The Border Wall

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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Spiritwind »

Wow, I’m not sure how this has looped around like this. First, I will comment on what Christine has shared. I have done some of this traveling to the other side of which she speaks, with her and others. I guess if you haven’t done that, and realized that’s what you are doing, and made the trip with others who can repeatedly confirm what you are picking up, then it might be easier to buy any of what is being peddled as truth “out there”.

This is exactly why I don’t take a side in any of the outer theatre being played out. I look at the energetics of it. I also don’t try to convince anyone that they are barking up the wrong tree, because we are all at different places in our understanding and experience. There is indeed a battle going on in the astral realms and other dimensions, and it doesn’t sleep. It’s on ALL the time. I meant it when I said we are being watched, all of us, even when we are completely unaware. I’ve had it confirmed too many times.

And the battle is for our consciousness. What I see happening in the outer world is the bleed over from these realms in the form of many scripts designed to take us off course. The enemy isn’t even what you think, it’s actually not even physical as we know it. It just “inhabits” and “overshadows” real humans, sometimes sporadically, sometimes it takes up permanent residence. I’ve even learned to recognize the energy signature of this many tentacled consciousness that wants to consume.

Anything, and I do mean anything at all, that engenders fear is where you want to look first. And it is rampant and everywhere, both conscious, and unconscious. I have to root it out in myself all the time. This IS how they really control us, and it has been this way since day one.

When I look at what is playing out, with Israel, with Russia, with South America, with the US, Europe, the Middle East, and so on, I actually zoom out to look at the bigger picture, rather than all the finer details. Yes, there is Q-anon, there is Trump, there is Zionist Israhell, but beyond that there are real entities that are driving the narrative, and they are not even human. I’m saying this because people get too caught up in the details, and don’t even think about the fact that truth has an energy signature, that can be felt and intuited with fairly good accuracy.

What I really want is the fighting to stop. For the needless suffering and death of millions to stop. I mentioned earlier that I will not willingly wear a hijab. But, and this is a big but, I will not hate anyone because they are different than me, or fear them either. I will not hate Trump, and I will not hate Zionist Israhell. But I also will not stand idly by and let bullies be bullies. They do NOT have the right. It’s all about boundaries, which can be an actual wall. But no wall in the world is going to stop what is coming down the pike for us unless a good number more of the good souls on this planet wake the fuck up!

Once again, I will say, these beings that drive the agenda, which looks like many conflicting agendas but isn’t, aren’t even human! So, to make it real simple, we need to stop the hate, and we need to stop the fear, and it starts right here in each and every one of us. I have addressed many of my fears, and various things I have judged against, but always I am a work in progress. We didn’t get here overnight, and the solution is going to take actual effort on the part of each and every one of us. If we are maybe a little more awake than our neighbor, relatives, friends, co-workers etc. then don’t judge. Take their hand as gently as you can and share from the heart. Miracles can and do happen every single day. We have to become miracle minded, and go back and recapture the energetic signature we all took for granted before all the trauma, when we were still free, truly free. If you sit with it I’ll bet you can remember what it felt like. That’s where we want to be in our beingness. This is what I shoot for every single day. And it certainly doesn’t have a damn thing to do with religion or governments. It’s an inside job. So no wall in the world is going to set us free, or really protect us.

If I had someone charging me with the intent to harm, I know I will overcome my fear and stand my ground, and face as honorably as I can whatever is to come. We are actually there NOW. They take our energy to be what we can be to become the solution by keeping us looking here and there, trying to figure it out. It’s all a big mind fuck folks. It’s really simple. Be kind. Extend a hand even to those who may have hurt you in the past. Release all fear that you will be harmed and know with 100% faith that there is something more powerful than this evil that is trying to overcome us. We must not look behind us to see who is standing with us. We must lead by example without the need to be right, making everyone else wrong. I will not fight my fellow man who is simply reacting to what is truly a psyop of such major proportions we can’t even see it all. You don’t have to agree with one word I said, but I hope you will take my hand anyway, and just know that the only thing that will set us free is an energy we call love, but it is so much more than that. All else really doesn’t matter.

The outer wall can be a physical representation of the walls we each harbor within us that keep us stuck in the ever repeating loop that feeds the beast. Does it means anything goes? No, but relying on any government or ideology to make us safe, or free us from oppression is just not going to happen. It takes personal accountability. We have each added to the narrative that has brought us to this moment. It can change in the blink of an eye, or we can do a rinse and repeat cycle. Personally, I want off.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Thank you Christine for the heart felt sentiments and Fred for your well known view and opinion. I for one shall not grace these halls in this thread any longer. It seems to be a very contentious topic in the world of belief systems we each carry and live in. It is not my intention to be contentious simply because I see that each of us has our own opinions about this life we are living and that my dear friend’s, is how we should all be and let be. This is diversity and yet we are but one in the whole big picture.

The world of today is so full of hate and discontent. I suppose it has been this way for far longer than I can imagine. What was here before Trump and Q, I would ask, that was designed to keep us all divided? We as a people never seem to be satisfied with the game players that are paraded in front of us. One group shouts hooray while the other group screeches and whines and moans and then it all changes and the sides (separation) switch and we continue to climb through the piles of crap in our lives until we finally leave this plane. Could be this entire world of existence is nothing more than a Program full of logarithms and we are just bits of info floating along in the stream of electrical energy, something to think about with the Face book program full of logarithms controlled by CIA. Ever think that the big social media platforms could be the real Quantum computer that controls everything?

Spiritwind, thank you so much, you seem to put the capstone on this business of walls. The external wall or walls are but a projection of the internal walls we create.

So Thank you all again. I have learned something here and I prefer to see it as a positive step.

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