just translations for the word “God” in another language, just as “Allah” is in Islam, but is regarded by christians as being a completely different entity.  Any demon in christianity who you look up the name of was originally a god of a neighboring tribe.  It doesn’t matter if a polytheist or someone who calls god by a different name is a peaceful person who is practicing a religion full of light and love and is trying to bless others and do good. A christian will label them a devil worshipping heathen and see them as an enemy who needs to be persecuted into converting to christianity, or tortured if they refuse.  And somehow the christians are supposed to be the godly ones when they do this.

32. Christians believe that they can get away with such bad behaviors because they are Christian. They think that God will forgive anyone of any “sins” as long as they say they are a christian and ask for forgiveness.  It is literally an religion founded on the idea that people are “sinners” and can get salvation through Christ simply by asking for it. Therein they believe their religion gives them license to do anything to anyone.  So any christian can act abusively towards others and in any other abhorrant way they wish to for their whole life, just so long as they go to church once in their life before they die to ask forgiveness.  Christianity is a religion of people who act horribly their whole lives and think they can get away with it because they visit a church to pray for salvation once in a while, or at least once before they die.

33. Christian parents tend to oppress and traumatize their children with their religion, stunting their psychological development with limited education and abusive parenting, and causing mental issues such as guilt and shame complexes and anxiety disorders that will plague them for the rest of their life and prevent them from ever being comfortable with who they are and living a healthy adult lifestyle.  In fact most devout christian parents believe in the use of corporal punishment, neglect, and even hardcore abuse of their children in order to purify them of their sins and make sure that they are following their religion seriously enough.  It is the innocent nature of children, who due to their immature state of development are not highly conscious or intelligent beings yet, to question rules and authority and test their limits and misbehave simply because they do not understand the need for such things yet.  And there are things that are a natural part of development such as masturbation.  All of which christian parents look at and see as evil and will give harsh punishments for.  Again, in clinical psychology this is called “Sadism”.

34. Christianity is not a spiritual religion, rather the opposite – it is in fact the least spiritual religion in the world, and is actually very anti-spiritual. Though it was once spiritual, but all of the purely spiritual, metaphysical, mystical and magickal content has all been edited out of the bible. What was left is the historical and socio-political content, along with some ethical/moral philosophy.  Christian teachings and preaching are mostly focused on telling the stories from its history and the sociopolitics associated with their lessons, and controlling the masses through its version of morality.  It is not concerned with spirituality and empowering people spiritually, as it does not teach it or how to be more spiritual.  In fact the things it is focused on are anti-spiritual.  And if you try to research Judeo-Christian metaphysics such as the kabballah or the metaphysical code that is encrypted in the bible and you talk about it with a priest or a pastor they will try to stop you and say that you are intellectualizing too much and that the mind is the devils playground and that metaphysics will only corrupt your soul.  Why?  Because they want you to be spiritually ignorant.

35. Because christianity is a socio-political organization, and not a spiritual one, it has very little actual spiritual practices.  While other religions teach spiritual living and spiritual practices, christianity is mainly focused on on “the word” and preaching through the use of words, the purpose of which is to brainwash its members. But it has a minimal amount of spiritual practices, (like meditation,) which are a large focus in every other religion out there, and which is something people need in order to live a spiritual daily life.  However christians are taught by their pastors that such spiritual practices are “black magick” and are outlawed in christianity (because the pastors do not want their followers to be spiritually empowered and be able to experience spirituality without them).

36. Christians are only taught to pray and to attend church to receive their spirituality through the church and pastor only.  Thus the rest of the time they are not existing as spiritual beings, rather the opposite.  The Christian concept of God is even much less interactive in worship than in most other religions, and people crave that ability to interact with God.  Most Christians feel they can only have a relationship with God through their Pastor.  But God is someone you must have a deeply involved personal relationship with.  And spirituality is something that must be practical and have real world applications in your life so that you can actually live a spiritual lifestyle and be a spiritual being.  But christianity does not teach its members how to actually be spiritual, instead they systematically condition them to be dependant upon the church and their pastor for their spirituality.  In clinical psychology this type of relationship is called a “codependant” relationship, and is seen as unhealthy, and this method of making its members feel psychologically dependant upon them is a tactic that is also employed by dangerous cult leaders.

37. The only difference between christianity and destructive cults is simply the size, and the fact that christianity achieved orthodoxy, while destructive cults were relatively small in comparison and are classified as specialized sects.  However the rest of the elements, from brainwashing to acts of violence, are all there.  Christianity was just so domineering that it rose above cult status and went on to conquor most of the world.

