The Border Wall

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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Spiritwind »

“For the life of me, I can't understand why people who have never met a man that actually won a presidency fairly Hate him so badly.”

Hi Steven! Just for the record, I don’t hate the guy at all. I admit, ever since I saw him on that reality show years ago where he trade marked that statement “you’re fired!” I’ve not exactly liked him, but that’s a long way from hate. And, no, I definitely don’t think Killary would have been better. And, yes, I AM aware of all the things Obummer did, although many are not and think of him as some shining knight. What I do see is that people in general are fairly disconnected from the truth, and even I have barely just a glimmer of it. In all fairness, they have done a pretty good job using reverse psychology, and every manner of deceit and slight of hand tricks to hide that truth from us. The satanic agenda, though, they seem to not even be hiding any more. It’s like a new fad even, which is more than a little disturbing.

As far as what Trump has done for us, I see it as a mixed bag, and only in hindsight are we going to know for sure what kind of man he really is. I see evidence to support both arguments, so I will just watch and see what happens. Personally, I don’t know anything about Q, and wouldn’t know how to weigh any evidence, prove, or disprove what they claim to be doing for humanity. I keep hearing about these great things, but I really just don’t know. Plus, if I’m honest, I’d have to say I’m a bit skeptical right out the gate about any one in the Oval Office being a good guy. It’s possible, but very unlikely. But I don’t have an axe to grind. On the other hand...

“Might want to pay attention up there in Washington Spiritwind because that border is just as dangerous. In case you haven't been paying attention, Canada is turning into a major Muslim Jihadist country.”

On the other hand... I am aware, and my husband and I have discussions all the time, about where we are located in these unstable times. Actually, anywhere can be dangerous now. As Christine pointed out, for some this danger we speak of becomes a way of life, and yet we must go on. We have talked about different scenarios, from booby trapping the property and making an underground bunker ourselves, to taking what we can, depending on the circumstance, and leaving. I need to get that horse ready to ride!!! Just kidding, but yeah, it’s a good idea to be ready as best we can for just about anything. Good thing we have excellent survival skills between the two of us.

Also, one of the reasons I want to downsize on the number of goats we have. But anyway...

“Yes Spiritwind, The folks that own guns in this country will fight to keep them because when you give up the right to defend yourself, the corrupt government will murder millions. Plenty of facts on that in our history.”

You are right about this. There are plenty of facts about what lengths corrupt governments will go to. If a real threat was at our door step, believe me, we will not be cowering in fear, and that’s all I’m going to say there.

And, just a bit about government in general. Some folks like the idea of having government take care of us in ways that I feel are really our own personal responsibility. At least, I want to be personally responsible for things like my health. I could see relying on them for a broken bone, or something like that. Although, even then my husband has set bones before, and can stitch people up. I wouldn’t want to be kept alive on life support anyway, and I don’t want their so called medicine either. I have done quite well on my own now for over 40 years, so I trust myself a lot more than a profit driven health care system. And it didn’t used to be that way. So, I do think we need to regulate ourselves and strive as individuals to be more ethical. In the end, government has not shown that its very successful at getting people to do the right thing, especially with the lack of ethics we see from the top down. Somehow, greed has to be taken out of the equation. I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

So, getting back to the wall. A wall to me is just that. A wall. It’s one way to handle the situation, but I’d much rather see bridges being made. In the long run I think we’d see more progress. But we have to stop seeing everyone as the enemy, and I’m not sure how to do that, or how to get others not to do that. What is it that drives someone, anyone really, to want to enforce a regime that is so awful in every way. And I’m not talking about people who are any religion, dress any particular way, or anything like that. But I’m not going to go along with wearing a hijab. And I’m not going to go for a way of life that takes us back to the dark ages. Why would anyone really want that, or want to enforce it on others? I really can’t figure out the mindset there. A lot of people have died over belief systems that are pernicious. Like, where did this god (I won’t capitalize it!) freaking come from?! All I know is it’s not my god!

