Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Watching the snow come down doesn’t get me excited to go out today. So much to reflect on I’m not even sure where to start. I’ll let my fingers type the words and see where it goes. Any excuse not to go outside yet.

In my genealogical research I have stumbled across what almost everyone will find, if they follow the ancestral threads through time. At least a couple of first cousins marrying each other, which has led to some confusion. Like, why is her maiden name the same as her husband’s last name? Oh, her father was her husband’s father’s brother! This was quite common, and nowadays more hidden, as I believe there are still many elites who follow this practice even today, but go to greater lengths to cover it up.

Then there is the weird story my mother told my half sister about who my father was. It seems to be falling apart, leaving more questions than answers. If it’s true that DNA doesn’t lie, then the name my mother gave my sister is not the real name of the man who is my biological father. And there does seem to be something hidden there. I have found a number of relatives who are not mentioned anywhere on my mothers side, nor related to my half sister according to the DNA results, that keep leading back to the same individual who is most likely my biological father. His father is mentioned in several trees, but not the actual individual in question. In every case the name is listed as private. Adoptions seem prevalent in this story, which clouds the issue even further.

At least one of the threads I pulled on led back to a prominent and greatly disliked politician being a distant relative. Not something I even want to mention by name. It’s actually more of an embarrassment to me. I did the math, and when you figure you start with two parents, and it continues to double with each generation you go back, at 12 generations you are looking at 4,096 individuals, or 2,048 pairs of parents. That’s a lot! Which lends credence to the idea that we’re all related! I’ve long thought that many of the closest people to me in this lifetime are actually relatives of people back in our family trees that knew each other in other times and places throughout history. History, the word itself, is kind of a misnomer. Because “history” as it is taught in public school systems and pushed through various sanctioned media outlets (those that aren’t censored) is mostly fabricated BS. It isn’t at all like we’ve been told.

Not to veer off too wildly, but I’m beginning to think we’re actually IN the mirror universe, the one colored darkly, and somehow got trapped here. And that there is another reality that is different, one that is not the nightmare of lies, deceit, slight of hand fuckery we have going on here. Everything in this reality is the opposite of what it seems, and what we’re told. And infiltration by what can only be considered a complete demonic orientation is the order of the day, almost as far back as you can go. Yes, the religion of my adoptive parents had it right, when they claimed that Satan rules this world, this reality.

I find it interesting that my great grandfather hung out with and was good buddies with William Randolph Hearst. And that my maternal grandmother was a member of the Eastern Star (Wikipedia - The Order of the Eastern Star is a Masonic appendant body open to both men and women. It was established in 1850 by lawyer and educator Rob Morris, a noted Freemason, but was only adopted and approved as an appendant body of the Masonic Fraternity in 1873.) Her second husband, the one I grew up identifying as my grandfather, was a Freemason. I also find it interesting that, though they had plenty of money, it was just fine for me to be passed around to different foster homes for the first six years of my life, finally being adopted by the family I grew up with. And, though my biological grandmother and her husband couldn’t care less about me, they still had to “check up on me” from time to time. I also find it interesting that my mother went through Catholic Family Services for my placement in these various foster homes.

I find this all interesting, in good part, due to how it might factor in to those pesky little anomalous memories I have from childhood, the “other worldly” experiences I remember. I still don’t know for sure what to make of it all. But, I do know that even as a four year old, I already knew there was something seriously wrong with our world, our reality. That what we were told about how things were/are is about as far from truth as one can get. I knew early on not to trust in accepted authority figures, and I knew that people with lots of money were mostly despicable people who I didn’t want to know. Pretty much, all empathy was feigned and faked, with no substance whatsoever. How did I know this?

Which is why, now, in our current mess, I do not find it difficult to believe that not one of the people appointed to positions of power (and believe me, there is no such thing as duly elected anything) are to be trusted to have humanities best interests in mind. It really is a situation where there has been an invasion, and that even some of these people who seemed to do good at the beginning of their careers, are eventually taken over by this same mind parasite. They cannot rise through the ranks any other way.

It’s also why I ask myself, almost daily, why am I here. I see right through the deception, more clearly than ever before. I see no way to beat them, even if we all rise up together (which, even if we do may be way too late). Am I here just to be a witness, to our demise once again. For, they do this over and over. It’s not the first time, and the methods, though they change slightly as out outer reality changes, basically stay the same. Nothing new under the sun. Master magicians they are, having thoroughly mastered the art of deception and subterfuge. Again, why am I here?

