This week in review

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Re: This week in review

Post by Anders »

Jim Fetzer has explained in detail how the Sandy Hook shooting was a complete hoax. Nobody died. I recently thought that other events like that might be real. But then I listened to Ole Dammegard exposing a huge list of false flag events and as a former extra in films and commercials he describes how all these events are staged just like movie sets.


And today I believe ALL big events like that reported by mainstream media are fake. So I just assume that the Las Vegas shooting was a hoax too. What I haven't figured out yet is the exact reason for all those events. Sure, it's about controlling the public and steering attention in a massive way. Yet, why bother with all that effort? Is it really necessary? I like to figure out the big picture so it's frustrating to be unable to understand what the overall plan is.

One possibility is that many people among the public are genuinely dangerous and that those in power stage events like that to preempt real horrible acts from happening, firstly by grabbing all media attention away from real criminality and secondly to gather information among the public to spot copycat attempts and silently arrest them under the Patriot Act (and similar approaches in other countries). And then the staging of false events is for a good reason. But there could be nasty reasons as well such as fabricating excuses for ushering in more and more Orwellian control.
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

I'm not really going to spend a lot of time with what happened in Las Vegas, but quite a few people are doing just that. I did read this one today and tend to agree that part of the plan is to make it confusing and impossible to figure out, with evidence supporting numerous possibilities, many at odds with each other. I don't need any more proof that what the mainstream media is telling the general public is far from the truth, and the little bit of it that is actually mixed in does little to really clarify what happened and why. I actually had a great grandfather who spent some time in prison for fraud. He was a real estate developer back in the early 1900's, and hired actors and created a fake town front to fool potential buyers into believing a totally made up story. He was quite successful at this, so the idea isn't anything new. Maybe they just want to see how polarized we can become and how gullible we all are.

Vegas shooting: real vs. fake

by Jon Rappoport
Vegas shooting: real vs. fake

by Jon Rappoport

October 6, 2017 ... l-vs-fake/" onclick=";return false;
These are a few observations leading to a hypothesis.

First, there is a video, taken at ground level, of a man going from victim to victim lying on the ground at the concert. He is checking their pulses, asking if they’re all right, calling for medical help. Notice the color of the blood on the ground and on the victims. It is a quite bright red. Would real bloodstains on the ground be that color, or would they be darker?

Next, there is the matter of how Stephen Paddock, the accused shooter, brought 23 weapons and ammo into the Mandalay Hotel and up to his suite.

He was a well-known high-stakes gambler. Hotel personnel surely knew him. They knew he lived in the Vegas area. Yet there he is with a number of suitcases—or over the course of a few days, he appears in the lobby with another suitcase or two each time.

These hotels are security-conscious to the max. No suspicion was aroused? And Paddock risked exposure to take weapons he would never use up to his suite?

Did Paddock bring in the weapons through another hotel entrance with the help of staff? Was this part of the operation an inside job?

Did he actually bring in all these weapons? Or was his hotel suite staged as a prop by others? Was it set up as a showcase for gun-control advocates who, after the fact, would push for new restrictive laws?

The photos of the hotel suite—when were they taken? In the immediate aftermath of the shooting? Where are the hundreds or thousands of shell casings that would have been ejected from the weapon(s)? The photos of the floor show very little brass. My understanding is these casings would have been quite hot. Where are all the burn marks on the carpet and furniture and walls?

This whole “hotel suite” scenario is very murky and needs much more investigation.

There are cell-phone videos taken at ground level at the concert, while you can hear automatic gunfire. A reader brings up an interesting point. Many of these shots would miss human targets. Instead, they would hit solid objects and either remain embedded or bounce. Where are the loud sounds, on the videos, of ricochets—not just a few sounds, but many.

Now here is a hypothesis. Obviously, it applies to more than just the Vegas shooting. In SOME of these events, we see a MIX of fake and real happenings. There are real victims and fake victims. This confusion and conflation of the fake and the real stimulate different and opposing lines of independent investigation.

Some say all the victims are fake. Others say all the victims are real. Both viewpoints tend to generalize from a few sets of facts.

