The Border Wall

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The Border Wall

Post by Spiritwind »

Okay, I am not posting this because I think we should have a border wall, or not have a border wall. I read something along these lines a few years ago, so the problem is not even new. I am simply trying to show that there are many reasons at least some people think this is the right solution, and not all of them are stupid and unreasonable. Ultimately, to me anyway, the international banks and corporations have created all these problems in other countries, and are a huge part of the problem. And those who badger their way into these lofty positions of power (for the most part, I realize there are exceptions) as congressmen and senators are not much different than back in the day when people paid indulgences to wipe the slate clean of their sins. Unfortunately, most people can be bought off, it turns out. Also, nothing new. I would certainly not like to live where some of these farmers and ranchers live. And no, I don’t have a truly good solution, unless someone, somewhere, in a position of authority, actually starts to address the real issues, which is unlikely to happen. We have a problem (that was created on purpose), and, as always, they have a solution they are trying to sell the public. And, much like Charlie Brown, the public seems to fall for it every time. Plus, they love to create more division amongst people. (Kind of like the whole vaccine issue, but that is a whole other post!)

Gwendolyn Corgan’s FB post -

From a Friend of our Family: for those living close to the border in Texas, the crisis is all too real on the boarder of the US & Mexico. This is from the perspective of someone who lives with this every day. They are not secure in their homes behind walls like all of congress is . Maybe congress should walk a mile in these people's shoes. The urgency to have a wall built at the border may not seem like a crisis for some. One such person is Kari Wade, who, with her family, owns a ranch just 50 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.

The border rancher recently responded to a Facebook comment when someone asked, "Where's the fire" in regards to the urgency of President Trump to build the wall at the U.S.-Mexico border:

Just read a comment on another friends post and the comment said, "Where's the fire?" in reference to building the wall/more technology on the border states. Let me tell you where the fire is:

The "fire" is finding dead bodies on your ranch, the "fire" is finding domestic pig ears in your drinkers when there isn't a domestic pig for 25 miles, the "fire" is waking up to unknown people talking in your attic, the "fire" is dogs barking all night when your closest neighbor is 7-25 miles depending on the direction to just realize there are people outside your barn, the "fire" is having to come home after dark and have to carry a rifle to go feed your livestock after BP tells you that they only caught 9 of the 15 they are looking for. The "fire" is making a I take my child with me to a dark barn to feed and hold the flashlight or lock him in the house, so you lock him in the house and call a friend to let them know he's home alone and if they don't hear back from me to come check on us. The "fire" is you don't feel comfortable letting your child play outside without being in eye shot of them. The "fire" is having large drug busts on your ranch. The "fire" is feeling sick to your stomach every time the helicopter swirls your house because you know they are chasing people because you can hear them on the speaker talking to them. The "fire" is seeing the BP camera set-up 1/2 mile from your house. The "fire" is coming home after dark...your children are driving in front of you as one is of age to drive, and there are officers on your road watching illegals 1/4-1/2 mile from your house and you have to call your children and tell them to keep driving, don't stop at the house. The "fire" is coming home to your backdoor wide open.

The "fire" is real for me, my family, and my community.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Christine »

What the "citizens" of the corporation of the United States of America have not thought of yet is that the wall is duality manifest. In other words it can be used to keep them in and something tells me that is one of it's purposes. When I think of this I think of cattle herded into the slaughter house. Needed to say that ...
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »

Isn't it odd that the virtual U.S. State run media never shines the light of truth on WHY so many desperate people continue to stream north over the years and decades? Could a good part of that reason be our long history of control and regime change in Latin America? It's the same in places like Africa and the Middle East.

Why are these places so eternally fucked up and war torn in the first place? Because we make it that way, and we KEEP it that way. Can't have these places getting their shit together and being prosperous on their own like Ghadaffi, that's seen as a threat to national security. Remember that Libya was getting very modern and successful, but they weren't under our thumb; they wouldn't play ball with big brother so now for their efforts there is open slave trading in the streets...

Currently Venezuela is a prime example of a place where we just can't stop hammering away at with sanctions, subterfuge and sabotage, until we finally get our way. Once we finally get the governing body of our choosing again, we'll stop strangling them.

So we're never going to come to any solutions in these matters, because the root cause not only will never be addressed, it doesn't exist. For most Americans if it's not on the evening or cable news it never happened, or doesn't exist.

