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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 8:11 pm
by Chicodoodoo
Eelco wrote:This one still moves me, whether Auschwitz existed or not.
Auschwitz the war-time internment forced labor camp certainly existed. That is not the question. The question is if children, or other people, were gassed to death there. If they were not, then the video is just emotionally charged propaganda designed to reinforce the false story of the Jewish Holocaust. If no children were gassed to death at Auschwitz, the video would be nothing but a subtle deception and manipulation.


If children are gassed to death at Auschwitz, why are they photographed alive and well? Why are they issued uniforms? Why are they warmly dressed? Why are they apparently properly cared for?

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:48 am
by Chicodoodoo
Pluto's Child wrote:Before I stray too far off topic I think the role of France needs to be at least mentioned on this thread...
Few people know about the first military action of WW2, because it shows just how contrived the war was. It doesn't make good PR (Public Relations, another word for propaganda) to read that the first military action of WW2 was... France invaded Germany! This despite the fact that the Germans had done nothing to the French.

Now this invasion was a "joke", because in spite of all of France's previous bluster and bravado, which it practiced in line with "good buddy" England's even worse bluster and bravado, France was ill equipped to fight a war. Nevertheless, France declared war on Germany (again, following England's lead) on September 3, 1939. Four days later, France invaded Germany, penetrating a full 5 miles (!) into the Saarland region, but strangely stopping short of the first line of German defensive measures, known as the Seigfreid Line. It was a pretty pathetic effort of "warring" against the Germans. In fact, the French people themselves named it the "DrĂ´le de Guerre", or Ridiculous War. Was there a hidden reason for this clownish start? You bet there was, namely the diplomatic maneuvering that had been accomplished behind closed doors to make sure that this contrived war was once again (like WW1) blamed on Germany.
According to William Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, France was bound under treaty with Poland to attack Germany within three days of the order to mobilize, and to launch a major offensive within fifteen. -- source
Eight months later, Germany would show France how an invasion was really done. And how could France complain, when they invaded first?

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:06 am
by Eelco
Chicodoodoo wrote: Auschwitz the war-time internment forced labor camp certainly existed. That is not the question. The question is if children, or other people, were gassed to death there. If they were not, then the video is just emotionally charged propaganda designed to reinforce the false story of the Jewish Holocaust. If no children were gassed to death at Auschwitz, the video would be nothing but a subtle deception and manipulation.

If children are gassed to death at Auschwitz, why are they photographed alive and well? Why are they issued uniforms? Why are they warmly dressed? Why are they apparently properly cared for?

Because working them to death is so much better than gassing them.

The history of what happened during world war 2 in my view has no more significance than any of the so called conspiracy theories out there.
Of course we can bicker over whether what has been handed down to us has any historical relevance, but ultimately history is what the historians created it to be. So Merkel does apologize on behalf of the Germans. As a politician she has no choice. Whatever the world beliefs is what she has to comply to lest she (and the people she represents) are rendered insignificant.

We already belief the world is ruled by the socoiapathic few. Exploring that fact in all of it's details and historical possibilities is no longer necessary. Especially not on forums where everybody would also agree that history is false, schools suck, and humans are being used as slaves for the happy few..

All it does (in my case) is awaken more anger, confusion and feelings of helplessness. Exactly what the sociopathic few want us to feel like and behave to..
If we were to extract the truth and expose it, it will just be spun another way. Which will subdue the masses again and strengthen the positions of those who are already in power..

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:25 pm
by LostNFound
Chicodoodoo states;
"Auschwitz the war-time internment forced labor camp certainly existed. That is not the question."

So here you admit with almost absolute certainty that these war-time internment force labor camps exist. and then dismiss that reality by saying "that is not the question." Now that line of reasoning virtually screams SOCIOPATH to me.

First of all why would Germany or the Government of Germany even entertain and have a forced labor camp (internment) with children populating it? and then you say it is not the question. It only stands to reason that if there existed these forced labor camps then surely some government/military entities were causing death and misery to the innocent. In your crusade to Idolize Hitler and join the sides of those that do not believe in a holocaust, you see to completely overlook the truth of human waste and misery that really did happen in the war and I would say that this happened on all sides.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 2:39 pm
by karelia
I do get that the programming in some people is mega huge. But please don't twist words and please please please RESEARCH before you make assumptions about what Hitler did or didn't do. Forced labour camps are typically a side effect of the war. The Americans and the British have had them, too, so stop singling out Germany in that context.

It's not even about belief or not believing something sold to us. It's about deconstructing all the statements and comparing them to what is genuinely documented. If entire manuals exist about the conduct of camp staff, with quite precise instructions that time has to be given every day for any religious activities, free time must be granted in order to keep the forced-labourers healthy, food must never be withheld, heck, prostitutes have to be allowed into camp on certain days, now does that sound like a death camp to anyone? Please, people, do your research before you parrot the politically correct lines.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:45 pm
by Eelco
So if they can sell the lie. What makes you think those manuals are for real? I agree people should do the research if they are interested. For me learning that ford deliverd most of the german warmachine engines and american steel was used in a lot of the railroads is enough to doubt any if not all history concerning world war 2.

That said. I am very much a human being who tends to believe every story told. Realizing I shouldn't I pick what's relevant to my life now.
WW2 isn't. The reason I let myself get dragged into this coversation was the funny twists it made from my p.o.v.
That is that it seemed as if other things were bing discussed using history as an excuse not as the topic at hand..
Anyways. Continue on. I'll remain as politically correct or incorrect as you all make me to be.