38. Things such as compassion, peace, blessing, love, awareness, raising consciousness, enlightenment, rapture, and even more, which are things that all other religion’s, spiritual philosophies, and folk traditions tend to agree are essential spiritual tenets are absent from Christianity, even though Christ practiced/believed in them, but not only does christianity not believe in these things but it condemns the folk religions and forms of shamanism practiced by the peaceful, positive, loving people who do.

39. From a psychological perspective, the types of people who do this are called “Dark Quadrads”, which means that they posess the four worst personality disorders a person can have, all together in one horribly dark evil conglomerate: “Narcissism” (Self righteousness),  “Anti-Social Personality Disorder/Sociopathy/Psychopathy” (Being socially destructive towards those who do not conform to your will), “Machiavellianism” (being extremely socially manipulative – all social interactions are geared towards bending others to conform to your hidden agenda), and “Sadism” (feeling justified in causing others pain and even enjoying it). These types of people are the worst types of people for society because they are the most harmful and destructive towards others and absolutely must be avoided for sake of your own mental health and wellbeing.

40. Christianity and Christ are separate and opposite things. Christ did not invent Christianity and the Bible, and Church, those are man made things. Believing and and worshipping Christ is the most important aspect of Christianity.  You can believe in him without going to church or subscribing to a specific denomination of Christianity.  And you do not have to read or agree with the entire bible either.  The bible does contain some wisdom, but there is too much controversy to call it the absolute truth.  The important thing is Christ and following his teachings and practices, which most Christians do not, thinking that it is enough to be Christian and go to church every day.  And being like Christ does not actually make you a Christian.  It makes you better than Christians.
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Re: The Problems With Christianity – Why Even though I love God & Christ, I Am Not Christian

Post by Spiritwind »


In conclusion, I hope that this has been enlightening to you.  And some of you may be thinking, well, this is debatable.  That not every christian has done all of these things, etc.  Unfortunately there is no use in me trying to debate with someone who is living in denial.  In this day and age we all know the history of christianity and what it has done on a massive scale.  There’s no use in trying to say that there might be some exceptions here and there, it simply doesn’t negate the way that the religion as a whole is.  And we have google at our fingertips and anyone can do some easy fact finding and learn the truth if they really want to.  But most christians do not want to, because they have invested too much time and energy in believing these things and subscribing to a religion and a way of life and culture that goes along with it.  Which is why they do not question such things, because finding out that their beliefs are wrong could cause their entire reality to come crashing down on them.  So they would rather live in denial.  And anyone who wants to live in denial subscribing to such an evil doctrine isn’t worth debating with.

But while I may be speaking in broad sweeping generalizations, generalizations are generally true.  And anyone who is not brainwashed won’t be able to deny these truths.  Not only does christianity have these problems, but these are only the top 40, there are in fact many more even smaller ones, I just didn’t feel the need to beat a dead horse.  But if you look at world history, you will find that christianity is one of the biggest causes of world problems and social issues in every culture.  It is one of the most major sources of trauma in peoples lives.  And if you think that is what Christ, your God, wants, you are truly not a person of God, and shouldn’t call yourself christian, in fact you should call yourself a heathen.

Besides, even though maybe all sects of christianity are not guilty of every single one of these things, most are.   But how many of these things should christians be allowed to get away with before they are considered discredited?  They shouldn’t have even been allowed to get away with any of them.  Most of these taken alone should be discrediting enough.

So now for those of you christians who see and admit to these problems with your religion, and know that it is not what Christ really wants and what Christianity is supposed to be, and are wondering what the solution is, I have a very simple one that I know you have heard before and probably aren’t doing (at least not enough).  And that is to try to be more like Christ, and always be thinking to yourself “what would Jesus do?”  Start following the example that he set for you.

But also, start doing your research for God’s sake.  Don’t just blindly keep believing all the lies and disinformation and mistranslations you are taught.  Actually educate yourself about the things you are supposed to believe in, otherwise your entire reality is based on fallacy.  For starters you can start researching who Jesus really was.  And you can throw out your King James Edition of the bible, which is a completely altered version of the bible that is an adulteration.  Start studying other translations that are true to the original, and the books that were omitted.  And you can learn about the actual roots of your religion before it became a westernized adaptation that was completely engineered for political brainwashing.  Start researching real scriptures and information, such as:

The Apocryphal Bible – These are the texts that have been edited out of the Bible, such as the books of Solomon and Macabees.
-The Mount Sinai Bible – This is the original biblical Text
-The Gnostic Gospels – These are Esoteric Christian Gospels
-The Dead Sea Scrolls – More Esoteric Christian Texts
-The Gospel of Mary Magdeline – The Gospel of Christs Lover, which was completely covered up and hidden by the church.