I know as I tune in to those forces that are not part of this decepticon reality construct, they tell me that all is not as it seems, and not in the way I’ve just described, either. That there IS something good, underneath it all. I know I’ll be fine when I leave here, and my guides have definitely taken good care of me personally, but I still feel helpless to make a real difference here. It’s like pissing in the wind. I can’t save anyone. I can’t fix this mess we’re in. But, still, I know I am to be fully present, and still live the best life I can. Even if I don’t know what the outcome is, and even if I can’t stop the probable great loss of life and suffering that is on its way. To be honest, I don’t know how I will do. Will I even be able to stay the course? Somedays, I feel strong and able, and other days I feel like I’m falling down into the abyss of despair, knowing what I know.

At least on this day,I am okay. I will get out there, and feed my furry friends, and continue with my many projects here, and appreciate the beauty I am still surrounded by, and at least for this day, I will push away all thoughts of the outside world. I will be the creator of my own reality, this day....

With love, for all life, no matter what comes....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I have to get going on my outside chores this morning, but just had to jot down this random thought that keeps coming back to me over the last week.

Back in the 1990’s I knew a woman who was kind of crazy. She was diagnosed with bi-polar, but she had many issues stemming from childhood. She was adopted, like myself, by some fundamentalist Christian type folks, and wasn’t wanted by her biological parents (I understand that one very well). She was also very artistically inclined. But, she just wasn’t right, even besides all that. She has passed on now, but when I knew her she had taken this picture of herself. In this picture (I’ll post if if I can find it) she shook her head from side to side so fast it doesn’t show up in the picture. She literally looks headless. A strange thing to do, no doubt.

But it gets me to thinking about some of those who reside in the unseen realms. I feel the reason we don’t see them is because they are vibrating at a different frequency. In other words, they aren’t somewhere else. They are in the same space we are, but are not on the same operating system, but one with faster speeds. They can, and do, slow their rate of spin down to interact with us, and it helps when we likewise change our frequency to one that is more compatible, with less static and interference. This reality isn’t so much slower, as it is “cluttered”. I get that it’s like the old radios where you could pick up several frequencies at once, and none of them were clear. You had to keep tuning in to get it just right.

And, of course, our would be controllers are experts at keeping that static at super high levels. For if we were all better able to tune in to those frequencies that are actually more beneficial for our entire being, we would begin to seriously pull the plug on our involvement in this particular playing field they have us all spell bound in. No fun playing the game, if no one wants or is willing to play anymore. And this game needs to end. It’s getting repetitive and nauseatingly boring.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

A few more thoughts before I go out the door. Sitting here, taking note of the fact that “their” campaign is working quite well. As far as I can see most folks are withdrawing into themselves, and less inclined to interact with others as the continuing onslaught of off the chart mind numbing propaganda to make sure everyone buys into the narrative being shoved in our faces daily is indeed creating a certain degree of trauma for us all. As a result they just don’t make those phone calls, send those emails, go to those meetings and social events, or even make much effort to stay connected online.

The divide on FB is pretty obvious now, too, for anyone to see. I don’t post how I really feel, or even any incoming information that counters what “they” are 24/7 telling us to believe. Not only will I get censored, but then I will also trigger those who have swallowed it all, hook, line, and sinker. I trigger them into feeling compelled to set me straight, or tell me how delusional I am, and frankly I don’t have time for that. So, we sit in our homes in silence, or continue in our activities that will help us prepare for what we know is ahead. It’s a fairly solitary journey. Many of my friends just aren’t available, and don’t post, or reach out lately, when they used to stay in regular contact. It’s kind of weird to observe.

And, funny thing is, I never go on someone else’s page feeling the need to set them straight. Plenty of them do post about how virtuous they are to get the jab, and how ridiculous we are, those of us who resist and question what they view as the right thing to do. They seem to even think that we all have horrible eating habits, eat McDonalds Big Macs and hot dogs all the time, and are over weight, or some other such nonsense. And still, I don’t feel an overwhelming need to set them straight.

