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Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:34 am
by maggie
Thanks Sandy and Christine for your posts.

The previous post talks about a video that has examples of lucidity in dreams and when OOB. I agree that I am not aware of any threat to me as a being except my own seeking taking me sideways to my purpose. I loved the story in the video of taking synchronicity walks where one lets go of control trusting guidance from the Vast Source of Consciousness desiring our interesting adventures.

The idea is that we relax and become more aware and trust the path. Our path is unconscious unless we gain some lucidity but its not all or nothing IMO.
I have had a few lucid dreams. They all shared darkness and not being able to open my eyes. I knew I was in a dream but felt so sleepy and unable to open my eyes. Actually what i remember most about all dreams is the dark hue. I understand that the experienced lucid dreamers have an awesome tool. Being a little undisciplined, I have decided to let it happen if it does and not try to force it. I am a little curious about the technique and how others experience it.

My mother used to paint the cross with her fingers over the third eye. It was a protective move. Maybe It keeps the third eye closed. This is probably agreed by me so far to keep closed. In general I am much more concerened with creating "hominess" in my life where I feel belonging and value.
IMO lucidity is a state that is best allowed to just happen through living. I think that it is easy to be fascinated by special abilities and perhaps obsessed by the power one imagines lies in awakened mind?

It is important to me however that i feel more of my self and actually sense my own field. It means something to me to keep a clear field like a transparency of crystal. It seems like a good metaphor for taking in all the available light? I believe in doing this for myself with my tools.

Tools just occur to me and they may work to access feeling my energy body and then I may change to new ones. It is always so I can clear my state to beauty as I understand that. One really trustworthy tool is a machine I created in my mind. I have used my "Source box" for years and years. I imagine it and it YET is a functioning energy machine. It helps me release blocks that I feel in my body as pains and ickiness or something?

I can open the lid of the box and place "objects" I sense and grab and put in the box. it has a dial that is all the way to source. there is a plunger on top I press. There is also a button on the front and when pressed while using the plunger, a hose comes out and what I do is this.... I push and plunge and sense the box expanding to a huge size so that the hose is huge also. I aim it at the places (most often right behind the heart and the neck) with congestion. I can feel the congestion easing. There are sometimes pocket of yuck like a pimple and I pop them and suck up the grossness with the wand of the hose.

I use my etheric hands and I do feel them literally like phantom hands using the box. I see the box with my inner mind's eye. The box is a small dented gun metal metallic footlocker. It can become huge but always scaled to being small if that makes sense. The awesomeness is that it works. it is my way of cleaning my energy field. Tense pains and worn sensations often just disappear. A Nauseating sense of yuckness is purged.

I can use this machine anytime and this is one special ability I HAVE. IT WORKS! I can clear my field with this myth that is more than fantasy. This practical tool is a reality in my world even though all in my imagination. The technique is about feeling the energies on my own and shifting them purposely with no story of them... the energy is pure sense in another layer of reality.

I am aware tonight of another real tool that is working.

I have been feeling into "home", what sublime rest and deep comfort, with friends all around and something thrilling to contribute. It occurred to me today to find my home sound and sing it in my inner voice. I found tones of each "chakra" and some harmony appeared all on its own and I can hear it but not translate it. I have been sounding the "song" in my inner voice and over the evening. This has been a tool to heal my cold and my tooth ache (that I am also using oil of oregano to feel better in both cases). The amazement is that right now I am fully relaxed and without any "dis-ease".I can hear this song so readily and faintly present and it is like I am hearing a concert as it is autonomous to my will. The lightness of this sound is needing my body attention to feel it resonating softly in the tissues. It is flowing through my body which is slightly resisting. I have to consciously relax tight places. This is very healing and real.

This music synchronistically appeared as I finished the post


1. Chimacum Rain 00:00
2.- Paper Mountain Man 03:25
3.- Dolphin 06:39
4.- Call Of The River 09:34
5.- Sandy Toes 13:20
6.- Parallelograms 16:18
7.- Hey, Who Really Cares 20:52
8.- Moons & Cattails 23:30
9.- Morning Colours 27:35
10.- Porcelain Baked Cast Iron Wedding 32:08
11.- Delicious 36:10 

Linda Perhac

It's the silk and the sound
And the cold creasing down
Of a lone blade of grass
Tracing and cooling down
A bare leg
It's the soles of your feet
Finding touches to breathe
On the bare naked ground
Each step a puddle
So soft a sound

