Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

A very good and well researched interview from Red Ice Creations. The truth must be revealed, this does not mean that we fill ourselves with anger and strike back, it means we now can see more clearly and are aware of the mechanizations of those who insist on ruling with terror. Our current State of affairs on planet Earth is a direct consequence of our ignorance of history.

We are in the time of revelations which gives the human being an opportunity to make vital decisions on how we the people will conduct ourselves going forward. With enough consciousness the bonds loosen.

Part II is not available since Red Ice Members section and website was hacked back in August of this year and still not online.

Benton Bradberry - The Myth of German Villainy - Hour 1

Benton L. Bradberry served in the U.S. Navy from 1955 to 1977 during the Cold War. He is a graduate of the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California with a degree in Political Science and International Relations. Bradberry’s generation was inundated with anti-German propaganda and “Holocaust” lore and he spent years researching “the other side of the story,” which is compiled in his book, “The Myth of German Villainy.”

Mr. Bradberry begins by describing some of the typical anti-German propaganda he encountered along the way in Europe during his Navy years and in recent travels – a vile and evil picture so different from the true character of the highly civilized and cultivated German people he discovered. Benton explains how WWI and WWII were thrust upon Germany, who was surpassing the Allied powers in technology, science and medicine, in an effort by Britain, France and Russia to destroy their mutual rival. We get into the Zionist funding that helped ensure the US presidency for Woodrow Wilson, which was the beginning of the anti-German propaganda campaign that led to America declaring war on Germany. Bradberry highlights the saga of the Communist Bolshevik Revolution that was instigated by Lenin and Trotsky, and he details just how deeply embedded the Jewish faction was in the Red Terror that left roughly 40 million Russian Christians dead. Then, we touch on the communist Spartacist uprising, the Versailles Treaty, and the British imposed starvation blockade that forced Germany to resort to drastic measures.

In the members’ half, Ben breaks down how the highly cohesive minority of Jews managed to take over the Communist party, and the banking industry, and become overwhelmingly over represented in every institution and profession during the chaotic years when Germany’s economy was destroyed. We discuss Hitler’s election to chancellor and his promise to restore Germany for the Germans, and how he won over the hearts and minds of his beloved countrymen, women and children. Benton explains the declaration of holy war against Germany by the international Zionist movement, and we go over the 25 policies of the National Socialist movement. We consider the incredible challenges Hitler faced in rebuilding Germany and the extreme actions that were employed in order to purge the country of its corrosive elements. Then, we look at the events surrounding the Polish corridor land dispute and the start of WWII, the fake pretexts that pitted France and Britain against Germany, and the big picture of the grisly carnage of Germany after the war. At the end, we turn our thoughts to the current refugee situation in Europe, Merkel, Trump, and the war on Whites.

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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by LostNFound »

Here is some more to contemplate. The content of the song and what follows in the video was posted by Fred in prior posts but here is more in confirmation and It certainly takes just a small amount of research on any bodies part to shine a light on the lies. Hitler and Germany were just another focus of the Zionists to destroy truth. To see one crack in the insidious lies of this faction of destruction is to go deeper into the rabbit holes of history and discover who, what, why and where and when, people and countries are destroyed for. The thread of murder, lies, deceit, Power and greed can be discovered in any past war, any take over of any country, any assassination of men and people that stood against the Satanist movement of what is called the Zionists. So here is just another small part of someone's awakening.

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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

Thank you LostNFound, somehow listening to that song allowed me to feel hopeful that before too long a piece of one of the biggest lies will infiltrate as truth to our beleaguered humanity.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Fred Steeves »

LostNFound wrote: The thread of murder, lies, deceit, Power and greed can be discovered in any past war, any take over of any country, any assassination of men and people that stood against the Satanist movement of what is called the Zionists.

Cute little tune, it would be amusing to slip it into the company Christmas party play list lol.

Anyway, I think focusing solely on Zionism, is akin to focusing solely on one single carrier of a deadly pathogen. What about the pathogen itself? I don't think it's to be found in the physical world. And even if/when you find it, then what?

Sorry if this is straying off topic, but to me it's spot *on* target for getting down to meat and potatoes of the matter.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

Fred Steeves wrote:Cute little tune, it would be amusing to slip it into the company Christmas party play list lol.

