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Re: This week in review

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:01 pm
by Spiritwind
I’m not in the mood to expand too much on this topic anymore, at least not at the moment. Personally there’s a few words I could go the rest of my life without hearing again. But, I did find this to be a good article that captured many of my observations and thoughts. I haven’t had much to share in this thread lately, because as I sit here and shake my head side to side, I realize my thoughts are not at all mainstream, and generally not popular.

I look occasionally at another forum I used to belong to, that has a number of people whose posts I occasionally enjoy, but the few who have posted anywhere’s near the same as I myself would, they get shot down, their threads get moved to “proven hoaxes”. I have much to say about that. You don’t have to agree with me, but I am so tired of people who have made themselves the expert, the authority figures, who absolutely know they are right. I don’t know if I’m right. I just want to be able to express myself without censoring, and everyone should be able to examine all aspects and make up their own minds. We all have the right to be wrong, and obviously, everyone can’t be absolutely right. Generally only right about certain aspects of things. An open mind is essential, but not common.

I also see a lot of “group think” and not so subtle conformity techniques being applied in various ways, and I do admit it’s something that immediately grates me the wrong way. No, I will not give away my sovereign rights as a spiritual and physical being here, to any outside authority figure, nor will I be guilted or shamed into compliance. I recognize those techniques, as they are only slightly more sophisticated than what I endured during my youth. So, yes, I see the many signs of mass mind control happening all around me, and reserve the right to describe what I see (and decline to acquiesce to their requests, LOL).

Tucker Carlson: We were lied to about coronavirus and the mass lockdowns. Here's the proof ... -the-proof?

Re: This week in review

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:35 pm
by Catlady888
Agreed. The video pretty much nails it ... this is a takeover by the Left/Communist. Goal = One World Government. This is not about a virus.

Re: This week in review

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:59 pm
by Spiritwind
I know there are all kinds of things going on in the world. One being an unprecedented amount of pedophilia coming to light, showing how it is probably more of an epidemic than the big V. But unfortunately you will not hear much about it on the lame stream media. And, as I have no doubt there is much more to come, on a number of fronts, especially with this being an election year here in the US, I will share a few articles I have come across to illustrate just how far they are willing to go to achieve their ultimate goals, which have absolutely nothing to do with genuine concern about our health, safety, and well being. As I look back on the forum over the last five plus years, I see that it is kind of a time capsule about what is going on, and feel it will be interesting to reflect on in the future.

An interesting article I thought:
Connecting the Dots: Glyphosate and COVID-19 ... onnection/?

And a few links that illustrate just how ludicrous they are willing to get:

California bans singing, chanting in houses of worship ... of-worship?

Couples should wear face masks during sex, new study insists ... y-insists/?

Head Of Emergency Management Says Texans Should Wear Masks Inside Their Own Homes ... homes.html

And this pretty much preps us up for this to truly become the “new normal”:

Coronavirus expert says Americans will be wearing masks for ‘several years’ ... eral-years?

And lastly, in case you were interested in getting one:

The World's most secure Digital Health Passport, built on patented technology, awarded the 'Seal of Excellence' by the European Commission and being used by various United Nations Projects.

Re: This week in review

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:26 pm
by Spiritwind
Just thought I would share another zinger I ran across....

Try ‘glory holes’ for safer sex during coronavirus, B.C. CDC says ... holes-sex/?

I’ll add this one too, just because. What ya gonna do when they come for you.....?

Ankle monitors used to isolate couple after wife tests positive for COVID-19 ... 07-19-2020?

(And all because she refused to sign a paper that was questionable in what she was being asked to agree to - and yet they are releasing inmates from prison early, supposedly to combat the big V)

Re: This week in review

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:37 pm
by Moonlight
Spiritwind wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:26 pm Just thought I would share another zinger I ran across....

Try ‘glory holes’ for safer sex during coronavirus, B.C. CDC says ... holes-sex/?

I’ll add this one too, just because. What ya gonna do when they come for you.....?

Ankle monitors used to isolate couple after wife tests positive for COVID-19 ... 07-19-2020?

(And all because she refused to sign a paper that was questionable in what she was being asked to agree to - and yet they are releasing inmates from prison early, supposedly to combat the big V)
I'm a celibate... I'm worried ! :shock:

:lol: :roll: Sorry to laugh... it is actually very sad. Yep... this will keep us safe !

Re: This week in review

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 6:39 pm
by Spiritwind
You know, Moonlight, even though you are right, it isn’t really funny because they aren’t really joking, but sometimes that’s the only way I just keep going. Our sense of humor is vital, and sometimes laughing when you feel like crying can help move the energy. It’s hard to fathom, but there truly are those who have no humor at all. And that really IS sad!

Just when I wonder what next? Of course, you’ve probably heard about Fauci’s suggestion that goggles, too, might be a good idea. I know this isn’t really funny, but, seriously? (I bet shrinks are going to be busy for decades trying to sort this mess out!) So, might as well just get an apparatus that covers the whole head.