The result? This is perfect for those who are actually behind the operation in the shadows, who want to engender false trails and dead ends and “unsolvable” anomalies.

And conflict among independent researchers who, after all, are the only real threat to the party line.

“Look, here is a group of obvious crisis actors. They’re fakes. Therefore, the whole event is a fake.”

“Here are real victims. Therefore, the whole event is real. There was nothing fake about it.”

Then, on top of this, the mainstream press, in its usual fashion, cherry picks the most far-out “conspiracy theories,” presents them, and says: “Look how ridiculous ALL these people are who question the official investigation.” Another generalization. A way to discredit all independent researchers.

When you think about it, the hypothesis I’m presenting is not strange at all. What do major media news broadcasts do? They mix real facts and fake facts. This is SOP. They mix and stir and derive bizarre conclusions that mislead the public.

“Real or fake” is not always the correct formulation, although that is what many people want to decide. “It must be black or white, yes or no, this or that.” We’re looking at a trap, we’re looking at many minds disposed to function in this fashion.

In certain cases, it can be “real and fake.”

And when it is, and when it’s intentional, it confuses people and they throw up their hands and walk away.

Which is the desired effect.

“Was the whole thing real or fake? I have to know.” It was both.
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Re: This week in review

Post by LostNFound »

Yes, The narrative for this latest government terrorist attack on the people is quite the detraction. Have to wonder what really is going on with the other hand while everyone stares at this one in horror. Seems like this crap is being ramped up in spades now. So everybody is being totally confused on a daily basis. I came across an interesting read on this today. Can't say it is truthful but then again is any of it truthful. We do get to see into the falsity of it all and more and more folks are looking deeper now than ever so the ramp up is getting more desperate for sure and it is quite dangerous for the folks because the insane asylum is rushing to the edge now. "FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS' is the game today got to wonder where the next one will be. So here is the writing I caught today;

Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Mass Shooting Was Another Faked Event—and Why These Deceit Events Matter
Posted on October 6, 2017 by Admin
By Brain Busters

No real blood (except few incidents that seem faked blood): few ambulances in any TV footage or allowed Internet material : MSM statistics change drastically about how many died and were wounded, and how many guns were supposedly found in killer’s hotel room : people interviewed by MSM do not seem truly traumatized : and no serious screaming after “hundreds” of gun shot wounds. Complete lies (and very mediocre acting by bad “crisis actors”).

Just like the faked Gay Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting event was completely faked—so too was this latest contrived event by the deep state. And almost immediately the MSM and politicians are back to demanding more gun laws.

Unfortunately some peoples are using this event to spread Islamophobia or Antifa-phobia (and there are good reasons for the nationalist-inclined to be wary of terrorism by Islamo-extremists and Antifa-extremists). Alex Jones at InfoWars.Com is claiming the alleged shooter is connected with other shooters, with Antifa literature and with ISIS. Many mainstream media sources are reporting ISIS has claimed responsibility but they do not name any source! One source is identified as SITE INTELLIGENCE in a report by Business Insider at: ... m=referral" onclick=";return false;

SITE INTELLIGENCE is a lying Mossad website that routinely puts out lies and propaganda to people and attributing all kinds of stuff to the shooter. He does seem to have some questionable things about him—he is too rich and gives money away like he could be laundering money. He does fly all over the world and owns two airplanes. He may have been radicalized but I do not put a lot of stock in what Alex Jones says because he easily exaggerates, he routinely politicizes things to match his theories. He did correctly say the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings were fake (which they were) and then he backed away saying he did not know for sure. He did NOT correctly and courageously state the Orlando Pulse Club was a staged event (which it most definitely was). And since he has insider contacts he claims Antifa and the Democrats are behind this event. Many of the faked killings such as the London Bridge events he acts if they were real and then he engages in his usual taint toward Islamophobia. He blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 when it was really Israel. He routinely speaks as if Israel is some Saint state. He works an agenda besides truth.

