On Sacrifice

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On Sacrifice

Post by Spiritwind »

A crazy loud bluejay is hopping around by the hanging bird feeder, making a big fuss because he is too big and has to dive bomb it and hope to get a bite. Funny to watch.

And it's another one of those many thoughts kind of mornings. I am watching my two grandsons, still sleeping. So precious they are. I have been wanting to write a piece on the word sacrifice for some time now, and find I am struggling on where to begin.

My whole life, as I look back over time, has done nothing but move more into the fringe, to where I struggle to find words to define things nowadays. The true picture of how things are has become much more experiential, dynamic, and flowing, but nigh on impossible to describe. I feel myself existing on multiple planes, realities, simultaneously, almost as a kaleidoscope of moving images, with different screens to watch all at the same time. Multidimensional, this is life!

I think about the design of the human body, and how intricately amazing it is. Back when I was in my twenties, in the early 80's, having emerged from a distinctly Christian mindset, to a more expanded understanding of my world, and a much more intuitively driven outlook, I remember hearing a lot about the controversy between the biblical story of creation, and the so called scientific theory of evolution. I also remember shaking my head from side to side as I knew, beyond any doubt, that life was both created, and evolved, or devolved, through a combination of choices made, and circumstances encountered.

I could never understand what the argument was about. I also knew, and came to understand on a deeper level, that there was an unseen realm, where life forms of all kinds were imagined into being. And I thought about how amazing the creativity that has went into just life on this planet, in this version of reality.

So many things come to mind at once. An image of life energy flowing in multiple interlocking cycles of spherical whirling energies, that flow in and out of each other in a most amazing way, as if engaged in a dance, and geometric shapes constantly morphing back and forth between ebb, and flow, and that in between state, where time seems to stop entirely. That is the still point where there is no time. And where all can be known. Almost like breathing, this energy of life is, breathing in, breathing out.

And I think once again about the inversion of this understanding, where everything becomes turned on its head, as we see so clearly in this reality. When ever a truly new idea is conceived, and a blueprint is imagined, a new child of the mind or body is born. And almost as soon as that happens, it's opposite also gains traction, and eventually manifests in the in breath becoming the out breath. And the judgements and labels put on what was once an organic and natural process.

It seems clear to me that this has come about due to the separation of a part of the whole viewing itself as other. The mind, separated from the heart. It probably isn't as complicated as we like to make things. It may be as simple as a very small, almost imperceptible even, movement back to center, where mind and heart act as one. No judgment is really even needed, only perception of truth without distortion.

Maybe that's what was meant in the scripture that says let thine eye be single and thy whole body shall be full of light. Maybe we are the rays of light looking out, and when we finally decide to look in, is when our inner star really begins to shine and self generate.

Which brings me back to the subject of sacrifice. What is sacrifice? Before I get into the origin of the word, and it's many applications, as well as how the concept has come to be so distorted, I just want to clarify, if only for myself, what it actually means to me, in everyday life. I guess briefly, it comes down to whether the sacrifices you make contribute to life, or contribute to death. That makes it a bit more simple I think.

So, for me, sacrifice is everything you do, that puts the good of the whole over the good of the individual. What will most contribute to the over all well being, and future benefit of all life systems, as best I have come to understand them; also knowing, due to the dynamic, flowing, and ever changing nature of life, that this can never be a static process, where one size fits all. Each moment can merit its own unique response. It just doesn't work when you try to put life in a box, and have a label and file on everything, that never really changes. Life is movement, and change, always.

For me, sacrifice can be anything from joyfully missing a good nights sleep on the nights when I have my grandsons over (and I do struggle with the joyful part on occasion, especially that high pitched screaming, LOL), knowing that the opportunity to embrace the art, the dance, of love, is before me, to sacrificing ones comfort, and sometimes even sense of security to stand up to what amounts to the enslavement of all life, when viewed as merely a resource. Which is what we are up against. Somehow, the acid that normally dwells in the stomach to help digest our food, and turn it into life affirming nutrients that keep the body healthy, has been unleashed in the rest of the body to run amuck. And it's like a poison when not participating in the dance of life in the way it was originally designed for.