And we also have to move out of thinking there’s not enough for every one. There IS enough for everyone. The problem is with the elite hoarders of the world who think they somehow deserve their lofty positions of being above the rest of us peons. I so wish they could actually experience what they dish out, and the suffering others experience just so they can have way more than they need. I’m not saying it’s not okay to have more than someone else either, especially if you worked hard for it. But why not work for the good of the whole? So much more reward in it, and then every one likes you, so by its very virtue the world would become a safer place. But now I have seriously rambled on and on and on. I’m sort of sorry, but not. What the hey, at least for now we can still openly express ourselves in some venues.

What ya gonna do when they come for you (too!)
In other words, I would just like people to wake up and quit being so hypnotized. For all the religions in the world, I still don’t see the masses actually striving to become better, and actually live up to the very values they claim to believe in. And some simply can’t as it’s all they can do to just survive each day. After two thousand years (if the story is even correct at all) we should be all saints by now. I actually do feel something/someone watching me all the time, the good guys and the bad. I guess you have to decide which side you’re on, or it will be decided for you.

By the way, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic, because it’s actually kind of a big one that bleeds over into many more areas. It’s nice to share what we think, as I know it’s being talked about a lot, and in some ways will have a bigger effect on our collective futures than we may think.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »

Thought this might be a good time to inject a little comic relief into how the U.S. "helps" other countries. It's Venezuela in this case, but if Mexico managed to get themselves a leader who didn't meet our approval we'd be helping them some more too. Especially if they were oil rich to boot. :)
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Thanks Fred, care to give us your opinion on what you think is really going on down there? DS causing this to go on?
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Well then here is my getting into thoughts some more.


Spiritwind, Thank you so much for a very reasonable commentary. I must say this right off, I pretty much agree with how you think about these things.

Now as for Trump, I never did watch any of the reality stuff he did or any one else for that matter, however I do pay attention to the actions of folks and whether I like this man or not, his actions as the POTUS have been right on. He has done things that he said he would do and he does listen to the people. In my eyes, the man is standing up for this country. He is not a politician as everyone seems to think. He was never in the dead pool of the crooks in Washington DC as far as I know. I mean a career dead beat that never does anything but screw the people over. You know the type. Vote for me and then I will do anything I want and you do not exist in my life. Those types that inhabit the political arena from the local dog catcher all the way to the top, they exist in the school systems, and so many other places.

Our world today is pure corruption and insanity abounds. Now Trump has done a lot of good things, I don’t think anyone can deny that with any honesty. Sure he might be a bastard but then he is a bastard to the cabalists in my book. Why is it that the MSM and most of the Left Socialist freakazoids are always attacking the man when all he is doing is trying to make things better and just look at the crap he has to clean up from the damnable thing that shit all over the white house before. Pardon my phrasing there. As for the Q thing, I have been following that since the beginning and why is it that the Q phenomenon has grown worldwide now? What is it that makes people gravitate to this movement? Is it because it is a people movement toward freedom and cleaning up this very sick world that we somehow sat back on our laurels and let happen? Q is an awakening if you will; the idea of Q has begun to wake the sleeping sheeple up to what is corrupt and sick in our entire society of human existence. Sure there are other things that will wake one up but Q mixed with Donald J Trump is a much broader scope of awakening to the world and all anyone has to do is open their eyes to see what is happening. Can you see the paradigm changing?

The Hate that began when Trump beat the death queen after they rigged everything to get the wicked witch in is incredible don’t you think. I think these people are living in the dark and all they can do is mimic what the MSM pushes as the propaganda machine goes. How is it that a man steps up to help instead of destroy and donates his paycheck to veterans and other organizations and receives nothing but vitriol from the MSM, the left leaning people that grew up never learning anything. The power hungry left side of the political realm, and just look, they committed treason and wasted two years trying to pin anything on this man and the shit for brains they hired to do this comes out and tells them there is nothing because there never was anything to begin with because they fabricated the whole thing. And look how they are howling at him now. They cannot concede the fact that they are losers. So people watched Donald Trump tell people they were fired on some faked up reality show years ago and that is a basis for dislike and yes even hate because they are told how to think and what to eat and how to shit and when to shit. This is our world today. It is called idiocracy or another word that fits better democracy. Let’s not forget this country was not founded on democracy it was founded on a Republic. Democracy is Socialism, Communism, Look at the Ocrazio’s that are trying to turn us all into the Venezuelans Geez, look at all the countries that are Socialistic and look what has happened to them. This is for you Fred, The Deep State clearly are the ones that have caused this nasty world we live in. They love to go into other sovereign nations and destroy them to further their agenda. We both agree on that. People really didn’t know about the DS until the Q and Trump came along now it is used even by the MSM to describe actions and very nasty things.