No one here to change your minds about that

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:56 pm
by LostNFound
Thank you Karelia, I would very much like to see some of those documented manuals of camp stuff if you have access to them. I figured that you of all people are the one that may have the straight skinny on what may or may not have happened in Germany during the War time. Not sure if you may have been around as a small child then or came along later and witnessed the devastation's of that country. I did not try to single out the German people or even the Military/Government but rather did state that that kind of thing happened on all sides.

I was just wondering why there had to be forced labor internment camps with children in them to begin with. Yes there were internment camps in the United States and The sick Government and its CEO Roosevelt placed American Japanese into them. A very feared and racist thing. I don't know about forced labor in those camps but I do know about the companies of men that were joined to the armies and sent to fight in the European theater. I have a very dear friend that is Japanese and she was one of the first war brides. She has some very interesting things to say. But then again that is from the war on the other side of the world.

Please do not misunderstand me. I would never single out the German peoples. The war as with all wars are Bankers wars. It falls down to the very sick that cause the misery and death of all women and children. In my upper post I was merely asking Chico how he might disregard the fact that there were forced internment labor camps with children and why a country would ever ever ever entertain the idea of doing something to children such as that.
Irrespective of a war against nations/countries and how the lies of history are written, There is no one of these governments that get a free ride from atrocities committed and certainly blame falls on all shoulders of the men and women who instigate such things and the innocent pay the price.


Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:25 pm
by karelia
I saw some a few years ago when they were released under the equivalent of the Freedom of Information Act. I would have to search for them on the German websites if they're still around. There is an interview with a lady by the name of Ursula Haverbeck who talks about her findings; she read them in more detail than anyone else I know of.

I don't know the deal with the children. Of course it could be that Mengele did those awful experiments. But if pretty much every claim made by the wannabe powers is a lie, then I would not be surprised if the story about Mengele is a lie as well. Knowing what I know from own experience how the elite treat people and in particular children, and knowing that they very much accused the Germans of what they are guilty of themselves, I would not be surprised if that, too, is a lie. Could it be so simple that entire families were interned? I am not aware of any child labour being used in these camps, and I'm pretty sure if there had been, the history books would be absolutely full of them with horror stories of such.

It's always the innocents who pay the price for the atrocities, no matter where the war takes place. And it takes place on many levels.

Here is the link to the video I mention above:" onclick=";return false;

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:30 pm
by Chicodoodoo
There is also no question that there were gas chambers in the camps. The question is how the gas chambers were used.

The steel door of one Dachau gas chamber made the cover of Life magazine. There is no question the gas chambers were real.

The real gas chambers were small, between 10 and 12 cubic meters, about the size of a very cramped bedroom. The small size was clearly not designed for the industrial extermination of millions of people. The historians don't tell you that.

The real gas chambers were sized just big enough to push in two racks of clothes. They were used to regularly fumigate the clothes of camp internees to kill vermin (fleas, lice, and other bugs) that caused epidemics (typhus, dyssentery, cholera). Zyklon-B, specifically formulated as a fumigation insecticide, was used.

Dachau gas chambers in actual use during WW2.

The real gas chambers all had a small heating box with flow-through ventilation that held the Zyklon-B pellets. Zyklon-B was designed, as a safety measure, to release no gas at room temperature, so it had to be heated. The historians don't tell you that.

The concentration camps originally had no gas chambers. They were added to the camps in the first years of the war to stop the typhus epidemics that were sweeping the camps. That's also why hair was removed from internees. The lice that carry typhus live in your hair. Shaving heads and installing gas chambers were sanitation measures to maintain human health. And it worked. The historians don't tell you that.

When the Allies chose a deliberate policy of mass extermination of German non-combatants (women, children, and the elderly) via the bombing and incineration of German cities (an undeniable war crime of shocking magnitude), an unanticipated change occurred in the camps. Supplies (medicines, food, Zyklon-B) to the camps steadily decreased until they were no longer available. Camp internees, now without adequate food, began to waste away. Without Zyklon-B, fumigation of the clothes stopped, epidemics returned with a vengeance, and internees wasted away even faster through highly contagious and deadly disease. The bodies of the emaciated victims accumulated at a frightening pace, completely overwhelming the camps. There was not even fuel to run the crematoria, so highly contagious bodies could not be properly disposed of. It was the perfect storm, and the Jewish propaganda machine took advantage of it, inventing the Holocaust. The historians don't tell you that.

When the camps were liberated, Allied soldiers were shocked by what they found. Ignorantly assuming the German soldiers running the camps had caused these horrific conditions deliberately, they often killed them as they surrendered, no questions asked. Despite being liberated, the death rate among internees in the camps continued unabated for weeks until DDT was brought in to disinfect them and kill the lice. Yes, the dangerous DDT was directly applied to the bodies of the internees to do the job that the Zyklon-B had once done to their clothes, but the DDT was necessary to save their lives, exactly as the Zyklon-B had been. The historians don't tell you that, either.

Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 5:59 pm
by LostNFound
Gee whiz, Chico, you certainly have so much to say about what happened in Germany during the second world war. You come across as an authority of what really happened. Your last few posts take the direct line into Auschwitz and supposedly what really was going on there. The gas chambers and how the Zyklon-B was used to disinfect the prisoners cloths. Hello! Zyklon-B certainly can be used for that purpose but its real purpose is to kill bugs like DDT and Roundup and other types of sprays to get rid of vermits that infest crops in agriculture. Zyklon-B comes in containers and it looks like little blue balls around pea size. It is activated by heat and from my research, the people would be led into a room that looked like shower stalls or long rooms and told they had to be naked. So when they were filled with people, women, children and men. there were heaters in the room and the SS up on top would open small pipes and pour the Zyklon-B down on top of the people and the heat would then activate the substance and it would kill every living thing fairly quickly.

Would you be so kind as to provide documentation and irrefutable evidence to your affirmations of what happened. I would be very appreciative.