I know this isn't exactly on topic but it's my way of looking at it.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Christine »

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Fred for they are exactly on point. And since the idiot puppet in charge is now saying he will make an executive order to close the Mexican - US border if Mexico doesn't do his bidding we have another fine example of a tyrannical monster who will never stop unless we the people stand up. The decidedly limited way in which power seeks power over is going to backfire and it is.

From my perspective, maybe I should say my revolving perspectives that form a single focus it is becoming more apparent every day that with every false flag and tyrannical move another swath of humanity will wake up. My terminology is "critical mass" in reference to consciousness and when that happens the false will crumble even faster.

Lots of thoughts flowing here but alas I have a carpenter here and need to direct some work.... hasta pronto amigo.
Fred Steeves wrote:Isn't it odd that the virtual U.S. State run media never shines the light of truth on WHY so many desperate people continue to stream north over the years and decades? Could a good part of that reason be our long history of control and regime change in Latin America? It's the same in places like Africa and the Middle East.

Why are these places so eternally fucked up and war torn in the first place? Because we make it that way, and we KEEP it that way. Can't have these places getting their shit together and being prosperous on their own like Ghadaffi, that's seen as a threat to national security. Remember that Libya was getting very modern and successful, but they weren't under our thumb; they wouldn't play ball with big brother so now for their efforts there is open slave trading in the streets...

Currently Venezuela is a prime example of a place where we just can't stop hammering away at with sanctions, subterfuge and sabotage, until we finally get our way. Once we finally get the governing body of our choosing again, we'll stop strangling them.

So we're never going to come to any solutions in these matters, because the root cause not only will never be addressed, it doesn't exist. For most Americans if it's not on the evening or cable news it never happened, or doesn't exist.

I know this isn't exactly on topic but it's my way of looking at it.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m going to ramble on and just write out some thoughts on the whole idea of building a border wall. I don’t have any insiders, and tend to stay out of politics. Primarily because it has already been demonstrated that all of these people in high positions are actually related to each other. So even if one appears to be “for the people”, my feeling is that none of them are actually “for the people”, or, for the planet for that matter. They may have family squabbles, and may not all be on the same page, but I don’t think they’ve ever cared about humanity.

In fact, I honestly think they are working feverishly towards a culling of the population, as well as pitting us against one another and, as Christine said, perhaps even want to keep us from escaping when the civil war starts. I live up in the northern part of the country, and I can tell you there are a lot of gun toting “patriotic” Americans living here who, when they come for their guns, will indeed not give them up willingly. No matter how you slice it up, it isn’t looking good.

I read the book Gods of Eden many years ago, and I know there is evidence that even the plagues that swept across Europe may not have been totally some random event as we have been taught to believe. I think there is a good deal of evidence that indicates this culling of the population has occurred several times before. Even the Americas were totally populated before it was “discovered”. They, the same families we can trace back into antiquity, knew about this continent and had it in their sights long before they sent Columbus over, and it was an extinction level event, even if it didn’t happen overnight. Whole tribes of people were wiped out, and methods used that are not much different than what they use today.

I think this is happening in Africa too. Everywhere, really. The argument goes that this border wall is to try and get a handle on the selling of humans, mostly women and children, while at the same time the letting desperate males who have nothing to lose into the country. This is happening everywhere too. And what about all the tunnels they have discovered going UNDER the border? We don’t hear much about that, do we? Somehow all the reasons stated for having this wall just don’t add up to me. They act like it’s the only solution, and yet any truly thinking person would recognize it isn’t. And getting people all riled up using isolated factoids that don’t show the full picture only feeds into the overall agenda, which I believe is to destabilize this country completely. It also triggers people’s fears, on both sides of the fence. It does not bring people together. So it’s all ass backwards if you really want to create a truly safer, better, world, or country. And let’s face it, it is now a global thing, not just some localized event.

It all kind of flows together, the vaccine agenda, the 5G roll out. I’ve seen some pictures of a couple cities in Europe (Amsterdam and I believe I saw one of a city in France) where they are cutting down all the trees that line the streets so the whole 5G roll out is unobstructed. I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m really awake and seeing what I am. It seems totally counter to life itself to cut down trees to pave the way for what is actually a weapons grade deployment of a technology that is going to sicken and kill who knows how many before enough catch on to stop this madness.

