Reflections by the moonlight

''Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.''
-Bruce Lee
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hi there Blue Rising, so nice of you to come by and say hi. Yes, I am back to full health and am very grateful. I have long learned to heal myself with medicinal plants and that knowledge comes in handy when you encounter a tenacious and vicious little bug. I have encountered many hardships in my life; I’m a tough lady. Cancerians are known to be quite tenacious too. Picked on the wrong lady! Hahaha! I will not be a number. :lol: :twisted:

I’m glad to hear that you and your family are doing well also. I saw you entering the tent over there. I was tempted also, but decided to keep my stuff here in this cozy peaceful space. If I say hi here, will it be felt there? I’m sure it will by some.

My one and only grandson has entered his teens this year… has he ever changed! LOL! It will take a couple of years before he gets back to being a bit more interested in his grandma again. This whole quarantine thing is not helping much. It makes me wonder how these children will handle things in the future.

Funny you cannot see this thread without logging in. When I come by, I can see without logging in. What kind of magic is that? I’ve been coming more often lately, I'm glad I did.

Feeling quite at peace today. Taking in all the Love.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

I visited my daughter’s dad yesterday evening. We have separated many, many, many, moons ago, but I have always seen him now and then. After all, our love has made it possible for my wonderful daughter to come. These days, I seldom see him, but still do some paperwork for him. He lives a very miserable life, in my view. I cannot help to wonder sometimes if I have cursed him, with all the mean things we did to each other during the time we were together. I was fifteen, he was eighteen. Our daughter was born when I had just turned seventeen, he was barely twenty. We were together on/off for five more years after that. We were very bad for each other, and still very much the same in many ways.

My daughter has told me a while back that when she was a child, she always knew she had a ‘different’ family from all the kids at her school. Some things she did not talk about, because she knew it would not be understood. You know… hippie types of mom and dad was not the norm. We were outcasts of society, rebels in many ways. I always did what I had to do though, this comes from my mom. He never could hold a ‘normal’ job and the results of this are heartbreaking today, mostly for my daughter who cares for him a lot. The difference between us is that I always had a strong spiritual calling, always looking for god in some way or another. He does not have that spark. Am I any better than him? Not at all. We are each the flip side of the same coin.

A couple of years back, I had the urge to go see him and tell him that I was not coming back here ever again. This is it. He was quite stunned. I will never know if he really understood what I was saying. Hahaha! I was doing much ho'oponopono healing during that time and know that whatever we had going on is taken care of.

I’m turning 60 in a little more than a month. Since I took the roots out of my ass and started caring for myself a bit more, I’m in good physical shape and am looking forward for the start of a new decade. Apparently, the sixties are like a second adolescence. I could never have imagined the kind of world I would be in to see this through. All new… nothing will ever be as it was. But then again, who knows…. only the present moment contains all the mystery. Again, I’m at a point of wondering where, what, when, WTF to do next. The story of my life continues… all life continues.

There is intensity to this song that makes me vibrate. Hope you enjoy also.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Blue Rising »

Hello, Sweet Soul. Yes, I guess I can see your thread without logging in. I thought I could not, but I was mistaken. Or it changed, I do not know. But yes I see you. I will have to come check in more often! Yes, this is such a serene space. I enjoy feeling connected to you, and to Spiritwind, and Christine...the whole earth empaths family. Even if I don't express it very often.

Much Love,
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

I have been a bit under the weather for the past week or so, a very uneasy feeling over me. Of course, the state to the world is not helping in any way, what a mess. I was left with a sensation that there is a missing link somewhere, something did not happen as it was supposed to. The folly of the state of the world is very mesmerizing.

In my part of the world, everything is opening up again, differently. If it was not for line ups, squirting of hand sanitizer, masks that are mandatory for certain workers, we would not know that something really insidious just happened. I told a friend this week, “Is this it?” and for her it is more than enough.

There is a lot more, as you know. I did not have to search the internetz to feel the anger. It is like a melting pot brewing with lots of spoiled food mixed in with the good. Who is going to be eating it you think? Who says what is good and what is bad? We are all so fucked up on this planet! I do not have fate in humanity, I think we are a bunch of idiots and we will never learn. Some would say we have made progress over the millennia’s. Did we really? I see the same old shit in a different disguise.

Nothing has changed, and yet everything is not quite the same. The thing is that I feel that the pause button has been pushed and we will be going fast forward soon enough. What do I know? I know nothing.

Every morning that I wake, I am thankful for my life. As I walk through the park, I am embraced by the beauty of nature and the songs of the birds. Life is quite simple. The planet could shake us off very easily and she would be way better without us. Why doesn’t she? She probably has more fate in humanity than I have.

It would seem we all agreed to come at this time of great evolution. Or is it the great destruction? Out with the old and in with the new?

Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.

May I find the heart space to carry on smiling and being kind.