Anyway, I think focusing solely on Zionism, is akin to focusing solely on one single carrier of a deadly pathogen. What about the pathogen itself? I don't think it's to be found in the physical world. And even if/when you find it, then what?

Sorry if this is straying off topic, but to me it's spot *on* target for getting down to meat and potatoes of the matter.
Exactly and with a modicum of observation it is apparent that the pathogen is everywhere now. The nuts and bolts of the matter are what can/will/should be done? Unveiling the lies of history are simply a pathway to crack the wall of deceit. Every time we put a chink in the dark armor the light shines through and perhaps another living being feels the sacred fire kindled. For some it is vaccines and big pharma, others 9/11 and others choose decoding unnatural law, etc.

That being said it is true that the Zionists are the monsters at the control helm right now and so wrestling the controls back into our human hearted hands is imho a vital part of being a being who loves truth.

P.S.I think you should slip that ditty into a Christmas party play list.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by maggie »

Fred Steeves wrote:akin to focusing solely on one single carrier of a deadly pathogen. What about the pathogen itself? I don't think it's to be found in the physical world. And even if/when you find it, then what?
I agree, the "pathogenesis" arises from the artificially divorced mental thought form realm which can make quackery "medicine". It's mode of spread is by contamination. The dangerously ignorant who wallow in filthy thoughts (like hate, war, envy) lack basic mental and psychic hygiene and are pitifully deprived of nourishment. The pathogenesis spreads deprivation and ignorance. cruel "want" and the children of want seek to cover the world in its likeness. It leads to starvation of energy from the light of sun and loss of integrity of the grounded relationship with Gaia. It is so pitiful a state that it looks like plague.

IMO the "war" defined dis-ease as an attack from a bad pathogen also defines human community. Various INNOCENTS appear to be set upon by the bad "men". attempted saviors sets up the laws, the regulations, the armies, the police and the priests to save the innocent from the bad men. This is like setting up medical men and the pharmacies to save the sick bodies.

The whole "medical" plan today of vaccinations and chronic medications that fight the bad diseases is TOTALLY accepted by the same mental thoughts that twist our minds about "self and other" in society. IMO the story is not simplistic. I don't think we need to spend lots of time trying to blame OR defend. IMO we just SEE.... OOPs, we were mistaken because it looks like hell here.

The beliefs we have about the structure of how things work and what may go wrong is bound to fail. The schema ignores the basics of HYGIENE. Hygiene is the one we should gratefully serve. To practice all that creates healthy, strong, grounded, emotionally full and creatively satisfied citizens is a daily affair. I know that the Nazi's cajoled people who felt this desire but it did not work. IMO its because hygiene is making the most of what we HAVE and the plan for eugenics was about control of nature.

IMO the Nazi plan played on the intuition we all have for "truth" and depended on the fact that to SAY nice words on top of ugly intentions suffices for the artificial matrix of thought form delusion.

When we assiduously court this BEHAVIOR, we don't succumb to pathogens or the will of saviors (with their ever present domination in exchange for service(?) rendered). IMO the FACT is we are obviously HERE to learn how to worship at the altar of nature.

Here is a funny example of absurdity


IMO the very fact that this history issue (was Hitler and the axis good or bad, versus the Allies good or bad, versus the Jews (as Zionist bankster/gangster good or bad, versus the communists good or bad) all arises from the evidence in the world of the FAILURE to resolve our present "ignorance and want". IMO this means that OUR ignorance and OUR own "want" are to be battled in OUR mind.

My idea is that the fruits of human minds that believe in the war rot because the fruit cannot be eaten. It falls decayed and fermented and rotted and should be buried as compost

The "as above so below" metaphor means to me that fractally we can learn the truth in one area and apply it across the board. I went into nursing because of Florence Nightingale's Crimea example to me was "placing people in the best position for nature to act upon means NATURE is trust worthy. We are natural and have within us wisdom and can trust it. Nature heals when we create the conditions of light, cleanliness and nutrition".

IMO the very fact that we created such a weird distorted mental field means the JOB of history is to observe our intended belief and idea and the outcome and ask is this TRUE to being healthy, wealthy and wise? The fact is that the same well meaning opeople who would save the world BELIEVE there is a germ to fight. I am banging my drum: The TERRAIN is all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). Pasteur's main theory is known as the Germ Theory Of Disease. It claims that fixed species of microbes from an external source invade the body and are the first cause of infectious disease. The concept of specific, unchanging types of bacteria causing specific diseases became officially accepted as the foundation of allopathic Western medicine and microbiology in late 19th century Europe. Also called monomorphism,(one-form), it was adopted by America's medical/industrial complex, which began to take shape near the turn of the century. This cartel became organized around the American Medical Association, formed by drug interests for the purpose of manipulating the legal system to destroy the homeopathic medical profession.