I used to post more information about how the science is NOT settled, and that, contrary to the little notice about how well tested this all is that’s inserted under every post of this nature, it is still experimental, and is only being pushed through because we are supposedly under a state of emergency. Even your life insurance policy will not pay out if you die right after getting the vaccine. And, there are plenty of everyday people who are and have been posting about loosing loved ones, even though the mainstream claims it isn’t so, and FB and other platforms are censoring anyone trying to share about this happening as if all these people are lying, or that it’s just some strange coincidence when someone, who was perfectly healthy, passes away right after getting the shot.

I do have to fight back tears regularly, because it just feels so damn ominous. And I miss my friends who just aren’t available just to chat about life anymore. I do have some interaction with like minded people, but due to my farm life demands can’t participate in much away from home. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but where I am though. My oh my, am I glad I followed those little nudges from spirit, though, and made the choices I have made over the last few years. I thought I was crazy, to bite off so much in my 60’s, when most people are moving towards retirement. My body hurts most of the time, but still, I carry on, I keep going. And, on that note, I best get busy.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

More thoughts?

Of course! So, I’m reading this latest book by Richard Dolan, The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth. Interesting that my experiences as a child were not uncommon. It somehow helps to know that what I “saw” during my memory retrieval sessions has been “seen” by others down to the finer details. I have had many speculations myself, and many of them are shared by Mr. Dolan, whom I have high regard for. Also, others I know have expressed in conversations that besides what we can see going on in our world, there is an underlying agenda that we don’t see, and few go as far as to factor that in to our analysis. In other words, behind the seemingly human players, there is a presence that is distinctly not human.

I had a very good friend for almost 20 years who no longer speaks to me. She is someone who not only had many abduction experiences, but also had evidence of surgeries discovered by her physician that supposedly she never authorized or knew she had. She definitely was part of a hybrid breeding program, and has offspring that are not all human (she has memories of meeting some of them), and when we were still speaking showed me scars of where she was pulling objects out of her skin. Her husband and daughter were also fully aware that something very strange was going on, and that they were helpless to stop it from happening. There is much more to the story, and I guess I made her feel uncomfortable when I encouraged her to seek out help from those who have much experience in these areas. She preferred the “ignore it and hope it goes away, and keep it all hush hush” approach.

I have long thought we are like in a fish bowl, or maybe lab rat situation. Apparently, it’s not much different than the livestock I keep, except that I do have empathy, care, and concern, for the beings I have taken on responsibility for. And, the big one, they know me. I don’t hide. These beings, though, want us to think we are the highest on the food chain, and that we are actually in charge here. I am now fairly certain that is anything but the case.

Who really are all these beings? It’s a vast subject, and one I can’t honestly answer for myself. I will say that I have entered into an almost daily interaction with an intelligence that is not “alien”, but seems very tied to this plane of existence. It has everything to do with nature, and the workings of this reality in a physical and creational sense. It is benevolent and does not hide. But, it is also not intrusive. It’s been teaching me about life here, and how awesome everything is, in the intricate way it assembles all of creation, and how it all works together in this symphony we call “life”.

The “other” presence here, though, is foreign, and not part of this benevolent creative intelligence. It feels quite predatory, and seems to view us as a resource to be used in any way it feels will feed and benefit its existence. It also has no empathy. And it IS intrusive. I also strongly feel it has everything to do with this current roll out of tyranny. I personally feel it is part of a takeover of humanity agenda, and a locking away of our spiritual component that keeps us connected to this benevolent creator intelligence.

Being someone who studies many things, including the cyclical nature of time itself, I know that it appears as though we are moving back towards expansion rather than a contraction of our consciousness and intellectual abilities, and our capacity to see beyond our previous boundaries of thought. In short, we are moving out of a kind of “dark age”. I tend to think currently that the unseen malevolent and predatory beings who have been feeding off of our life force energies, in one way or another, are in a hurry to stop this natural awakening process from happening. In the long run, I don’t believe they will be successful, but it certainly appears that they are making their best effort in this regard.

