The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Phil »

Anders wrote:Ha! Now a simple idea came to me. When Corey Goode says "we need to become more service-to-others" what he really means is that we need to become a human group soul (HGS). It's the HGS that will serve US, not us serving it or each other. Because if we serve it then we become like a horrible hive mind Borg like in Star Trek.

So when we become a human group soul we become more service to others because that's what the group soul is, service to others. It's like Ray Kurzweil's computer cloud global brain extender but much more powerful and without the need for nanotech in the brain. When doing a web search with such brain extender you ask the computer cloud for answers, such as: "When was Marilyn Monroe born?" and the collective computer cloud serves you by looking up the answer and presents it to you directly in your brain. So the computer cloud is service-to-others, just like the human group soul that we will become.

You're reality sounds pretty transhumanist...

...not that there's anything wrong when with that :twisted:
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Eelco »

Anders wrote: So the computer cloud is service-to-others, just like the human group soul that we will become.
There is something frighting about this idea.
First off I no longer believe we have a soul. That is soul is the same kind of construct as ego is. A pattern of consciousness thinking itself into existens from moment to moment.

That said we already have access to the full human experience. I.E we can tap into the full spectrum of human consciousness to get our bearings. I.E group soul. So there's nothing to evolve towards in this respect. we already are what we want to become..

The downside of the believe in the before mentioned group soul is that the battle that is going on is about control of the group soul. permitting some access to the full width of it whilst restricting others the same access. Information control.
Whomever controls the cloud controls the future of humanity. Instead of evolving towards a misconstrued group soul we have to embrace our individuality. Right here right now. No need for any advanced alien race to come show us the way. Just the basic embrace of our individual self and deciding moment to moment what will serve humanity as a whole.

This isn't some grand expedition to save humanity, but the smile you flash to your neighbor. The act of making someone feel comfortable so the can relax and tap into the group soul's wisdom. Individual but connected.

"rambling mode off"

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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

Phil wrote: You're reality sounds pretty transhumanist...
No, the earth group soul is, other than the global connection, completely different than Ray Kurzweil's brain extender computer cloud. I was just mentioning the computer cloud as an illustration of a system that provides service to others.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

Eelco wrote:Instead of evolving towards a misconstrued group soul we have to embrace our individuality. Right here right now.
Yes, full individuality needs to be preserved. That's why the earth soul group is service to others, instead of us being slaves to it. Personal free will and individual sovereignty are preserved. To make another crude analogy: before the world wide web personal computers were usually used standalone. A standalone computer represents the individual person in this analogy. Then later when the personal computers were plugged into the internet, they were still the same individual computers just that they now had access to the internet.

Similarly, today we have individual personalities that are separate from each other. What the earth soul group does is to create a global mind were our individual minds remain just as before but also become a part of the huge global consciousness of the earth soul group. Interestingly, Alex Jones talked about a spiritual internet I think he meant the earth soul group.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Eelco »

The internet like the soul group just is.
It's what the individual learns through it that makes it STO or STS. Likewise the way hackers are forbidden to access it, because of "unwanted" manipulation using the information there. We the human individuals are forbidden to access it. Not by some great power but through our fears of it. Those fears are planted though. And that's where access control comes in.

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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

Eelco wrote:It's what the individual learns through it that makes it STO or STS.
The STO/STS duality seems to be a divide & conquer psyop meme. Service to others is needed in a hierarchical dominance society, so those in power need to promote service to others and make people believe it's high social status to be STO, when in fact it just makes them more slaves to the system.

I believe Corey Goode's message is about the evolution to the next level of humanity, so his promotion of STO serves a good purpose, and is something other than the usual mindless New Age parroting of the meme as something to strive for.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

Corey Goode may on one level promote service to others to fool those in duality power. People in the alternative community parrot the STO/STS meme like it's something honorable to strive for. The idiots! :lol: Let's say that a man has sex with a woman and has to choose between service to self and service to others. In the STS case he enjoys the sex while the woman suffers. And in the STO case the woman enjoys the sex while he suffers. The STO/STS meme is a false and enforced duality promoted by people who want to dominate you.

"A woman once told me that when she was a child her Jesuit cousin
gave a retreat in the Jesuit church in Milwaukee. He opened each
conference with the words: "The test of love is sacrifice, and the
gauge of love is unselfishness". That's marvelous! I asked her,
"Would you want me to love you at the cost of my happiness"? "Yes",
she answered. Isn't that delightful? Wouldn't that be wonderful? SHE
would love me at the cost of HER happiness and I would love her at
the cost of MY happiness, and so you've got two unhappy people, but
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

I forgot to explain how Corey Goode can be fooling the duality powers. As they said in one of the Star Wars movies: "There's always a bigger fish." So on one level Corey can be working for a government agency and promote things like the STS/STO meme and the idea that there is endless conflict in space.

While at the same time Corey is a member of the breakaway civilization and his deeper message is something other than the surface psyop message. In that case the breakaway civilization is the bigger fish that allows the duality powers to shoot themselves in the foot. This hypothesis is easy to test by following what will happen with Corey Goode's message and how it will affect the alternative community and even the rest of society. I predict that Corey will start to promote the earth group soul more.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Christine »

Honestly Anders, I don't know how to interpret your posts about CG. From a interior perspective I must wonder why you are quoting what he says, speculating on what he says, his message is a concoction of memes taken from wherever he finds them or as they are fed to him, his use of these memes are confusing and convoluted just as they are meant to be. The only consistency I see in him is how he pads his story to promote the "meme of the day" and piggy backing on the findings of the re-searchers of the Real.

The deeper question is the one we all must answer, who are you?
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: The Cult of Personality and Disclosure – The Evolution of Corey Goode

Post by Anders »

Christine wrote:Honestly Anders, I don't know how to interpret your posts about CG. From a interior perspective I must wonder why you are quoting what he says, speculating on what he says, his message is a concoction of memes taken from wherever he finds them or as they are fed to him, his use of these memes are confusing and convoluted just as they are meant to be. The only consistency I see in him is how he pads his story to promote the "meme of the day" and piggy backing on the findings of the re-searchers of the Real.

The deeper question is the one we all must answer, who are you?
I think it's really simple. The money incentive option is false because CG has been pushed onto the scene by powers operating in the background. Nobody just happens to become a celebrity, not even in the alternative community.

The endless space war scenario is also false because that's just an anthropomorphization of our own undeveloped situation here on earth (Type zero on the Kardashev scale) projected onto civilizations higher on the Kardashev scale. Imagine toddlers being able to use their minds to access zero point energy weapons capable of blowing up entire planets. It simply doesn't work that way. Yes, advanced technology does connect to consciousness but in a highly controlled and safe way. No space cowboys shooting from the hip or loose cannons allowed outside of planetary quarantines (other than as controlled harmless war games).

"The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement" --" onclick=";return false;

So, CG has been deliberately promoted with a scripted message. That's my interpretation as an armchair researcher.

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