And the problems we faced have in part been created, aided, and abetted by the politicians (democrats AND republicans), corporations, and most of all international banking system. They, too, are all related. So, they created the problem, and are now trying to get us to either get spitting mad over the nut case in the White House, or equally as rabid supporting him. Really, folks, all these moves are planned well in advance. And, one last thing to mention is that they really do employ black magicians to cast spells, and they work best when there are blood sacrifices. This, too, has been going on far back into antiquity.

In the end then, is a wall just really a wall? Or is it far far more than what most even can see happening here?
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Just my thoughts. We talk about the border wall and we hear from the right side how it is needed for our safety and Nationality,we hear about the drugs and child trafficking and how women and children are being raped and killed. We hear about the caravans that are coming up by the thousands and how it amounts to an invasion into our country. The BP and DHS tell us how dangerous this situation is on the border and yes the border walls are being built weather one wants to believe it or not. and yes there is a guaranteed danger on the border. Been there and seen it for myself. Might want to pay attention up there in Washington Spiritwind because that border is just as dangerous. In case you haven't been paying attention, Canada is turning into a major Muslim Jihadist country. Just look at the mess being created down in NZ right now. The Kiwi's are under major attack by their own Deep State Government. Oh yeah, The MSM and the Dems tell us there is no threat in the face of 20,000 young men with a few women and children herded up front to make it look like families. The MSM is nothing more than the DS propaganda machine and we all know that don't we?

Yes it would be great and wonderful to transcend to 4D and not play in this filthy matrix but unfortunately that ain't happening at the moment in time is it. The world is insane to be sure and yes the wall can be used both ways. Fred, you seem to think you and I have created the problems in the southern lands and around the world. That is false in my mind. I didn't have anything to do with the Bankers, Rothschild's, Deep State bastards plans for a one world government.

The United States seems to be ranked into a few and I mean a few countries that does not have a border wall to protect its citizens and country from the hoards of invaders that seek to destroy everything in their path. Do a bit of research and you can find out the Immigration laws and walls that are built around the world. Gees, Mexico has a death penalty for illegal aliens, and so many other countries do also. What do we have. An invasion created by the Treasonous bastards called the Left/Democrats and a good part of the Republicrats also. They make millions of dollars and garner all the illegal votes from having that border open. Ok you might say that is just hearsay but it really isn't when you do some investigative research.

For the life of me, I can't understand why people who have never met a man that actually won a presidency fairly Hate him so badly. I did not vote at all but I can use my cognitive thinking enough to see that the man has done more for this country than any before him in a positive way. How does that relate to hate. Oh wait, It is against the law to do hate speech, No wait if you are on the left and privileged you can do all the hate speech and hating and getting away with murder (Hillary Clinton) comes to mind here. Jussie Smollett comes to mind here, The crazio thing that wants all of us to spend 600,000 dollars apiece to do away with airplanes and kill all the cows. Goats will be on that list too Spiritwind. How did all this happen? Just because a man named Trump became president the world went insane. Where were these people when the muslim in the whitehouse the last two terms destroyed their freedoms. A man that everyone thought was Black who could care less about the plight of the black man in this country. Where were they then? Did the world go crazy or did we all just sit back and watch the sick treasonous bastard destroy our country? Okay enough of that. Give you an idea how I might feel about this Wall business. I say build the damn thing because its a lot more than just keeping the drugs and murderers out. I do not have anything against people that want to come here and assimilate into this country if they want to do that and do it legally. As for walls we build plenty of those in our own minds to keep us in. Yes Spiritwind, The folks that own guns in this country will fight to keep them because when you give up the right to defend yourself, the corrupt government will murder millions. Plenty of facts on that in our history.

One Question for you Christine, do you fly an American flag where you live or do you fly the Mexico flag. This is a metaphor. You don't have to fly any flag but do you assimilate into the Mexican ways of life? In a way it would be a perfect world if there were no borders I get that but we as a human race have not reached that Transition as of yet so we are stuck doing what we do. I would just like to get off and go home myself but time is not right so I am stuck fighting for what rights I still have and for my children's children.

This is my rant, yes the monsters are killing us slowly with all the poisons in our air, food and water and The 5G crap is real scary but these things are being fought against, slowly but surely and all it could be switched in the blink of an eye. I have been watching and spreading word as best as I can that Trump is doing something better toward our freedoms and health. Why do the MSM attack him so bad, Why are there so many snowflakes, pardon that word but it fits in such hating frenzies against Trump and the Q phenomenon. What is so wrong that people would rather live under full blown Socialism than the Republic we were given a few hundred years ago. Do all these people realize that they have so much in this country? They grew up with all kinds of stuff they would never have had living in the socialism that they so want to gravitate to.

