Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

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Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Christine »

Azzah Manukova shares her inner views with Christine of Earth Empaths, having worked in the Philippines, Thailand and Japan as a therapist for 30 years with both the child victims of the brutal sex trade and the perpetrators of these crimes, crimes against humanity at its most base level.

Azzah was born in the Ukraine and grew up in the bush with the Aborigine peoples, our meeting has been one of sharing from the inner realms of our knowledge and heart felt empathy. This is real folks, not the stuff of whistleblowers or hyper-dimensional knowledge, this is as real as it gets when it comes to the truth. Right now a children are being killed or enslaved…. we must clear ourselves first of these shadows that continue to feed on humanity.

This video is probably the most difficult one I have ever recorded for it took me down deeper into the subterranean realm of my own psyche straight into my heart and the remaining shadows of memory. This is not just one person’s problem, I am sickened when I realize once again how easily “god is good” thinking, how belief in “karma”, and “it’s their problem” apathy has allowed such horror to continue, not only continue but proliferate.

In the mix of the deepest pain and sorrow are the keys to finding our freedom, it calls each being to learn to exercise their divine Free Will. We also share from the other side of pain… joy emerges from the dark well.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” – Carl Jung

Don Juan, the Mexican Yaqui Indian shaman, tells Carlos Castaneda the following:

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!”

Valuable article to read: ... castaneda/
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Anders »

"It is estimated that at least 8 million children worldwide go missing each year.

It is estimated that nearly 800,000 children will be reported each year in the U.S; 40,000 children go missing each year in Brazil; 50,500 in Canada; 39,000 in France; 100,000 in Germany; and 45,000 in Mexico. An estimated 230,000 children go missing in the U.K. each year, or one child every 5 minutes." -- ... facts.html" onclick=";return false;

Those are extremely disturbing numbers. I came to think how the combination of mirror neurons being dysfunctional in the brain causing sadism together with an increasing numbing out of the nervous system caused by subconscious fear is a very nasty combination. The perpetrators need more and more stimulus in order to feel anything at all, and the sadistic nature means they need to make other people suffer more and more.

There may also be a lot of systematic trauma based mind control being done on children, to program them to become obedient participants in shady organizations when growing up.
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Cristian »

Very interesting video.

While I’m aware of the depth of Christine’s understanding , I don't really know how deep Azzah can go.

I have some questions for Azzah ...maybe for a part two or maybe for a quiet dinner .

You are very much crying , shouting ...wanting to get this truth to light.

I know this ...I’ve seen this. I experienced this.


There are a lot of children on this Planet . The vast majority of them will not experience this dark avenue.
Why are the ones that do selected ? Is it just luck ? Is it just the Universe throwing a dice?

You may know / or not know that children are protected default. Christianity tells us there are special angels that look out for kids...but all native religions...all shamans agree there is something that protects innocence.

Because it’s so wanted , because some beings are so into possessing that innocence...that’s why it’s so protected.

Ive seen this protection in real life ...I’ve seen this struggle between various hidden forces.

I know’s easy to go Buddhist ...or whatever you want to call it. I don't wanna go there .

But ...children of today are the adults of yesterday. Right? Not all of the children that get abused today did this themselves in another life. Some did. But most made a choice.
A choice that ended up here ...on this path.

Can you expand – on a future interview – on the victim status of the aggressor ?

Can you understand why possessing innocence is so powerful ?

They are after power and energy.

Why do you think virgins where the first sacrificed when a god was angry ?

They are not castrated … there are endless dimensions where the weak energetically being is consumed.

It’s kind of another way.

So ...yes do get mad. But do understand .

Remember people did a lot of crazy things in the past . Conjuring entities and so on for material gains . In Romania as in Ukraine a lot of women where into witchcraft .

They did stuff ...missing the big picture. They created links that span through lifetimes .

They made choices.

A soul that is aware enough ,that is developed enough will not be allowed to be subject to this kind of things .
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Christine »

Beautiful Cristian ... my meeting with Azzah was no coincidence. After recording, she moved a very deep hidden place in me and I in her. We literally were both stunned and we parted in silence. She runs deep, we will make another video shortly and your questions will be brought forth.

We (claudia will potentially join us) honestly have so much to share that it will have to be recorded in parts, too much for one video because that risks taking this horror of abuse back to the mind and out of the feeling body. True lucid thought is attainable once we transit the fullness of the pain body, that was Buddha's gift to humankind.

