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Post by Christine »

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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Re: Love

Post by Christine »

The cosmic dance, a beautiful aspect of Love depicted in this painting is myself Being Love with my other self. Simple and wondrous when you reach the field of potentialities just now being dreamed. To exist in that reality for any period of time you simply know it.

For my Be-loved, who floats off-line in a realm of his own while I navigate the computer mind, a deepening and a quickening is heard.


*my notes: The use of third and fifth dimensional language is not to my choosing though the author does capture the essence of the reemergence of unconditional love in ALL relationships. I am not complete in this, deeper sensing that I can't be "complete" until the Mother is returned to her birthing rite place in our psyches. ... .html#more
Fifth dimensional relationships generate freedom and joy. Each relationship is an investment in the people, places, and kingdoms of nature that are being interconnected.

The unconditional loving from which fifth dimensional relationships emerge creates change by offering an environment in which the opportunities for evolutionary development are gracefully accessed and successfully utilized by all involved.

There are distinct differences between third and fifth dimensional relationships, based upon the purpose of the dimensional experience.

The fifth dimensional qualities defined below facilitate an unconditionally loving experience.

By providing the criteria by which to monitor your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors you can both build and support fifth dimensional relationships out of the third dimensional relationships in your own life.

Built to break verses built to sustain themselves.

All third dimensional relationships were built to break. Our job as third dimensional human beings was to experience separation, loss, and fear.

Humanity agreed to participate in this divine experiment of amnesia that required our civilization to find its way back to its Source of its own free will.

Humans are experts in suffering as we took this task seriously and became quite skilled in hurting ourselves and the kingdoms of nature supporting our experiment.

We learned to destroy connection rather than honor it, to the point that we were in danger of destroying our civilization and the world in which we lived.

Fifth dimensional relationships are built to sustain themselves. They eternally exist within the context of Creation and their experience on the Earth plane is one of reconnection with our divine nature, the essence of our being.

Your fifth dimensional soul family supported your journey on Earth through an ignorant human mind, by providing you with a group of beings who incarnated with you over and over again.

Known as your Soul group, these individuals played different familial and community roles over your multiple incarnations always supporting your growing evolutionary awareness that there is more to life than fear and pain.

Because your human mind could not conceive the Soul connections continually supporting it, you felt abandoned, alone, and often emotionally tortured through specific patterns of behavior lifetime after lifetime. Until now.

Delusional human intimacy verses connected soul intimacy.

Because the third dimensional world is an experience of loss, fear, and separation, humans naturally create experiences that will fail.

Our intimate experiences are fleeting and marked by emotional highs and lows that denote a false sense of connection.

We literally have a relationship with our dreams, ideas, or beliefs about the experiences we are having. That is the essence of a delusion.

But this delusion is one that they entire civilization shares.

We “fall in love” only to fall out of love. We have the perfect job, only to be disappointed when it fails to meet our expectations. We live in the most wonderful place, until it isn’t so wonderful anymore.

Delusional human intimacy is a real third dimensional experience that promotes discontent, emptiness, and a constant searching for that which is missing.

Soul intimacy is created from a deep sense of purpose and meaning within our connectedness. It is based in the reality of our inherent Oneness and permeates our individual lives in uniquely sacred ways.

Our fifth dimensional relationships are always purposeful. They are never casual nor do they waste an ounce of our life-force on concerns that are significant in the third dimensional world.

Soul intimacy provides evolving human beings with an experience of intimate reverence that facilitates collaboration, equality, and a deep sense of appreciation for the role that is being played, the service being offered, and the loving that is unfolding.

The purpose of the relationship is understood so deeply that those involved not only respect the opportunity in which they are participating, they deeply commit to fulfilling the work they have come together to accomplish.

In this knowing all involved in fifth dimensional relationships experience a deep sense of satisfaction and joy.

Physical exertion and sex verses sensual creativity.

Because third dimensional relationships are fragile creations in the human mind and heart, they need to be grounded into physical expression to make them “real.”

Physical exertion is the out-picturing of the internal idea or dream into third dimensional experience. Thus, sex makes a delusional human intimate relationship physically real.

An athlete winning a sports competition realizes overcoming a physical challenge. An actor or musician performs a composition to a live audience and receives feedback on his or her experiential offering.

All these physical experiences concretize third dimensional energy and offer the dual experience of success or failure, winning or losing, becoming part of or being abandoned.