Okay enough again, I found this vid today so thought It might fit in this thread.

There is always two sides to a story or a way. I will say that the Paradigm is changing for us all. Something to ponder on whether ones wants to move with river or stay swirling around in the eddy pool.

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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Fred Steeves wrote:Isn't it odd that the virtual U.S. State run media never shines the light of truth on WHY so many desperate people continue to stream north over the years and decades? Could a good part of that reason be our long history of control and regime change in Latin America? It's the same in places like Africa and the Middle East.

Why are these places so eternally fucked up and war torn in the first place? Because we make it that way, and we KEEP it that way. Can't have these places getting their shit together and being prosperous on their own like Ghadaffi, that's seen as a threat to national security. Remember that Libya was getting very modern and successful, but they weren't under our thumb; they wouldn't play ball with big brother so now for their efforts there is open slave trading in the streets...

Currently Venezuela is a prime example of a place where we just can't stop hammering away at with sanctions, subterfuge and sabotage, until we finally get our way. Once we finally get the governing body of our choosing again, we'll stop strangling them.

So we're never going to come to any solutions in these matters, because the root cause not only will never be addressed, it doesn't exist. For most Americans if it's not on the evening or cable news it never happened, or doesn't exist.

I know this isn't exactly on topic but it's my way of looking at it.
Okay Fred, you are somewhat right about the State run Media never showing the truth. However I fail to see how you and I are responsible for carnage and such that is going on in the foreign countries. If you are saying in a round about way that the US Corporate government is responsible then I would agree 100 percent. The Clintons the bushes, the Obummers and even before Daddy bush there were those that created death and destruction in the foreign countries. Bush Jr and his real psychopathic minions are responsible for the pure evil of destruction in the Mideast and perhaps other parts of the world. Now most of these people coming up to our border are from further south of Mexico in fact the Mexicans would rather see them not coming through their country. Thing is the Soro's and his ilk are the ones that are responsible for getting the peoples of those war torn countries to suffer the journey to further his their agendas so mostly the innocent peoples are used as pawns.

This fact does not however give these peoples the right to invade our country without coming through the legal way. Most other countries have laws to abide by and the immigration laws are very strict in most. Now the stupid DS governments that open the borders are today paying dearly for that or should I say the people of those nations are paying for it simply because they had/have no say in their peace.

I guess what drives me to comment on this issue of a wall is the veiling threat that Trump is somehow responsible for all this crap. It all seems to fall on the man in the White house. Did Trump cause 911, Did trump send our boys to destroy those Mid eastern nations. The whole Venezuelan thing is no different today than it always has been. That country has been going through one dictator after another since before you and I were born and now the MSM and the DS are pushing for a war with Russia and have been for a while now. Just so happens that Trump is trying to help the situation but the MSM lies like they always do because they want you and I to think it is Trump who is causing this SHTF mess when in reality it is some other DS operatives. CIA ring a bell. You use the We alot in your post. Well are you part of the DS my friend or do you just listen to the MSM.

People really need to wake up to who is really doing all this crap in world. That is where you and me, We need to be active to stop the crap. The Trump haters mostly only follow the MSM Narrative and that is so dangerous. Who killed Ghadaffi,, Who blew up the towers, Who created ISIS, Was it Trump? Enough of that, I like your post because you did say it well except for the we part.

Back to the wall business then. Here is another video of the dangers of the border. Hey. People are dying down there and it ain't all about an invasion. Think Drugs, Child Trafficking, and Jihadists from foreign countries that are paid to actually invade. The Wall is not only a safeguard for the American people but it is also a safeguard for those people that are being dragged thousands of miles thinking they can just walk over the border and not have to obey any laws. I believe the people in those countries could stand up and take out those puny dictators. In fact they are doing just that today. Our lame stream media does not want us to see that so we have to go digging ourselves and that is a risky business as it goes.

Check this vid out, just one of many thousands where real journalism is being put into practice

Actual Footage from the Southern Border Shows Migrants Entering with Coyotes | RKTNN [video]

Are you aware that people drowned trying to go under the razor wire and digging holes under the barriers? We have the translation of the Spanish news of what is actually happening there from Randell K. Taylor.