Like sandals in hand
Climbing a waterfall
Oh, how delicious
Oh how I want this now
It's the slip into sleep
With the memories you hold
Burrowed and deep
Turned like pages
The break and release
It's the first gust of drops
When it's ripening to rain
And the flavor is warm
Scented like leather
Dusty and brown

Like hot desert wind
Teasing along your skin
Oh, how delicious
Oh, how I want this now

It's the narrowing instant
When I look across at you
And I wish I could be
Emotion naked, simple and sure
It's the murmur of growth
Whenever I'm with you
And I don't want to hide
In simple elastic
Protecting skin

If only I could
Stand so before you
Oh, how delicious
Oh, how I want this now
Oh, how I want you

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:25 am
by Sandy Clark
Synchronitistically with listening to the first song>>>>>I am sitting here in the rain, enjoying the sounds plattering on my window awning and the lightning and thunder joining in to make is a nature show from Mother Earth while she washes and waters her creations.

I have heard of a plunger used for other flushing reasons Maggie :-) >>>>> thought what a great creation for doing so with body energies...

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:46 am
by maggie
Sandy Clark wrote:Synchronitistically with listening to the first song>>>>>I am sitting here in the rain, enjoying the sounds plattering on my window awning and the lightning and thunder joining in to make is a nature show from Mother Earth while she washes and waters her creations.

I have heard of a plunger used for other flushing reasons Maggie :-) >>>>> thought what a great creation for doing so with body energies...
We had rain here too. Tonight the full? moon is in and out of clouds.

Tonight I went with my friend Tina to bring home 12 game hens her mother was giving away. Tina was part of an easy request I made of wherever for chickens as i am down to two hens and an old rooster. I just thought about it one day and soon Tina was offering.

Tina has been a hard physical worker in doing lawn services, pouring concrete and also she has been employed as a commercial sewer and now her wrists hurt and are weak. This is so distressing along with feeling tired and drained. She has accepted that carpal tunnel only gets worse and the condition degrades never to be rejuvenated. I think she learned that from a chiropracter who said that the connective tisse does not regenerate.

I know it can! But it is not without serious effort.

I have a difficult time communicating my certainty that any bodily presentation is just the end result of a whole chain of reasoning we create. I tried to explain this to her and wonder if I made any sense. I wanted to communicate that yes, there is physical challenge and YES, stop physically abusing the body by hard labor. (and other means) YES concentrate on what new work could look like. Baby the body with care and REALIZE that this condition can change to perfect function. Tina sees people dying all around her with cancer and feels she is helpless to do anything, too tired, in too much pain to do care giving.

The way I see it, My own situation though different in appearance is the same....accepting a "reality" out there. We both see the present appearance SO REAL, indelibly separate. I am over joyed that at least I can imagine that the body is constantly changing and Health is our natural inheritance. Stress wears us down. Tina doubts she is very "book" capable though she earned her GED in her 30's. Now only in her forties, there is something groping to make her change and it COULD be towards decline if she gives in to the collective message. She is STRESSED OUT!

In studying the work that is called new thought, MANY different people were all impulsed with the message of how we create our living conditions at the end of the 19th century into the 20th. It was a blossoming I think of true insight of spiritual science. Then suddenly depression two world wars and s"peace and prosperity" social movements focused everyone on "social conditions" as a thing to be dissected to fix.

The new thoughts that we have the purpose to imagine whatever we can embrace as probable and have FAITH in its being already real is still not catching fire so that people diligently work to change their minds in true connection to what would be Happy and full of satisfaction!

I sincerely wish to be of service to Tina. I'm aware that her presence calls for my prayer for her well being. I love Tina dearly and have faith that she will realize her immediate respite through grace and miracle of mind and spirit enabling her body. I know she forget all about these aches and pains and threats of a body falling apart and everyone getting cancer. I will endeavor to make them disappear in my own awareness. I see her already in her perfect energy templated body. This body knows how to repair and restore and is doing that right now.

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 7:54 am
by Sandy Clark
Gee Maggie, I hear you and do sister just dislocated her shoulder today because she believes she can keep using her body in ways that are not of service to her abd the ailents that she deals with these days. She pushes herself to be as she was 20 years ago and her poor old body keeps saying NO.....slow down, rest, find another way...but alas...............

