Initiated into the Obra ... the Work

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Initiated into the Obra ... the Work

Post by Christine »


She swims further from solid shores. The surface peels away, the dance, the movements slow down inside … an awareness awakens.

Rosendo gets serious and puts on the mantle of teacher. We know he has been visiting Alejandro and comes back each week with a lesson for us. Our laughter, our mirth more intermittent now. We too must wear these airs of portent.

I am now asked to commit to further study, to the Mandato, to Alejandro and his Kosmic name. The way this is asked of me, of us and this is done periodically; we are offered an out, a moment in which a door is opened. It is said, “You can leave now, if you choose to the consequences are still minimal.”

She hears that from this distant place of now and sees the workings of the spell, at the time she feels cautiously powerful, her knowing voice is telling her, you can endure, you are strong… and ego whispers, you will show them just how strong you are. The inner forging has begun.

I accept to stay and am initiated, the date is not marked in my memory and it is almost as if the memory of it is wiped clean. Some spaces are easy for me to reach into, this one is not.

Recalling now, sitting as entrained … attention laser focused, back straight, feet planted on the floor. By now we have done readings on each other and are sharing. Rosendo asks if anyone objects to my initiation. The scowl on Cate’s face grows grim, she utters her objection, it is noted and accepted as is.

She notes this and rather than disturb it propels her deeper in, something she must do, something she must prove. Her nemesis Cate a necessary force to overcome. She wants to show her she is wrong.

The initiation continues, it is simple, some words are said. Recalling now I am aware that as they were spoken they evaporated. Rosendo leans close to me as I am leaving that day and tells me something very significant about me, I forgot it as he speaks. Later I ask him what he said, his reply; “You will recall some day.”

… and so by my word and through spell I am now initiated into the order of the Mandato. Somewhere just out of my consciousness’ reach I am searching, knowing there is something to be remembered. It is like an itch that never goes away. You try to ignore it, obtain some relief but it always comes back, pressing in.

She goes out to the country that night, to her solitude and adobe home. It is lonely there at times, memories of Pete and her, the hopes and dreams that were built into the mud walls, stone terraces and furnishings. His things still there, they haunt.

She flows through the space of the walls, an energetic dance that is taking her to other realities. Feeling, realizing … finally sleeping. And then bolt up right awake she springs from her bed.

Eyes try to focus and find the light hazed and dim. Bare feet pad to the kitchen thinking tea would be good. She sees a shadow playing on the wall, it takes a silhouetted male form. She peers into the shadowed being, it moves in a slow dance. Transfixed, standing now in a marbled and massively pillared chamber or hall. Inwardly viewing now, she/ he are the same. Egypt.

He has been anointed, young pharaoh … slender long torso, broad bare shoulders, perfected features and hair. He stands, alone in contemplation of his place, something stirs in the distance, already the voices of dissent are stirring, he is aware and immovable from this place.

Waking a bit from realities intertwined, I am now consciously processing the vision, wondering what that was and why. Another piece, another bit. I walk to the bathroom, the window to the outside ledge is open on this warm night. Sitting there is my cat, oh my! She has been missing for months. Tears flow from my eyes, as I see her in the moonlit night so still. I want to reach out and rub my hands down her smooth fur but something won’t let me. I know now this is not real, she fades from view. Cat came though, she came to accompany me and I am grateful beyond words, just tears.

She wonders if she is accompanied still.

I fall into a deep dreamless sleep and woke as I do at dawn. Everywhere I look, on floor, or furniture … outside the roof covered patio I see hundreds if not a thousand dead spiders, it appears they rained down.

Ponders this and still does not know, feels in some way there was an energetic electrical discharge, perhaps what was necessary to produce the hologram … she doesn’t know.

She is now a Portador de la Lux Kosmica (a bearer of the Kosmic Light).

My waking conscious days are growing thin, my being in more than one world. My business must continue and there is always the mundane to attend. Diverting between the multiples now. There are physical realities to resolve, pulls in many direction to be sorted through. Paths that run into divergent futures…

She knows she will follow the strongest pull.

The pulls are all strong. Pete still calls from Florida, the voice growing louder more adamant more needing. Motherhood and the bounds are strong, there is an inner battle mounting … money and success, home, a life well constructed.

She will leave it all…
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Initiated into the Obra ... the Work

Post by Christine »


She has stopped in her tale, pondering which direction to go, the tributaries of past, present and future all running together now. She feels time is running out, the waters are about to burst.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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