It’s hard enough as it is for most folks to wrap their mind around the existence an elite and tiny group of individuals that are implementing a very long term plan to gain complete control over all life here, and have no regard for human life whatsoever. Most people just won’t go there. But then to take it even further, and say that there is an alien presence and agenda, that even supersedes the human component, is way too much for almost everyone I know. I can’t even talk about my anomalous experiences with my own family members, or most of my friends of the general variety. I have gotten to know a fairly large number of folks, mostly through the internet, that have managed to find each other and compare notes. It has helped tremendously. And I personally believe this phenomena of alien intrusions into our lives is far more widespread than most can conceive of. They do have an ability to influence what we see, and erase memories. Unfortunately, the residue of trauma still remains, and has to be dealt with.

Much more I could say on this topic, but for now I think I’ll tear myself away and get on with my day. Don’t know who actually reads this, and maybe I’m just really whacked. Who knows? I do know I’m not alone, and actually those I’ve met who have had similar experiences are some of the most awesome people I could ever want to know. In short, I am in good company. At least some of us are not willing to keep those fake blinders on, and really look at and question what we see, and think we know. It’s actually more bizarre than even I thought, once I started pulling on the threads. Let’s see where it all goes....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

So many things coming down the run way of life at me, so fast and furious these days. Maybe taking time to sort it out would be helpful. Who knows.

As always, spring has sprung with a bang. I kind of have a farm life post I want to write and it’s all just blurred together right now, with my personal feelings and thoughts all mixed in. Or, this might end up in the too many thoughts thread. Not sure yet.

Yes, I write as I think, and I only censor enough to be sensible. In other words, I know when I post it on the forum, others may read it, so certain things are probably best kept to myself. But still, writing is an outlet for me, and writing what I really think is an act of defiance, rebellion, fool hardiness, and courage, in this dark age we seem to be entering. My mind is astounded daily at the level of control being exercised over the inflow and outflow of information. And it appears to be getting worse by the day.

And the extreme level of tasks I have placed in front of myself has been, in part, a response to the outer world pressing in. I can feel what’s coming, and it won’t be good for many. It’s like Noah building the ark. After a while you just have to accept most are just not going to build their own ark of potential survival, because they don’t believe they need to. I can see the tsunami coming, and it’s not my job to try to convince anyone, anymore. You either see it, or you don’t.

I have bees coming soon (too soon for comfort!) and I’m scrambling to get ready. I have a goat with a prolapsed udder (long story). I’m working on getting the fence taken down where we are going to plant the fruit trees (another long story!). We just went and picked up our buckling last night, who still has to be bottle fed. I haven’t even touched the garden areas yet, though I did start some seeds. We’re also finally getting a storage shed here on the property (and the place we want to put it is not level and has much brush). All in all, it feels a bit much.

Plus, my daughter is going through a major life change, and I’m feeling all kinds of weird emotions over not being able to really physically be there for her. Still having vehicle issues, and I kind of need to be home right about now. I can help her in other ways though. I’ve had to basically not be in her life due to her work and relationship for years now, so it feels strange to see her finally reaching to create for herself an environment more conducive to where she wants to be, with herself and with life. In short, she is learning to love herself. So many never learn to do this. It certainly took me a long time.

And my mind is going through tremendous changes, as we keep careening, both individually, and collectively, into something indescribable almost. I guess an awakening for everyone, but for some it will seem like a nightmare they are awakening to, and for others it will be a transformation for the better, a full reassembly of all our lost parts, and an understanding that will take us to the next level, whatever that happens to be. It’s truly a convergence. The truth will indeed set us free, if we are ready to see. Maybe I’ll write more later, but I’m hungry and the day is pressing in on me.

A toast to Freedom and Truth (and the divine in each of us) is in order!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I know I have thoughts to express, but finding it hard to find the words. I scrolled through my FB feed this morning, finding very little of interest. Even went to look at a couple of other forums I used to belong to. I do that because it’s early morning and I’m spending another day alone, as I do 5 days a week, and I miss meaningful conversations with like minded people. Since I live very rural and don’t really go anywhere for the most part, the internet used to afford me an opportunity to interact, do research, and share information.

But I don’t want to hear anymore about what is happening in our world, as I see it quite plainly, and don’t need a continuous regurgitation of the grisly details. I do think it’s very bizarre that those of us not drinking the kool-aid seem to be such a minority, and that the censorship of real information has been so effective. I did listen to a couple of things yesterday that were worthy of my time. One was a lawyer (Leigh Dundas) in Orange County, California, who was a joy to listen to, as her passion AND knowledge were both hitting a bullseye. The other was a woman talking about nano technology, and just where we are really at with that. That information has been fairly well hidden from us as well.

