Astrotheology - Language - Celts - Phoenicians

“He was mastered by the sheer surging of life, the tidal wave of being, the perfect joy of each separate muscle, joint, and sinew in that it was everything that was not death, that it was aglow and rampant, expressing itself in movement, flying exultantly under the stars.”
― Jack London
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Astrotheology - Language - Celts - Phoenicians

Post by Christine »

Anyone interested in "history" will find themselves shifting through layer upon layer of historical data; from myths, cuneiform tablets, hieroglyphs, old scripts, ancient historians, current academics, geological studies, astrologers, and lots of speculation combined with imagination. With so many people researching and putting forth their information the field can become daunting to say the least. Quite obviously then, as now, men and women of renown have been observing the luminaries in the firmament, they were able to tune into sounds that we no longer hear today. These people came from an ancient lineage of those who we could simply call, Keepers of Wisdom. Knowledge, language, and culture appears to have been spread by the seafaring Phoenicians throughout the old world, with many non-academic scholars tracing their roots from west to east, a revised and reverse spread of civilization is appearing. Michael Tsarion, Robert Sepehr, and many others have written and spoken extensively on this subject. The number Twelve appears so many times through all of the retellings of our historical and religious records that one ultimately looks up at the heavens with wonder, to realize that the same story is told in every language, every culture, and every heart, for it is recorded in the sky.

Having woken this morning at 2:30 AM and deciding to return to sleep I was listening to this podcast, and much like what happened when listening to the Kolbian Bible video, I drifted between the words being spoken. So while I was listening with closed eyes, my mind opened to a visionary state, the perception was of a multi-layered and patched tapestry, within the weaving were some original threads that had a distinct soft golden glow. Some of the threads became obscured by the patchwork overlays, I was left feeling that by removing all the dark patches, the overlays, and discordant sounds there would remain one simple truth.

The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. As it is above, so it is below. As it is on earth, so in the sky. The outward doth from the inward roll, and the inward dwells in the inmost soul. Omnia Vincit Veritas.



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This episode picks up as Part II of episode 459. We begin where we left off as a result of so many member requests to have our guest back on. Our guest has 5 books now, published under the title heading “Spirit Whirled”. The first book alone will help minds consider words in a different way, and how a mind considers information, is the whole of the game. In this era of change it is crucial to be able to pick up on and comprehend that which resides just under the surface. In the 5th book of the “Spirit Whirled” series our guest heads to ancient Britain using language to unlock new ideas and levels of knowing. What is in a word? What is in a name? It turns out that the answer to these queries is – much more than you might imagine possible. Many of the secrets of our time are hidden in plain view and simply considering information in a new way can make all the difference. After all, words have meaning, and most of us use thousands of them each day never considering what those meanings are. How is it that much of our legal and civil language is based on nautical ideas, and yet, so few ever make that connection? It turns out that His Story can be considered in a similar way, but at a deeper level. Many researchers in our time are coming to a common conclusion. There was once an advanced world-wide civilization. If this is true, consider the commonalities that can be detected and uncovered in an effort to discover an acceptable account of our past. Megalithic stone-work alone can be shown to be universal, and his story of less-capable cultures in the past is quickly falling apart. And this idea is one tiny aspect of a past we know very little about – by design. Has so-called civilization been evolving or devolving over the past few hundred years? What about the past 10 thousand years? Maybe we should ask the band Devo (devolution). Or maybe we should just forget about the whole thing and play the song “Jocko Homo” on our iPhone, and write it off as entertainment. We are currently very good at that.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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Re: Astrotheology - Language - Celts - Phoenicians

Post by Christine »

I got curious about Dylan Saccoccio after listening to the Crrow777 podcast. This interview and discussion gives a good insight to who he is, his background and chosen path. He says a lot I agree with and found it a worthwhile listen while baking in the hot Mexican sun.

Nov 10, 2020
Image InnerVerse Podcast

The Diction of Aries Rules the Deaf Phoenician

Dylan Saccoccio is the author of Spirit Whirled, a book series that comprehensively demonstrates the interconnected web of sorcery that lies beneath the surface of our everyday language, historical & religious symbol systems, and societal structures. In this episode we discuss the presidential selection hex, why government should not be our god, and more. Dylan also gives an overview of the tenants of Satanism, which may be a surprise to many of us who unknowingly have aligned ourselves with similar ideals.

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Support the podcast and get the second half of each show, exclusive to Plus+ Members!
In this extra long Plus+ Extension, we finish up our overview and clarification of the nature of Satanism (hint: it's anything adversarial to nature). We also talk about the Tetragrammaton, God, mind control embedded in our language, the truth about symbols, how to become spiritually regenerate, and the con artistry of blockchain cryptocurrency.

Spirit Whirled: The Deaf Phoenicians by Dylan Saccoccio
Outro Music: "Mayan" by LuSiD
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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