There are zero bloody photos of this event! Google “Mandalay Bay shooting concert victims” and click on images. There are no photos of blood. You see a smallish number of photos of people lying on the ground, or running, or lying like they are dead but there are zero photos of the kind of blood one would expect. Very, very suspicious. No photos or footage of ambulances? See these photos taken off the Internet: ... video-1024" onclick=";return false;×768.jpg ... bgVz3p.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... ooting.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... 0.h630.jpg" onclick=";return false;

AND MASTER OF DECEIT CNN HAS THIS: ... index.html" onclick=";return false;
As usual many alternative news sights will act like the terror event actually happened and then add their own political agenda. But people need to see real evidence that positively proves 59 are dead and 500 were wounded.

People need to understand these events are being used to motivate voters, citizens in general and politicians to crack down on gun laws (and there is a special push to keep the “mentally unstable” away from guns—which can be, and too often is, a very arbitrary and subjective set of labels by supposedly scientifically trained and objective minds.

Just recently dozens of so-called professionals within the field of mental health have signed a letter more-or-less declaring Donald Trump to be psychologically unfit to be president—which is against their professional ethics since none of them have personally interviewed him. To argue the professions of psychology and psychiatry are beyond the dirty realm of politics is naive (and we also know such professionals were involved in the U.S. torture programs).

Now days more and more social media, video sharing websites like YouTube, and search engines are “blocking” our civil right to associate and the right to free speech. YouTube has blocked access to several videos on this latest event. Where as after the Orlando Pulse Club event a couple years ago there was enough freedom for citizen journalism to counter the fake news coming from the Main-Stream-Media (or MSM for short). You could use common Internet search engines to find both articles and videos that shed light on the many red flags regarding the official version of that faked or staged event to know proof-positive it was a false event. No one was killed at the Pulse Club that night. It was such a poorly performed “staged” event and the acting was sssoooo bad it was obvious to even average people with average intelligence.

But now days YouTube, Facebook, common search engines, etc. are censoring more and more real news and it will be less easy for real truth news to be discovered and communicated. But think about this: they claim upwards to 20,000 thousand people attended that country music festival—how many cell phones with cameras would have been there as well? You would be able to google the event and click on images and you would literally see hundreds of pictures of ambulances and people loading bloody bodies on gurneys. You would see blood everywhere.

And it should be stated upfront these events are staged using crisis actors and some could easily have worked with Halloween fake blood and acted as if they were shot. Reports of blood do not necessarily mean anything. How many pictures of mangled body parts do we see?
One fake actor interviewing with CNN (who sounds about as authentic and traumatized as a joke) claims his friend was shot three times and he held him in his arms (but zero blood!). Check out at 8 minutes 30 seconds into this video (actually the whole video is worth watching) but this guy is total BS:

Mandalay Bay Shooting HOAX, Crisis Actors, Gun Control Agenda!! at:" onclick=";return false;
Surely the gun shot sounds from some places sounded real—such as from the hotel—but they could have been “blank bullets” coming out of real automatic rifles or a machine gun. Yet there is also cell phone footage at the actual concert crowd in which people are heard declaring what they were hearing was “fake” gun shots. So you may have various sources of gunshot sounds.

There have been several faked mass killing events over the last years—that most people believe were real events. Ninety percent of Americans still think the Orlando Pulse event was real and there is another example of no blood even though 50 supposedly died and another 52 were wounded? There were also real killing events of a mass nature that were officially blamed on innocent suspects. But this last event is so full of red flags (like the Orlando Pulse night club event) that it is most likely no one was killed and no one was shot with a real bullet.

Lestado Codicus, on December 3, 2015 at TheRealStrategy.Com writes: “…Using a Stanford Study to show that the average amount of mass shootings prior to Obama’s election was 2.5 per year…. This year the total is 14.4 TIMES HIGHER than the average in 2008. Either everyone is losing their minds this year or many of these events are what I like to call a false flag”.