He says NBC owns this Telemundo channel so they know exactly what is going on but aren’t inclined to speak of it to the American audience. Crisis? What crisis?

Randell says YouTube is putting his news videos under the “comedy” category. Unbelievable. ~ BP

Okay so I am passionate about this issue, I live in a state that has that border on it and it is scary believe me.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »

LostNFound wrote:Okay Fred, you are somewhat right about the State run Media never showing the truth. However I fail to see how you and I are responsible for carnage and such that is going on in the foreign countries. If you are saying in a round about way that the US Corporate government is responsible then I would agree 100 percent.
Right, I say "we" mostly as a matter of expediency. However there is that little bit which flatly states our government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people". I know that means nothing any more, and maybe it never really did, but it IS there...

For instance were I to meet a family that "we" bombed out in one of our many foreign excursions, I would feel responsible enough, anyway, to apologize for what my country did to them. My tax dollars DO pay for those bombs, and NOBODY any more, including ME, is out there protesting this bullshit any more.

LostNFound wrote:This fact does not however give these peoples the right to invade our country without coming through the legal way.
Not to imply that there is not a problem, but a lot of them ARE coming in the legal way they are applying for asylum, and they are coming from countries that "WE" have a long history of destabilizing. There's just so many of them the system is apparently overwhelmed.
LostNFound wrote:The whole Venezuelan thing is no different today than it always has been. That country has been going through one dictator after another since before you and I were born and now the MSM and the DS are pushing for a war with Russia and have been for a while now. Just so happens that Trump is trying to help the situation but the MSM lies like they always do because they want you and I to think it is Trump who is causing this SHTF mess when in reality it is some other DS operatives.
If Trump thinks he's helping the situation in Venezuela then he's a fucking idiot beyond all proportions. How is squeezing the life's blood out of a nation's people through modern day siege warfare to (supposedly) inspire them to overthrow their government, helping a situation? It's barbarism under a nice tidy political term.
LostNFound wrote:CIA ring a bell. You use the We alot in your post. Well are you part of the DS my friend or do you just listen to the MSM.
Yes, we have the CIA types down there repeatedly plunging them into darkness by messing with their power grid to "help", the situation even more. Keep making the people more and more miserable, keep pointing that crooked finger at their duly elected leader, and keep hoping they will rise and do our dirty work for them.

If Trump thinks this is just coincidence then again he's a fucking idiot not worthy of the job.

And look who he has around him as his closest confidants and advisors, war drum banging neocons of the highest order: Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and now Elliott Abrams with his infamously notable set of skills to deal directly with Venezuela. Remember him from the Iran Contra days? Elliott Abrams' specialty is arming extreme Right wing guerilla groups to overthrow our "enemy" Left wing governments in Latin America, often times resulting in genocide of which Americans never seem to hear about. And if it ain't on the news it didn't happen...

I don't believe in heaven or hell, but if they did exist, Abrams continues to earn himself a special front row seat in one of those two places.

And Juan Guido, the CIA groomed "opposition leader", I guess Trump is trying to "help" the CIA pull off a coup down there? Or doesn't he know, if he doesn't know then again he's a fucking idiot. But I think he DOES know. His massive ego lets him think he's really in charge of things, doing "God's" work or some horse shit, as his handlers gently nudge him along to do their bidding.

So then back to Mexico, as this is not all about Trump. It's much bigger and deeper than that. It started with The Monroe Doctrine back in 1823, basically telling Europe hands off anything in this hemisphere it's ours, and Latin America is our back yard to do with as we please. And then away "we" went shortly after in 1846 with our new slogan of conquest "Manifest Destiny". So we kicked off our new way of doing things down there by inventing a reason to go to war with Mexico, and promptly gobbled up a third of their country. Nice start eh?

I wonder why Mexico is still so fucked up in many places today with the cartels? Could our war on drugs and the CIA have anything to do with that?

This is a good quick and easy cursory chart showing the history of us "helping out" down there, just as we are doing today." onclick=";return false;

One more thing. Something I'm just learning recently is that at least in Venezuela and Brazil, there is a segregated light skinned population, and an "inferior" native dark skinned population. Guess which side we like? One of the reasons we hated Hugo Chavez so deeply was not because he was Socialist (we don't really give a shit about that) because he had the gall to overthrow for his fellow dark skinned native people, our good friends and allies the light skinned rulers, who had long oppressed them.