-Bwiti – The original form of Christianity, which is an African Shamanic religion, and still the predominant religion of Africa.  No, Christ was not white, there aren’t white people in the area of the world that he is from, this is another European lie. And no african’s are not all primitive savages who worship polytheistic deities.  In fact the first Christians were Africans.  And now catholics and other missionaries return to these African tribes to try to convert them to their later version of Christianity, which has been vastly changed by the European Clergy for control of the masses under threat of “Hell”, which was never something that was taught about in the original Christian teachings.  When these missions return to the African Bwitists to tell them to worship Christ they say “we do, we have been for longer than you, see here are our pictures of him.”  The Neo-Christians will then warn them of “Hell” and say “well if you don’t follow our version you will go there to burn” and the Bwitists laugh and say “Why would god send us there?  He loves us!”  This is Truth my friends.  Modern Christianity is about fear mongering.  God is not about fear, He is about love.  Want more evidence about the Hell conspiracy among the other misinformation put out by the European Clergy?  Check out:

-Bishop Shelby Spong – A former Clergyman (Bishop, as it says) who is now speaking out and releasing these secrets that the church has used to enslave the masses since its beginning.  He is now however releasing real spiritual information to help the masses attain enlightenment and get closer to god.   He is a great resource to have, be sure to look up his interviews and lectures on youtube.
-King Solomons Scriptures – Starting with “The Song of Solomon” which can be found in many common bibles, but there are a lot of scriptures he wrote that were hidden by the churches because they reveal many spiritual secrets they do not want you to know, but you should.
-Jewish Texts and Lectures are great sources of information since this is one of the main roots of Christianity, which has not been adulterated by misinterpretation and misinformation.
-Other Esoteric Texts such as the book of Enoch
And good luck with finding your way to the true God & Christ.  I hope this has been helpful and that over time this religion can change for the better and become more Christ-like, and less evil and destructive.  Because otherwise, you are certainly all doomed when Christ returns and sees how you all act, or when your day of judgement comes.
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Re: The Problems With Christianity – Why Even though I love God & Christ, I Am Not Christian

Post by LostNFound »

Okay, This is quite interesting. I quess I could say, there is some truth and more an opinion of this person that wrote all of this. The person is in contradiction in many places. Now I don't cotton to man made religions myself because I did discover that mostly that is what they are, MAN MADE and made that way to control of course. Political and yes non spiritual. One can say the lies are made to garner power of the masses. I agree that Jesus did not created or want a thing called Christianity. This is true for Islamic, and Judaism, Hinduism, Satanism, Buddhism. There are so many different religions, religious factions and all are based on mans opinions and made to control and cause fear and gain power. All of them i would say and that is my opinion and thoughts through research on my own.

I have studied the Apocrypha, many books and Gospels. I have read these as stated in the post above:

The Apocryphal Bible – These are the texts that have been edited out of the Bible, such as the books of Solomon and Macabees.

-The Mount Sinai Bible – This is the original biblical Text

-The Gnostic Gospels – These are Esoteric Christian Gospels

-The Dead Sea Scrolls – More Esoteric Christian Texts

-The Gospel of Mary Magdeline – The Gospel of Christs Lover, which was completely covered up and hidden by the church.

And much more. Yes the political and Religious, Man Made factions through out history and perhaps before the history have hidden away texts and writings that more than likely gave or give us a deeper truth of let's say the Divine Creator and even Jesus Christ or Yahweh or perhaps other names that are more closely associated with the real man. I could talk about this for much more as the person that wrote the above article seemed to have done. What we as an individual research and study and meditate and Pray is within each of us to know.

Should it be something for each of us to hammer others for their beliefs or a complete man made religion? This I can see that what you see and understand is not necessarily what I see and understand but it is yours and that is how it is. Now the person above called out the Christians as being the worse thing on this earth, That is the worst religion. Sure the Christians as defined by the Catholic Church and much more have committed atrocities, have caused bloody wars but wait. It is not just the Christians, It is the Judaism and the Islamism religions that have done the same if not worse so one can't mark just one without bringing the other man made religions into play. It would be a good or better way to talk about these religions to actually do a comparison side by side through out history or what is written in history about how they were created and what atrocities each one has created through time and even in to days realm.

So here is a slight problem I encountered with the person above and he or she's writing of the Christian religion. Please note, I have said I do not believe in Religion. It is truly a man made fiction. This capped stoned a hypocrisy of all the writing prior to it for me.