A new genre of acting has evolved with 9/11 and the war on terror. Some actors sign up to be “crisis actors” in which they participate with Department of Homeland Security and the Military to create scenes of pretended war scenarios and pretended terrorist events (where the act as if they are wounded or killed on the battlefield or in a crime scene). Hollywood-like stage-scenery and costumes are included. Some of these actors sign elaborate contracts in which they may sign “secrecy clauses” in which they are not allowed to reveal certain realities. And so it is only takes one more step to take these crisis actors to create fake news. There is enough money out there to get a better staged event—this stuff has been pretty amateurish so far (and the acting is absolutely lousy). One of the actors posing as a witness has already been identified as a professional media insider, watch video: ... confirmed/" onclick=";return false;

Another reality Americans should understand is that it is now lawful for the American government to disseminate fake news propaganda to the American homeland. Previously two laws prevented this: the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987. But recently by way of a National Defense Authorization Act this important restriction has been overturned by our own Congress and so it is apparently legal for our Government and the media to lie to We The People. And lie they do on a routine and flagrant basis!

The limited footage of the MSM coverage of this massive event is in itself a major mystery. You should see massive amounts of blood; mangled bodies, total pandemonium, ambulances and gurneys actively moving in crazed fashions everywhere (most of these events have mostly police cars and police patrolling while the staging areas for wounded passively clean and stagnant). You would be hearing loud screaming everywhere—even marines scream when shot in war conflicts. The people interviewed would sound absolutely traumatized—not like they are merely talking about some movie they saw.

This event is so fake. From a few cell phone cameras on the Internet you hear bullet sounds and you see crisis actors hiding for cover and others following. You see people running and jumping over fences. You see some crisis actors falling like they were hit by bullets. But there is no screaming like had it been real. There is no blood. There is no body parts breaking away. It is not close to what a real war zone would look like.

In fact some cell phone footage has a man standing among others who cringing close to the ground. He raises his hands at the supposed shooter and shots obscenity at the shooter. He would not show such bravado if people were really experiencing real bullets (and there were many minutes of the equivalent of machine gun fire). Everything is so fake. Another video has three or four men standing up and drinking cans of beer.

Sunday night the MSM was saying 2 people died and 20 some were wounded. There next day 50 died and a couple hundred were wounded—then to more dead and 406 wounded (and now 500 wounded). The same with the number of guns found in the supposed killer’s room kept changing—why? They want to ban semi-automatic weapons and they want to ban anyone who has any kind of psychiatric issue from owning a weapon. They want conservative voters to be in the shoes as victims to think they too need to be less pro-2nd Amendment.

Why would one shooter need 20 plus guns to do this kind of operation. He wouldn’t. This false flag event wants to paint a picture that guns are easy to get and people get lots of them and ammunition is easy to get, etc. Furthermore security in casinos is heavy. Even if I go in a rinky-dink Indian casino the security is heavy. Cameras would have footage of people moving around. It makes no sense.

One YouTube video that was accessible one day ago is no longer available. It showed a cell phone filming supposed victims being brought in a hospital emergency room. No blood. No serious mangled bodies. No seriously distressed noises of wounded people? YouTube is killing videos!!!! People need to post there video on other websites.

Anti-gun people have already discussed getting the guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people and veterans. So if you believe in some so-called conspiracy theories you can be labeled crazy. Also our own government has been motivated to label patriots as suspected or potential terrorists. Read article:

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents
At: ... -documents" onclick=";return false;
See as well: “The Department of Justice Prepares to Step up War on Domestic Extremists” by Derrick Broze. Google this too. We learn John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, and federal prosecutors are looking for new tools to deal with the rise of “domestic extremists.” Also checkout:

We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant at:" onclick=";return false;
People thought these kinds of faked lies from the mainstream media and our own government would stop with Donald Trump in the White House. But apparently the same old deep state is still up to taking away the guns (and they want all the fire power that could stand up to a tyrannical government). They are trying to take gun rights piecemeal but they want destroy any potential of resistance against a corrupt government. And this government is corrupt.

Anyone who knows anything about history in any real sense, and knows anything about America’s “real” foreign affairs (that is the many dictators it has supported even to the extent of helping them kill their own people) should know that one “never” trusts any government to the extent the naïve sheeple here in America are willing to go along with these exceedingly dangerous plans of just “trusting” politicians and the mainstream media regarding removing gun rights.