Third dimensional physical experiences are not only fragile, they end. The concert is over, the competition is completed, a sexual relationship falls apart.

Humans are left empty, even after successful moments, looking for ever more physical validation.

Fifth dimensional relationships energetically build upon the connections calling them into being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Creativity emerges from these connections and expresses itself through multi-dimensional sensuality.

The electromagnetic energies of unconditional loving and creative collaboration move through the physical cells of the body allowing the human form to transmit fifth dimensional frequencies into third dimensional physical experiences.

This is a continuous experience of life-force creatively moving through your all of your senses.

Touch becomes a means of energetic expression rather than physical labor. Sight, sound, hearing, and taste become purposeful venues through which unconditional loving unfolds in specific ways that support the evolution of all involved in the relationship.

This is the basis through which energy work such as Reiki or Healing Touch facilitates healing of the third dimensional body.

It is also the means by which intimate partners energetically connect through the chakra system, merging into one and giving birth to new life within each other and for life itself.

Engaging in sensual creativity is an act of beauty that continuously infuses you with greater life-force.

It inspires you to consciously co-create intimacy in relationship to another and within your world. As your ability to creatively sensually connect increases, so does your joy in living.

External success verses internal fulfillment.

Third dimensional relationships are self-esteem busters because they rely on external confirmation to determine their validity.

Because the relationship is built for a third dimensional experience of separation and failure, mental insecurity and emotional volatility are necessarily inherent in the process.

We seek acknowledgement and praise for whatever we accomplish and tend to feel hurt or disrespected if approval is not provided. The human ego is ever vigilant scanning for danger to what it considers to be successful from its vantage point.

Divorce, getting fired, being thrown off the team or out of the band constitute human failure. Enough failures and your sense of self becomes hurt, then disfigured, and even unrecognizable to yourself and everyone else.

Fifth dimensional relationships generate self-esteem. As you become aware of your power to lovingly co-create with another, your respect and appreciation for yourself as well as the other grows.

The focus of your attention is internal as you grow in life-force and multi-dimensional awareness, understanding the importance of your relationship and its greater purpose in the world.

As a fifth dimensional collaborator you show up in relationships already committed to the work as hand and confident of your talents and abilities.

You are eager to embrace the unfolding process supporting the others involved and being supported yourself.

You experience the opportunity to contribute to the evolution of the world as a gift that you have to give, and for which you will be honored.

External allegiance verses internal support.

Third dimensional relationships engage power struggles to promote dominance and submission.

In the dualistic plane of the third dimension, the ego creates dramas that ensnare the heart and enslave the body.

War results, internally, within families, and among nations. Third dimensional life is already fragile, but without external allegiances, that fragility gives way to a fearful vulnerability that bursts into panic.

Whenever an idea, dream, or experience is threatened in the third dimension, those humans sharing that perspective seek each other out to prove themselves right, just, valid, and significant, regardless of the cost.

Human life is expendable if you are not on the same side. And someone else tells you what side you should be on.

Whether it be in court, in governmental offices, houses of worship, or neighbor’s kitchens, human beings look to each other for like-minded support and recognition of worth.

For those experiencing fifth dimensional relationships, vulnerability builds unconditional loving.

Because they are energetically connected to the Source of creativity, fifth dimensional soul-embodied human beings look within for support, direction, and guidance.

They trust themselves so that they can show up for each other completely, clearly, and openly. They are collaborators trusting that each other is devoted to the highest evolutionary choices available.

Open to learning all there is to know and flowing into mutual experiences with respect and appreciation, they honor each other and life itself as it unfolds.

They are flexible, creative, ingenious, and filled with wonder as they work together on projects that serve the greater good and contribute to a life of peace. Their experience of vulnerability offers safety as a way of life.

Focused on linear physicality verses focused on quantum energetics.

Human beings living third dimensionally have to be in control of their relationships otherwise they will fall apart.

Since they are built to break, these fragile relationships must be buttressed by external sources in a recognized pattern of activity that supports their viability.

Families literally keep each other alive in many parts of the world.

Corporations follow protocols to make profits that keep them in business and their employees working.

Governments create policies that support the functioning of their nations according to the resources available on their lands and the productivity of their citizenry.

These linear necessities comprise the experience of third dimensional living and require controlled responses to support this dimensional experience of life.

Fifth dimensional life is an experience of quantum mechanics while living in a human body. It is the fluid participation of multi-dimensionally living within the unity of Creation.

