Political Ponerology: an introduction to some new terminology

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Political Ponerology: an introduction to some new terminology

Post by Spiritwind »

I read the book, Political Ponerology, by Andrew Lobaczewski about 10 years ago. Even though I try to keep my focus on the positive and doing what I can do in my little bubble of reality, and I am very aware of the need to put thoughts and energy into life affirming activities, I also felt it was important to know just how such evil and deadly regimes come to power and achieve their goals. It doesn’t just happen. The psychological weapons used to make us complicit in our own undoing are well known and extensively applied. The trajectory does tend to follow an even predictable course that has been studied as best it can be, under circumstances less than ideal for such scientific endeavors.

I am finally going to make the effort to summarize for anyone interested, and I guess my own easy reference guide, some terminologies that were introduced to me through this book. I’m basically going to read it again and take notes as I go. It was a lot to take in, so this will be a good exercise for me.

I will give a little intro about the circumstances the author experienced that led to the eventual writing and publication of this book. First, a little from the preface about psychopathy:

“Hervey Cleckey (The Mask of Sanity) actually comes very close to suggesting that psychopaths are human in every respect - but that they lack a soul. This lack of soul quality makes them very efficient machines. They can write scholarly works, imitate the words of emotion, but over time, it becomes clear that their words do not match their actions. They are the type of person who can claim that they are devastated by grief who then attend a party to forget. The problem is: they really do forget.”

“Being very efficient machines, like a computer, they are able to execute very complex routines designed to elicit from others support for what they want. In this way, many psychopaths are able to reach very high positions in life. It is only over time that their associates become aware of the fact that their climb up the ladder of success is predicated on violating the rights of others. Even when they are indifferent to the rights of their associates, they are often able to inspire feelings of trust and confidence.”

“The psychopaths recognizes no flaw in his psyche, no need for change.”

“Andrew Lobaczewski addresses the problem of the psychopath and their extremely significant contribution to our macrosocial evils, their ability to act as the eminence grise behind the very structure of our society. It is very important to keep in mind that this influence comes from a relatively small segment of humanity. The other 90 some percent of human beings are not psychopaths.”

“But that other 90 some percent of normal people know that something is wrong! They just can’t quite identify it; can’t quite put their finger on it; and because they can’t, they tend to think that there is nothing they can do about it, or maybe it is just God punishing people.”

“What is actually the case is that when that 90 some percent of human beings fall into a certain state, as Lobaczewski will describe, the psychopaths, like a virulent pathogen in a body, strike at the weaknesses, and the entire society is plunged into conditions that always lead to horror and tragedy on a very large scale.”

A couple more quotes:

(And I have seen this particular one happen many times) “The truth, when twisted by good liars, can always make an innocent person look bad, especially if the innocent person is honest and admits his mistakes.”

“The psychopath is a predator.” (Yes!)

(Another key point) “.... it seems to be that the psychopath enjoys making others suffer. Just as normal humans enjoy seeing other people happy, or doing things that make other people smile, the psychopath enjoys the exact opposite.”

The following is a very brief summary, as it’s a hard story to tell. For various reasons much of the original story and actual researchers involved are simply unknown and unavailable. Just getting this information into print at all is a story in itself. The author was amongst a group of individuals in Poland who were students, researchers, budding scientists, at a time when a regime change of the sort mentioned above was actually taking place. People just don’t realize how fast things can change, especially when the foundation for such a change has been sneakily laid out and prepared in advance amongst an unsuspecting population.

Once again, I will quote some from the introduction:

“May the reader please imagine a very large hall in an old Gothic university building. Many of us gathered there early in our studies in order to listen to the lectures of outstanding philosophers and scientists. We were herded back there - under threat - the year before graduation in order to listen to the indoctrination lectures which recently had been introduced.”

“Someone nobody knew appeared behind the lectern and informed us that he would now be the professor. His speech was fluent, but there was nothing scientific about it: he failed to distinguish between scientific and ordinary concepts and treated borderline imaginings as though it were wisdom that could not be doubted. For ninety minutes each week, he flooded us with naive, presumptuous paralogistics and a pathological view of human reality. We were treated with contempt and poorly controlled hatred. Since fun-poking could entail dreadful consequences, we had to listen attentively and with the utmost gravity.”

“...after such mind torture, it took a long time for someone to break the silence.”

“We studied ourselves, since we felt something strange had taken over our minds and something valuable was leaking away irretrievably. The world of psychological reality and moral values seemed suspended as if in a chilly fog. Our human feeling and student solidarity lost their meaning, as did patriotism and our old established criteria. So we asked each other, are you going through this too? Each of us experienced this worry about his own personality and future in his own way. Some of us answered the questions with silence. The depth of these experiences turned out to be different for each individual.”

“We thus wondered how to protect ourselves from the results of this indoctrination. Teresa D. made the first suggestion: Let’s spend a weekend in the mountains. It worked. Pleasant company, a bit of joking, then exhaustion followed by deep sleep in a shelter, and our human personalities returned, albeit with a certain remnant. Time also proved to create a kind of psychological immunity, although not with everyone. Analyzing the psychopathic characteristics of the professor’s personality proved another excellent way of protecting one’s own psychological hygiene.”