See the film ***Innocents Betrayed: The True Story of Gun Control Worldwide*** by Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (FPFO) on YouTube (an important video). See also another very important video:

MOLON LABE – How the Second Amendment Guarantees America’s Freedom at: ... freedom-2/" onclick=";return false;

People need to study the vast disparity of how much more fire power the internal police systems are amassing while politicians are taking away the peoples’ rights.

Anyone who seriously studies DOD Program 1033 should feel shocked at how many military M-14 M-16 rifles (something like 75,000), machine guns (15,000), bullets (and ‘many’ categories of weapons and hardware) have been transferred to police departments and DHS over the last years, as ‘extra’ inventory.

This is NOT simply some benign program as the United States government has violated the Posse Comitatus Act of strict separation of police peace officers and military as war killing training and purpose. See: In Whose US? Machine Guns, MRAPs, Surveillance, Drones, Permanent War and a Permanent Election Campaign at: ... n-campaign#

The growing militarization of U.S. police: Thousands of SWAT-type raids changing face of law enforcement at: Read more at ... 6EUhRKH.99" onclick=";return false;

Various departments within the Department of Homeland Security has on order 1.6 billion (yes BILLION) bullets—while there are about 330 million people in our entire country? This massive quantity (that included millions of hollow point killer bullets) has never been anyway close to adequately explained, and has not brought the kind of hysteria as focus on public shootings broadcast all over the media and the country?
Other archived stories on the militarization of the police are at:" onclick=";return false;

Government keeps encroaching on all manner of human life. Also recently the federal government has been involved in promoting more and more psychological evaluation into children in schools. See: A new bill is being proposed by Congress that will fund the psychological testing and profiling of all children in America at: ... at-school/

FBI is Enrolling Church Leaders, Social Workers and Community Leaders to Spy on You Kristan T. Harris | American Intelligence Report. The plan is to establish a network of Shared Responsibility Committees (or SRCs) across America that would keep an eye out for potential rabble-rousers.
Letter Details FBI Plan for Secretive Anti-Radicalization Committees by Cora Currier, Murtaza Hussain at: ... ommittees/" onclick=";return false;

These false events have to be exposed. This stuff is too serious. What if Trump gets impeached and the Democrats gain more power. Most of Congress is already too corrupt and too under the thumb of larger corruption. Most people have no idea how much the mainstream media has been lying to the American people.

Exactly one hundred years ago 10 of millions of people were murdered and tortured in Russia during the Red Terror. That was not that long ago. Do not trust websites who are covering up these phony events. This is very serious. And this very much a media war. Alternative media needs to wake up and stop helping the deep state get away with another set of lies.

The false flag 9/11 was used to start the War on Terror conflicts in the Middle East and to destroy our Bill of Rights. What will this latest false flag event that they have turned into a major tragedy create as change if it is not exposed to total daylight?
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Re: This week in review

Post by Christine »

The need is to show people who still believe the "official narrative" that they are being hoodwinked, led and deceived. For myself there is no need to spend time deciphering these events any longer for the truth once seen can't be unseen.
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Re: This week in review

Post by Anders »

I still haven't researched the Las Vegas event hardly at all, but in several recent YouTube videos many people are talking about the event as being a complete hoax, including on places like Facebook. I found that interesting. It's tragic if people really were killed, but I get the feeling that it was not only a hoax but a deliberately very sloppy one, to make a large number of average people start to suspect that there are huge manipulations going on. Someone in position of power wants to massively increase the number of people waking up to the truth it seems. But that also puts a huge burden on governments and other authorities. They can't officially reveal the manipulation. Or can they?!
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Re: This week in review

Post by Christine »

Anders wrote:I still haven't researched the Las Vegas event hardly at all, but in several recent YouTube videos many people are talking about the event as being a complete hoax, including on places like Facebook. I found that interesting. It's tragic if people really were killed, but I get the feeling that it was not only a hoax but a deliberately very sloppy one, to make a large number of average people start to suspect that there are huge manipulations going on. Someone in position of power wants to massively increase the number of people waking up to the truth it seems. But that also puts a huge burden on governments and other authorities. They can't officially reveal the manipulation. Or can they?!
Interesting hypothesis that someone in a position of power wants to massively increase the number of people waking to truth. I am more inclined to state the inverse, that a massive number of people are waking up and therefore the controllers schemes to keep us locked down in fear and running to authority are failing. Not to say that there are obviously those on the inside that are awake too and choosing to use their influence as they can.