Controlled by pharmaceutical companies, the complex has become a trillion-dollar-a-year business. It also includes many insurance companies, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), hospitals, and university research facilities. The microbian doctrine gave birth to the technique of vaccination that was blindly begun in 1796 by Edward Jenner. Jenner took pus from the running sores of sick cows and injected it into the blood of his "patients." Thus was born a vile practice (immunization/vaccination) whose nature has changed little to this day, and whose understanding is still clouded by Pasteur's theory. This also gave birth to the development of antibiotics, the first being penicillin in 1940. An antibiotic is the poisonous waste from one germ used in the attempt to kill another. Penicillin is the poison from a fungus. This has created the proliferation of aggressive and stubborn forms of resistant strains that haunt us today.http://www.laleva.org/eng/2004/05/louis ... ion_1.html
There is an apocryphal story about the famous finder of pathogens Louis Pasteur's deathbed. Supposedly he recanted and admitted "It's the Terrain".
Did he?
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Louis Pasteur Recants His Germ Theory
On his deathbed Louis Pasteur said "Bernard was correct. I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything."

Was it real or apocryphal?

There are many variations of this recant. But the essential admission is intact. Bernard was Claude Bernard, who got the terrain theory from Antoine Béchamp (who called it the cellular theory).

The Back Story
Three nineteenth century Frenchmen researched fermentation, microbes, and contagious disease:

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908)
Claude Bernard (1813-1878)
Their work overlapped. Their conclusions sometimes agreed and other times disagreed with each other's. Pasteur adopted the germ theory while Béchamp formulated the cellular theory, which was quite at odds with the germ theory. Bernard's work was aligned with Béchamp's. Bernard described milieu intérieur, the environment within, which he and others also called terrain.

Pasteur and Benard were very close and over long stretches of time took care of each other. A fourth man, Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval (1851–1940), Bernard's top student, was also close to Pasteur. D'Arsonval would have been a frequent visitor to Pasteur over the many months of his terminal illness.

Pasteur was hostile to Béchamp, whose work threatened Pasteur's reputation and income. Pasteur effectively promoted his own work, while Béchamp's modesty and devotion to his research kept himself out of the spotlight.

Pasteur's Deathbed
Pasteur suffered a stroke on October 18, 1868 which paralyzed his left side. One account said Pasteur never recovered the use of his left hand or leg. In 1887 he had a second stroke.

On November 1, 1894 "he was struck down by a violent attack of uremia" per The Life of Pasteur by Rene Vallery-Radot, 1900; Vallery-Radot was Pasteur's son-in-law. Other accounts describe the "attack" as a stroke. He was attended around the clock by two people at a time. His condition had improved by the end of December. At one point a tent was put up for him in the garden of the Pasteur Institute in which he often spent afternoons. By June his condition had deteriorated and the paralysis increased. He removed to Villeneuve D'Etang, his 300 acre estate outside of Paris. He died there on Saturday, September 28, 1895 at 4:40 in the afternoon, surrounded by his family.

His final illness lasted eleven months.

The Paper Trail
After Pasteur's death, his son-in-law René Vallery-Radot (1853–1933) published The Life of Pasteur in 1900. An English translation was published in 1902. René Vallery-Radot and his family benefitted from Pasteur's fame and income. He is unlikely to have done anything to discredit Pasteur, in fact his biography notably omits stories critical to Pasteur.

Pasteur's manuscript materials were deposited in 1964 with the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris by Pasteur's grandson Louis-Pasteur Vallery-Radot (1886–1970), who was credited as Pasteur's editor. Public access was restricted until VR's death in 1971, there was no printed catalog until 1985. This collection is the largest in existence. It was collected by René and included the papers of Pasteur's nephew and sometime personal assistant Adrien Loir.

In Baltimore, Maryland Dr. Montague Richard Leverson learned of Béchamp's work in 1907. He was so profoundly astounded that he traveled to Paris to meet Béchamp. Over the course of several months preceeding his death, Béchamp related his criticisms of science and his amazing discoveries in chemistry and biology while Leverson took notes.