Guess which one Juan Guido represents? Does that maybe tell us something more in line with our true interests there?

Oh, and we also want their oil as they have more than anyone else in the world.

LostNFound wrote:Well are you part of the DS my friend or do you just listen to the MSM.
Now then, does it really sound like I get my information from msm? Again this is not about Trump, he is just being the latest good little foot soldier like all the rest.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Christine »

"Houston we have a problem." and it will never be rectified by a back and forth sully of opinions, we all have opinions so I am not exactly against them though if they don't seek to dive as deep as fuck possible into the murky miasma of back room cloak and dagger dealios we are never going to find a solution. It's all social engineering folks.

I can speak of life in Mexico, La Bestia pulls through San Miguel every Sunday with men clinging to the outside and many jump off to pan handle and seek some opportunity or food and shelter, especially if they have children. There are sanctuaries in nearby Celaya and Comonfort where good hearted Mexicans have pulled together to provide food, clothing and basic needs. They also give out instructions on how to seek asylum in Mexico... I see them every day and just as importantly I see Mexican men, woman and children begging on busy street corners too. It's poverty mixed in with the social elite crowd (both Mexican and Foreigners) taking selfies from panoramic viewpoints or swishing expensive cocktails as they droll on about their other homes in places like Soho, Houston or Vail.

It's a microcosm of the world on Mexican chile pepper steroids. There's pizazz here and it doesn't look like the news reports on either side of the fractured equation. Oh, I should mention that the cartels have now taken to stealing vast amounts of petrol, either by diverting or rupturing pipelines and stealing oil tankers by the dozens ... we had no gas at pumps last month, people waited in line up to 24 hours to fill their tank. And you know what? Life goes on amidst the chaos. The army came in two weeks ago and locked down the highway to Celaya and there was a mini war between police (one cartel) and the illegal cartels, by now lots of them are just street thugs hyped up on drugs and strutting their pecker brains out in the open, we have a shootings every week here and in broad daylight, in the market or at a taco stand. This is how the criminals do business. A social alarm is set off and mostly by "los gringos".

En mi México Lindo one just knows that is the way things are. Mexicans wear a mask of passivity and yet they burn with the fire of rage, it's been like this for hundreds of years, it's a game of who is the biggest Cabrón and whether that cabrón is from the Corporate States of America or the Corporate Estado de México makes zippo difference to the common people, they always lose and they know it. They live on dreams of the next Presidente that will save them. Hear the drum roll... enter AMLO the savior.

Am I jaded? Not at all I just see too deeply into the whole fucking affair to even raise an eyebrow though I had a lot of fun writing the above. Will humanity wake up? I doubt it for the web is too tightly spun and throw in some millimeter sized waves called 5G, vaccinate the brain cells into oblivion and feed them GMOs. So what remains for us awoken and aware? What is the solution? It's only going to take those who answered the call, and that is a very, very internal affair. You know if you have and without a divided thought in your head you extend some spiritual prowess and then you watch vigilant and keep casting your light and love with all your might.

And speak your fucking truth and learn to do so eloquently, "there's a crack in everything and that's where the light gets in." and no that isn't a Leonard Cohen original he stole it from a mystic.

In México there's a saying that goes something like this: "It takes a cabron to know one." They are all in bed together, the CIA and los officiales here, no difference, they are the same breed.

Fred Steeves wrote:So then back to Mexico, as this is not all about Trump. It's much bigger and deeper than that. It started with The Monroe Doctrine back in 1823, basically telling Europe hands off anything in this hemisphere it's ours, and Latin America is our back yard to do with as we please. And then away "we" went shortly after in 1846 with our new slogan of conquest "Manifest Destiny". So we kicked off our new way of doing things down there by inventing a reason to go to war with Mexico, and promptly gobbled up a third of their country. Nice start eh?

I wonder why Mexico is still so fucked up in many places today with the cartels? Could our war on drugs and the CIA have anything to do with that?
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Fred Steeves
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote: Am I jaded? Not at all I just see too deeply into the whole fucking affair to even raise an eyebrow though I had a lot of fun writing the above.
Touche. :)
Christine wrote:Will humanity wake up?
Sigh. But then again, to what degree are we "the woke", really awakened. That is a question I stab into myself evey day...

Like the supposed Yeshua character is to have said: "There are many rooms in my father's house".
The unexamined life is not worth living.

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