Organic Portals - Souless Humans

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Re: Organic Portals - Souless Humans

Post by Pris »

Eelco wrote:Hugs....

At the moment I am surrounded by people who are suffering.
Therefore I am suffering. Which I shouldn't but then I'm stupid.

What I want for myself is exactly what I stated I wanted before.
Personally I don't need much.
Some peace, some tranquility and some happiness.

With Love
I am sorry for what you are going through. And, I don't think you are stupid. You feel, just like the rest of us. Some feel more than others and are drawn in. You are facing great challenges. There is no judgement.


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Re: Organic Portals - Souless Humans

Post by Spiritwind »

Eelco wrote:Hugs....

At the moment I am surrounded by people who are suffering.
Therefore I am suffering. Which I shouldn't but then I'm stupid.

What I want for myself is exactly what I stated I wanted before.
Personally I don't need much.
Some peace, some tranquility and some happiness.

With Love
Eelco, I think you need a BIG hug! You know, I literally spent many years of my life crying about the state of the world, and what I saw as totally unnecessary suffering. I could not understand why there were people starving to death, dying in wars, dying from all forms of violence. And now there are around 7 billion people on the planet. That in itself is hard to wrap my mind around.

Now, this is just me talking for myself, so hopefully you won't take it the wrong way. The reason I feel pulled to respond is because, at least energetically from your words, you remind me of a place I used to be. And still, on occasion, find myself in. This is an upside down ass backwards from what it could be, should be, kinda world.

The weird thing is, since the advent of the Internet and the ability to access information on an unprecedented level, it has allowed me to discover that it's even worse than I already knew it was. But I'm happier, generally speaking. And part of the reason I am happier is not because the world has changed for the better. It is despite the way things are. Unfortunately, I have no magic recipe on how to learn to be happy despite the suffering around you. It can and does feel overwhelming at times. I know part of it for me is that I have recovered memories of other lives and other times and places where life was much different than what we see today. There have always been small pockets of beings who have been able to live according to different principles.

I now remember, with every fiber of my being, a time when I lived truly free. A time when small tribal groups and clans lived close to nature, and where a spiritual understanding of life, where all of creation was considered sacred, was taught to every child from birth. There was no religion. The community, and everyone in it, was what mattered. I can remember eagerly wanting to please my elders by emulating them, and I remember the joy of caring for the aged in our community, the children, the sick. These kind of behaviors were given much praise, though not with words but by being treated with respect. Everyone wanted to be like those, who by their actions came to be looked to for guidance and wisdom when needed. The complete opposite of what you see in the world today.

So, I draw on the energy of those memories, so that I can still emulate my elders from those times, for they are still alive for me, and in me. They still give solid guidance when I connect to them within. I have always been service oriented, but one must be careful in these times, as that sense of service can be used and abused. But I will never turn down a chance to reach out in whatever way I can to those who ask for help in trying to get a handle on the stark realization of how things really are here. I do not draw on the wisdom and guidance of our world leaders today, for they have lost their way some long time ago. They are a big part of the problem. If they are not soulless, whatever that really means, they are not at all like the people whose love and gratitude were freely given to the people of their communities, in a mutually beneficial reciprocal manner. In many ways, it is like their soul, if they have one, has been taken over by a very dark force, one that destroys life. It is plain as day to me.

I cannot look to the leaders of our time for the change that needs to happen here. It will instead be people like you and me, just simple folks, who know what the answer is. You have shown me that already Eelco, by your sense of service. Even if you can not remember those lives that you lived, you can connect to the energy in whatever way you have come to use in your spiritual practices. It can be simple or complex, the way doesn't matter as much as the intent. Our ancestors, who clearly in some ways knew more than we do today, still live on within us. I can feel them just below the surface of my everyday waking consciousness, and the more I connect the easier it has become. They are all around me and speak to me often, sometimes just a breeze caressing my cheek at just the right time, or the sun suddenly peaking through the clouds after days of rain. Sometimes it is more dramatic, but the signs and symbols are there for those with eyes to see.

But the darker side of reality will always be there to pull you back in, for it delights in our feelings of hopelessness, and the sense of suffering that we are all immersed in. So many people I know are actually severely depressed right now, and they are struggling to cope. Part of that is because the cognitive dissonance about what we've all been taught to believe, and the simultaneous realization, even if only on a subconscious level, that suffering of all kinds for large numbers of human beings and all life on the planet is increasing exponentially, is causing some rather severe turmoil that can no longer be denied. And this is despite all the fancy new technologies being developed that is supposedly going to make life better. What a crock.

So, maybe the turmoil you seem to be feeling is actually going to be what propels you into a state of finding the answer, for you anyway. For I doubt whether you will find the magic wand to make it all better for the masses. For me, I feel that just by living my own life as authentically as I can, and at least honest to myself, is creating my own field of energy that can radiate out and others, who are also beginning to realize that the answer is to be found inside and have found the inner gold, will each add exponentially to a field that all can tap into, if they wish. It is there, it just has to be made real in our outer experience in whatever ways we know how.

I have developed a number of strategies that seem to help me find a way to feel inner joy that radiates out and others can feel. Singing and music is one way, but there are many others. Even my daughter, who works as a cashier at a grocery store, is beginning to figure it out. Most of the people who go through her check out line are obviously miserable. She has discovered that if she allows herself to take that in, she is miserable too. And those who come through her line can feel it and respond accordingly. She has also discovered, when she can find something that makes her feel joy and she can recreate that feeling in herself, that it does have an effect on those around her. People will suddenly start smiling, and behaving different, in a good way. Yes, it is a balancing act of epic proportions, but I have found no other way. Sorry for the long post, I just feel very strongly about this topic.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Organic Portals - Souless Humans

Post by heyokah »

According to Buddhist doctrine the belief in an eternal soul is a misconception of the human consciousness.

With regard to the soul theory, there are three kinds of teachers in the world:

- The first teacher teaches the existence of an eternal ego-entity that outlasts death: He is the eternalist.

- The second teacher teaches a temporary ego-entity which becomes annihilated at death: He is the materialist.

- The third teacher teaches neither an eternal nor a temporary ego-entity: He is the Buddha.


From "The Doctrine of No Soul"

"Buddhism stands unique in the history of human thought in denying the existence of such a Soul, Self, or Ātman.
According to the teaching of the Buddha, the idea of self is an imaginary, false belief which has no corresponding reality, and it produces harmful thoughts of ‘me’ and ‘mine’, selfish desire, craving, attachment, hatred, ill-will, conceit, pride, egoism, and other defilements, impurities and problems.
It is the source of all the troubles in the world from personal conflicts to wars between nations.
In short, to this false view can be traced all the evil in the world.

Two ideas are psychologically deep-rooted in man; self-protection and self-preservation.
- For self-protection man has created God, on whom he depends for his own protection, safety and security, just as a child depends on its parent.
- For self-preservation man has conceived the idea of an immortal Soul or Ātman, which will live eternally.
In his ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire, man needs these two things to console himself. Hence he clings to them deeply and fanatically.

The Buddha’s teaching does not support this ignorance, weakness, fear, and desire, but aims at making man enlightened by removing and destroying them, striking at their very root.

According to Buddhism, our ideas of God and Soul are false and empty.
Though highly developed as theories, they are all the same extremely subtle mental projections, garbed in an intricate metaphysical and philosophical phraseology.
These ideas are so deep-rooted in man, and so near and dear to him, that he does not wish to hear, nor does he want to understand, any teaching against them." ... of-no-soul" onclick=";return false;
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