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Re: Farm Life

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:04 pm
by Spiritwind
I am actually putting off a few things on my to do list that I am in resistance over doing. I have to do them, and I'm running out of distracting activities to get out of doing them. I am aware I do this, but still, it's hard to modify my own behavior sometimes, even when I know what I need to change. Funny how that works.

Writing about farm life was definitely not on the list, LOL. But thought to share what happened with Ranger. We had taken five 16' cattle panels that we use for the goats to make an containment for him. We have over 3 feet of compact snow and ice, and the pathways have another very compacted foot of snow and ice. It would take a pick ax and a blow torch to get through that right now. So we just shoveled out what we could to set it up for him. He's a big dog (Great Pyrenees), but not a jumper. The panels are 48" high. He made it though the night alright, but I had called my husband at work yesterday and asked him to pick up a few chew toys for Ranger to help alleviate his stress and give him something to do, besides tearing up the tarp (which he did a remarkable job on, by the way).

I had went in the pen earlier and just laid with Ranger while he buried his very large head in my lap and whimpered. He is the sweetest thing ever, I guess unless you're a predator. Then my husband got home and gave him the goodies. He was quite happy, especially about the stuffed animal, which he pranced around with in his mouth. A couple of hours went by, and then Misha suddenly tore after something, barking as she went. Ranger became frantic to accompany her, and finally managed to push one of the corners where two panels came together up enough with his head to squeeze under and get out (and they are pretty heavy). And off he went.

I have come to the conclusion I will just accept that we are probably going to get a ticket before we can remedy this situation properly. I have the written letter from Dick where he admits he promised to wait until spring, and also threatened to shoot our dogs. And I have the fact that the sheriff deputy was sympathetic about the conditions and the weather making things difficult. He knows we are sincere and trying. He also thought Ranger was a very nice well taken care of and good disposition kind of dog who is just doing what he thinks is his job. Ranger nuzzled right up to him as he was talking to me the other day. And anyone who lives out here knows the predator/livestock issue is a real concern. A couple years ago someone had a cougar nab their horse in broad daylight. The first ticket is $50 and it goes up from there. But I'll go to court and at least argue my case.

And Naga, we are planning on getting one of those pre-made storage shelters and fixing it up as a cabin. But I don't think I'll do a go-fund me thing as there are many more deserving and emergency situations. I don't think I want to encourage any physical response to Dick's behavior. My husband being ex-special forces doesn't need any encouragement in that area at all. In fact, you two think remarkably alike, LOL. It's slowly turning around for us, and it will come together. Maybe not all as fast as I would like, but it will happen. I actually want to get a teepee to set up out here too. Now it is time for me to get to that list of things I don't want to do. Have a great day all!

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:06 pm
by Naga_Fireball
I feel for you guys. Particularly because of how hard it is already. Also your land is beautiful and awesome, and the neighbor is trying to make it miserable. Poor Ranger :(

Re husband, eek sorry!! I don't wanna get his kettle screaming over it. Just reinforcing my opinion that due to your age as a couple, that assrag up the road needs to let you be. Argh it makes me so angry lol.

Re GoFundMe etc. My mom did one for me once with a 4k car goal. We raised 10% of the goal and since the only 2 donations that were logged officially thru the site were from my mom and cousin, I didn't have quite enough to fix the radiator and spent it on living expenses. I felt bad but that shit is psychological.

You 2 and family are doing incredible work and humane as possible for your goats etc. So if people donated for your farm improvements, I really can't find fault with that or think of many better things to apply funds toward. Of course it is personal and GoFundMe isn't super private.

I just keep thinking how wonderful it could be for you guys. Struggling like mad is for 20 year old ranchers imo. It's hard to believe there are Americans who work as hard as you do at retirement age.

I'm very sad about the antisocial neighbor. He's missing out big time on fun stuff. But you won't miss his window peeking bullshit I'm certain, if he was to move.


The worst thing for me right now about my DUI crap is, it's about 500% harder to move without a driver's license or the Volvo. That car wasn't ideal but it could hold a huge mover's load.

Feeling very sorry for my mom & sister, but at least DUI wasn't right after our fail GoFundMe. :( lol

I bet Freckles is all excited today if the weather is nice. So sad about Simba. Life is so strange, how we all do find the end, but we fill up the pages as best we can. :(

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:28 am
by Spiritwind
You know the winter is dragging on way too long...when you find yourself, after not really watching TV for years, watching the animated version of Star Trek on the episode about the tribles (I think that's how it's spelled). Yeah, my husband put up the antenna, and amazingly enough we get quite a few channels. I admit, I actually have been watching episodes of all the Star Trek spin-offs in the evening on occasion, and I thought I would never watch TV again. Never say never, I guess.