After Béchamp's death, Leverson translated his book The Blood and its Third Anatomical Element into English and published it in London in 1912. He persuaded a young writer, Ethel Douglas Hume, to compile, edit, and publish his notes from his conversations with Béchamp. In 1923 Hume published Bechamp Or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter In The History of Biology in England and Chicago. Hume's book, while an excellent and thorough shred of Pasteur's claims, does not contain the recant.

Ethel Douglas Hume rewrote her book. It was published in 1947, 1963, and 1988 by C.W. Daniels; it was published in 1989 by Bookreal with a new title: "Pasteur Exposed; Germs Genes Vaccines: the False foundations of modern medicine."

D'Arsonval inherited Bernard's papers. The first of Bernard's papers that d'Arsonval published so infuriated Pasteur that d'Arsonval quit. Shortly before his death he gave the papers to Dr. Léon Delhoume (1887–1960), a historian who wrote about a number of doctors and scientists.

In 1939 Delhoume published De Claude Bernard a d'Arsonval in Paris. This book included a partial version of d'Arsonval's first scientific paper, "The Personal Equation of the Astronomers" as well as some of his correspondence with Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard (1817–1894). This book does not contain the recant. Delhoume also passed d'Arsonval's materials to Dr. Philippe Decourt (1902–1990) along with Hume's book.

Delhoume published several manuscripts of Bernard's: In 1942 he published Cahier Rouge, in 1947 Principles of Experimental Medicine, the latter was from a notebook and supplementary papers from the d'Arsonval collection.

In 1956 Hans Selye, MD published The Stress of Life. I transcribed the following excerpt from page 301 of the 1976 revised edition: "Let me point out here parenthetically that Pasteur was sharply criticized for failing to recognize the importance of the terrain (the soil in which disease develops). They said he was too one-sidedly preoccupied with the apparent cause of disease: the microbe itself. There were, in fact, many disputes about this between Pasteur and his great contemporary, Claude Bernard; the former insisted on the importance of the disease producer, the latter on the body's own equilibrium. Yet Pasteur's work on immunity induced with serums and vaccines shows he recognized the importance of the soil. In any event, it is rather significant that Pasteur attached so much importance to this point that on his deathbed he said to Professor A. Rénon who looked after him: 'Bernard avait raison. Le germe n'est rien, c'est le terrain qui est tout.' ('Bernard was right. The microbe is nothing, the soil is everything.')."
[NOTE: Selye was wrong about Rénon's name, he was Louis Rénon, an honored member of the Société de Biologie, as was d'Arsonval. Of importance for this narrative, Selye did not cite his source for Pasteur's quote, leaving my desire for an authoritative source unsatisfied. I include Selye's remarks here as the earliest version of the recant I have found, and the only one I can personally confirm.]

In 1989 Decourt published Les Vérités Indésirables. This book is in two parts, the first on astronomers, the second "Comment on Falsifie L'Histoire: Le Cas Pasteur" begins on page 133 (total 316 pages). It has notes and a bibliography.

Marie Nonclercq, a French pharmacist, wrote as a doctoral dissertation a biography of Béchamp. It was published in book form in 1992 by Maloine as Antoine Béchamp, 1816–1908, The Man and The Scientist, the Originality and Productivity of His Work. It is in French, has 250 pages, and a preface by Philippe Decourt. Nonclercq also founded the Centre International de Recherches Antoine Béchamp (CIRAB).

In April 1992 an article by Christopher Bird (1928–1996), a science writer, was published in Nexxus Magazine. It was titled "To Be Or Not To Be? 150 Years of Hidden Knowledge." In it Bird stated he had met Nonclercq in 1984 in France. He claimed she told him of her discovery of Pasteur's deathbed recant in a book written by Leon Delhoume, De Claude Bernard a d'Arsonval, on or around page 595. Well, the last page of the book is 595, and there is no mention of the recant on it or earlier pages.

Confirmation or Not
The difficulty for American researchers who do not read French is that most of the key books in this saga were written in French and have yet to be translated into English. I hope to find a French-reader to confirm the recant in Delhoume's book and to look for it in the books of Nonclercq and Decourt.

Until an assistant confirmed for me that Delhoume's book does not contain the recant, I was willing to believe that Bird's reputation as a meticulous researcher and documenter would have to suffice as proof that Pasteur really did recant his germ theory. I no longer believe that. At this point, 2014, I have found no evidence that the recant was real.

