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Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:55 pm
by Sandy Clark
Naga_Fireball wrote:Maybe it would help explain some of my distaste for even veiled references to my children or friends in these videos:

A person has recently been registering accounts on a small gaming website I visit, under the names of my former coworkers and former residents of the home where my child lived.

Some of the players have been role playing a lawyer hiring a hitman with a knife in the role play area of that website, and I was physically threatened here in my city Friday before St Patrick's day by 2 gang affiliated minors who were carrying knives, 3 days after writing a negative review regarding a shitty local attorney.

Take it as you like, I will be taking it seriously, and if this continues unfortunately no one will be above reproach or inclusion in any follow up reports.

Scientology espouses gang stalking and gas lighting of people who speak out against their tactics, so I don't feel very bad for pointing out the sloppy and stalkerish style of the presentation of TOTCAST 5.

Could have been a lot more tastefully presented.

Keep yourself safe Naga the best you can and hey Nature is calling to Nurture.....I believe you get much from your excursions into Nature and I love to examine your pictures you post of such walks. I find them grounding and thus healing and at the same time a way to connect with the beauty I see in your Being. Hugs

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:41 am
by Eelco
Strange I had a post made last night and though I submitted it.
Anyway 3 things I do like to keep in mind lately, but seem to forget at times.
When writing something I ask. Is it True, Is it Timely, Is it Kind. My review may have lacked in the kindness department.

I have some ideas as to why I felt I needed to respond the way I did.
Lacking time at the moment to write that up just now. So I may come back to it over the next few days..

With Love

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:07 pm
by Blue Rising
I really enjoyed those two videos. Thank you modwiz. No surprise they are both catalytic. May all who are moved by them dig long enough to find the Peace and Self Gnowledge hidden within the unrest.

Much Love,

ps Divine Ms. L...I'm tickled pink that you blazed through your fear. Your voice is melodic to listen to, and you have much to say. Thank you for sharing of yourself <hugs>

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:47 pm
by Eelco
Blue Rising wrote:I really enjoyed those two videos. Thank you modwiz. No surprise they are both catalytic. May all who are moved by them dig long enough to find the Peace and Self Gnowledge hidden within the unrest.
Lol it certainly gives rise to a lot of inner searching/reflection.
Why did it trigger me to respond at all, Why did I chose the manner in which I responded and what does it reflect from within me.
I am certain it wasn't the feminism remarks. Some of the adults behaving as children possibly.
There were parts I did enjoy though. I didn't respond to those as they weren't content related. Loving Fred's voice for instance. Being European myself he sounds almost as the quintessential southerner.Which I wouldn't have guessed, but enjoyed very much.

With Love

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:49 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Blue Rising wrote:I really enjoyed those two videos. Thank you modwiz. No surprise they are both catalytic. May all who are moved by them dig long enough to find the Peace and Self Gnowledge hidden within the unrest.

Much Love,

ps Divine Ms. L...I'm tickled pink that you blazed through your fear. Your voice is melodic to listen to, and you have much to say. Thank you for sharing of yourself <hugs>
Maybe my review was shittily thought out,
But IMHO, it's ok to give a negative review -- if the video engendered few positive feelings in the reviewer, that's the right of the reviewer to say so.

If you actually liked it, I'm glad for you that it was a positive experience.


We don't have to be cardboard cutouts of each other hopefully to occasionally get along.


P.s. re Eelco, we always post same time lol.
Thank you for your beautiful open honesty. Yes Fred voice was sexy

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:40 pm
by Phil
Hey Fireball ;) I have a hard time listening to people praise anything outa LRon's obnoxious mouth...much harder than reading his shit, which I really have never been able to do. But from what I gather, there is some positive to be gleaned from the early levels of scientology or there never would have been any scientologists. You should understand this on a forum where the founders discern "positive" from friggin Hitler...and try to learn how not let it trigger you (it took me a long time and a lot of CONTINUING work).

These guys are worlds apart from your worldview and experience, Fred I consider a good friend...but we stopped communicating constantly (directly) when either one or both of us was triggered by the other. Modwiz I viewed as a mentor of sorts when I stumbled into PA, he taught me a lot about personal responsibility (walk the walk, know thyself, all is well :) )...even while I triggered him (at least) once, and he could get to me. Emotions run high, and energy is wasted.

One thing I learned a lot about (and that I need to continue to work on) is finding ways to share my "truth" to people that are completely unaware or incapable (for whatever reason) of understanding it. There is not a better teacher than someone you disagree with, there is little more rewarding than finding understanding in those that trigger you.

I keep saying "trigger" and I apologize, I'm not trying to do it myself...but it's the word that keeps coming to mind reading your "review". I know these dudes pretty good, not just from direct interaction but from the fact they have totally put themselves out there for a nice little clip now. They meant no harm and don't see the issues bring up the same way you do. Rather than attack (or get defensive), I suggest trying to empathize (if that's what you hope from them, if I read you correctly).

I hope I don't sound condescending, just sharing my thoughts as I was sorta shocked at your reaction having just watched the video. I didn't get hardly any of what you got out of it...sure it coulda been "more positive"...couldn't everything that's not happy crappy sappy?...but it'd probably be less authentic. Then again, I guess if you tempered your reaction it would be as whatayagonnado? Anyway, just sharing my thoughts...hoping there's no hurt feelings

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:58 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Thank you for the very humane breakdown of the situation.

No one probably wants to hear my joke tho, but here it is:

Since Rockefeller [ finally ] died while we were arguing/critiquing, on whom do we now blame Feminism?

Edit p.s. lol it's obsolete already!! Ding dong the. .. heeh

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:16 am
by Phil
What do you mean "blame femiminism on". C'mon...just like everything else, extremist bullshit is broadcast by media, triggering all the victim-minded people with different views

Who can afford to control the media? Probably another Rockefeller

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 1:22 am
by Naga_Fireball
Phil wrote:What do you mean "blame femiminism on". C'mon...just like everything else, extremist bullshit is broadcast by media, triggering all the victim-minded people with different views

Who can afford to control the media? Probably another Rockefeller
In the video, one of the guys says "feminism is backed by Rockefeller".

But he died Monday. :lol:

Re: Cosmic Emporium with Gio and Modwiz

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 5:39 am
by Eelco

So here's the new installment of the cosmic emporium totcast series on
Target is the guest.

They start strong. It only took 12 minutes before the sheeple were mentioned. This time referenced as walking dead.
I stopped there, I only hope they didn't linger and moved on to more strong stuff. ;)

As long as we exclude the majority of the people there's no hope for change. I guess I disagree on that with many of the public alternative forum speakers, but I realize that this idea of the walking dead, stupid, willingly enslaved sheeple is what rubs me the wrong way on most public forums. And it definitely puts me off of the modwiz video's lately. It's a shame really because they could leave everyone empowered, but choose to discard the majority of the population.

It's a shame because I' did value his opinions at some point. We even discussed how the use of words like sheeple are just as stereotypical and detrimental as what "them" do when "they" divide and conquer. Ah well. Looks like we are all just as human, generalist and shortsighted as the guy next door right?

With Love