Astrology and the Outer Planets in our Times

“Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.”
― J.P. Morgan
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Astrology and the Outer Planets in our Times

Post by Spiritwind »

I have been drawn to look at things from an astrological perspective again recently, and feel that this information can also help others in deepening their understanding of the times we live in. I will start with Pluto and go over the outer planets, their sign, and aspects they form with other planets, and how these energies are likely to manifest. I was surprised, once again, at how astrology really does provide a language that describes what is taking place in such an informative manner. The more you understand these forces, the more you can at least direct them in your own life, even though it will still be against the backdrop of the larger collective.

Pluto first entered Capricorn this time around in 2008 and will be there until it goes into Aquarius in 2024 (after a short stay in the spring of 2023). It has a very elliptical orbit, and takes approximately 248 years to complete a cycle around the Sun. Words associated with the energy of Pluto, and the Sun sign associated with it, Scorpio, are words like deep, intense, hidden, secretive, explosive, passionate. It is the planetary ruler of the 8th house, so there is a correlation with all three, sign, planet, house, and rules things like birth, death, sex, inheritance and other people's money, the underworld, volcanoes and earthquakes.

Those people with their Sun sign in Capricorn, or even the other three Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, and Libra, will experience Pluto's passage through this sign rather more intensely than most. Those with Sun in Libra will experience a Pluto opposition, and those with Aries or Cancer Sun sign will experience Plutonian energies in a square. It tends to exert a level of tension to the area of life effected. The more you know yourself and have done the inner work, the easier this will be to integrate, transmute, and apply this energy in a way that ultimately can be seen as beneficial. You could end up feeling like a whole new you.

Or, it can feel absolutely devastating, as if taken down to the bone. Because Capricorn is all about structures, the framework that is often holding up our lives and our perceptions. If those structures have not been built on solid ground, and an accurate view of ones reality, then it can indeed feel quite cataclysmic. It is interesting to think about how this might apply to the bigger picture of the world right now...

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Pluto in Capricorn


Pluto rules power and mis-use of power. Pluto is also the energy, the motives, the integrity of the purpose of using Pluto's power. Pluto also rules the issues of the motives that are hidden within the person wielding power. Words can easily be used as a front, but it is Pluto's energy and motives that point to the real purpose, the real goals for utilizing energy. These deep motives, even if they are unseen, will at certain times explode similar to the volcanic explosion that reveals the elements deep within.

Pluto often brings us situations that contain issues of power, in which we fear power greater than ourselves and thus we have to rise to the occasion to make the inner power greater and stronger than the outer powers. An example of this is the fear of outer authority and we must respond to situations in which outer authority comes into our life and our inner confidence or inner strength has to be stronger than the outer situations. This response to situations becomes the trial by fire methods in which Pluto works.

The outer authority and outer power can be a positive source of competition or a person in a position of power who is misusing their position to wield their power in inappropriate ways to cause harm to others. The purpose for this outer power and the motives for this outer power becomes the Pluto issue. The motives, ethics, integrity and values that come with the use or mis-use of power are hidden from view, however they are known by the person and ultimately become visible as the intention is continued over time, setting a precedence that speaks of it's own accord.

Our response to power greater than ourselves, whether real or perceived, becomes our intention as well. We can respond to situations with equal harmful ways or choose to grow inner qualities and outer expressions greater than those expressed by those in power positions. An athlete can respond to the marathon of hills by bringing more strength and more endurance to meet the challenges, or veer from the race with intention to not continue or to cheat in some way or another. Similarly a person in positions of power can wield this power to fulfil responsibilities in the highest order, or become mesmerized by their own self-proclaimed position and take aim at others they feel jealous or hateful toward, and skew the game board of life to their own advantage.

This long, extended stay of Pluto in Capricorn (2008 - 2023) will completely revise the power issues and issues of authority. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was from 1762 to 1779, which included the founding of our country to gain the freedom against the oppression from the King of England. Now our power issues will once again reveal similar issues that were addressed with "taxation without representation", the War of Regulation from 1764 to 1771 against corrupt colonial officials, The Stamp and Sugar Act which tried violators in Admiralty court where the defendants were considered guilty until they could prove their innocence. The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Articles of the Constitution built from the Magma Carter written to set the parameters and rules of freedom and independence. We will find ourselves in the same boat of addressing the oppressive and corrupt power issues that have been used against people and to revolutionize the checks and balances required for the rightful use of power.
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Re: Astrology and the Outer Planets in our Times

Post by Spiritwind »

I'm going to skip Neptune for now and come back to it later. The reason is I'm chompin at the bit to talk about Uranus, for reasons you shall soon see. For Uranus is traveling through the sign of Aries right now, and Aries is all about how you, or, say, a country, asserts itself. Uranus is the planetary ruler of the sign Aquarius, and the 11th house, which all have attributes in common. Uranus is erratic, unpredictable, independent, even defiant at times. The 11th house is about hopes, goals, networking, and friendship, the people in your life that create with you, and community resources. When this energy is free to express itself, it is generally progressive, innovative, and future oriented. On the other hand, when it is thwarted, or seriously inhibited in some way, it can become reckless, stubborn, and rebellious, to the point of even being destructive.