As a side note here, yes these corporate governments we have today, more commonly known as the Deep State, Cabal, all run by the bankers if you ask me, a subject that is way deep and much bigger than anyone can imagine is mostly the cause of the sick, sick world we live in today. As Fred has stated, how come no one asks the questions of why those people are coming to our country and running away from their country. Well Fred, let’s ask why those people are coming here and carrying the flags of their country and hating the US but want to come here. Let’s ask that question. I really don’t believe they are running away from death and destruction caused by us solely, I believe most of them are being set up to come here just like what is happening in the European world. Oh shall we look at what is happening down in Africa, White farmers being butchered and why is that? Racism abounds all over this world and look at the buzz words, “White supremacist, White Nationalist, White this White that. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ALL ABOUT? We have the damn idiot Antifa crowd that are nothing more than the Fascists of World war II or is it the radical communist party. We have the Black Panthers, The Black Lives Matter crowd. The Muslim Brotherhood and who created all this stuff. Was it the Muslim Manchurian Candidate, the Illegal alien we and I say we because you and I are the Americans that let the puke sneak into our country and take it over for 8 f**king years. Oh and we also let the damn Nazi’s take over too because we brought them here. The Bushes, Oh and we also let the Clinton murder factory in. See we can go way deep with this stuff.

Spiritwind, I am really glad that you and your husband are very aware about the state of affairs We people have sat on the fence long enough. It has come to the moment of taking action now. The time is up. This country, the people are the only ones that can really do anything about what has happened. All fence sitters will be swept away one way or the other. I guess to say it is good to be able to defend ourselves because when we are disarmed this country is gone for sure and so are we. The second Amendment was created for just such times as these and aren’t we fortunate to be living them. This is why I do what I do and have some faith in this man of the times who sits in that White house today. Glorious bastards are the ones that will fight for what is right. Don’t have to like him just stand up for what you believe and I do believe that Trump does believe in this country and will fight or has been fighting for it. Just my Opinion here I guess and Yes Christine, it is an opinion but based on facts and actions this time around for me.

Okay, here we are on this world, it ain’t flat, and it could be hollow although I have no evidence of that. We all have our own lives and have lived and died according to the reincarnation thing, I have no evidence for that at this time either. BUT and this is big, do we have faith in these things of sight unseen? There is so much in that realm. Does God exist, do you or I have faith to believe that there is a creator? Do we just believe the narrative of what we have been taught since birth? Have we or I had real experiences to give us the complete undaunted belief that God does exist, That Aliens are here? That any of this stuff is real. Do we know that this is a Matrix fabricated by who or what? Will we listen to others show us on video as they talk about their opinions of whatever it is they may believe in. Will we follow along? So much to think about but one has to be grounded in something and maybe more. That is who I am anyway. It is a feeling from the heart; I dare say that makes you or me who we are. Okay went off topic somewhat but one might get the idea anyway.

There is enough for all of us; there always has been enough for all of us on this planet. To take this word from the Bible because that seems to be where it originated “GREED” has driven us all into this constricted way of thinking and living. Has created enemies and all sorts of things we do and say. Tell me more, I say.


So after all of this we rode through the desert on a horse with no name and arrived at the WALL. I am in agreement. There really should be no walls. As I said before, we create all our own walls in this life. We build or have built walls to lock away our pains, our traumas that could not be faced. These can be metaphoric yes, but they are really physical within our own minds. Concepts of Walls to lock things away, to keep intruders out, to be safe from harm from others, to deter one from getting out, or from getting in. How many walls must one climb must one tear down to find a truth of our own being? The Walls on the borders are one in the same. In the case of the one that Trump is building it is portrayed as a protection for the American People and for those that are seeking asylum if you will. Speaking on just this one wall, There are many, many countries around the world that have border walls some are huge some are just fences but they are there for two reasons for sure. One) to keep illegal peoples out and two) to define the border of a country, a nation, they can also be in place to keep people in. Mexico has its own southern border wall which I am sure Christine can attest to.