Most of the people I know who are of like mind are fairly spread out, with only a few on the local scene to interact with. Even the prepper group I belonged to has gone fairly silent, with the person who started it focusing on gun classes of all types. He’s figuring now, post Trump, that our primary concern is hoards of angry desperados from south of the border and those fleeing the cities coming to take what us rural folks have. The other activist group I know of is fighting the tyrannical government’s covid/jab/passport and 5G agenda by a variety of methods.

For my part, I’m just focusing on what’s at hand. Gardens, goats, bees and trees. And my spiritual health and well being, which influences every other area of my life. Now that I realize more about what we are really up against, I’m glad I spend so much time at home alone. It’s THE place to be! Big Mama has turned out to be a better companion than I realized, as I’ve come more and more into a state of continuous communion with her. I do have a small group who are interested in a group effort to raise our personal frequency and that of our surrounding area. I was surprised to learn that they are open to the idea that we need to get clear, on a personal level, and take steps to remain clear. Somehow, since the 50’s, there has been a dramatic increase in demonic activity that must be addressed, as well as the time arriving in which we understand the need to release past traumas, from this life and beyond, as well as releasing fragments of others, earthbound spirits who have taken residence, and even demonic influences that are more disguised than I realized. They can even contribute to physical health issues. And it’s time to reclaim our own lost parts, reassemble ourselves, and become more whole. It’s finally coming into focus how we might actually do exactly all of that, and I’m rather excited.

Unfortunately, it might also mean fewer people in my life, and it’s already fairly sparse in that department. I’ve already let certain people move out of my life, without chasing after them, as I know they are not ready or willing to go where I know I am going. It does make me sad, though I find I can’t judge anyone anymore for where they are or choose to be. Just being here in this time is not easy. And love will eventually win out. Real love never wants harm to come to others, even if they walk a different path. And many simply do not see what I see. That is okay too. I’ve come full circle on who, and what, I think I am, and it’s not what I was taught or conditioned to believe at all. The big Mama has been good to me, and I am grateful beyond words. No matter how things go down here, I will be okay. I still need to work on letting go, especially of things I have no control over, or things that are not my responsibility.

But I do see the light ahead, and I’m actually feeling stronger every day, though it’s bittersweet sometimes as it may be a somewhat lonely journey. I’m going anyway. With love for all life, I think I’ll stop for now and get that little Mr. Finn his bottle. It’s highly entertaining watching goat TV! (We have cameras on the big barn to watch Fiona, her sister, and Finn)
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

So, I want to thank Christine. Although it was more than you who started the forum here, you are the reason I still have an opportunity to carry on and post my thoughts, and interests, allowing my real self to express my observations and concerns about this phenomenal and bizarre time we have entered.

I never did think I would see, in my lifetime, involving countries the world over, such a level of censorship and overt takeover moves by those who plot and scheme behind our backs, in secret board rooms that the public never hears about. These would be agenda setters who have been steering the ship of humanity, for a time found it useful to have us believe we had some modicum of freedom, at least here in the US. They really did catch much of humanity unaware of the enemy within our midst.

And without this space, to post my never ending thoughts, I would not have found out how much value to that there is. I really think about these things. Many have, and are, living through times where those who’ve appointed themselves as our rulers, though they may change what we call them and how we view them over time, literally try and do control their very thoughts. What they are even allowed to think about. This is now happening almost everywhere, and I admit to being stunned at their stealth and skill at pulling off the biggest heist of freedom I’ve personally ever seen. Those who hold the reins of power in this world have never changed, but much like the law of conservation, they, like the amount of energy in the universe, really never dies, they simply change their form. Same as it ever was.

And at least here, for the time being, I can still say what I see happening. When they hit backwoods little forums like us, you know we are in a really bad place, collectively speaking. The Dark Ages card played all over again. Like a canary in the coal mine, it’s a good indicator of where we are. I’m really not that big into social media anymore, but it’s also grown very mundane and boring, as any real news has to keep scurrying around, in hopes of finding a suitable place to express itself for a while, before it’s found and shut down, once again. Is it really that bad. Yes, yes, it is that bad.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Words on a page, typed with utter abandon, no rhyme or reason, just one following the other as if time has no meaning. I gaze at the goats on the security camera, and know I need to get out there, though it is still early. All the moms have done their thing, with surprises and upsets, as there is every year.