The concept of divine timing is helpful in understanding the quantum experience of situations, relationships, and opportunities unfolding at precise moments that change the course of an individual’s life, the life of a family, the future of a business, the stability of a nation, the health of a civilization.

Creativity is the hallmark by which quantum responses to unfolding experiences occur.

Energy is directed to provide assistance and support simultaneously within multiple dimensions so that all engaged are given what is required for them to fulfill themselves in their respective dimensional opportunities.

The human mind cannot comprehend multi-dimensional mechanics. It is, however, affected by it in the form of guidance, inspiration, and intuition.

The most obvious experience of quantum mechanics in third dimensional living is grace.

Death versus Life

Because third dimensional relationships are not meant to last, they will inevitably incur multiple experiences of dying.

Death, the ultimate form of separation, happens slowly in the loss of hopes and dreams, or quickly as in being fired from a job, or the accidental death of a loved one.

Whether fast or slow an irreconcilable experience of loss creates a spiritual crisis that was to provoke connection.

However, in the earthly experience, death began to reinforce the disintegration of the heart of humanity and furthered its descent into the ego of physicality.

Lost in the desire to prolong life at all costs, the purpose of living was lost to the experience of living. Without a compass by which to understand life, humanity created its own spiral of deathly discontent, almost annihilating itself.

Because fifth dimensional relationships consciously exist within the unity of Creation, connection is already a lived experience.

As purpose guides relationships to fulfillment and collaboration supports multi-dimensional celebration, life is honored in every phase of its existence.

Completion is valued and honored. It is not experienced as death. Evolution is recognized as the source of continuity within and between dimensions.

Instead of mourning the loss of connection with a loved one, another greater level of relationship emerges. However, this level of contact is only possible from the fifth dimensional perspective in and through which you continue to meet each other.

The common description of heaven as a place of peace, safety, love, and beauty is a third dimensional expression of fifth dimensional living. It has been placed as other-worldly because, up until now, you had to die to experience it. This is no longer the case.

Fifth dimensional relationships are no longer a dream on the Earth. They are realities that we make each day by choosing higher dimensional responses to third dimensional experiences.

We are an evolving species whose intimate relationships chart the course for the future of a soul-embodied humanity.

Developing your personal fifth dimensional relationships is the perfect place to start experiencing the reality of fifth-dimensional unconditionally loving joy.

As you do, you pioneer the way for others to grow into the courage and grace you are lovingly offering to the world right now.

By Growingconsciousness
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Re: Love

Post by Christine »

I simply must share this, my second ever edit on iMovie, which I dedicate to L.O.V.E.


Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky.

~ Maria Rilke Rainer
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Re: Love

Post by finaltom »

The projection of love is very strong and over bearing, compared to any other emotion. It is also the most painful when used as a defense against those that intend to do your harm.

Here is a thought for you. Is love a human emotion? Many say that they feel the love from god or the universe, but is it the same love from a human perspective? How many emotions are truly, what is expressed from the source? Is love just one emotion or all emotions in one?
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Re: Love

Post by Naga_Fireball »

finaltom wrote:The projection of love is very strong and over bearing, compared to any other emotion. It is also the most painful when used as a defense against those that intend to do your harm.

Here is a thought for you. Is love a human emotion? Many say that they feel the love from god or the universe, but is it the same love from a human perspective? How many emotions are truly, what is expressed from the source? Is love just one emotion or all emotions in one?
Dear Tom,

I wish i had your clarity, inner strength, calmness.

Fear is the mind killer,
Perfect love casts out all fear.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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Re: Love

Post by Christine »

How can one answer that question and give the answer the merit it deserves, for all the poets and mystic throughout time have given such exquisite expression to love's call. My short answer is that human emotions for the most part limit love, we have been indoctrinated and coerced through fear to doubt our truest nature and when in fear will try to control and dominate what we fear or we will flee ... either way we haven't entered into the freedom of space where all is knowable. The differentiation I have discovered is that emotions are usually reactions while feelings run very deep and are great for inner explorion for they don't provoke a need to do anything other than allow them to inform.

One of my favorite Rumi quotes sits framed on my kitchen shelf as a moment by moment reminder, the letting go is a continuum of flow as new circumstances and challenges arise.

finaltom wrote:The projection of love is very strong and over bearing, compared to any other emotion. It is also the most painful when used as a defense against those that intend to do your harm.