Uranus has been in the cardinal sign of Aries since the summer of 2010. Aries, as many know, has a connection to Mars, the planet of war and aggression, as well as the first house, which represents the self, and how one becomes conditioned to assert oneself. Aries is about an energy that says "go for it!", fearlessly going after whatever it is. Often the leader in whatever they do, the challenge is often one of learning patience, self control, and timing to go with that courage, inspiration, and forcefulness. It is not hard to imagine what these two energies together, the planet Uranus in the sign of Aries, might look like. And, are you ready for it? The planet Mars is traveling through its home sign of Aries right now, with a conjunction coming up with Uranus on the 27 of this month, just a few days away. A conjunction is where two planets are traveling together, for either a short time as with Mars, because it travels faster, or a longer time when it involves two outer planets, that move much slower.

There's more, but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.
Here's some more from the same website:


Once Pluto entered Capricorn we have been shifting our focus toward the transformation of the "structures" of the outside world; wallstreet, businesses and all of the structures of success and accomplishment in the outside world. Pluto has shifted the terrain to revise the financial structures, the business structures and the government structures. We are in the phase of experiencing all of these structures as a way that has become very unpredictable and are transforming in the situations and circumstances that have created this shifting terrain. Once Uranus moves into Aries on March 11, 2011, the Uranus winds of change will begin to blow wildly and create the square to Pluto in Capricorn. This begin a seven year time in which the square of Pluto and Uranus push situations into a time of great intensity. Pluto in Capricorn prompts transformation of business, government and financial "structures". Uranus brings the whirling energies of change that push us out of the comfort zone and force the TRUE SELF to emerge. No facade will last during this time of whirling change. This whirling resembles the turning of events to push coins into their particular slot according to their value; pennys go into the penny slots, dimes go into the dime slot and quarters go into the quarter slot, all according to the true value. This square process of Pluto and Uranus will push many people to lose their facade and to reveal their TRUE SELF in the situations that bring out the real inner self. This square process began on January 22, 2011 as Jupiter opened the Aries floodgates and as circumstances rushed into the current environment, Uranus brought in the whirling winds of change to shift each into their true place. Once within their true place, each grows and builds or subtracts from where they are. The doorway signs that will have the opportunity to grow through challenge are those with key planets (Sun, Moon and Rising Sign) in ARIES, CANCER, LIBRA and CAPRICORN. Other planetary placements will be affected as well, especially as impacted by Uranus and Pluto. The focus will be to force the TRUE SELF to emerge. Whether over inflated or undervalued, each will have to come into inner and outer alignment. To find the areas that this alignment takes place, looking at the placement of Pluto shows the qualities that have to emerge in strength and Uranus shows the area that will become the environment experiencing the greatest of changes, whirling winds of change.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Astrology and the Outer Planets in our Times

Post by Spiritwind »


13 Pisces - Sun
In Taurus - Moon
9 Pisces - Mercury
13 Aries - Venus
25 Aries - Mars
22 Libra - Jupiter
26 Sagittarius - Saturn
22 Aries - Uranus
11 Pisces - Neptune
18 Capricorn - Pluto

As you can see, if you read the post above, that Pluto in Capricorn, squaring Uranus in Aries, because of their slow movement, have been square dancing for a long time now, since 2011. Thing is, with Pluto there can be a lot of underground, and unseen, movement, that only surfaces sporadically, and usually as some kind of upheaval that causes upset, both in our own reality bubble, as well as the larger collective.

In addition to these aspects is Jupiter at 22 degrees Libra. Libra is a cardinal sign, like Aries and Capricorn, and is exactly opposite of Uranus at 22 degrees Aries, as well as squaring Pluto at 18 degrees Capricorn. So you have explosive Pluto tearing down outdated structures, with the push pull of the opposition with Uranus in Aries, which strives for total freedom and independence in a revolutionary way, and both of these are squared by the ever so expansive Jupiter in the sign of Libra. And Libra is all about Justice, balance, and relationships. Libra will point out all that is not in harmony, and will strive to restore that harmony. All of this can create a type of internal stress, as if somehow the balloon has been filled with too much air, and could pop any moment.

Interestingly, the one other Cardinal sign is Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon, and has everything to do with home, security, the mothering instinct. Also memories and the past. By default, this shows you what is missing from the equation. The antidote to all of this is cultivating the heart space, in whatever ways you know how. Cancer is a very emotional sign, so really knowing what you are feeling is important. Which is easier said than done, because most of us have been taught that certain feelings are okay, and others are not. If you deny any of your emotional truth, it will tend to project itself into your reality, as if it is happening out there. The place to look for the answer is inside you though.

As well, Jupiter in Libra loves beauty. Even something as simple as having a beautiful flower arrangement on your dining table can bring this balancing energy of beauty to the forefront, and remind one of all that is beautiful in this world. Sometimes, you have to look a little harder than others, to see it, but it is always there. Or engaging in an activity that builds a sense of warmth in your heart, like visiting a sick friend, or sitting on the floor and seeing through the eyes of a child. Yoga, dancing, or even martial arts is a great outlet too. For me, it's playing with baby goats. Or drumming, to feel the heart beat of the earth in my body.

The key is recognizing energy, how it's likely to express itself, and then choosing how you want to direct that energy in your life to make it work for you. It does take effort though, and a little bit of thought, and then action. But I'm certainly glad I have learned a more proactive response to when the energy rises to such an intense level that, if I didn't do something to relieve it, I would go bonkers. My old response patterns would have had me in the grave by now. But I do know from communicating with others that this is a time of great change. It has been going on for a while, and like the winter we are experiencing in my neck of the woods this year, I see no end in sight. So if you're just waiting for it to all just go away, you might be out of luck.
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Re: Astrology and the Outer Planets in our Times

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Bump for a wonderful thread.
I would have held off on my cnn crap if i realized you were trying to post.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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