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Spiritwind »

“Everything is transformed” is a great way to put it! Sorry to hear you’ve been under the weather and I can definitely relate to that uneasy feeling. As far as faith in humanity, I’m not sure how I feel about that either. In fact, I wrote my little “Choose to be Kind” ditty the same day I woke up frustrated over the way things are, and to transform my own tendency to loose faith, and get irritated by how compliant and unquestioning so many are. Yes, sometimes I can write my way out of a funk. Who woulda guessed, lol? Anyway, as always, so nice to see you pop in, as I always enjoy your energy, your presence. That’s what I’m having the hardest time with, is the energy of the unknowing public whenever I have to go to the big city. I’m heading north to a small rural town more and more for the things I need, even though there is less selection. Anyway, finally a sunny day, so gotta get to work. Wishing you well this fine day!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Thank you Spiritwind (hug). I enjoy your presence very much also. To me, you are the heart of this fine little place. I have read your 'Choose to be kind' ditty and found my solace in your words. We are connected in many ways.

I notice now that I wrote 'fate'... hmmm... something to reflect on ;)

Solstice today, nature is blooming, exploding with much beauty for those who can see. I saw a mama deer in my walk this week :D Made my day ! The wild rose bush with whom I share space is flowering ! Just in time for the solstice ! Woohoo! and also a solar eclipse today. Woooo... a lot going on! May you all be surrounded by Love.

I saw a video, elsewhere, of blackbirds invading a parking lot. :lol: I was inspired and found it fitting for this beautiful day. Have no fear, we rise ! Ride that wave !


Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night
Blackbird fly, blackbird fly

Into the light of a dark black night
Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Hello lovelys,

The summer is here and the heat waves keep rolling in. Hot, hot, hot! Actually, we are having a little respite these days, with normal temperature for this time of year. Another heat wave is at the door though. I find that I do not like the very hot and humid temperature anymore. It is too hot for me, especially when the nights do not cool the air a bit. It would be fine if I could be by the lake or something, just splish splashing away. The fact that I spend all my time at home makes it very different this year also. I hate air conditioning, but it does help to stay cool. I have a small, very old unit that I can use at home and thankfully it still works. I use it only when necessary. It makes so much noise that I can’t stand it all day, especially trying to concentrate on teleworking. It is a very small price to pay to be well and I know that have it very easy.

My fuse is pretty short these days also. I had a couple of problems with a contract lately and it got me boiling. Grrr!! It took all of my energy just to keep my inside coolness. No air conditionner can help with that :lol: Is it me or people just do not give a shit about the quality of their work anymore? Yep! I am definitely becoming a ‘young old’ nagging woman. Hahaha! :mrgreen:

For my defense I must say that the energies are quite strong at this time. My natal Saturn is getting triggered a lot and so is my natal Uranus, which makes me want to just get up and leave. Leave to go where? Do not know. Leave to do what? Do not know. So I’m staying put, trying as best as I can to just keep on going and enjoy the moment. “Only the present moment contains all the mystery”, I keep reminding myself.

Anyhow, my daily walks in nature are my solace even if some days I have to go very early before the heat sets in; otherwise I just could not do it.

Hang in there, better days are coming…

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

I am going to a family reunion today, actually my daughter's in-laws, but still family. I have not been in contact with that many people in 4 months now. Wow! For a loner like me, it is a lot in 'normal' circumstances. I find I have to push myself to go. It would be very easy for me to become an hermit, you know, deep seated memories. My daughter needs my support and I do want to see her and my grandson. So there. It is a beautiful day, why not make the best out of it. July 4 in Canada is just another day to enjoy.

I may leave my phone at home, this way 'no body' knows where I am. :twisted: I often do so, gives me a sense of freedom.

One of my new 'coup de cœur'. Thank you ;)

Om Mani Padme Hum
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Re: Reflections by the moonlight

Post by Moonlight »

Good morning lovelys,

Hope you are well in this mad, mad, world.

Things sure have been rolling in these days for many of us. Here is some news from my bubble… as of tomorrow, masks are mandatory in the province of Québec. It is the first province of Canada to do so. I’m sure that if it goes down nicely here, the others will follow suit. The businesses will be fined if they let people in without a mask! A petition at was taken down. We are being pushed into a corner… you have to comply they say, why are you being so ignorant and selfish? The “gouverne et ment’ (govern and lie) document says that, If you cannot go in with a mask, you should be avoiding places where they are mandatory. I guess they include people with a medical condition in that category.

I will continue to stand my ground in a non-violent and non-confrontational manner. I may not be able to get in any stores without the mask. Then so be it. Except for food I don’t go in stores much anyway. If I ever have to be masked, I will make it Halloween.

The divide and conquer theme is also going full blown. We wouldn’t want the people to be united now! :roll:

Still, we are many….

Maybe humanity will try something different this time.

A song from my teenage years…

Om Mani Padme Hum
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