Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

“La verdad es que mientras más enojado estoy con este país y más lejos viajo, más mexicano me siento.”
― Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Instrucciones para vivir en México
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Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

Post by Christine »

Some of you are aware that I have a little café and provide health services for people who need some encouragement. Today I want to write about a relatively new friend for I often find myself in long deep conversations with people on a wide range of topics. Almost everyone who visits regularly is awake to the falsity of the current world players and their masters, though rehashing the news is becoming increasingly boring as the plan is so patterned and relentless that our attention is turning inward to more existential questions.

That all said, my new friend, who I will call Liam because of his ancestry, is totally sold on the "woke" agenda and propaganda though I find something in him that glows, call it his divine spark. We get along like old friends and I've expressed some of my perspectives to him on several occasions which he seemed a bit intrigued by as I don't think he's ever heard anything like what I shared. We ended up deciding to meet for an evening meal last week. At first the conversation was mostly centered around mans place within reality, we dipped into spirituality, and his belief in experts and scientism. He's an adamant Democrat and knows I don't believe in voting and my reasons for it. This somehow brought us into the land mine of politics and his belief that January 6th was a real insurrection, he expressed his glee that Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox. I should have known better than to say anything but alas I did and found myself in a political debate —yuck— not something I am versed in nor do I find fruitful for reaching an understanding. His sources of information are ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC so you can imagine his point of view.

We parted in a friendly manner, though a definite cloud had crept in. Driving home I felt tears welling up in me and questioned my motivations for standing in the truth as I know it. After some serious inner contemplation I ended up writing him an email, he hasn't answered and may never—that is accepted by me. No matter what the outcome I sense my words will make a lasting impression that may bear fruit in his mind at a later date. I am sharing this here for others to comment on; personal experiences when talking to those who truly don't see outside the confines of indoctrination and belief in a system that they actually know is corrupt. That is part of what got me to talk politics, he completely admits the system is built on greed and lies yet still defends it.

Dear Friend,

Where to start? First, that our conversation walked into the mine field of politics which, imho, was not fruitful nor useful. I am apolitical even though I occasionally read and listen to people who dissect politics and geopolitics. The Body Politics is a stage play meant to keep people ideologically separated, from my perspective political parties and ideologies are two wings of the same bird, both sides are ruled over by appealing to the sins of: greed, power over others, and promises of fame and glory from global "masters". Why humans bow down and complacently accept the authority of psychopaths is something I have been trying to figure out for a long time.

I know that you, and many others who haven't investigated, hold the opinion that there is no ruling cabal, old bloodline families, nor other types of entities that pull the strings of the world's puppets from the dark. To further elucidate why I am interested in my studies, partially because I find the research fascinating but more importantly because without shining the pure light of consciousness on these occulted corners of our reality, human beings will continue to be fodder — the energetic food necessary for those unseen ones at the top of the pyramid of control to complete their conquest of all that is natural and sacred (Think Lord of the Rings). I will lay this to rest here on the page unless you are truly interested in looking into any aspect of the occulted agenda; which includes hidden and falsified history, hidden sacred knowledge, and theoretical and falsified "science".

On my use of the word naive, being a wordsmith of sorts I used it in the root sense of nativity "Early 15c. as "born in a particular place, of indigenous origin or growth, not exotic or foreign," also "of or pertaining to one by birth". Also used from early 15c. in a now-obsolete sense of "bound; born in servitude or serfdom." I find the last definition interesting because of my research into Admiralty Law, Natural Law, and the bonds created by our birth certificate (title of ownership by the corporation). In no way was it meant to demean or belittle, for this word also refers back to innocence, which for me is the wondrous state of our inner child — curious, observant, and questioning everything before being indoctrinated into societal norms and expectations. I have spent years rescuing my inner child from all the limiting thoughts and beliefs that the prevailing paradigm instilled into my young mind.

You asked me why I feel I must proselytize, something I have never felt I was doing so I took a hard look at myself to discover what makes me such an adamant truth speaker on any number of subjects. That you felt I was attempting to convert you to my way of thinking or perceiving took me a few steps back and deeper into self-analysis. So other than what I said above about the pure light of consciousness, my life has been in a deconstructing process for decades and by confronting the what-is of the challenges and obstacles, by letting go over and over again, I was finally able to perceive and partake of the pure light of Love. Another way to express this; is finding the keys to real freedom. The current system of lies, cheating, gaslighting, and all the actual horrors from every quarter of world governments presents a cheap veneer with empty promises of freedom.