Here is a thought for you. Is love a human emotion? Many say that they feel the love from god or the universe, but is it the same love from a human perspective? How many emotions are truly, what is expressed from the source? Is love just one emotion or all emotions in one?
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Love

Post by finaltom »

Naga_Fireball wrote: Dear Tom,

I wish i had your clarity, inner strength, calmness.

Fear is the mind killer,
Perfect love casts out all fear.
Thank you for your kind words.

You do.
We all believe in you. It just takes time and alot of effort that we each need to learn. I am no different then anyone else. The only difference is my focus of my experiences, that I have chosen in my life.

Humans are actually addicted to fear. A good practice for fear it to pick one day out of the week to eat a food you have never thought of or afraid to eat. While you are eating, observe your reactions. That simple act of observation is the same as allowing you to see why and how you function. This information is self teaching you how to handle fears that arise. With everything being keyed to our perception, using the skill of observation is a primitive skill, just like fear, to see for yourself and grow beyond that fear. Fear is a natural survival tool, that is used to keep you alive. The level of fear is dependent upon your experience.

To me personally, I use fear as a teaching tool. Anything new will cause fear. This is a fact we can't get away from.
For example: Your standing next to the ocean, looking at the waves. While you are standing there, you have many thoughts going through your mind at that very second. You are thinking about the temperature of the water. You are thinking about getting wet. You are seeing a wave come closer and closer to you. Each of those thoughts is a fear, (mind you we are speaking from the perception of a child or someone that has not experienced the ocean). The only way you can defeat those fears, is through experience. If you have been to the ocean before, that is experience that you have gained.
Most will run away and play with the waves, to not get wet. You create a game of it. This is a copping mechanism, that your experiences have used in the past to work through this simple fear. As soon as you get wet, you are one step closer to defeating this fear, because now you know the temperature of the water and you know how the water feels. This simple act has cut your fear in half. As time goes on and you continue to play by the water, you SUBTLY create a entire new experience and SUBTLY remove that fear, which by the end of your time on the beach, you are playing in the water and the waves. Mind you this is just an example, which varies between each of us.

We all fear the exact same way. All of our emotions are the same, including all of our feelings. The only difference is the experiences that have created each of our different perceptions. I did a topic on the works of Howard Gardner's book "Multiple intelligence's", located on the Graham Hancock forums, linked here: ... sg-1025888" onclick=";return false;. His book is a good read for explaining the different aspect of the human intelligence, if your interested.

My love of my fears is what casts my perception to see it in a different light. Your love of yourself will cast the light you need to conquer your own fears. Stay true to yourself and you will rule your world.
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Re: Love

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Dear finaltom,

Wow, very thoughtful post & I also went over to read the MI's writeup at the above link.

Thank you so much for sharing that. If more people were aware of that guy's feelings/teachings, harmony would be far closer to home.

Regarding our eternal or perhaps less time bound spiritual aspects, yes, people tend to see only the ship and the horizon, and they do not often think of the sky above or the depths below. Confined by the shallowness of circumstantial concerns, we forget ourselves.

We do not see the wind's purposeful hand moving our temporary bodies across the surface. That sounds corny but it's the image that came to mind.

In the quoted bit on the other site, I could hardly believe the credentials! !!!!!! That is a Lot of academic recognition, and I'm surprised (yet not shocked!) that the media sort of suppresses the teaching.

Also the #8 re: the multiple intelligences, reminds me a lot of the whole '7 rays' thing, which i have not looked into, but it also popped into my head. When i google it i see Alice Bailey. I know she was controversial and affected by the unfortunate time she lived in, But maybe the 7 rays were an ingenious concept. Ahead of her time.

Thank you.

(&Christine ) :)
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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Re: Love

Post by Christine »


“Love is a ladder. It starts with one person, it ends with the totality. Love is the beginning, God is the end. To be afraid of love, to be afraid of the growing pains of love, is to remain enclosed in a dark cell. Modern man is living in a dark cell. It is narcissistic – narcissism is the greatest obsession of the modern mind. And then there are problems, which are meaningless. There are problems that are creative because they lead you to higher awareness. There are problems that lead you nowhere; they simply keep you tethered, they simply keep you in your old mess. Love creates problems. You can avoid those problems by avoiding love – but those are very essential problems! They have to be faced, encountered; they have to be lived and gone through and gone beyond. And to go beyond, the way is through. Love is the only real thing worth doing. All else is secondary. If it helps love, it is good. All else is just a means, love is the end. So whatsover the pain, go into love.”

~ Osho

Moonlight Sonata
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Re: Love

Post by Christine »

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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