It really is all about belief and the simplicity of just asking and believing with no expectations of what or how or when but the answer always comes and often is more healing ways than one even asked for. With respect and honour of our bodies energy to heal I have given the power back to my body and often find myself saying "You are the Boss" I hear you and I will follow your every time...Hugs Maggie

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:33 pm
by maggie
Sandy Clark wrote:.....slow down, rest, find another way...

It really is all about belief and the simplicity of just asking and believing with no expectations of what or how or when but the answer always comes and often is more healing ways than one even asked for. With respect and honour of our bodies energy to heal I have given the power back to my body and often find myself saying "You are the Boss" I hear you and I will follow your every time...Hugs Maggie
The point IMO is that we can have a much larger play ground if we know beliefs and expectations manifest.

There is always paradox at work. There is a deep learning curve for being a sovereign being.IMO I just could not achieve it without "God" as I understand the independent connection to source energy and wisdom. The "given order" of responsibility I learned to be "good person, hard working, do bee" placed no emphasis on what I thought moment to moment and what I felt. My social milieu was passive aggressive polite (never show rage) suppression of what was in me.

It's OK to be in inner turmoil as long as the surface looks fine.

I see so many people around me needing an excuse to do what one wishes (or moreover to NOT do what one wishes NOT to do). If a person is feeling put upon, overwhelmed and sick and tired of "doing work" (difference between work and play or work and fulfilling one's art, expressing one's purpose etc).... the person can ONLY justifiably STOP when sick and injured. There will come a limit to the wear and tear when not able to reach the source of healing. One has to open deliberately to the impossibly too good to be true and MAKE THAT POSSIBLE. Maybe there is a benevolence in the method of "getting sick and tired of being sick and tired"?

In my experience, I see that just saying "I choose to do THIS NEW THING and do not choose to DO that (whatever) any longer" without a reason is socially "iffy" when it violates expectations. IMO we MUST create a DETERMINED inner environment that gives us the ability to change with confidence.

One of the interesting social phenomenon in the beginnings of "New Thought" was that there were conscientious objectors who did go to prison. why did many go to war reluctantly? Pacifists were socially scorned. look at 1940's movies to see all the propaganda about men with no uniforms to show their patriotism. Ones' own deep convictions need to be in place to withstand the pressures to be "good citizens". If more people had these basic connections to one's inner TRUTH, and power to follow one's own inner voice, there would be less ability to manipulate us one by one into giving up the right to THRIVE.

The set up of the usery of human energy by OTHERS IMO has built in traps where one falls in. Social necessity traps one to drudgery and painful stress until it takes the person into unconscious "illness". One then exits the expectations that are SELF IMPOSED by some means or other IMO.

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:58 am
by Sandy Clark
I couldn't agree more Maggie.........your points are clear, concise and poignant!

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:59 am
by maggie
Sandy Clark wrote:I couldn't agree more Maggie.........your points are clear, concise and poignant!
Thanks Sister!

I have been feeling such heaviness and like I am resisting a weight that is bearing down. I contemplate and do my releases and the weight lifts a little but then presses again. It seems to me that prayer right now is sitting in my body...really feeling this stress and that seems to be the direction to take. I had a marvelous daydream.

Each of my cells is its own beingness and the visitors in my body who are in symbiosis have theirs. As above so below, about free will gathering all the force of cooperation MUST start with my closest MUCH more intimate and conscious than I usually contemplate. My epiphany is to REALLY focus on COMMUNICATION within the body civilization. Also request cooperation in our health and vitality.

It occurred to me FOR INSTANCE that I can call on my fat cells in such plenty and ask them to become stem cells to travel everywhere in this landscape and rejuvenate the organs. That is something to do that I sincerely expect will effect my reality. It seems just right to sing to my cells and sing with my cells. I can imagine a vast inner vibration that spreads a SONG that is so intimate and so true I can sense all within and around me.



Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:30 am
by maggie
I took a shower and deliberately grounded myself. I actually see this as ritual. Water, the clay tiles connected to wood and then earth takes down the spikey positive excess leaving room for its negative counterpart. In an ideal world, we'd all be scientists investigating being a body. To just take for granted the body and focus on doing something with it is backwards.