The earliest account of the recant I found is in Selye's 1976 book. It was likely also in the 1956 edition.

An engaging question is how the recant story ended up in print. Certainly Pasteur's family were not about to tell, assuming they had witnessed it. The likely candidate is d'Arsonval. And, as Pasteur's death was a drawn out affair, the confession could have occurred at any time, not just in his last moments. There is the additional possibility that Pasteur confessed to more than one person.

A Brief Criticism of Pasteur
In a 250-page thesis on Antoine Béchamp, Marie Nonclercq, doctor of pharmacy, explains the clear advantage that Pasteur had over Béchamp: "He was a falsifier of experiments and their results, where he wanted the outcomes to be favourable to his initial ideas. The falsifications committed by Pasteur now seem incredible to us. On deeper examination, however, the facts were in opposition to the ideas developed by Pasteur in the domain of bacteriology . . . Pasteur wilfully ignored the work of Béchamp, one of the greatest 19th-century French scientists whose considerable work in the fields of chemical synthesis, bio-chemistry and infectious pathology is almost totally unrecognised today, because it had been systematically falsified, denigrated, for the personal profit of an illustrious personage (Pasteur) who had, contrary to Béchamp, a genius for publicity and what today we call 'public relations . . .'"http://susandoreydesigns.com/insights/p ... ecant.html
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

I'll join your drum banging Maggie ... and there is a big problem with the geo-political and socially engineered contamination of our earthly terrain. I love everything you share along those lines and it is vital for people to really, truly, madly and deeply comprehend this.

The reason I have studied the his-story of WWI and WWII is that by directing the hatred to one man as the epitome of evil the "ill formed characters of the full blown pathogen" have until recently remained hidden and continue to promote war for their benefit.

By studying Adolf Hitler's character, not perfect as he had blind spots and ideologies that couldn't work, however he did innately understand hygiene and how vital it was to develop character.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by maggie »

Christine wrote:I'll join your drum banging Maggie ... and there is a big problem with the geo-political and socially engineered contamination of our earthly terrain. I love everything you share along those lines and it is vital for people to really, truly, madly and deeply comprehend this.

The reason I have studied the his-story of WWI and WWII is that by directing the hatred to one man as the epitome of evil the "ill formed characters of the full blown pathogen" have until recently remained hidden and continue to promote war for their benefit.

By studying Adolf Hitler's character, not perfect as he had blind spots and ideologies that couldn't work, however he did innately understand hygiene and how vital it was to develop character.
I know that we are on the same page as far as sensing it is now time to take responsibility for oneself to develop from the inside out. I think we esteem being true to the best one knows (now, can change) by action. I also think we agree that walking the talk we speak is a great way to stay integral to SELF.

This present moment way in which many of us have arrived at our sense of empowerment is by sifting through ashes of disappointment and suffering our own failures to live well. I don't want to study the past unless it is in my present any longer. I wish to study the principles I cherish. If I look at myself and how I treat others, how I feel and what I think, that is plenty of study to gauge: "Am I integrity with my ideals as I know them?".

As a last comment about the behavior of the NSWP as I have read it: Far from honoring Hygieia (Hygiene honors the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation), the first hand stories resound of withholding all these offerings to millions in transports trains, in camps and in ghettos. The hatred that seems apparent makes me feel weak and nauseated when I look at the evidence. To imagine myself as a bystander allowing people to be rounded up and their belongings taken and then either deliberately or by ommission murdered makes me wail. All this inhuman neglect, all the pain in the process makes me sob.

By no means is this the only case as shown in example after example. I don't think I have to name names... there are just too many and they all look similar. They look like blood thirsty death loving rages unleashed against civilians just trying to live. I cannot see any leader who would be associated as anything but the hand maid/man servant of death lust.

The NSWP was a giant maw with sharp teeth and it ate its own sons and daughters along with millions of neighbors and spit out systematically organized death IMO. It is still shocking to think it can happen in a civilized world...which means I have unchecked civilized in my world definition....
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by Christine »

maggie wrote:I know that we are on the same page as far as sensing it is now time to take responsibility for oneself to develop from the inside out. I think we esteem being true to the best one knows (now, can change) by action. I also think we agree that walking the talk we speak is a great way to stay integral to SELF.