When one does the research, one can find the LAWS of these countries pertaining to immigration and the penalties for illegal immigration. There are some very stringent penalties for illegally crossing borders of almost every one of these countries INCLUDING AMERICA set in place by the past toads of who thought they were in control. These range from anywhere around 10 years in prison to death except America which seems to have free stuff for any who come. Gee whiz the countries that these migrants are coming from have death penalties for illegals. Now how does that relate to us? The southern border is very porous and people swarm in here illegally all the time. Our laws are stupid and those people that come here are in danger them selves because of the drug and child trafficking. The criminals from foreign countries come here and murder the American people. They are caught and released to kill and rape and butcher the American people because the crooked politicians and judges allow it to happen. No one really knows how many children are trafficked across that border or how much drugs come over. The MSM bobble heads spit out their 4am talking points and say there is no problems on the border, meanwhile people are killed and destroyed there every day while thousands cross the deserts and disappear into the cities only to get free medical, free social security, Free drivers license, free housing and you name it, while the American people suffer the consequences of this barrage of illegal’s. So along comes the latest POTUS and actually says he is going to build a wall to stop this devastation from tearing our country asunder. Well guess what? Clinton said he was going to build walls, Bush said he was going to build walls and Obummer the fake said he was building walls So Everyone piles on Trump because he is just doing what he said he would do and what all those other bastards said they would do and didn’t. Shit, People are damn fickle. It was okay for the other turd’s to say they were building walls and everybody loved it, but here comes Trump and all of sudden the people freak out and hate him. Anybody see the hypocrisy here?

So if we are going to talk walls or no walls maybe we should take a trip to that border and see for ourselves just what is really happening. We could be compassionate and think about the folks that live close to that border or on it how safe they feel with coyotes, criminals, terrorists and you name it coming onto their lands some having their homes invaded. How would folks that cry about not wanting a wall feel if this happened to them? We have locked doors do we not? Hey take a look at those lefty politicians that don’t want a wall and refused to fund it against Trump that by the way was doing it all the legal way. They all have walls and guards, armed by the way, around their very rich estates and never go anywhere without an armed guard escort. Okay I guess for them to have walls to keep the unwanted out is perfectly fine. Try to approach one of them and see how fast you are arrested and thrown in jail. This is our times. We are still living in these meat bodies and the world is a very dangerous place today. Yes I would like to be free from barriers, physical that is. I would like to live in peace and harmony with the world of people because we all are just one in reality. Unfortunately we are not at that point in our growth as a human race yet. So we are stuck with this piece of reality. We are free to get off anytime we want as an individual which involves some serious thought. However there are others that want to get you off in their own way so this is why we build walls for protection now isn’t it? What is it called when a farmer or rancher builds fences or walls to keep his animals from roaming freely onto other people’s lands, to keep people from steeling his property so to speak?

This has been my rant for this topic because it is very wide and deep. We can talk till we are blue in the face but until we get off our buts and do something about the corruption and sickness in this world; we all are good armchair commentators. It all does start with good conversation and then coming up with a solution or solutions that can make a difference and hopefully in a positive way for humanity. Today we are separated from being the one we are and the evil side if you will has been doing this to all of us for thousands of years. The basics we see today for an awakening, “Yellow vests started in France and has spread world wide. Trump became POTUS and has spread World wide. Q was started in support of Trump and mostly the people and has spread world wide. What else do we have that is kicking us in the butt to make us open our eyes? (Just saying) And that would be enough from me on walls and the political side of all of this.