I often do wonder why I really do what I do. Everyone must be doing something, to whittle away the time they are here. I see extremes at both ends of the spectrum, with myself somewhere in the comfortable middle. I know my body has an expiration date, as all physical things do. Some things have a remarkably long life span, some infinitely short. As a caretaker of many life forms different than myself, I know I will be putting some of them in the ground, and it’s never easy. I even think of my own ending, and know that those last few breaths will most likely be intense. Birthing, too, is always a very intense affair.

It’s a strange thing to become so aware of the multidimensionality of life, and to realize that I am simultaneously having an experience on several different channels all at the same time. It’s like watching several different shows at the same time, and trying to keep up with what is happening on all of them, and knowing that there are even more that I am not aware of, and can’t feel or see in to. The demons from hell are always trying to drag me down, while the angels of heaven are always offering to lift me up, while the show on middle earth continues in its serial nature, much like a boring soap opera. Even now, I realize I don’t fully know or understand what I really am. Except that I’m not what I thought I was, or was told and taught I was.

And I don’t mind leaving here either. I just don’t have much stake in what is to come. I have no desire to rule the world, and yet, I feel the need to stay busy, to learn and experience all I can, on my own terms as much as possible. Which, I guess, IS the reason I do what I do. Yes, our genome has been tweaked many times, by many different groups, but they don’t own, nor did they create my soul. And all contracts made under duress through deceitful means and full of lies are null and void. I owe them nothing. They do not scare me, for I have already experienced a great deal of trauma over a long span of time that goes way beyond this trip around the merry go round. We can always opt out, no matter what they say or try to scare us with. We CAN be FREE! It really is more of a mind thing, than anything else. And I have the right tools now, to remove all those barnacles accumulated through countless lives.

I’m on my way home. I feel quite full of emotion as I allow that truth to fully sink in. And sometimes, I feel like I’m already there. It’s such a sweet spot to be in, yet it seems fairly impossible to stay there indefinitely, and I always end up falling out of that state of grace, and return to that state of longing once again. Always in motion, I seem to oscillate back and forth, back and forth. Maybe that’s what the universe does too? I wonder, though, is it not possible to keep part of myself centered in the middle, at rest and at peace, while also aware of the up and down motion of life itself? These questions and more are what keep me on the quest, for self mastery is the name of this game, I’ve discovered, and I want to learn how to become a master navigator of my own ship.

Being alone much of the time, with whole days of just my own thoughts to observe, and a growing desire to not just make that call to the divine, but to keep the line of communication with my more expanded self open and flowing at all times, has been the real goal here. My stays in that sweet spot are becoming more common, but still, I tend to lose myself and get off track. Just like when you are driving your car, and realize you have been so caught up in your thoughts you don’t remember the trip at all. How to reflect, yet stay in the present? It’s quite the trick, isn’t it?

And who am I to think I can do it at all? I remember reading Autobiography of a Yogi all those years ago, and I think about how he, and his teacher before him, and all the many others of his ilk, had to spend their whole lifetimes meditating, and learning self control, to achieve what they did. But I sense things are different now. A new sun is rising, and the light is very bright. I feel it on my face when I rise and greet this new dawn, and it feels warm and radiant. I don’t have to look so hard to find it. In fact, it seems all around me now, even as the old world crumbles and continues it’s free fall into dust. All things have an expiration date. It feels as though we are there now, right on the precipice. I’m peering over the edge, and getting ready to embark on the bridge I’ve created in the spirit world, walking with purpose and faith, as I see their shining faces at the portal to the new world. I hope I will see some of you there too!

Yes, I’m taking a walk on the wild side. Pretty sure I’m not alone though, as I don’t see, but feel, others accompanying me. I embrace this unknown future, though I don’t know what it will be like when I arrive. I know I am in good company, and that is enough. Balance is everything, as we walk this tightrope into a new future. And then we learn to fly....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’ve got to get out the door to milk Dotty, as her kids are down there telling me all about it. But, while the thoughts are still somewhat fresh in my mind, wanted to at least start this. As Christine posted here on the forum, Rosa Koire has passed. There are many of us who know her sudden departure was not natural. Also, I have been reading the book Rebel Gene, by Kerry Cassidy. Funny how things come back around, in a sort of circular fashion.