Coronavirus can HIDE in human EARS, new research finds ... e-in-ears/

Re: This week in review

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:02 pm
by Spiritwind
There is so much going on, and much of it is shocking. I never thought I would see this time come. I knew it was coming, but thought I would be gone before it did. Wishful thinking, I guess. I don’t hardly even want to post anymore, but keep trudging on, for some reason. I was talking with a friend yesterday about the psychological toll and affects this is having on our psyches, which you don’t hear many talk about. And “they” are only getting started. For those with eyes to see, now is a VERY good time to find your “people”! People you can be yourself around, people who’ve got your back. The handful of local people I’ve gotten to know much better the last couple years are like a lifeline for me. Don’t know what I’d do without them. And even more shocking are those that have moved out of my life, who seem to have got the “virus”, but not the one everybody is talking about. Just watched the Matrix movie again last night, for the first time in years. Seems like agent Smith’s are coming out of the woodwork....

Can you say shades of China..... (not posting the whole article here either)

Colorado Bill Would Require “Re-Education” Classes for Parents Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine (from June 2020) ... s-vaccine/?

Re: This week in review

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:06 pm
by Spiritwind
It seems pretty clear to me that both sides of the political divide are being driven from behind the scenes to ensure maximum fear and chaos, as well as making sure there is no uniting on any front. Each side is being encouraged to see the other side as the literal enemy of what they envision this country (USA) should look like, and who should be running it. Each side can offer plenty of proof for what they believe. This element alone is what has me more alarmed than anything. Like a bunch of cattle being driven off a cliff, it’s beginning to feel like there is no where to go, and the result (civil war) is almost inevitable.

Thing is, since I was a kid, this country and the people in it, has always been full of contradiction. I was taught at church that human life is only 6,000 years old, while I was taught that we all evolved from apes at school. Somehow, all my life, this has been acceptable. Of course, I’ve ways thought that this version of human might be fairly recent, and that things do evolve, even though I don’t fully subscribe to either belief system. But that’s what they are, belief systems.

Now, we have FB fact checkers, and tons of other censoring arms of the various groups, to the point of ridiculousness. It’s no longer okay to believe what you want. It’s a full on war, with each side being purposefully pitted against one another. What is really happening here? Anyway, here is just a small sample from a quick look this morning. We need to open our minds, and realize we are BEING PLAYED!!!

The following link is the only one I could find that lays it all out. I must admit, this view is being heavily censored. That doesn’t necessarily make it right or wrong, though certainly if you are a Christian and a strong supporter of the Constitution, this side would seem more appealing. I won’t copy the whole article. You’ll have to just go there and read it.

Likely TIMELINE of events to take place from Sep. 20 to Jan. 20, covering vaccines, SCOTUS, Election Day, markets, terrorism and insurrection ... an-20.html

This one also goes along with the above, and illustrates the frustration of those in this camp. ... -in-idaho/?

Then of course, we have Bill Gates telling his version of reality. This one doesn’t take sides politically, but it’s still a good article to illustrate just how muddy the waters have become. ... s-war-life?

The following two links (that are not being censored on FB) show how the other side supports their fears, of what amounts to as the same conclusion as the other side (an inevitable clash of ideals and more), only with the opposite slant on it. One side says it’s the Democrats, the other side says it the Trump supporters. So damn interesting, if you are just trying to stay in observer mode, and just feel into it all energetically. ... 00735.html

Re: This week in review

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:12 pm
by Spiritwind
This just received an email with the following information in it this morning. I’ve seen people have a knee jerk response to this kind of thing, and they dismiss it out of hand. I think it’s helpful, and prudent, to connect the dots myself. Many get downright upset, and say things like “you conspiracy theorists blame everything on Sorros!” It’s not a conspiracy if it’s true. So, in case you didn’t know....

The past few years {25-30} I always felt the news was spoon fed to the masses, to see what they would swallow.
It all becomes a little clearer now.

*YES, the Governor of Michigan used to work for George Soros




* YES, Hillary's daughter Chelsea IS married to George Soros' nephew.

* YES, ABC News executive producer IAN CAMERON is married to SUSAN RICE, Obama's former National Security Adviser.

* YES, CBS President DAVID RHODES is the brother of BEN RHODES, Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

* YES, ABC News correspondent CLAIRE SHIPMAN is married to JAY CARNEY, former Obama White House Press Secretary

* YES, ABC News and Univision reporter MATTHEW JAFFE is married to KATIE HOGAN, Obama's former Deputy Press Secretary .

* YES, ABC President BEN SHERWOOD is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama's former Special Adviser.

* YES, CNN President VIRGINIA MOSELEY is married to TOM NIDES, former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Secretary


Re: This week in review

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 7:03 pm
by Spiritwind
Seriously, can it get any more ridiculous? Don’t answer that question (cause it probably is going to do just that)! And I don’t have any links handy, but it seems there is a next level alert in the very near future for us (coming from multiple sources). Brace for impact....

‘Sex ban’: England’s Covid tiers throw new obstacles in way of romance ... of-romance?