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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »

LostNFound wrote:Thanks Fred, care to give us your opinion on what you think is really going on down there? DS causing this to go on?
Steven, I already gave my opinion on that it's right here in this thread. The Cursory history of DS after it was imported this country and all, if I need to go more in depth it should maybe be in a different thread. ... 215#p12215" onclick=";return false;
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Thanks Fred, I think I have a clear picture of your view and opinion now.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »


And this again cuts right back to the heart of the OP. It's not a matter of opinion what's driving the crisis of migration/refugees, it's a matter of stone cold fact. Whether in the Middle East or Latin America, nations don't just get all fucked up enough for throngs of people to up and flee their native homelands out of the clear blue sky, they have "help".

It's well documented this country's overall foreign policy is to be Big Boss Man, and make damn sure we stay on top of, and attempt to smother, any resistance movements that might even remotely pose a threat to The Man's dominance where he has interests. When you take down governments whether it be by brute military action, by proxy of founding and arming a group of "freedom fighters", sanctions (siege warfare), subterfuge via orchestrated coups, etc., it tends to unravel the corresponding society.

What happens when a society unravels, or is unraveled, by such actions? Why are people fleeing places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Honduras, Venezuela, etc.?

Why do we never see the following question posed? "How can we help heal this at it's root cause?"

Instead, we are only posed with the far less constructive question: "How do we stop them?"

Do you see the subliminally imposed disconnect here? The root cause, is never introduced to the mix in trying to solve the problem...

Rick Sanchez and Max Blumenthal are very well informed on these matters, give them 12 minutes to lay out this well documented history in very articulate terms.

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Re: The Border Wall

Post by LostNFound »

Well then the above video could fool the best I guess. Well informed one might say. Okay, What I see is a good shot at the American Deep state invading those countries in the middle east. Shall we talk about the Clinton's, the Bushes and the Obama's and their minions. Shall we also talk about the United Nations? Shall we also talk about Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, At best all those countries this Guy on the RT mentioned as being invaded by the migrants from the countries that was bombed and invaded by them also. This guy seems to conveniently leave out the NWO of these countries that is complicate in invasion and death of the Mid east. Geez seems one sided to me to quickly blame only the US part doesn't it. I don't know for sure.

Hold the press here now. Those countries are the ones that stood right up with the UN and said they would take the "refugees" from the countries they bombed. Gee how does that work out? Mexico sure as hell ain't stopping them now is she? NWO , New World Order. United Nations complicate in this whole damn thing. Oh yes the Blow back is spot on. We all knew that was coming but now there is something deeper and darker happening. What is the real truth. Hell none of us know do we.

Here is another side of things but can't say if it is the truth. just have to keep digging ourselves I suspect.

Merchants of Menace: Dissecting the NWO Plan to Destroy America | Don’t Miss This [video]

"Mind-boggling. Riveting. Staggering. Extraordinary. Gobsmacking. Mind-blowing. I don’t have enough of those sort of words.

This video kept coming up for me and when that happens, I pay attention. Last night I got into this series on Caravan to Midnight and got a real education.

We know that everything we have been told is a lie and it’s all upside down and the opposite of the truth. We’ve been told nothing is the way it seems, so…

What if… the NWO agenda involved using Germany working with Mexico to destroy America and Mexico would regain the Southwest states for her betrayal?

What if… Israel was vilified the way Russia was?

We learn that the globalists “are arming the enemies of the United States and Israel.”

What if QAnon knows all this and more, but can’t tell us? What if this is the Truth they could only hint at that would “shock the WORLD”?

No wonder they wanted to discredit QAnon, and no wonder there’s so much drivel about who Q is.

If Q knows it, POTUS also knows it. We may think we know what’s going on, but we could easily be wrong. I think this video gives us much needed perspective into current events. How would WE handle it if we were in Trump’s shoes? How would we protect America and avoid WWIII?

GoodDog recommends we read:

The Sigint Secrets: The Signals Intelligence War – particularly pgs. 83, 87 – 92 (available on Amazon) if we really want to know what the Q movement is all about.

Even though I missed the previous videos, this one was powerful as a standalone and I wanted more. I’m working on the rest now.

This information provides a whole new dimension to the big picture and a treasure trove of new puzzle pieces. It’s really well done.

