✨ The Role of Archetypes on Human Consciousness | self within Self within SELF

"She sees now that it is a state of nothingness that is so strangely full in which she occupies space. She can move up and down, sideways and around, a state of awareness waking within the dream.
Her beat is Love, her will fierce, she won’t back down.
-Lucky Boots
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✨ The Role of Archetypes on Human Consciousness | self within Self within SELF

Post by Christine »


Something has been pressing in on me these last few days, disorienting with a distinct sense that there is an imperative journey of self discovery that needs to be taken. These feelings often are very uncomfortable as the inner psyche is being projected out of its comfort zone.

Yesterday was particularly disjointed; I couldn’t stay in the present moment, as my mind kept being projected into a future task to be completed. This left me doing things unconsciously like leaving my laptop at the shop, forgetting to untether the dogs when I drove back to town, thinking of people I needed to correspond with while driving along the chaotic highway to town. Fortunately, by the time I was actually home and settled, I found some humor in this mind fuckery. This morning while settled in a quiet moment thoughts began to clarify—these I will attempt to give voice to on this page.


Perhaps it will be somewhat helpful to the reader to give a little context to the path I have traversed most of my life. It is one many know—always unique, always with an unabated curiosity and a uncontainable rebelliousness toward the status quo which never satisfies. Taking plunges off of waterfalls and standing on the edge of what often seems like a dangerous precipitous, the unknown has taken me down many a twisting road—an inner labyrinth with sudden dead ends, though with enough distance they always brought revelations. Ultimately one will find their way to center, and from that point the way out of the maze begins to reveal.

My path has not been one of scholarly nor theological pursuits, though lately this has factored in, as I find it fascinating to discover how knowledge has been passed down through the ages. I guess you might say I am catching up on studies that I didn’t have time for in my “productive” years. One succinct observation is that there are as many interpretations as there are scholars and theologians which returns me to the experiential path and why I write.

I have often alluded to the major Archetypes in my writing, having felt at times that they were part of me, some so tangible that they actually became me for a period of time. I find that this is a common experience for many because the archetypes are present in the human psyche as teachers. A problem only arises when the current ego-enveloped-soul takes on these personages as their ultimate identity for it provides them with an escape from their current life. My most living memories came from three major feminine figures; Mary Magdalene, Joan of Arc, and the role of High Priestess. Excuse that I interject a bit of mirth here, for even writing these names out would make one wonder if I always held some high important role in human cultural development, I reassure myself that these identities simply presented as teachers along my soul’s journey.

Something I have pointed out for years to those who actually hear what I say, is that through our identifying with astrological charts and signs, we continuously reforge our identities with archetypes—aspects but not the whole. This also translates into putting importance on titles; positions in society, labels, medical diagnosis, religious dogmas, group think, and a plethora of other thought forms that are imposed on our psyches through the constant bombardment of others’ opinions prevents oneself from exploring the most forbidden territory or all—Know ThySelf.

I would be remiss by not mentioning influences from the unseen realms; a majority of people are blithely unaware of just how much they are influenced by entities be they past or present false prophets, fallen angelic beings, conjured dark spirits who all prey on the human being. There are also the great egregores of mind programs that have existed for millennia. These non-corporal beings exert a great pressure on the human who has awakened and begins questioning the very nature of reality.

Many years ago while studying astrology which I never completed, it occurred to me that the twelve houses and signs of the zodiac—archetypes—only existed so we could learn about our chosen life path and by no means were we meant to become permanently bound to them. Having also looked into the metaphysics of Christianity and the twelve disciples I realized there was a thirteenth position and that was the Christ who stood at the center of the wheel. And thus began my most trying journey, prefaced by the question; How to Be-come?

Without going very deep into twisted and inverted history there are also the twelve tribes of Israel and the lost thirteenth tribe. For the past years I have listened to many who bring forth the most fragmentary and original manuscripts available—they all seem to be leading to the inevitable conclusion that the real metaphysical meaning of Israel was completely inverted and those who follow the Abrahamic script are praying to a war god, YAHWEH. Many years ago, like many, many years ago I was introduced to IS-RA-El which was taken from the Egyptian Isis-Ra-El story, in a nutshell translating to the One True God, the divine trinity that goes way beyond all indoctrinating religious teachings.

During my insane wild time with The Mandato, many new thoughts and ideas were presented; one that stuck with me was depicted by a golden triple triangle, one within the other and a small dot at the center. The little self (ego) within the collective Self, and the ultimate SELF that is the connection with the Mind of God, Prime Creator, Most High, Universal Truth or whatever word one feels most comfortable with. There are so many divine trinities within all cultures that it should inspire people to investigate this as inwardly as possible. The image I chose for this piece of writing is Mother of the World; she is often referred to as the triple goddess in Celtic writings. It evokes within me a remembering, the cloaked eyes not looking outwardly, the triple halo, and the unperturbable tranquility sitting above the waters below can be interpreted as a perfected state of being. A soul that incarnates into the material realm by nature must come through the Mother. Creator—Creation—The Holy Spirit, the divine trinity of the manifest or Son.

Any contemplation on the Most High should include its ineffable unknowable nature, that which is beyond our comprehension. If we weren’t immersed in an immense sea of mystery I am pretty sure we’d be bored out of our minds.

To close I wish to point out that human Beings, people, have been corralled into labeling themselves. Whether they succumb to fit in with the mind-think of their chosen affiliation, culture, family group, or get stuck on thousands of other labeled identities that are incessantly shouting into the unaware mind: “You are your name, your birth sign, your political party, and perhaps most detrimental of all—diagnosis (label) of disease. The reasons behind this diseased mind are as many as there are folks—so I will stop writing with what I began: KNOW THYSELF, now contemplate just how deep those two words take you.

Holy, holy, holy she hears.

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The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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