"As our lost innocence returns wearing the gossamer gown of Wisdom we sing in undulating waves of gratitude. She hears our song and answers with abundant Grace." ~ Aureo Sky

You are correct, innocence can't be destroyed.

Love you.
Cristian wrote:Very interesting video.

While I’m aware of the depth of Christine’s understanding , I don't really know how deep Azzah can go.

I have some questions for Azzah ...maybe for a part two or maybe for a quiet dinner .

You are very much crying , shouting ...wanting to get this truth to light.

I know this ...I’ve seen this. I experienced this.


There are a lot of children on this Planet . The vast majority of them will not experience this dark avenue.
Why are the ones that do selected ? Is it just luck ? Is it just the Universe throwing a dice?

You may know / or not know that children are protected default. Christianity tells us there are special angels that look out for kids...but all native religions...all shamans agree there is something that protects innocence.

Because it’s so wanted , because some beings are so into possessing that innocence...that’s why it’s so protected.

Ive seen this protection in real life ...I’ve seen this struggle between various hidden forces.

I know’s easy to go Buddhist ...or whatever you want to call it. I don't wanna go there .

But ...children of today are the adults of yesterday. Right? Not all of the children that get abused today did this themselves in another life. Some did. But most made a choice.
A choice that ended up here ...on this path.

Can you expand – on a future interview – on the victim status of the aggressor ?

Can you understand why possessing innocence is so powerful ?

They are after power and energy.

Why do you think virgins where the first sacrificed when a god was angry ?

They are not castrated … there are endless dimensions where the weak energetically being is consumed.

It’s kind of another way.

So ...yes do get mad. But do understand .

Remember people did a lot of crazy things in the past . Conjuring entities and so on for material gains . In Romania as in Ukraine a lot of women where into witchcraft .

They did stuff ...missing the big picture. They created links that span through lifetimes .

They made choices.

A soul that is aware enough ,that is developed enough will not be allowed to be subject to this kind of things .
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Cristian »

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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Christine »

O fetiță râde undeva în univers ... auzi
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Sandy Clark »

When one retrieves their inner child and resulting soul, the vulnerability and healing process begins in earnest. The road to acceptance and freedom is a continuing journey of pain, joy, loss, confusion, love and gratitude. Life becomes simple in the truths and clear in the illusions.

I too, have the 'GIFT' that Azzah has and have worked with many a broken soul in their retrieval of such. It just happens for those truly seeking and the Gnowing process takes over while the Universe guides the facilitation and facilitator.

At least that is my story and I'm sticking to it. :-)
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Adding this to my queue for next month data :(
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
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Re: Child Sex Trade | The Missing Child and The Missing Inner Child

Post by Aria Persei »

Thank you so much. I have saved the video to watch it very soon.

This theme has been running deep for me as well for the last 5 years. The thirst though has been lessening since I shed light on one of the root cause of it: the unacknowledge sexual abuses my mother had been a victim from and never spoke about or confide. Slowly I started to know deep in my cells that it was what happened to her, repeating partially in my life in places I could see it playing from the unconscious and subconscious.

While I was researching the field and victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, I also started to pierce through the deception on there and discovered controlled opposition in corners I had not imagine to find. I am leaving some parts of the article I wrote on this theme down below, for I first had written about the controlled narrative being spread by one of the mind controlled victim and then came up with an article about infiltration in the field, one step further, and the gradual process of opening my eyes on this. I think it can be useful as well, complementary to what has been shared here.

"Thousands of victims are undergoing targeted and often multi-generational mind control. On a larger scale, we have all been victims of mass mind control since the introduction of mass media. This subject concerns us all although opening our eyes to the psychopathy that governs this world remains a difficult exercise for many. Yet it is the first key of understanding to navigating the world we live in. However, victims we see on the alternative public scene are far from what they claim to be and are often agents transmitting a controlled and scripted narrative. How do we recognize them? Why is it important to detach from the narrative they carry? What are the consequences of being in contact with content from controlled opposition? What can we learn from these snippets of Truth?