I came to this thread to publish this video that has me "blinking" at the implications ala Judy Wood's questions, where did the towers go?

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??)
[youtube] ... 2yxBTzlQ-6[/youtube]
Published on Oct 10, 2017

for eyes that can see, there is something wrong here, the melting/ burning point of common household materials like glass (2600℉) and stainless steel (2800℉) are DOUBLE the temperature of house and forest fires (1100℉) ... and you might expect Rod Sterling to pop out at any moment in this footage..bc it's like the Twilight Zone!!
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Re: This week in review

Post by Sandy Clark »

Pretty friggin spooky alright!! I support her idea that we are in a war and it is becoming more and more physical on the common people of the world...............besides the usual war mongering going on there are weapons we do not know of publicly, weather manipulation, mind control stepped up everywhere, suppressive tactics and techniques grow by the day.....false flags across the globe, police look like F&%kin robots in all their gear and on and on...I wonder who is frightened the most??
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind » ... 62391.html" onclick=";return false;

I've been thinking about all the fires in the last few years, with this year topping them all. And how chemtrails tie in, with a dash of HAARP in there too. Most especially what has been happening in Northern California. The reason this is so much on my mind is going to sound pretty out there, but when I lived just south of San Diego back in 2009-2010 I had an encounter with a dragon being who showed me it's name as Lamarck. Actually, I felt Lamarck's presence strongly the whole time I lived there, just after we made each other's acquaintance. This being kept showing me, besides other things, images of fire, like, the world on fire. I was also shown under water testing being done by presumably the Navy or some such organization and how it was harming ocean life. I can't help think that what is happening is indeed part of a plan that is being orchestrated on the population of this planet, which harms all life here. It almost feels like we are already at war, but unlike those we argue over that have happened in the past, it is a totally covert war of unknown proportions. Although it appears they have become much emboldened as of late. This is one of the reasons I value EE so much, because honestly there is no real way to even fight a war of this magnitude, other than doing what many of us already are.

And that is to continue pushing back the boundaries to see more and more clearly what has and is going on around us, while simultaneously keeping our energy and presence grounded in the real world, which to me is the one that nature/nurture created (and the one we can personally co-create with nature for ourselves as individuals). I personally think it is the combination of making ourselves vulnerable enough to share who we really are, and take down those barriers that have been programmed into us to keep us separated and from developing real relationships with one another, while at the same time sharing our journey of self discovery of those who have self appointed themselves as being our lords and masters, and how this has affected our experience of life here. They don't have the right, and they never have. They have no morals or conscience and they really do view us much the same as many humans view livestock. And to them this earth is just a piece of real estate they think they can do what they want with. It's tough to wake up to this truth and I cannot fault anyone from doing every thing they can to remain in denial. But because I love this earth, I will continue to stand tall in who I am discovering myself to be, while keeping the best company I can, for it fortify's my spirit. It is helpful to know you are not alone.
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Re: This week in review

Post by Sandy Clark »

Regarding the Fires in Santa Rosa area>>>FYI ... Qy5CDDzhoc" onclick=";return false;
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Re: This week in review

Post by Fred Steeves »

Interesting anomalies with the fires, that's for sure. The same sort of thing happened with some devastating wind driven fires in this general area almost a year ago now. So either something is afoul coast to coast, or there is certain phenomena we are unaware of.

My personal woo meter certainly allows for thr possibility of some sort of outside manipulation, but my logical side also advises ruling out real, and known phenomena first before jumping to too many conclusions.

While I did notice some faint similarities to Judy Wood's work, at first blush I thought it was a bit trigger happy to be comparing them side by side. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to quiz/consult someone like say, a firehouse chief, an arson investigator, or a team of hot shots?

One thing I know for sure about fire, especially fires driven by 70 and 80 mph winds, is that there's an awful lot about the nature of fire that I haven't the foggiest clue about.
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