I looked at the weather report last night and it said it might rain today. They didn't say anything about a blizzard, with snowflakes as big as your fist. Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but they were pretty huge. In fact, I went out to give the goaties their afternoon grain and feed the dogs, and in less than ten minutes my jacket was dripping wet. They all came out to eat though. They would do just about anything for grain. And sometimes they are just highly entertaining. I looked out the window to see little Danae standing with her feet up on the fence, and her head stretched out away from her neck looking up at the sky trying to catch snowflakes in her mouth.

I did sell one of the girls yesterday, Tinkerbell. As hard as it was to let her go, because she has an amazing sweet personality, at least she went to a good home. A woman bought her for one of her two daughters that is in 4H. They have fenced in acreage and just 2 other goats. Her two girls seemed really nice too. I was going to go get hay today, but had to put it off. There was no way to get it home and unloaded without it getting too wet. Plus the guy we get it from never called me back. I hope he still has some, because he has the best quality of hay around for the price, plus they load it for you!

And, gee, Naga, you make us sound like we're over the hill, LOL. Well, my husband's older than dirt, but I'm not quite there yet. Just kidding. You gotta have a sense of humor these days, otherwise life could become unbearable. It's true neither one of us can quite physically work as hard as we used to, but I know that having excitement and enthusiasm about what you're trying to accomplish can make all the difference. A team of young people to help is fun to think about though. That actually may be part of the future. I have found just putting it out out there, setting your intention, and putting some effort towards making it happen will actually draw things to you.

For instance, I started this meetup group, and though it hasn't been what you might think of as a smashing success, it is creating movement. A few new connections have been made, and some are shaping up for the future. In fact, I'll be meeting with someone tomorrow, and then another couple again next week. You never know what can come out of like minded people coming together. And I see now that there are others here locally thinking along the same lines, so that is promising.

And, although it took a few days, the solar panels (100 watts each x 4), despite the weather, have saturated the four 12 volt deep cell batteries they are hooked into to 13.9 volts, which I guess needs to happen for it to operate your system correctly for any length of time. The solar panels are all hooked into a controller that keeps the batteries from overcharging, and let's you know when they are fully charged, which is then hooked into the battery bank, which is then hooked into an 12 volt inverter. It's a fascinating process that is fun to learn about. And it's exciting that we will finally turn the corner on paying through the nose for gas to keep the generator going all the time. Oh happy day!

Oh yeah, and as far as the anti-social neighbor who we suspect is also a peeping Tom (looking for noxious weeds, especially with all the mustard weed he didn't seem to care about, does seem like a pretty hoakey excuse for being within eye's view of the cabin deck), it's funny you should mention him moving. All I can say is, hold that thought.....

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 1:49 am
by Naga_Fireball
I am thrilled to hear that things are improving some.
Yes, the weather, is like From Russia with Love or something lol.


Super happy about the Meetup and potential relief up the road! !

Your spouse is a genius hooking up all that stuff, I did not mean to make you feel old, I just think neighbor should be sensitive! You guys are very nice people, i dont want to say the Norm, because we know what the Norm accomplishes, not much lol -- but there's no reason for that JA to be bearing down like that, hope he gets snapped in his own crap, :mrgreen:

P.s. thrilled that Tinkerbell has a good landing pad, that sounds ideal with the 4H girls. Hug. I know its hard even when the kids we lose arent our human kids :( argh

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 7:54 pm
by Spiritwind
My daughter just said the most beautiful thing. She was talking about her house plants, and she said "I want to be like plants. Always changing. Always growing. Always beautiful. I want to be like nature."

She has no idea how that makes me beam inside...

Other than that, we seem to be experiencing the winter without end. Snow gets boring to talk about. And the sheriff called this morning to tell me that they are going to send me a ticket for our dog being "at large". Whoopee! There's a lot more I actually could write about, but I don't feel like it right now.

Instead, I like the idea of being like plants...
I think I'll ponder on that for awhile.

Oh yeah, and I scheduled a Meet and Greet Nacho Saturday for my little local meetup group. I guess people like to eat! I've gotten the best response yet, by far. I guess food is the way to go, LOL.

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:03 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Laurie, how come that Song I Shot the Sheriff keeps playing thru my head.

Are they really going to start doing that shit?