When I meet someone and see the beautiful light of their being, when I feel a kinship that probably goes back many lifetimes, a spark ignites in me that wants to dissolve the veils that have been installed over centuries via trauma based mind control. The truth is that unless you decide you want to look outside of long held beliefs nothing I say will make any difference.

Here I get to programming; I am adept at seeing patterns and hearing programmed responses. For me, there are a shocking number of programmed responses; which are almost always repeated verbatim by the speaker and this parroting comes from many different camps, not just mainstream news channels. This became scarily clear and prevalent with the roll out of the plandemic. After over two decades of studying frequencies, subliminal messaging, advancing technologies, flickering light used in hypnosis, etc., coupled with my own not having watched television since the early 80's I am convinced that it is used in ways that most people are not aware of, thereby they are easily influenced. They say the mind doesn't have a firewall, especially when being entertained or as many of us say, entrained. This doesn't mean the person is unintelligent or totally without analytical thought, what it can and does do is funnel this thought process along lines of reasoning that march in lock-step with the narrative of the current agenda masters. It (IT) preys on human compassion and goodness, after all most people want to do "the right" thing. These methods have become very sophisticated with the advent of the technological revolution. The breakneck and reckless speed in which tech is being rolled out should be of concern for any real thinking human being, for they are rapidly building a technological Panopticon in which people are the prisoners.

It is possible I stepped over the line with my passion, so I have realized that I shall retreat unless I am asked for further information. It is not mine to judge nor attempt to change the course of anyone's life unless they are truly seeking answers to life's existential questions. That doesn't mean I don't value you as a friend, for indeed I do.

While driving home from our dinner I felt a deep welling up of tears and heard "She wept." This immediately reminded me of the shortest verse in the Bible. John 11:35: "Jesus wept." I understood in some unfathomable manner the deep sorrow Jesus felt on seeing the people chose to remain blind and unbelieving. No, I am not a prophet though in my heart I sing songs of praise.

Perhaps with my words you will have a better comprehension of what moves me.

With love,


Lately and more often there is a feeling of being truly alone, many have said that this is part of the path of a Spiritual Warrior. The further I walk the more rare the air becomes and few are able to walk the full length of it with me. And such is the awareness of whatever new challenges may lay ahead.

“The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.” —Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
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Re: Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 5:43 pmWhen I meet someone and see the beautiful light of their being, when I feel a kinship that probably goes back many lifetimes, a spark ignites in me that wants to dissolve the veils that have been installed over centuries via trauma based mind control. The truth is that unless you decide you want to look outside of long held beliefs nothing I say will make any difference.
Sigh... Yes exactly Christine, this dilemma is precisely what I was just recently pointing to as a frustration in my own personal life:
Fred Steeves wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:48 pmthe main thing I keep noticing is just how completely captured people are by the Western propaganda machine. It's almost surreal. I certainly see the underlying influential characteristics of a higher power behind all of this, but it's so nebulous it's more just something that I notice, but don't talk about.

Of course it's different in a setting such as this, but in daily life it can often be a conversation ender, or even a relationship ender just to speak to the problem of the physical nuts and bolts of a desperate war machine in action, much less the woo aspect.
As Bill Clinton used to say "I feel your pain" LOL.

I see it as similar to the ongoing physical therapy I'm doing 3 days a week after a shoulder replacement surgery 3 months ago now. Hit it too hard and you can fuck it up, too little it can stiffen and atrophy - it's got to be that sweet spot right there somewhere in the ever moving middle way. Same as something like spirituality as well I reckon, or the AA saying "easy does it".

It's so frustrating because you've put the time in, paid the dues to acquire quite the overall body of knowledge, complimented by a certain amount of self and spiritual awareness that could be of good use to others; but like the old saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

This phenomena is very personal to me, as I've been "that guy" who has all the necessary tools available to step out and away from the cookie cutter realms, but it's not going to happen because I was already captured hook line and sinker by a hard core political philosophy. In my case it was hard right wing - Rush Limbaugh and FOX NEWS as virtual gods worthy of worship.

Sounds like your friend is in the exact same boat save for worshipping at the opposite end of that altar. Just as in those days (up til 2009) I had little patience for a Jehova Witness type knocking on my front door looking to "save" me, I had little patience for anyone trying to point out that my overall world view may need some gentle house cleaning.