Ok. I have much more to expand on, but just wanted to break the ice for myself, and make a beginning. Feel free to share your own understandings on this topic, as there are always multiple ways to view information, and looking at things from many sides helps us to see the whole elephant.
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Re: On Sacrifice

Post by Edythe »

Beautiful... we ebb and flow. Maybe we have always done this, but, now we recognize it. Once recognized, it becomes our reality. And being human (for the moment) we have a need to label this ebb and flow. Sounds like a project!

Joyful sacrifice is the best description of service to others I have ever heard. Thank you Spiritwind, for this beautiful post

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Re: On Sacrifice

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Argh. Another beautiful post & I forgot to thank .

Beautiful & frightening
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Re: On Sacrifice

Post by Spiritwind »

Hi all, well, I've been dragging my feet here. The problem for me, is I spend a lot of time looking things up, and one thing leads to another almost endlessly. Then it's hard to go back to the beginning. Anyway, I'm just going to post, for now, two stark examples of how words can change their meanings over time, and sometimes quite dramatically. But also, to show that something occurred that took us down this darker path, something very real, and something still very much distorted and covered over. Gotta start somewhere.

So, how did the meaning of sacrifice go from this:

http://humansarefree.com/2016/08/secret ... .html#more" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The religion of the Atlanteans, as Plato tells us, was pure and simple; they made no regular sacrifices but fruits and flowers, they worshipped the sun. In Peru a single deity was worshipped, and the sun, his most glorious work, was honored as his representative.

To this:

http://tapnewswire.com/2015/08/when-and ... ice-start/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
When and why did human sacrifice start?

Fri 11:58 pm UTC, 7 Aug 2015 32
posted by Tapestry
The most evil, brutal, bizarre and psychologically twisted ancient religious ceremonies involving human sacrifice revolve around the trinity of Sadducee demon gods.

The principle pantheon of gods of the Sadducees were mainly derived from their Syrian Ugarit roots- The most senior God was was Ashtoreth the goddess of fertility, sexuality and war. Her most famous temples were on Cyprus as Aphrodite and in Rome on Vatican Hill as Cybele. Her ceremonial headdress was the Kippa, the cap worn thousands of years before Christianity adopted it for its leadership followed by the Jews and then the Sadducee influenced Muslims.

The second was Dagan, the god of agriculture, plenty (food) and good fortune. The priests of Dagan wore fish dress , the archetype of the Mitre (fish) hats of Christian bishops. The Mitre hat of Dagan was always worn over the Kippa of Ashtoreth/Cybele as it is still done today in the Roman Catholic Church.

Then there was Moloch, Hebrew name for Ba’al and “King” of the land. This god also equated to “Attis” and his ceremonial cap is now variously known as the Phrygian cap and the Cap of Liberty also worn ceremonially over the kippa cap of Cybele.

Attis/Moloch had several ritual sacrifice rituals associated with this demon god including wild sexual orgies in which priests themselves would often cut their bodies and drink the blood/eat the flesh of their victims.

Similarly, Cybele had important sexually explicit orgy like rituals involving cannibalism and human sacrifice apart from obligatory child sacrifice and human burning.

Of all ancient religions, it is the Sadducees that were most evil and involved the incorporation of sex and violent frenzied murder to its absolute maximum.

The sacrificing of human beings by throwing them from a great height, sometimes in bags or by ritual drowning has its origins to a distinct deity from the Mother Goddess and demons. Such methods of sacrifice have universally been reserved for the worship of Mot- the God of Death.

The worship of Mot (Death) appeared to reach a peak in ancient history around the time of 100 BC to 400 AD during the various plagues, political upheaval and climate change for the Northern Hemisphere.

The Israelites were strong practitioners and worshippers of Mot and appear to be one of the few groups that maintained a worship of death, even during good periods of plenty.

Three of the most important religious words associated with the doctrine of human sacrifice by burning are: Holocaust, Tophet and Immolate.

The word Holocaust is oldest theologically correct term still used in relation to the official doctrine of satanists in the burning of people alive. The word “Holocaust” is at least as old as the 3rd Century BC and comes from the ancient Greek word holokauston, meaning “a completely (holos) burnt (kaustos) sacrificial offering”, or “a burnt sacrifice offered to God”.