"And good luck with finding your way to the true God & Christ. I hope this has been helpful and that over time this religion can change for the better and become more Christ-like, and less evil and destructive. Because otherwise, you are certainly all doomed when Christ returns and sees how you all act, or when your day of judgement comes."

Of all the talk and trying to make Christianity an evil thing and spouting about how Hell is a construct of this religion to create fear and gain control and power from the people/masses, Why then say something that directly validates what one says is wrong and not true? That two sentence statement sort of wipes out all the above diatribe or should I say nullifies what the person said before it.?

If someone goes to long lengths to destroy the concept of Christianity (Here again a man made construct) and virtually say that Christ or what the Christian faith states will happen such as his return and exacting a judgement because we have not vowed to follow what the KJV of a Bible states we should do, Then what the Hell are we to think about all this persons beliefs?

Now I should say here, I love the Divine Creator and his son as so called in the Christian Religion also and I don't abide by any man made religion.

This is just my 2 cents worth of thought.
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Re: The Problems With Christianity – Why Even though I love God & Christ, I Am Not Christian

Post by Spiritwind »

Hi Steven!

I posted this article for many reasons, and, honestly I didn’t think I’d get any response. I’m not going to address what this person wrote, point by point, but now that I have gotten a response I will at least try to explain why I posted it at all.

And, yes, the person writing this does seem a bit biased, and working with a bit of a “I’m more spiritual than you” assumption. And it definitely sounds like this person has a bone to pick.

This quote from the article kind of sums this up:
“Ironically I know without a doubt that even though I do not think of myself as a christian, I act more like Christ than people who call themselves christian, and live by the ethics of christ more.  It is the fact that I know God/Christ and am a very spiritual person, rather than being a religious “christian” that I have a moral code that I live by and I live to do good in this world every moment of every day.”

I have not read all the material this person listed, nor all of what you listed as having read (and had not heard of the Mount Sinai Bible). I have experimented with, and studied many different belief systems though. And I have extensively read the Bible as it is now in several different renditions. I have my own views, there, but suffice it to say you can energetically feel the rare gems still there as being of a genuinely elevated understanding. Much does not radiate such, energetically, much feels very condensed, and some feels totally made up and inserted.

I grew up, though, arguing religious points with a Mormon, me being well indoctrinated as a JW. I really believed back in the day, something anyway. I noticed early on the contradiction, though, of it being said that God is love, yet also quite genocidal. I also know that prior to this takeover, beliefs were much more honoring of women, so something happened that changed it all. God became very war like, and displayed many un-God like characteristics. And this takeover is indeed evident in all three, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

I also know that my lifetime of self reflection has taken me down many roads, that eventually led way past my early childhood programming. Memories of other lives has filled my inner realms in such a way as I will never be the same. I remember being part of a large family tree that originally did come from somewhere else, either in actual space (whatever that really is), through some kind of dimensional portal, or even another time or time-line. This family of beings were quite different than the beings already here in this reality. Over time there has been a complete blending, of not only these beings with the beings already here, as well as much genetic experimentation, and also a separation in ideologies.

There are a group who have been hoarding whatever remains of the real story of what happened, quite jealously I might add, and uses it to their advantage through each major change (generally accompanied by both man made, as well as cyclical, cataclysmic events). It keeps them on top, and the rest of us holding them up with our suffering, sweat, and tears. There is also a group, who may not even remember who they are, that got discarded from these original families, once they began to disapprove of the direction those motivated by resource acquisition were going, and seeing basically anything, or anyone who wasn’t like them, as a potential resource to be used. Of course, many of the players in this scenario have long forgotten who they are. But I remember. At one point I just couldn’t go along anymore, and was one of those who were discarded. I want to make clear though, this is not the only branch of the tree, or root, or even the same tree, to which I am related. I can trace back to being nobody memorable numerous lifetimes, to also being far less empathic than I am now. Somewhere in there, my soul stream, for lack of a better way to put it, began to fully oppose the agenda of those who are basically all about resource acquisition, domination and control, and became their enemy. Of course, early in my life I knew none of this, and even now would not have this conversation with even my own family members.