So I keep this in mind now that I'm coming at this from a different perspective, how would myself in 2008, react to my current self in 2023 trying to explain to him how much he's learned since then, and that he needs to rethink EVERYTHING! My ear was always open to hearing different perspectives, like I remember picking up a flyer left under my door mat shortly after 9/11 carefully explaining how it was akin to the burning of the Reichstag false flag (of which I had to clue about) - I showed it to my wife in the kitchen, we discussed it for a few minutes, and then dismissed it for several years.

Back to god bless the USA! :roll:

But as I've already explained here, that little flyer stuck somehow stuck in my craw over the years, and early one morning I arose before dawn to once and for all go to the computer, and put that "bullshit" story to rest for good by proving to myself that it wasn't true. And the rest as they say, is history. A part of me began to grudgingly die, while another part began the activation process. Of course that process also landed me in a cult "Project" just a year or so later, where again long story short part of me wound up dying, with yet another part becoming activated inside of that suddenly created vacuum.

I was so old (43) when I began the ever ongoing awakening process that it was extremely painful, and shocking to the system. It stunned me to the core... It suddenly became hard to hold down a job, I almost drove away my wife of now 25 years, it was just devastating, I was in a constant state of fury at what I was learning about the world, and how badly I had been fooled!

Hell if I know if this is really the right approach or not, but my current strategy is custom tailored to "that guy" I used to be, he's who is in my mind when thinking about laying a bit of this stuff on someone I think that may be an unknowing natural at it. I take it slow, very slow, like drop one little tidbit, same as someone did with that flyer for me way back when, then step back and see if the seed ever decides to sprout.

Sadly, the most it ever seems to do is piss them off. And even then, I don't even dare get into cabal type stuff, or say, the Carlos Castaneda type realms, much more tame as in "have you ever considered that BOTH parties are corrupt?" And when even just that pisses them off because it challenges loyalty to their chosen cult, I know it's a non starter to bother going any further with it as in there is a bigger picture going on here that's well beyond the political level, all it will do is cause the loss of this friend or family member.

I think you're right to back off and give him some space.
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Re: Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

Post by Christine »

Spirit whispers, never doubt the power of Truth spoken with Love. Still the shadows of doubt try to find their way into the mind—mostly able to quiet them these days and so grateful that my heart speaks directly to my mind (more on that later).

I heard from Liam this morning and he's coming for a visit today. Here is what he wrote:

"Good morning friend. Thank you so much for your super sweet and super thoughtful email. I’ve had my head buried so far up my ass recently that I’m only just seeing daylight… Will stop in and say Hi this morning and maybe we have time to talk, maybe we make time to talk later. Are you going to be at the shop? Xoxoxo"

I have no expectations going forward, happy enough that I have a friend who didn't fly off the handle and delete me from his life.
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Re: Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

Post by Christine »

This may be my final post on my encounters with Liam. After receiving his email and his visit to the shop when he apologized to me for being an ass, we made plans to meet for dinner last week. I was curious as to what he had meant and wondered whether he would be more open to some of what I had shared with him. Unlike other meetings I arrived not feeling particularly warm toward him, but neither was I closed off. Other than a mild curiosity I found myself free of anticipation.

The dance started right away, he asked me if I was serious about what he called "my beliefs" which will always get me to speak about the difference between beliefs, opinions, and the knowing of certain truths from having studied a wide variety of different subjects and perspectives, learning to not just what we are told as facts but personal experiences and inner revelations. Writing this now I know this was lost on him for he dug in and became an adamant defender of his beliefs. I don't want to belabor the back and forth of our exchange for it is the lessons learned that are more important. It has taken me several days to let the dust settle and sift out the few sprinkles of gold.

After we had paid the bill, he accompanied me to my car where he continued to exhort on how voting was our only hope to effect change, that he would vote for Joe Biden, from there he exclaimed with gushing emotion that he would be first in line to receive any new boosters, that he was proud of his son for supporting non-binary life styles, that drag queen story time should be accepted, that they aren't transitioning the sex of children (he almost called me a liar when I mentioned this), that white males are to be blamed for all the horrors of the world, that he hated his whiteness and his ancestors for what they represent. At one moment I asked him if he knew who Klaus Schwab was, his blank face answered me so I mentioned the WEF, another blank stare. For me that was incredulous because who hasn't heard of the WEF??? I don't think he even knew what the WHO is. At this point I wanted to extract myself as soon as possible.