They touch your money IMO someone gonna pay in red...

About the Meetup, you are such a strong person.
Your daughter has the right idea.

To always stay alive, stay fresh, turn into the sun and enjoy the rain, each branch and leaf is its own creation and separate journey, yet one.

I feel like all I do is spam your thread, but hoping you guys stay encouraged enough to draw the line. Imo? Fuck the county and sue regarding the dog poop box, then sue the sheriff for false prosecution. ..


P.s. if he's still causing trouble when my suspension is lifted he is gonna have some.

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 4:30 pm
by Spiritwind
This weekend we are again going to try and "contain" the dog, as we await our first ticket in the mail. Even though there are still piles of snow on the ground, we have been getting rain and temperatures in the 40's during the day. So we are going to try a trick my husband used before to drive a few fence posts in, even though the ground is still frozen, so Ranger can't get out. We are also going to cut a door in the fifth wheel's skirting so he can get under there to get out of the weather and have him close to us so he doesn't get so frantic. He loves the rubber ball that squeaks though, a lot! Unfortunately he keeps hiding it, so we may have to buy him a new one when we put him in there.

But we have to do it. Because the uncomfortableness of the situation has just increased once again. You see, I had an incident last winter with our neighbor, Dick, concerning the dirt access road we all have to use to get in and out from where we live to the main road. Last winter he did as he always does, and only plowed the road wide enough for him and his wife's vehicles to make it in and out. We had to use our Dodge pickup last winter quite a bit because it has 4 wheel drive, but it would scrape the sides of the snow berm on either side because it is wider than their two vehicles. So it really made the road a mess. Plus, there was no room to get around each other should one be going in when the other was going out. So, one afternoon I was coming home and turned left onto the dirt access road, that goes up just a bit before a sharp turn that goes uphill to the left. I met Dick just about at that first corner, coming out. He just sat there and indicated I was to back all the way out. It was quite a ways, in fairly deep slush. It was not fun, and I was pissed.

I later told my husband about the incident, which became just one of many things this man did that led to where we are now. This year he hasn't plowed the road at all, since we helped our neighbor and friend get a fantastic deal on a pickup with a snow blade already on it the road has been much easier this winter, despite the even heavier snow load. And he plowed it wider.

My husband came home from work yesterday, and ran in to Dicks wife coming out the access road, probably close to the same place I had run into her husband last winter. She indicated with gestures from her vehicle that she wanted him to move to an area where the snow was pushed back. He knew if she just moved a little she he could get by her, since the road was wider this year. And he wasn't about to back out. And he just sat there, expressionless, until she finally moved her vehicle over enough for him to pass. In the past he has always been extremely polite and courteous to her, even opening or closing the gate for her and such, smiling as they pass each other. But no more. And so as he passed her by she had no expression, looking straight ahead. This may seem like not such a big thing, but it will be I know. Big sigh.

On the other hand, I am trying to get my self enthused and motivated to get out there and just get to work anyway, even though conditions aren't to my liking. I seriously need to work on the makeshift gates we put up last fall, to make them more accessible and easier to move goats around. It's time to get them each on the stanchion and trim hooves, and give the older girls, especially the ones that are pregnant, a shot of B-complex vitamins, and a tube of selenium gel. The ground is very poor in selenium, and you can start to see in the fur and overall appearance when they are depleted in this mineral. I do not give my animals yearly vaccinations for a variety of other things, as almost all livestock owners have been conditioned to do. If I won't give myself the recommended vaccines, I'm sure not going to do it for my animals either. People raised goats for thousands of years without these vaccines. I also don't do the recommended regular chemical worming either. It is more work intensive, but there certainly are herbal alternatives that are very safe and effective when used properly.

But I have to admit, I have had to learn to screen potential buyers. Even though I brought home my first goats and didn't have a clue, and it was kind of on a whim, I quickly learned about what I needed to do. But I don't want my animals going home with someone who won't. And I don't want them going to someone who is going to eat them. I know I can't guarantee what will happen to any of them when they leave here, but I can at least try to screen each buyer to make sure that they are at least likely to provide a good home. The thing I have found the most often is a lot of people don't realize how much work it really is. I had no idea when I started either. But I at least inform people what they can expect as far as care, and what they will need to do to keep their animals healthy.

I get mixed responses when I tell them I haven't vaccinated, or used chemical wormers. Some people like the idea, some don't care, and some probably don't say, but object to my methods. But I have to be honest anyway.