The term has always meant the specific ritual of murdering innocent human beings as animals by burning as defined by the ancient Phoenician/Samaritan/Sadducee/Punic religion to Moloch and his name variances. Because these priest-king family bloodlines have traditionally considered all other human beings as “sheep and cattle”, the word Holocaust is frequently and deliberately misrepresented as “only applying to animals”.

The ceremony of Beltaine, originally comes from Baal- a unique and distinct Phoenician ceremony introduced into certain celtic culture and not native to the celts.

The most common and continued Catholic honor to Moloch is through the legal definition of “Immolate” to describe all victims of fire literally as “To Moloch”.

The worship of demons and power, good fortune
While it may appear odd to consider different forms of human sacrifice having a higher power, or more base motive, the burning of people and children alive to Moloch is and has always been about perpetuating power and good fortune through the influence of demons.

It appears this Satanic liturgy has never been about the higher motives of favourable seasons, harvest and life attributed to the worship of the Mother Goddess, or even the worship of Osiris reborn.

Instead, a section of the Phoenicians adopted a very pragmatic and shallow cosmology of the world- that the world is largely dominated by demonic forces which can only be overcome by effectively “doing deals” with such demons- hence the cruel and unspeakable act of burning people.

Such acts were to call upon the demons to aid in battle, to defeat an enemy, to help gain more wealth and more power. Therefore, the sacrifices during World War II were principally about maintaining real temporal power than the summoning of any great evil entity.

Source is one-evil.org

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Re: On Sacrifice

Post by Naga_Fireball »

I just read this and it was extremely fascinating.

Some years ago I'd wondered re 9/11, whether what happened to towers was reflective of Moloch worship.

Also in '66 was a very important Bohemian Grove gathering, same year as WTC groundbreaking started.

If you look at pictures of the BG banners and compare it to older depictions of sacrifice, such as Jephthahs daughter, you'll see little smokestacks in the top or corners of the drawings.



Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: On Sacrifice

Post by Spiritwind »

Naga_Fireball wrote:I just read this and it was extremely fascinating.

Some years ago I'd wondered re 9/11, whether what happened to towers was reflective of Moloch worship.

Also in '66 was a very important Bohemian Grove gathering, same year as WTC groundbreaking started.

If you look at pictures of the BG banners and compare it to older depictions of sacrifice, such as Jephthahs daughter, you'll see little smokestacks in the top or corners of the drawings.



It is creepy Naga. And I have no doubt that worship of both Baal and Moloch continues to this day and is behind a lot of ritual sacrifices, both large and small. Master magicians they are, and they know how to plan way in advance. How to make something look like something else, and how to hypnotize the majority into believing their version of events, even though the evidence does not support it. Amazing.

It so totally reminds me of the story about the Emperor with no clothes. Or, even the movie "They Live", where you need these special glasses (you know, like the ones that help you see things like they really are) to see the truth. I often feel like I'm waking up each day to find reality quite like a Sci-fi movie, and a B grade one at that. There are oasis of beauty and life here and there, but in many cases you have to create it yourself. The prevailing agenda, at least for now, is not one that is supportive to biological life here. But they keep us all so busy just trying to eek out a so called living that most don't have the time or energy left to pay attention to anymore than going to work everyday, taking care of family, and paying bills (that's if you're lucky enough to have a job). And once you start looking, if you haven't before, you are guaranteed to be shocked if you willingly follow the trail of real evidence, because it won't fit with the prevailing narrative.

And, the more you look, the more you will find.
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Re: On Sacrifice

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Spiritwind, thank you for your kind words. Yes, the system and the way it interplays, makes me sad that I bought in to politics.

I continue to be amazed by your example of service and calmness.

Regarding 9/11, the media, and occulted religions, it is so totally scary. Back on Prisonplanet, PA, and that little brown forum where some of the Christians restarted, we had a couple astrology threads talking about September 11 2001 and the remarkable alignments.

A few non astrologers were pretty taken aback & sickened by what was spelled out, with if i am not mistaken, Saturn & the moon eclipsing - sickle of the moon passing in front of Saturn, eek. And something about the Egyptian measuring rods & the galactic center.. ugh.

The big picture though.

Thank you. It's easy to get derailed by small details in our daily life and forget the big ones.

P.s. i owe multiple letters to a certain someone and feel terrible for waiting. It's my issue fyi not the other person's fault.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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