President Trump’s moves take on a whole new meaning with this background and it puts the Democrats’ maniacal opposition to the border wall in perspective. Is Mexico part of a plan to expropriate the southern states? Is that why they are permitting the “armies” to flood the border? Might this be why Trump is threatening to outright close the border due to resource overwhelm?

Trump and the patriots are the only thing standing between the American people and utter doom. Oh— and the guns. Never let them take your guns, America. You’ve no idea how badly you need that wall.

Please share this outstanding series. Suggest you look at the information in the “sauce packet” below the video. This is a large file and needs to be downloaded but I have not yet looked at it.

By the time you listen to this one video in the series, you will have a much better grasp of this GLOBAL CRISIS."

Q LEGEN[D] Merchants of Menace [pt 6 of 7] Anaconda Strategy Sub-Series Part 2 of 2

"You can find the other parts of the series here" onclick=";return false;
where you’ll also find videos about QAnon and the crumbs." ~ BP

John B. Wells The ONLY Official CTM Channel
Premiered Apr 3, 2019

We document a plan by Germany & Mexico to invade & break up the United States – where Mexico receives the American Southwest States as payment for her treachery.

This is part 2 of a 2 part sub-series, where the context of the Anaconda Plan [& President Trump’s divergence – yields a surprising result].

These are SEARCHABLE documents – including all images(!!!).

Not available elsewhere on the net.

Here is the Sauce Packet:" onclick=";return false;

Here is the Steele Dossier Affair:" onclick=";return false;
Last edited by LostNFound on Mon Apr 08, 2019 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Fred Steeves »

Come on man...

If our source of knowledge here is compelled to spiral around the Qanon psyop and Trump playing 5D chess, I'm gonna leave this subject be and go do some gardening or something. It's no different than if we're talking about alien life/ufo's, let's make sure we get the real scoop from the Project Serpo "Anonymous" source.
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Re: The Border Wall

Post by Christine »


I wrote a long post yesterday about Trump and the border wall. It was directed to you with two questions: What has Trump actually done good for America? And I asked if you were following Q-Anon? I decided not to post it because I find this a psy-op of the first order and I was loathe to to give any energy to it.

In my writing I listed a long list of Trump's crimes against humanity and Mother Earth which clearly indicate his allegiance or I should say reveal that he is a puppet of the "zionist" agenda. His ego is so bloated that it consumes him. He willingly flings missiles on innocent people, he is in bed with the Saudi's and so on and so on.

I am choosing to write now because I care about you and others. I spend more time on Facebook these days because there are many there who are my friends, friends that I talk to and people who have reached out to connect. For a year or more I have observed some of the most beautiful open hearted beings get sucked into the Q-Anon fabrication. From my perspective I could only watch with an incredulous mind as I tried to get deeper into the triggers this psy-op was pulling, it seemed completely illogical that so many were taking this baited hook.

Every morning Spirit has gifted me with many hours before dawn, a quiet time when I can slip into the unseen realm and listen. During several of those mornings my consciousness tacked onto the frequency of Q-Anon and it didn't surprise me to find programs and algorithms beneath it. By now familiar to me and easy to detect is the Q-uantum computer that feeds back the loops from the harvested data. "It' recognizes the patriotism embedded in the American psyche that believe this country was founded on freedom. Fortunately myself and a few friends have withstood many onslaughts to separate us, for going on seven years now we keep regular communication and together slip to other side. We learned via our experiences together that triangulation, that is three of us viewing the same subject, will often confirm what we perceive individually. The summation of why I am writing this now is that it was abundantly obvious that Q-Anon is a program to keep people divided and in submission to some savior of lost dreams. "It's" purpose is to dis-empower humans and keep them within the belief structure of the false narrative. Government, to be governed by criminals.

There is real truth but it will never be found by following another. The only eminent truth I know comes from Nature for She never lies. The world stage and all the power brokers and players are like a poorly crafted video game happening elsewhere and indeed it really is.

Love you dear one, please take care and consider the basis of why or how America can be great again. There is a spirit in the land and her people that will rise again but I can guarantee that Mr.Destroy-in-the-name-of-freedom has no idea what it is.

And I don't fly any flags other than the ancient emblems of nobility of character that the current rulers have long since trodden under their cruel feet.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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