I am a bit frustrated at the moment, because I need to separate the kids that were born last fall from their mothers, and there is till too much snow to do this easily. Plus, I need to use all the fence panels for the dog right now. But people keep asking me how much milk does Cookie give, one of the does I am trying to sell, and I have to tell them I don't know because she still has her 4 month old boys nursing on her. Same thing goes for the other doe I am trying to sell. Plus, if I sell the two boys, then I will have to start milking everyday, at least for a while, even if I just dry her off. Which I could do, but we are still hauling water from the neighbors, since we weren't able to finish the plumbing for our new well last fall. And keeping all the milking equipment as clean as it needs to be requires a good bit of water. I'll tell ya, when you are hauling all your water for yourself, and your animals, you become very aware of just how much water you use, and every little bit starts to count.

I figure any day now I'm just going to have to come up with a solution, just like I always do, and just do it. I do struggle with myself at times though. It all builds character, and it's better to be able to find a solution, rather than sit and spin about the "problem". It is for me anyway.

And, lastly, we have learned a valuable lesson this winter. We didn't put my tiny wood stove in here because my husband didn't think it was big enough, and the cost and effort to punch a hole and run stove pipe through the ceiling and roof of the fifth wheel was something he was hoping to avoid (we had planned on building a room off the side to put the larger wood stove in). But had we done that, we would have ended up saving ourselves a small fortune in the gas we spent to run the generator all winter. We didn't plan it that way, but we have certainly learned from our experience. Live and learn. As I have stated numerous times since I started this thread, some things we just won't do again, and I'll just chalk it up to experience. Besides, I'd chose dealing with the elements over dealing with Dick any day. Although learning to deal with people like Dick builds character too, I guess.

I love the song "I Shot the Sheriff" but I think I'll try to keep on their good side. It's funny though, for wanting to stay off the radar we now know and have talked to three different Sheriff deputy's.

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:30 pm
by Naga_Fireball
I should clarify immediately that it was said jokingly. But i feel frustrated on your behalf. It's just too many attacks on too many fronts. Spiritually I feel that you & your hub are very important features on the landscape here. I do sincerely wish that somehow the dude would quit using the sheriffs dept as his own personal attack force.

It's almost as immature as "SWATting", where kids pissed off at each other on xbox live would access another user's credentials to call in a false barricade situation. A SWAT team would then (in some documented cases) actually be deployed against some poor unsuspecting teenager's house.

I'm sorry for phrasing any of it that way re: that hilarious but inappropriate song.

Deputies are typically just doing what they are told. :(
Some are pretty interesting guys too :)


The animals are so precious. I continue to be amazed by what you all have survived over the past 5 months or more. So sorry to hear of the gasoline cost. It truly is awful this year. But hopefully it was a very safe option physically.

Trailer fires are not typically survivable. So stoves are a sketchy deal sometimes & gotta be extra darn careful about the exhaust/stovepipe and the resin/sap content/dryness of the wood. @@ eeeeeeek worrywart.

It really is sad about Ranger. Of all the folks on the farm, I feel most sorry for him right now. He is a living, breathing, feeling creature who chose you guys consciously. He wanted to be there and also felt a duty to protect you guys.

It is a shame that animals have no rights. Wouldn't it be nice if you could argue that the crazy neighbor purposely and intentionally encourages dangerous predators to venture onto properties containing human residences?

Cougars and coyotes etc are very interesting to see, Occasionally -- but this guy trying to get them to path over your properties is, similarly to all his 911 calls, using nature as a weapon.

You do have rights in court and possibly these tickets are proof of his continual harassment of you two.

Re: the driveway situation, holy crap how awkward. But I visualize a funny cartoon of knights facing off in the snow with lances on front of the cars.. gosh I'm sorry they are so confrontational and rude. I bet the wife doesn't enjoy life too much either. Eeek. ;(

Hopefully soon warm, snow gone!!

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:19 am
by Spiritwind
Today was a pretty productive day, even though the neighbors are probably going to give me a lot of space when they see me from now on. My husband spent the whole day making another enclosure for the dog, a better one this time, with a gate even! Nothing like using a 6 foot pry bar to try and make a small trench through about 4-6 inches of solid ice for the fence panel to sit in so it fits flat on the ground. And, it will sink and have to be adjusted as the snow melts, but it's up.

