I just don't know

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Blue Rising
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I just don't know

Post by Blue Rising »

It has been a long time since I logged in and posted anything. This almost feels foreign even. Life explodes, as it has a way of doing. Anyway, I'm posting because I'm hoping to get some input.

Why do I blow up electronics, and what can I do about it? If you don't know what I'm talking about, nevermind. But if you do...please talk to me. This is getting expensive. Everybody close to me knows I do this, they laugh, but then we have to go buy replacements...what do I need to do here???

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Re: I just don't know

Post by Spiritwind »

I don't know for sure Blue Rising, but I have had friends who do this. One of them kept crashing her hard drive, another always stops watches. With there being more and more electronic devices and weirdness in the airwaves, it easy to see why this phenomena is probably on the rise. Many years ago I had a ridiculous number of street lights just burn out when I drove by or walked under them, and it went on for a few years. Doesn't really happen so much anymore, but then I hardly go anywhere, especially at night. The only thing that jumps to mind is something to release the static electricity that builds up. Maybe it's attracted to you, LOL. Anyway, something to help ground the energies around you would be good. Maybe some orgonite?

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Re: I just don't know

Post by Christine »

Blue! Missing your presence so was happy to see your name pop up.

Writing from my hip here and agreeing with Spiritwind too... First you have big energy and that is no surprise, you energetically pack a wallop coupled with a wide extension into the ethereal field that surrounds and is within all matter so it isn't surprising again that you would inadvertently affect electronics, your energy basically short circuits them. Years ago, while I never affected electronics I became aware of how my energy, especially in times of high emotions or passionate undertakings would move wind and weather. It doesn't happen any longer.

What I learned about myself is perhaps applicable to your situation. Overtime I am better able to keep my energy in a more compacted state around me, like an attuned awareness that almost automatically pulls inward when it needs to. Do you feel your energy building up in your body at times, looking for an outlet? Grounding your self consciously might help. Other things that pop into my mind are eating grounding vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and beets. (I'm writing free flow at the moment.)

The more aware you are of when this happens and how may lead you to be able to control it. I was going to type you have kinetic energy, that is your energy once set in motion will continue its trajectory... then jumped to telekinesis which in most people is latent so doesn't do things like bend spoons or turn street lamps on or off. I am sure if you were ever tested your range for telekinesis would be off the charts.
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Re: I just don't know

Post by Fred Steeves »

As with other such things, I think Big J knows the way. Actually I don't think that, I know that. :)

You don't need anyone to answer questions like this, you're just still convinced that you do.
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Re: I just don't know

Post by Blue Rising »

Spiritwind wrote:I don't know for sure Bluerising, but I have had friends who do this. One of them kept crashing her hard drive, another always stops watches. With there being more and more electronic devices and weirdness in the airwaves, it easy to see why this phenomena is probably on the rise. Many years ago I had a ridiculous number of street lights just burn out when I drove by or walked under them, and it went on for a few years. Doesn't really happen so much anymore, but then I hardly go anywhere, especially at night. The only thing that jumps to mind is something to release the static electricity that builds up. Maybe it's attracted to you, LOL. Anyway, something to help ground the energies around you would be good. Maybe some orgonite?

PS: You've been missed!
Thanks, Spiritwind. I miss you guys, too, and I miss this part of my life very much. The magickal. The mystical. The spiritual...sigh.

Anyway, thank you for the response. I've tried carrying black rocks for a long time, and it still happens. That's the only thing I've tried. Well, I've tried getting barefoot in the dirt also, and oddly enough that didn't seem to do much either. It's a perplexing thing. I'm really hard on phones, I've blown up skype for different people now. The poor tv, and the blu ray player....the most constant problem is that I interrupt the wifi. My kids have changed our seating at the dinner table so that I am the farthest away from the router.

The reason I ask now is that it has been stepped up a notch. I had a very stressful morning at work last week. I can't remember if I said anything online, but I work with kiddos labeled special education behavior problems. I have been trained to do a safe physical restraint, and have had to use that. I de-escalate kids who are melting down, threatening each other, threatening teachers, putting holes in walls, I could go on.

So one morning, it was just....constant. Very busy, energy on high alert. And out of the blue I received a text from M, who was at home with a sick little one. The text was a picture of the tv with a white screen and the text was "what the fuck, mom???"

Well, I guffawed because that's just funny. But then...the magnitude of this set in...I'm interrupting the electronics at home....from 25 minutes away. I sat with this for a while. We know time and space are not what we are told, and since there is no distance between the place I call home and my energy, well...there ya go.


I do hope to try a cloud buster, but don't know when we will be able to do that. You inspired me! Bucket list, maybe. I do have orgonite art ;), but that doesn't seem to affect me.

