Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Eelco wrote:

So here's the new installment of the cosmic emporium totcast series on
Target is the guest.

They start strong. It only took 12 minutes before the sheeple were mentioned. This time referenced as walking dead.
I stopped there, I only hope they didn't linger and moved on to more strong stuff. ;)

As long as we exclude the majority of the people there's no hope for change. I guess I disagree on that with many of the public alternative forum speakers, but I realize that this idea of the walking dead, stupid, willingly enslaved sheeple is what rubs me the wrong way on most public forums. And it definitely puts me off of the modwiz video's lately. It's a shame really because they could leave everyone empowered, but choose to discard the majority of the population.

It's a shame because I' did value his opinions at some point. We even discussed how the use of words like sheeple are just as stereotypical and detrimental as what "them" do when "they" divide and conquer. Ah well. Looks like we are all just as human, generalist and shortsighted as the guy next door right?

With Love

Oh yikes, thank you for vetting those.
Eelco, I admire the patience you put into the expression of your opinion.

When a thing has a depressing effect, sometimes it's good to get out of the water.
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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by finaltom »

Eelco wrote:

So here's the new installment of the cosmic emporium totcast series on
Target is the guest.

They start strong. It only took 12 minutes before the sheeple were mentioned. This time referenced as walking dead.
I stopped there, I only hope they didn't linger and moved on to more strong stuff. ;)

As long as we exclude the majority of the people there's no hope for change. I guess I disagree on that with many of the public alternative forum speakers, but I realize that this idea of the walking dead, stupid, willingly enslaved sheeple is what rubs me the wrong way on most public forums. And it definitely puts me off of the modwiz video's lately. It's a shame really because they could leave everyone empowered, but choose to discard the majority of the population.

It's a shame because I' did value his opinions at some point. We even discussed how the use of words like sheeple are just as stereotypical and detrimental as what "them" do when "they" divide and conquer. Ah well. Looks like we are all just as human, generalist and shortsighted as the guy next door right?

With Love
There is so many levels of this and expressions from many who try to put things or people in a classification.

Ever since I saw the picture of the human brain and the activity of the electrical signals movements, then looking at the same thing reflected in the universe of the webs of electrical conduits in space, connecting every planet, I view everyone as a light, each with their own intensity. The light being the individual frequency and tone each being projects. Everything is energy.
To the importance of each being, I think everyone has their purpose and none of us could be where we are, without each other. The expression of sheeple is very degrading and mentally adds to the ego of the individual.
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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by Spiritwind »

Once again, I haven't had a chance to listen to all of the newest Cosmic Emporium video. Just a few minutes of it. If you notice, Modwiz did not post this here. I don't blame him after the reception he received with the last one.

I hope what I have to say isn't too controversial, but feel compelled to say it anyway. We are a small forum here. Many of us come from other forums in common, most notably Project Avalon. Target is another member who I guess I sort of traveled with during my time on Avalon, along with Modwiz, Fred Steeves, Giovonni, and others. And I know people do read and check up on our little forum from time to time, just as I go to the other forums from time to time, out of curiosity to see how they are doing and so on.

In fact, I noticed at TOT that Giovonni actually retired from the forum recently due, at least in part I think, to Target joining TOT and subsequently posting on his main thread there. I even remember when Target used to post on Giovonni's thread at Avalon about Fukushima and the dangerous situation with all the radiation leaking into our ocean. And how Target used to post information that indicated what we know about radiation may not be correct. I'm not going to debate that topic at all here, but suffice it to say, it greatly irritated Giovonni.

What I am trying to point out is that we, many of us, know of each other for some long time now. The truth is we may not even have much in common, other than our desire to know truth, and to see a better world. We each come from very different backgrounds, customs, even countries sometimes. And we may not even get along if we were all in the same room for very long. And we certainly all have a different take on what it means to be here in this earth life system at this time.

I personally don't want Modwiz, or anyone else who has joined our forum over the past couple years, or even someone new, who maybe has not traveled with us this past few years, to feel as though they are not welcome. I don't see anything wrong with giving an honest critique, but objecting out of hand due to an issue with a particular concept, idea, or worldview bias, is kind of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

And we all do it, myself included. In fact, if you looked at my husband's background, and then my own, you would wonder how we get along, because we are so different. But, through trial and error, we have managed to craft a wonderful relationship. Even Naga and myself are about as different as two people can be, and yet, we have managed to find common ground and have mutual fondness and respect for one another.