This time we put it around the front of the fifth wheel so Ranger can get up under there to sleep out of the weather, and interact with us whenever we go in and out the door. It gives him a bit more room too. And I decided, after getting mobbed by the goats trying to get the ones I wanted out for hoof trimming, that I was just going to get er done, no matter what it took. So I let them all out, cleared some of the hay waste away from the gate, and proceeded to grab the little ones, one at a time and man handle them, while swearing like a sailor, rolling around on the ground, and trimmed all four of them's front hooves. They squealed like stuck pigs. This was about the same time the neighbors who bought the property next door pulled in. They probably think I'm nuts. Oh well. I trimmed the two juveniles too, as well as Miss Heidi. My husband usually stays out of my way when I get like this. I don't blame him really, I would stay out of my way too.

But, the frustration of putting it off because of the conditions not being right was just too great. Sometimes, there is just no easy way to get a job done than just doing it. And I feel better having it on the way to being done. In fact, we were all feeling pretty good about ourselves, as we were sitting inside taking a break. Both the dogs were eager to eat, so they were already inside the fenced area, and we didn't have to go through the hassle of figuring out how to get them in there. Only Ranger really has to stay in there. But, anyway, my husband gets up because he hears something, and sees that Ranger is already out. It turns out that the little access door that he has on the other side of the fifth wheel was left open when he went to switch from the solar panels back to the generator. So, we get to figure out how to get him back in there anyway.

Ah yes, life on the farm goes on and on...

Pretty funny Naga, "using the sheriff's dept as his own personal attack force". LOL

Re: Farm Life

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:58 pm
by Spiritwind
Watching the Ferengi on Star Trek Deep Space Nine. "Misogynistic untrustworthy little trolls", they are. I never got into it years ago when it was on, so I'm seeing most of the episodes for the first time. For some reason I'm finding it quite entertaining. Gave the car a mud bath today. It was really special. Plus, I stupidly had the window down to boot. And I love that squish squish squish with every step, and that suction cup feeling when walking outside now.

We had to go get hay. Hadn't driven the car for a few days and found out spring thaw is well on its way. I almost didn't make it out of the driveway. Definitely need to be bringing in a few truck loads of crushed rock. Soon I should actually see the 330 foot roll of fencing that's been under the snow berm all winter. Which is good, because I really want to get them a bigger area that at least goes around the goats so they can do their job. Plus it's really inconvenient to have to take the fence down just to get the truck over to where the makeshift hay barn is at. That made a huge mess too, with ruts about 8 inches deep.

It is now several days later and I finally have a bit of time to finish this. Speaking of dogs, I have now met or talked to four different sheriffs deputies in our county. Our containment for the dogs has been working well so far, so I was surprised when I got a knock at the door and looked out to see an officer in uniform wanting to talk with me. So I slipped my coat and boots on and went out to see that he had a dog in his vehicle he thought was mine. Thankfully, ours both came out from under the fifth wheel and he could see that they were both right where they were supposed to be. What a relief! I went over to look at the dog in his vehicle, and it was a Great Pyrenees, but still very young, maybe 4-5 months old. Very friendly, and I felt bad because it was probably going to the animal shelter. I suggested it might belong to my other neighbor that lives about a mile away who has a male and female that are left alone way too much with little care. Ranger was actually a puppy of theirs from 2 years ago that just showed up here, along with several other siblings I found homes for.

What I thought was interesting though was how the sheriff asked for me by name and was probably told to come here. Not really liking the extra attention, but it won't hurt my case when I go to court that there are several other almost identical looking dogs at large out here, besides our two.

The only other thing I will mention right now is I just found out that the month after we had our rural well put in on the property a moratorium on wells was under way, with some counties not allowing any new wells, and many property owners looking to put a well in now will have to spend a lot of money for environmental impact studies, if even allowed at all. Funny how that didn't stop them from going ahead with the pipeline at Standing Rock. Hard to believe they really give a damn at all about the environment. It always ends up being about control and profit. And water is becoming the very big deal I knew it would.

My husband's nephew and his wife over in Okanogan County were just turned down on the loan they were trying to get for some property over there just because of this new ruling. We didn't know anything about it when we bought our property last year. Sometimes there does seem to be a mysterious something that is looking out for us and I am very grateful. Water is life! ... er-ruling/" onclick=";return false;

From the article:
Washington State lawmakers are aiming to mitigate a State Supreme Court decision that effectively halts new construction in many rural counties in the state. The developments come after public outcry from counties, farmers, other residents and realtors about the Whatcom County v. Eric Hirst ruling. It green-lights expensive new regulations affecting new structures requiring well water.

As a result, some counties have established building moratoriums or are revising their laws, and realtors are recommending that property owners consult lawyers or water experts about construction plans.