I was trying to politely excuse myself from having to listen to anymore drivel, having realized that what he wanted was to use my presence to exclaim his virtue. The tell for me was when he grasped both my hands, moved his face close to mine and looked me straight in my eyes exclaiming that he admired me, thought I was one of the most intelligent women he had ever met, and just because we didn't see the world the same we could still be good friends. This was delivered with an over wrought and contrived intensity. In was in that instance that the familiar cold realization zapped me, I was dealing with the collective entity in this one person. There it stood right in front of me grasping my hands; chiding me, bidding me, imploring me to acknowledge that it was real and alive. It is not, it is a dead thing looking for sustenance from whom ever it can. In an instant I found myself free, couldn't have cared less what it wanted nor could I relate to the vessel this entity was inhabiting.

As has happened many times in the past and may be the outcome this time as well, once the light within sees the entity it knows that it cannot extract anymore energy and will never come back around. For Liam, I simply don't know what lays ahead for him, though in one flash before we parted I found myself telling him that an event would happen in his life that would change everything, that a new path would be opened. Honestly I have no knowledge of why this came through me. Perhaps they are true.
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Re: Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 11:52 pmAfter we had paid the bill, he accompanied me to my car where he continued to exhort on how voting was our only hope to effect change, that he would vote for Joe Biden, from there he exclaimed with gushing emotion that he would be first in line to receive any new boosters, that he was proud of his son for supporting non-binary life styles, that drag queen story time should be accepted, that they aren't transitioning the sex of children (he almost called me a liar when I mentioned this), that white males are to be blamed for all the horrors of the world, that he hated his whiteness and his ancestors for what they represent. At one moment I asked him if he knew who Klaus Schwab was, his blank face answered me so I mentioned the WEF, another blank stare. For me that was incredulous because who hasn't heard of the WEF??? I don't think he even knew what the WHO is. At this point I wanted to extract myself as soon as possible.
I could feel my own eyes rolling back into my head picturing myself being stuck face to face with such mindless, unconscious drivel.

That's precisely why I so seldom engage in real life on such matters, because the odds or so high that any given person is going to be either a card carrying member of that hive mind cult, or the Make America Great Again - Again (MAGAA) hive mind cult. I'd just assume go for a long walk on a short pier, rather than engage with Central Programming... :roll:
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Re: Life Lessons on Being a Truth Speaker

Post by Christine »

Fred Steeves wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 10:59 pm
Christine wrote: Sat May 27, 2023 11:52 pmAfter we had paid the bill, he accompanied me to my car where he continued to exhort on how voting was our only hope to effect change, that he would vote for Joe Biden, from there he exclaimed with gushing emotion that he would be first in line to receive any new boosters, that he was proud of his son for supporting non-binary life styles, that drag queen story time should be accepted, that they aren't transitioning the sex of children (he almost called me a liar when I mentioned this), that white males are to be blamed for all the horrors of the world, that he hated his whiteness and his ancestors for what they represent. At one moment I asked him if he knew who Klaus Schwab was, his blank face answered me so I mentioned the WEF, another blank stare. For me that was incredulous because who hasn't heard of the WEF??? I don't think he even knew what the WHO is. At this point I wanted to extract myself as soon as possible.
I could feel my own eyes rolling back into my head picturing myself being stuck face to face with such mindless, unconscious drivel.

That's precisely why I so seldom engage in real life on such matters, because the odds or so high that any given person is going to be either a card carrying member of that hive mind cult, or the Make America Great Again - Again (MAGAA) hive mind cult. I'd just assume go for a long walk on a short pier, rather than engage with Central Programming... :roll:
You made me laugh. I am grateful for the exchange we are having on the forum, it gives me the impetus to continue to write. The gauntlet of my feelings hasn't quite ceased for I found myself feeling pity for him. It stopped me in my muse, pity? I had to look at this feeling since I don't ever recall feeling it before. I don't think there is anything more—shall we say, down putting on another human being. It has the tinge of absolute loss to it, as in lost beyond redemption. I looked up the word to see if it would give me more of a clue to why this arose in me, it's the same root as piety which I don't really relate to either since it suggests superiority over another, holier than thou sort of thing. Just putting some thoughts down here to see if anyone can share a deeper sense of why we feel pity.

It is some comfort to receive commiseration or condolence ; it gives one strength to receive sympathy from a loving heart ; it is irksome to need compassion ; it galls us to be pitied. [1895 example of use.] I do think that no one wants to be pitied but there it is, I felt it clear enough.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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