To go see into the compartmentalized factral "bodies" is something like doors to open in the self. It does go back to "Know Thyself" and honestly I was always concerned with knowing Me By looking at how with "you" I am. It was a revelation that never ceases to amaze.... The outside happens after the inside. Turn within is suddenly ALSO physical as in my very cells. In 3D there is a "where" that matters in my deep recesses of structure.

before i was ignorant and I think I was "taught" by a guiding inspiration. I have a personal guide that is suggesting new perspectives.

This guide is omnipotent, omniscent, omnipressent and is within "me" and I within that presence.

I feel very comforted and onto new expressions like praise.
I don't have to stress when I join in with the sacred delvery of song....praise to that Isness that wiill lead me to health and life satisfaction in that One's name. I feel I understand what religion in my life can be...sacred moves in to the body and sacred relationship to what is perfect and holy but AND desires to be expressing something awe inspiring through the specific idea of this self, ME. I feel that God's intention is beautifully given through the living awkwardness of walking human.

I feel a little like this energy of moving that is loosening up from the inside out vibration. It is a bit like a regular pulse and melody with riffs. I hear it in this tune come up from Pandora radio.

Air - La Femme D'Argent


Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:12 am
by maggie
Personally I have tremendous lethary that I so wish to turn around. The poochiness and low dull achein the back, an ache and all the tension in knowts. The weight of constriction feels like a tire around my lower torso. Now feels lighter by just knowing about it. Listen and the ground beneath me absorbs thickenings.


The Hara and energetic vitality ... tation.pdf" onclick=";return false;
Off Topic
The Hara

Note: The Hara is sometimes called a chakra in certain metaphysical schools. Although similar to a chakra, the hara is fundamentally different, it's in a league of its own.

The Hara is located at the navel, about two inches inwards from the skin. It is the gateway into the etheric envelope surrounding the planet. This portal is called the Hara by the Taoists and is very often referred to in martial arts. Hara means ‘sea of energy’ and this is exactly what it is. The etheric envelope is like an infinite ocean of energy. It is no coincidence that as a fetus you were fed through the navel. In fact you could still feed (on energy) through the Hara if you were to open all energetic blockages in the belly.

When the umbilical cord was cut when you were first born you suffered a trauma due to the physical pain which caused your etheric body to close at this point. The physical body closed from the outside as the skin healed together forming the belly button and at the same time the etheric body closed from within, cutting off your connection to the Hara. The Hara is a gateway, opening into the planets’ etheric. It is a passive portal and does not force anything into you. To gain energy from the Hara it must be sucked out, so to speak. For example: as a fetus you were drawing nutrients through the umbilical cord and at the same time drawing energy through the Hara. When the umbilical cord was cut you stopped drawing nutrients through the navel and also stopped drawing energy through the Hara. Because you stopped actively drawing energy through the Hara and because of the physical and emotional trauma, the energies around the Hara quickly closed over. As Samskaras formed and your energy bodies became more chaotic with age, the Hara was buried deeper still, cutting you off from its powers." onclick=";return false;

The Hara is the center of the etheric or chi body. It is about an inch in diameter and is the gateway into the ocean of chi. Around the Hara and with it as the center there is an envelope of energy called the ‘tan tien’. This tan tien is a ball of etheric energy about the size of a soccer ball. It is filled from the Hara and is often called ‘the cauldron’ in Taoist alchemical texts. This ball of energy interacts with all the organs and especially the intestines as it is where food is turned into energy. Energy is taken from the food and mixed in the tan tien or cauldron before being distributed throughout the body. Having the Hara open and a full tan tien is vital for real health and vitality. Unfortunately most people have many Samskaras and energetic blockages in this area and the fullness that should be felt in the tan tien is absent. This is the main cause of many addictions especially to food. Constantly eating and overeating are an attempt to feel full despite a blocked Hara and empty tan tien.
On Pandora now

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me, makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Night, night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

It's tumbling down (as in love falling apart)
It's tumbling down (as in love falling apart)

(Maybe some days loves just fallen apart.
May the love that we are be that which we do
Love fell apart so it can be put back more and better.
May the love that we are be that which we do
We have to participate but to live IS to participate
May the love that we are be that which we do.
And so it is........)

Re: Truth and understanding is forever the lovely, the good and the expanding

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 4:11 pm
by LostNFound
Maggie, Thank you for this thread and your posts are quite interesting to say the least. I have not listened to all as of yet Healing ones self is something that I have always delved into. Came across this and did notice that you have posted another video with this man, so thought to bring this one in. Don't know if you have seen or listened to it. I have not but is on my list to do so.