I’ve read many books lately that seem to confirm all that my own personal knowing and experiences are telling me. I started watching videos by Project Camelot right when they started back in 2005/2006. At that time, I did not know many things that I now know, about myself and how this world/reality actually works. Many blanks have been filled in. So strange to just sit with it all now. I know many people either love Kerry, or don’t like her at all. For me, I sift through many sources of information, and liking or not liking them is not the criteria I use. Kerry has interviewed and used the work of some who I expressly do not like or agree with. Still, so much of what she writes here dovetails perfectly with my own knowing, and I like how she uses what she calls triangulation. I do that too! If I hear, read, or watch something from three completely unrelated sources, it does tend to elevate that information from “wait and see”, to “probably true”.

And I clearly have the “rebel gene”! What is on my mind this morning has to do with the spiritual battle we are all in, whether you want to call it that or not. The fact that the official narrative is telling us that Rosa Koire died from lung cancer, and she appeared in perfect health just three weeks prior in her last recording on bitchute, confirms to me what many picked up about her passing. Seriously, folks, we are at war. An undeclared war, but a war nonetheless. I do not really post much on FB anymore, about all kinds of subjects I used to, such as 5G, GMO’s, smart meters, chemtrails, CERN, HAARP, the big V’s, etc. For one thing, I’m done trying to convince people who have drank the Kool-aid, and simply don’t have the cognitive function to “get it”. There are others, many others, who are doing a fine job with this, especially the awesomely creative and sometimes funny memes they are making.

But, I do feel the need to keep putting it out there. My thoughts. What I see. Because, as I just recently read, I would be complicit in this evil agenda unfolding around us if I were to remain completely silent. So I post, even though I haven’t a clue who actually reads or looks at anything we post here. Presumably, it’s either bots (plenty of them), and a few actual people who are likewise sifting through information, and find some small value in what we share here. And I also continue on, because it is an outlet for me to express myself honestly and openly, while we still can. The majority of people I know could not handle what I write about here. Some would find it downright tortuous to read things like this. But silence can be deadly, even though speaking out can also be deadly.

So another reason I continue on, is to honor those who have so bravely tried to get the truth out, and died for it. Many, many have fallen in recent years, too many to name. And it is hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there are actual beings in human body suits who consider themselves completely separate, and superior to, the rest of us, to the point where they will readily wipe out a large portion of the population and not lose any sleep over it. In fact, they will feel a smug sense of satisfaction. For some reason, it is not hard to wrap my mind around the fact that there are also many non-human players in this mix, who likewise relish our demise. Or, that we are indeed a major resource to some, in ways most would find very repugnant.

But, we also have a whole army of beings that are rooting for us. Who want to help us. And even those who have been taken out, are now working from the other side on humanities behalf. We are most definitely not alone. And never have been. To know this, and not just speculate and wonder about it, is where we need, as a species, to get. What is being released now in the mainstream about this topic, while very revealing, is also very controlled. They control very tightly the dissemination of information about sensitive topics. Reading Kerry Cassidy’s book really drives this home, as much of what she write concerns the breakaway groups of beings involved in these secret projects having to do with such far out things as time/space travel, wormholes and portals, advanced technology most only think exists in our imagination. So many movies we have watched over the years are not really make believe, but truly informing us of another reality that some are living in. And soon, it will bleed over into the more mainstream reality in a way most are not ready for. But that’s mostly because they have been treating us like children, like, for damn ever!

I’ll come back to this later. But, seriously folks, what a strange and bizarre reality this is, and yet, so many truly have no idea! And at least here, I just don’t care what anyone thinks of me! I actually don’t care that much about what anyone thinks of me anywhere, but energetically it’s better for me to not actively seek those who will focus a great deal of negative attention my way. I already have my neighbor who is projecting a great deal of hostility, and even though it’s not in person, it IS felt, and DOES have to be cleared and dealt with. Thoughts really are things, folks. I have to work all the time on keeping my own inner dialogue on a path that is conducive to health and happiness, and not give power to that which is harmful to myself and others. In spite of what I have learned here about the reality we are all immersed in, I still manage to have a beautiful life. It’s quite the dance, and takes rather constant effort, but at least it’s doable. Hats off to all who are doing the same!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

The goats are already out there making a racket. I’m pretty sure one of them is the little doeling that keeps getting out but can’t get back in. And the other two that want to be let out to go back to mom. Anyway, they can wait a few minutes while I jot down a few thoughts. I just got up, for Pete’s sake!