This present moment way in which many of us have arrived at our sense of empowerment is by sifting through ashes of disappointment and suffering our own failures to live well. I don't want to study the past unless it is in my present any longer. I wish to study the principles I cherish. If I look at myself and how I treat others, how I feel and what I think, that is plenty of study to gauge: "Am I integrity with my ideals as I know them?".

As a last comment about the behavior of the NSWP as I have read it: Far from honoring Hygieia (Hygiene honors the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation), the first hand stories resound of withholding all these offerings to millions in transports trains, in camps and in ghettos. The hatred that seems apparent makes me feel weak and nauseated when I look at the evidence. To imagine myself as a bystander allowing people to be rounded up and their belongings taken and then either deliberately or by ommission murdered makes me wail. All this inhuman neglect, all the pain in the process makes me sob.

By no means is this the only case as shown in example after example. I don't think I have to name names... there are just too many and they all look similar. They look like blood thirsty death loving rages unleashed against civilians just trying to live. I cannot see any leader who would be associated as anything but the hand maid/man servant of death lust.

The NSWP was a giant maw with sharp teeth and it ate its own sons and daughters along with millions of neighbors and spit out systematically organized death IMO. It is still shocking to think it can happen in a civilized world...which means I have unchecked civilized in my world definition....
Maggie ... thank you for entering this subject as I know it is one that brings up some of our deepest sorrow and trauma. There is no right here for the degradation to human spirit that war and deception cause is repugnant from every possible angle. War is hell.

What you give voice to is a perspective on a narrative that my voice counters with variables to the agreed upon version of his-story. Today we can speak of these things without acrimony and condemnation. In my morning muse on metaphors that carry truths I felt that we can finally view each of our voices as chords within a musical composition where even a discordant note will be absolved within the overall theme of harmony.

My reason for opening this subject and staying with it has already been shared, for in our collective minds we have been fed Adolf Hitler as the scapegoat for our hatred, it is permitted and encouraged to hate him while turning a blind eye to the dark hand behind the curtain that orchestrated the wars and is continuing to do so today. I am not saying to you personally that you carry hatred but far too many people do.

From another perspective Hitler can be viewed as loving his people, the Germanic race and traditions. He did practice hygiene in his personal life being a life long vegetarian who exhibited care for animals and had a deep rooted love for rural life. His honor of woman was not to our current accepted way of honoring the feminine but he saw himself as a protector of the mother and child.

Every race has roots in the World Tree and while my own genetic inheritance is Nordic I have the greatest love for the path of the indigenous North Americans for in my heart of hearts I sense that their traditional and deeply rooted contact with the world of Spirit is a herald to the path open for us now. They lived in harmony with the natural world and honored it with every act. As they rise from the deep trauma of genocide they choose to walk in peace. This can not be said for other nations.

Everyday as I skim through the internet feeds I read that our reality is all a lie ... and well I would agree for the deeper I dig through our collective psyche along with the continuous flow of uncoverings of hidden archeology and history it appears that we've been fed a steady diet of deception for thousands of years. It also appears that how we view information is all about perspective coupled with the integrity of the researcher. One either protects the lie and status quo or dares to look where others have not. What amazes me more frequently now is that the views that are shared by the most studious and integrated humans will often contradict the research of others who hold the same integrity. This has intrigued me for quite awhile and rather than agree or disagree I am taking it all in. Some resonates deeply as it touches places in my personal memories, the other pieces are not discarded they are filed in a mental notebook. I believe this also follows true scientific method, nothing is discarded even if it doesn't fit a current comprehension.

Something that I often remind myself is that when rear viewing time frames it is important to hold the largest context possible of that time. I can't see clearly when I take the current socially engineered belief structures with me.

Emergent is the individual who does accept responsibility for their thoughts, emotional responses and action. That inner alignment of mind, heart and gut. We can't honor another without first honoring our self and I carry nothing but respect for those who have stepped forward without fear to give voice from the innerstanding of us.

I emboldened your statement about standing by while others are desecrated for it is the very reason I am an adamant voice on the current state of affairs in our world, it is happening today in every nation on Earth as the tyranny of the victors of war spreads. The emotions are hard to swallow. To end on a more uplifting note there is so much good rising at the same time and I will quote Fred by saying yes, we do indeed live in a most sacred time.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention

Post by LostNFound »

And yet some more that gather a truth and push it forward in a touch way.

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