Anyway, my understanding of this takeover of religion makes me want to speak out more, the way we’ve been used, manipulated, to do the hidden masters bidding. I don’t want to participate any more. I’ve warred against them in more lives than I care to remember. They are like the hydra, you cut off one head, and ten more appear. Playing the game with their rules will never get us there. This is what I remember, what I know. What is the solution? I really truly don’t know. I wish I did. I ask myself every day. I don’t want to just be a witness to their plans for earth again (for they’ve done something like this numerous times). They do want to destroy the ecosystems, they do want to greatly reduce the population. If any of them were subjected to the same scrutiny as those who take some seriously heavy medications for their mental health problems, they would probably be diagnosed with labels that would make everyone realize that none of them should be in charge of anything. I don’t even know if most, or any, can be rehabilitated. And they are sneaky, very smart and devious, and lie even when it’s not necessary, about everything.

So, for me, talking about religion, writing about religion, sharing an article such as I did, is in part trying to make people just think at all, even if it riles them up. For me, getting out from under the heavy duty beliefs I was expected to accept without question was like breaking chains, busting out of the very low expectations every one in my life had of me. They all seem so surprised that my life didn’t actually end up in the toilet, or already having met a tragic end. I speak out because I want us to change the future, because I believe, for some unknown reason, that we can. I don’t know how it’s going to happen, and I don’t expect anyone at all to agree with one word I’ve written. But I will keep speaking and writing, while I still can.

And we all have our biases, our judgements. I’m still working on them, and anyone who says they aren’t is suspect, to me. I’m finding less and less ground to firmly stand on, about most anything. But somehow, even if I’m just making it all up in my head, and I just don’t know it, I still feel we each have our own unique story to tell, and it doesn’t HAVE to agree with anyone else’s story. Somehow, once we let it all hang out, it will lose its importance (what each of us believes), and maybe we can really start coming together, over things that really do matter, such as how we treat one another, our children, our environment, and how we interact on and with this earth. I feel if we get back to our roots, before the takeover, everything can, and will, look much different than it does right now.

And they say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one...

I also want to point out this has nothing to do with the many people, perhaps even the majority, of these various religions, who are trying to move towards an ever increasing awareness of what the spiritual life is all about. I see people all the time trying to live the best of these ideals, as they shine through all religions. But organized, almost corporatized, religions of any name at the top are almost certainly run by those least qualified with any genuinely spiritual criteria. Untold lives have been lost in the name of religion.

You can be almost any faith (except perhaps those who outright profess to worship gods that are openly all about rising to the top through any means possible - the more ruthless and self serving the better), and be a basically good person, and I have known people from all walks of life who are working towards a true betterment of life for all here. You don’t have to be religious to be spiritual, although you can, and you certainly aren’t guaranteed to be spiritual, even if you are religious.

I would also agree that it is not my right (nor is it my intention) to judge others whose beliefs are different than mine. With the exception of those who are ignorantly still engaging in behaviors that show a distinct lack of spiritual understanding. God cannot be truly “love”, and sanction chopping off someone’s head for disagreeing with those who have self appointed themselves in charge of even what you can think and believe. Or simply living on land that someone else has claimed as theirs as a good reason to make them all disappear and demonize them as the enemy. Nor would things such as corporal punishment of the victim in cases of rape be sanctioned by a loving God, so simple logic should apply here (even though in many cases it would seem to have left the building).

I also don’t subscribe to lumping all people, based on often inherited belief systems that are not questioned or thought about deeply by many, together into groups of all good, or all bad. Individuals are either mostly good, or mostly bad, depending on their actual behavior over time. And much of it, unfortunately, does get passed down from generation to generation. Which is why it’s a good idea at some point in your life to have some inner dialogue about what you actually do believe, or don’t believe.

I also remember the confusion I had as a child about the ideas of evolution or creation, and Darwinism. Things like the earth is only 6000 years old, yet in school something else entirely was taught, and things like the Bible saying giants really did exist, and beings did come down from somewhere else and mated with the population. But then many who profess to be Christian and believe in the Bible act like they don’t really believe what it says, except for the parts they choose to, often based on what their religion tells them to believe.

As I thought deeply about these things I arrived at my own conclusions, and yet still keep the door open as there are new discoveries, some of which are bound to be real (even if they try to disguise it, distort it, or hide it altogether if they think it will cause you to question the narrative they have chosen for our consumption). You see, basically, I do feel they don’t really want any of us actually thinking for ourselves. I will not stop questioning things, of that much I am fairly certain. And, again, I know I’m not the only one...

Maybe religion is like politics, though, as it can stir the emotions in all kinds of strange ways. Maybe it is something we shouldn’t put out there for discussion. Strangely, though, I actually remember with fondness my debates with my Mormon friend all those years ago. It was stimulating to my young mind, even if I now realize I was totally wrong. Heck, I still could be (totally wrong).
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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