I guess I’ll take out my hearing aids so I don’t have to feel their urgency to hurry up! Anyway, just wanting to express how wonderful yesterday felt, as if some portal opened up and let in some higher frequency energies. I’ve noticed this lately. Some days, if feels downright ominous (kinda like today), as if they (those who are plotting humanities demise) are seriously up to no good, and some malevolent energies are pouring into the collective. And other days feel pretty much the opposite. And I kind of notice the difference more being out here. I see it in what people post, as well as how I feel in my body from day to day.

It does feel like an energetic battle is being waged, and whether we know it or not, we are participating. The latest thing that has me wowed, though, is the crazy making policies that are backfiring in a most likely purposeful way. Like, how some of the airlines made people show proof of having had both shots to fly. And now, due to evidence of what it is doing to people’s organs, like their heart, they may now NOT be able to fly (those airlines). Seriously? You can’t make this stuff up! But, someone is.

I try to keep the outer world at bay, as much as I can, so at least my day to day experience of being here isn’t completely stuffed full of the trauma they are feverishly dishing out. But you can’t really get away from it entirely. I read a thing about what’s happening in Montana, with housing there being like the new gold rush. It’s happening here, in Washington State, and next door, in Idaho too, but not quite to the same level. I have noticed property here selling very fast, though. We get letters in the mail all the time, offering us a very low ball price for our property (like, less than we paid for it). Land sharks are everywhere now.

On the one hand, when I take a look at history, even the distorted version we are still mostly being fed, the past was not pretty. Living through World War 1 and 2 must have felt to many like the world was ending. Once you know a little bit about the back story that will never be taught in school, you begin to realize how orchestrated these were. So I can’t say now is truly any more ominous feeling than it was then, although I do think the stakes are much higher now, and what they have planned is even more nefarious. I keep wondering how and why I ended up here, in these particular time/space coordinates. I certainly don’t feel like I belong.

The thing that probably gets me the most is the way they apply pressure to herd us all around the game board, with such skill and precision. It truly is kind of mind blowing to behold. It reminds me of a line from a Jimi Hendrix song:

There must be some kind of way outta here
Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion
I can't get no relief

I’m just trying to figure out who the jokes really on. I also feel some kind of undulating energetic wave action, for lack of a better way to describe it. I often wonder if what we’re experiencing simply has to play out as part of a bigger cycle of change and transformation, and I’m just one lost soul, swimming in a fish bowl, year after year (LOL - I must be losing it!). A few days ago, when I was meditating and then did a reading, I felt sort of a flow of information come in that informed me that many of these people who did get the jabs, and who are experiencing severe and harmful reactions, including death, on a soul level chose to exit at this time, for reasons that go far beyond appearances. And I also feel, that the earth herself is going through a major transformation, that cannot be stopped. It feels like an upgrade, of sorts, and not everyone wants to be a part of that. It’s going to be messy, for some few years into the future, as this takes place. Some of us will transform and change with her. And some will not. Even the bad guys in this scenario are sort of just playing their parts.

I also get that this isn’t just happening here, and that there are many players in the mix. In fact, a whole hidden reality of players, from other dimensions, inside the earth herself, and elsewhere. The alien card is priming up to be played now too, even though it is not at all new. For some, what will be revealed will come as quite a shock. And, of course, the bad guys (anti life, predatory class of beings) will try to spin it a certain way, that has some kernels of truth, along with much distortion and manipulation to continue their long history of shaping what we perceive and believe is true.

Again, I wonder, how did I find myself here, in this now, in this space? More questions than answers it seems. In the meantime, I’ll just carry on with farm life. The world is crumbling, it seems, but I still have weeds to pull, goats to milk and feed, and many other projects in the works. I have no desire to sit around eating pop corn while watching the show (it’s less than B rated anyway). Got things to do, and now, I’ll put my hearing aids back in, and get to work!
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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