Claudia and Christine Return | Reintroduction and Forbidden Subjects

"She sees now that it is a state of nothingness that is so strangely full in which she occupies space. She can move up and down, sideways and around, a state of awareness waking within the dream.
Her beat is Love, her will fierce, she won’t back down.
-Lucky Boots
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Claudia and Christine Return | Reintroduction and Forbidden Subjects

Post by Christine »

Claudia and Christine Return | Reintroduction and Forbidden Subjects


How does she put to words that which is beyond the scope of words? She answers: “Gently with a soft whisper on the aethers, there are those who know and need no words.”

And yet, the ever present nudge of Spirit asks we speak again and thus the time has arrived. I must admit it felt good, like a pressure release that had been building up for a long time. It’s a time to revisit all the subjects we addressed over the many years, the audience will be different as all the past drama has quieted down to a low hum in the distant past. So we begin anew.

I am ever grateful for the enduring friendships, the one where love always won. Grateful for the trials and tribulations and the paring away of the unnecessary, the heavy baggage of the past, the beliefs that no longer serve, grateful for the opening of new perspectives.
Video Description: After several years Claudia and Christine return to making videos. Much has passed with the incoming tide of the ocean change. Both of us have been through many trials, both personal and collectively.

Our plans are to make a video a month, we will be re-addressing our Forbidden Subjects topics from Lucifer to The War that Never Ended. Other topics will be on: Parasites and The Parasitical Mind, Natural Law and Why It is Essential, Lost and Stolen History, and The Earth Realm and the Flat Earth.

We might even get around to making some videos on some really good detox tips for the body-divine.

Your are invited to join our forum:

When YouTube started deleting videos we opened a Bitchute channel and since we didn’t have new content Christine has been uploading videos pertinent to the moment and some good lost history documentaries.

Other platforms include: odysee:$/channels


The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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