Anyway, I am going to try to stop by more often. This is so good for me. Thank you so much :)

Last edited by Blue Rising on Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I just don't know

Post by Blue Rising »

Christine wrote:Blue! Missing your presence so was happy to see your name pop up.

Writing from my hip here and agreeing with Spiritwind too... First you have big energy and that is no surprise, you energetically pack a wallop coupled with a wide extension into the ethereal field that surrounds and is within all matter so it isn't surprising again that you would inadvertently affect electronics, your energy basically short circuits them. Years ago, while I never affected electronics I became aware of how my energy, especially in times of high emotions or passionate undertakings would move wind and weather. It doesn't happen any longer.

What I learned about myself is perhaps applicable to your situation. Overtime I am better able to keep my energy in a more compacted state around me, like an attuned awareness that almost automatically pulls inward when it needs to. Do you feel your energy building up in your body at times, looking for an outlet? Grounding your self consciously might help. Other things that pop into my mind are eating grounding vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes and beets. (I'm writing free flow at the moment.)

The more aware you are of when this happens and how may lead you to be able to control it. I was going to type you have kinetic energy, that is your energy once set in motion will continue its trajectory... then jumped to telekinesis which in most people is latent so doesn't do things like bend spoons or turn street lamps on or off. I am sure if you were ever tested your range for telekinesis would be off the charts.
Thank you so much, this gives me a place to put my attention. During that morning I mentioned just now, I did indeed feel my energy build up. Physically, adrenaline was surging. Emotionally, I was stepping in to handle multiple crises so I was very stable and level until later. Energetically ... I felt like I was becoming brighter and brighter...like one of those light switches with the dial, a dimmer switch I guess, being turned up as high as it would go. And then going past the highest setting.

Hmmmm. I have honestly never even considered that I would be off the charts with some of this stuff. I need to get a grip. I need to see this, accept it, and for fuck's sake work with it.

Expect some skype conversations as soon as I can work this in, and as soon as we can connect, my friend. (If you don't mind, of course...)

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Re: I just don't know

Post by Blue Rising »

Fred Steeves wrote:As with other such things, I think Big J knows the way. Actually I don't think that, I know that. :)

You don't need anyone to answer questions like this, you're just still convinced that you do.
Well. You do hand me the clearest mirror, it's been that way for quite a while. I can't say that I particularly like it when you do that, LOL! I'm just kidding, I appreciate it very much.

Okay. So I thought about this. You are correct. I cannot access it right now, but I do have a feeling it is in here. I have gotten so far away from this whole part of myself that I forgot I even know a Big J, let alone am Her.

That is an issue.

Thanks, Fred. <3
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Re: I just don't know

Post by Blue Rising »

Oh geez. This sounds pretty ridiculous when I think about it. Like...what if this is just some kind of (normal) interruption in the electricity or something, and I'm thinking it's me. That sounds a little full of myself, don't you think?

Wow. I either need to jump back into my concrete 3d boots or I need to just jump into the insanity that feels very close by. If I just knew which one to do. And if I just knew how. (Don't you say I already know how. I heard that for a solid couple or three years of "teaching".... and I still haven't figured it out. So either I don't trust the teacher, or I don't trust my own instincts because of how bad they are for where they let me go, or both.)

Hmmmm. I bet there's a pearl in all that mud somewhere...
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Re: I just don't know

Post by Sandy Clark »

Yes there is a pearl and it is YOU....maybe you need more learning before gaining the full understanding or acceptance of the lesson.....just my 2 cents worth and life experience. Often I think I got the lesson but what I got was step one and had to go back for a few more steps of completion......no biggy...reconnecting here means you are getting ready me thinks.... 8-)
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Re: I just don't know

Post by Christine »

Blue Rising wrote:Thank you so much, this gives me a place to put my attention. During that morning I mentioned just now, I did indeed feel my energy build up. Physically, adrenaline was surging. Emotionally, I was stepping in to handle multiple crises so I was very stable and level until later. Energetically ... I felt like I was becoming brighter and brighter...like one of those light switches with the dial, a dimmer switch I guess, being turned up as high as it would go. And then going past the highest setting.

Hmmmm. I have honestly never even considered that I would be off the charts with some of this stuff. I need to get a grip. I need to see this, accept it, and for fuck's sake work with it.

Expect some skype conversations as soon as I can work this in, and as soon as we can connect, my friend. (If you don't mind, of course...)

I would love a conversation and have felt one coming on for some time now. The sooner the better.

And yes you do "know" as Fred says but that doesn't alleviate the at times need for affirmation. We can be light posts for each other along the way.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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