In any place where people come together like this you risk offending one another. Some people take offense easily, other have very thick skins. We've seen people come and go because of this. There is no perfect answer. But I do know, if someone posted a video of myself, which Modwiz actually did, on another forum (TOT), and I looked to see what people were saying, it would be difficult if everyone openly criticized or picked apart what I said because it didn't fit with their worldview or it pushed their buttons in some way. We should be able to be ourselves without having to worry about being torn down.

We, members of this and other similar forums, are not the primary source of what ails society, and all our voices, whether our personalities are polar opposite or not, need to look for common ground. If we can't then the same old divide and conquer mentality will continue to rule. Even when I listened to Modwiz and Giovonni talk about political views I quickly identified some major differences in our worldview and orientation, yet I still learned something by listening and considering what they had to say.

And believe me, I know I irritate some people. They may love me anyway, but I have personality characteristics that are quirky and sometimes maybe even inappropriate. And, folks, I can be accused of calling our neighbor, Dick, up the road a Nazi! So I am guilty too!

And, lastly, one of the reasons I left Avalon was the downright meanness, and judgmental commentary that was allowed to occur when someone fell into disfavor there. It is an unspoken rule that none of the material put out by Modwiz can be posted there. You won't see any of Karelia and Christine's work posted there either. They were definitely crucified without a fair trial.

To give you one last example I will mention David Wilcock, and even Corey Goode. I read David's first Book, Source Field Investigations, and loved it! I did not think much of his second book, Synchronicity Key. When Corey's first recording came on line I was amazed at his sharing and authenticity. Both of these individuals have been raked over the coals. To me, that doesn't mean I will discard everything from them in the future out of hand, nor will I engage in tearing them down for their initial contributions were great, and always will be. But the time has long gone where any of us need to be followers. Each must find their own voice, and not worry if others are in agreement. Nevertheless I feel it is equally important to realize all of us are actually on the same side and there is benefit in finding common ground, or at least leaving them be and moving our attention where our interest lies.

End of soap box...
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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by Naga_Fireball »

I appreciate the position of permission of expression,

However personally am glad I don't watch them anymore, to me it felt like being trolled thru video instead of on paper, which is bad enough already.

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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by Eelco »

Good soap box ramble Spirit.
I am sorry if my comments on the Totcasts are misunderstood as having it in for Modwiz.
I too would not want him to feel unwelcome. I Should clarify that I found the video to have a good start and the advise of reading the constitution and hint to investigate legal lease/Lawyer talk very sound.

I was planning a post when I read Finaltom's reply to not throw away the baby with the bathwater based solely on my review, because it zooms in on just a tiny part of the conversation, which I hope for all concerned is a good one where 2 people who are both proactively helping to change the world in different ways are talking to each other.

That said my pet peeve is my pet peeve and especially because I know Mod's online persona, and fred's and most of the others. Especially because I have talked with them when I was an active member on ToT do I feel I can say those things here. I trust Modwiz will get my meaning even though he won't engage in conversation here. Yes we are a small if not tiny forum. But as things go I feel we have a respect for people from all walks of life that I do miss and seems to have been lost in some of the other forums. I may have had a part in that on Tot too.

There is a difference between calling a person a Nazi because he is acting like a jerk and calling every wage slave a mindless sheep.
Even in your Totcast Spirit I cringed when the topic shifted to the people on PA. After the totcast with Fred who I defended years ago for his right to criticize the forum founder. I felt that this particular itch needed scratching. Because it in my simple minded view direct suffered from the generalized remarks. This Totcast may very well be worth everyone's while. I just felt inclined to point out where the video hit my peeve. Now I know I am probably not Mod's intended audience. But becoming an active part of the conversation through his video's. As he set out to do when he started will get him my opinion. Knowing that both Mod and I know that opinions are like those holes everyone has at the bottom of their torso.
Which makes us come full circle we, Myself included are as human as the nazi from next door, as human as the mindless walking dead (the series) watcher as plumber joe. We are as capable of all the dread and drudgery and hopes and wants as everybody else. And it shows through.
And needs to be touched every once and a while.

With Love
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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by Naga_Fireball »

This whole thing would be solved by a transcript.


Edit :
Nearly every time we have had video drama or situations involving members with intermittent Internet access, I've been requesting written format. .. but apparently we didn't spend enough time on our Technology

Wink spank :mrgreen: :lol:
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Post by Eelco »

sorry nothing useful here.

With Love
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