If a victim of satanic ritual abuse appears on TED talk and on compromised alternative media (Collective Evolution, Gaia), we can be sure that she is pushing a script and is still under mental control. If she is constantly depicting and going back and forth on her traumatic life experiences, leaving an imprint in the psyche of the viewer, if she is creating a subtle romanticization towards perpetrators of despicable acts, if she is supporting the Metoo movement, encouraging guru-like spiritual fanaticism or supporting the LGBT movement now well infiltrated by social engineering, this victim is still under mental control. If concentrating on macabre details about what she has experienced leaves traumatic traces in the mind, it is comparable to a discourse based on strengthening trauma mind control (as some angry moralizing vegan movements do on the sidewalks of our cities, leaving no free will for walkers to ignore posters with images filled with cruel imafes that can trigger reactions of disgust or guilt). If this victim allies with other compromised agents or has been launched on a dubious platform (a government agent’s forum for example – sometimes you only have to look at some people’s faces to know that something else is in control), if she associates with other fake whistleblowers, if she appears on corrupted youtube channels, if little by little inconsistencies appear in her testimony, doubts no longer persist. Their testimonies are often inspired by the stories of real victims, who remain unable to reach a wider audience because they are not welcomed by the many artificial platforms of controlled opposition that exist online.

Through constant observation, things begin to reveal themselves in true light. Sometimes it takes time, sometimes months, before we can piece together all the facts and red flags. Sometimes it takes time before the alarm signals accumulate and become like an alarm bell that can no longer be ignored. It is a constantly evolving process and sometimes there are no shortcuts. Only direct experience can bring the feeling in the body that something is wrong. Through observation, we can deprogram certain things in ourselves that are in the way for us to see things as they trully are. The main thing to do is to remain sincere and clear about what we observe and to adjust our discernment as we go along. Many stories are not real and aim to occupy people by investing their time in lies and half-truths, creating endless rabbit holes that lead nowhere. There are many traps placed in the path at different levels that use different levels of programming and different woundings in individuals (martyr projection, victim/perpetrator programming, guilt, sexual trauma).

These secret, or sometimes unconscious, agents (they are used like puppets and are still under mind control despite what they claim) are designed to manipulate large numbers of people in the way they spend their time and energy and in the areas where they focus their attention. Most of the time, they have actually been abused, so that their memories can actually show through the body language of the alter that is triggered. It is then more difficult to perceive that they are really lying. They usually have many personalities living inside them that are brought to the surface to accomplish different agendas. It is important to remember where they were launched and to open our eyes to the corrupted nature of the concerned platform. They only deliver what we are allowed to, which is controlled information. Their material encompasses some truth, although it leaves aside very important aspects that remain undiscussed and which are crucial to understanding the world we live in today. What these agents do is they distort the truth and inject inverted programming into their narrative. In my opinion, there are spiritual consequences to integrating energy from corrupted material because the source is based on lies and distortion. This supports and participates in the generalized inversion. This is why it is crucial to recover one’s sovereign right and to untie oneself from these etheric chains.

If a collaboration has been established with these individuals, it should be reviewed under a new light and under a new understanding. For example, I wrote an article on the story of a controlled opposition agent and I had to rework that article and not leave it online on my website, feeding the lie and spreading a false story. Through observation and the collection of more than ten red flags, I discovered that this victim was manipulated and under deep mind control and that she was not who she claimed to be. There is usually some good to be gained from this experience, not everything is to be thrown away, as it contains some bits of truth and some things can be learned from the conclusion that the person is part of controlled opposition, to spot other agents spreading lies. This experience then gives access to greater truths and a more sovereign reintegration of certain parts of the psyche. When one opens their eyes on a person, one generally begins to see the presence of other agents in the public sphere and to recognize other agents of disinformation: these victims appeared, for example, with a handler who keeps them under control (the person to whom they are married for example) or they appear providing testimony in front of a purely masonic fake tribunal.

Controlled opposition contains many truths mixed with important lies, omissions and denials. Those who are part of it are very often real victims who are still totally dissociated in their multiple personalities and who are far from being reintegrated as they are claiming to be. Somewhere behind the scenes, their programmers and handlers, both humans and interdimensional, are pulling the strings of this great show, which also relies heavily on the audience’s blind sympathy for these victims, a worship that unconsciously perceives them as martyrs. No one who is playing this version of emotional manipulation is to be trusted. It is important to observe the narrative that is being conveyed, to observe the followers and their reactions, to recognize projections of heroes and martyrs, and above all to remark the absence of a deeper self-development and shadow work. We are facing a hyper-dimensional feast."

Full article: " Overcoming mind control, sexual slavery and child trafficking and the importance of spotting SRA victims who are part of controlled opposition" ... pposition/
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