“You can just imagine our worry, disappointment, and surprise when some of our colleagues we knew well suddenly began to change their world view: their thought patterns furthermore reminded us of the professor’s chatter. Their feelings, which had just recently been friendly, became noticeably cooler, although not yet hostile. Benevolent or critical student arguments bounced right off them... We had to be careful what we said to them. These former colleagues soon joined the Party.”

“How and why did they change so much in less than a year? Why did neither I nor a majority of my fellow students succumb to this phenomenon and process?”

This is when he and some of his fellow students hatched the idea that this phenomena could be objectively studied. The above quotes from the introduction capture very well how this process actually does happen, and is worthy of reading more than once. I think this lays a fairly good foundation for the new terminology they came up with to describe what they discovered about how so many otherwise good people can be rendered unable to respond to this process of what amounts to a type of virulent mind disease. For it does act like a pathogen, and attacks the weakest cells first. All else follows from there. It’s no wonder that it took such a long time to actually get this information available to the public. Knowing what you are up against helps one develop the survival skills to counteract this whole process, and keep one’s mental/spiritual/emotional immune system from succumbing.

As I have time I will take each of these terms and give my abbreviated rendition of how they came up with them, and what they each mean. You will begin to recognize a great deal of these terms as they are playing themselves out across the world screen of life. At least I’ve finally made a start on this topic, as it’s not one I see talked about very often. Knowledge is power.
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Re: Political Ponerology: an introduction to some new terminology

Post by Spiritwind »

I was going to jump right into the new words that describe key concepts he outlines in the book, but after re-reading chapter two, where he gives a little lead up to the discovery of the need to develop ways to describe what they were observing, I’ve decided to add a bit of commentary about this.

In short, he indicates that three basic factors have influenced the development of European civilization, that all converged around the same time period. They are “Greek philosophy, Roman imperial and legal civilization, and Christianity, consolidated by time and effort of later generations.”

These three factors were actually not compatible with one another, as Roman imperial and legal civilization, was based primarily on tangible pragmatic problem solving concepts, whereas Greek philosophy and Christianity were more nebulous, and especially when it came to the faith based, “I believe” of Christianity. One just did not actually study reality in those days, and so the seeds of cognitive dissonance were born in the fertile soil of the psyches need to make sense of things. We had to compartmentalize our lives, so that things that didn’t fit could just kind of be put on a forgotten shelf somewhere in the deep dark recesses of our minds, never to be taken out and questioned.

From my own understanding it seems the original concepts of Christian thought, which were actually based on compassion and kindness, and an understanding of the intimate relationship spirituality and our connection to divine forces has with the unfolding of our individual and collective realities, became somewhat submerged. He doesn’t mention it, but in my mind when Constantine made the move to make Christianity the primary religion to be endorsed by Rome, is when these “two heterogeneous systems were thus linked together so permanently that later centuries forgot just how strange they actually were to each other.” And I would agree that “time and compromise did not eliminate these internal inconsistencies...”.

His basic conclusion, and I would tend to agree, is that it made this civilization more vulnerable, weakened it’s spiritual immune system. He claims “This civilization was insufficiently resistant to evil, which originates beyond the easily accessible areas of human consciousness and takes advantage of the enormous gap between formal or legal thought and psychological reality. In a civilization deficient in psychological cognition, hyperactive individuals driven by their internal doubts caused by feelings of being different easily find a ready echo in other people’s insufficiently developed consciousness. Such individuals dream of imposing their power and their different experiential manner upon their environment and their society. Unfortunately, in a psychologically ignorant society,their dreams have a good chance of becoming a reality for them and a nightmare for others.”
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Re: Political Ponerology: an introduction to some new terminology

Post by Spiritwind »


I have a fair share of understanding, even indoctrination to a certain extent from my studies while getting my degree in psychology. I have always found it interesting that for some, those early intentions in developing psychology as a so-called science, were to help their fellow humans live better lives. They saw a potential future that would lead to a better life experience for all, due to what they were discovering about the psyche and how it operates and develops. Unfortunately, the darker side of its potential to influence human behavior for agendas not for the betterment of society as a whole seemed to take the lead early on, and much of it has continued to this day, mostly in secret.

I found the following interesting to consider: “Wherever a society has become enslaved to others or to the rule of an overly-privileged native class, psychology is the first discipline to suffer from censorship...”. It took me a long time to realize that the ability to self reflect is not a given, and not everyone engages in it. It’s no wonder, for it is the path to freedom, and a healthy immune system that can spot disturbances in the force that most are blissfully unaware of, at their own peril. No matter how you arrive there, self knowledge is dangerous to those who wish to enslave us. For me, my years of study in astrological and psychological concepts, along with slowly becoming more skilled at looking within, has brought me to a place where I easily notice patterns, in myself and others.

Part of the trick, and he talks about this, is to suspend especially emotional reactions to new information. When I see something in myself that I didn’t see before, and I have an unpleasant reaction to this information, is when I need to stay with it most. When our emotions are strongly triggered it can be for reasons we are not conscious of, or perhaps due to experiences we can’t even remember. So much trauma has been inflicted on each generation going back as far as you can go. War, genocide, raging epidemics that killed off probably more than we’ll ever know and they lurk there in the recesses of all our collective psyches. It’s funny how we often think we are so autonomous, yet so much of our decision making processes are totally influenced by deeply held beliefs and experiences we are not even consciously aware of. And even when awareness begins to grow, we often doubt ourselves, especially since we are often at odds with consensus reality.

The author highlights the problems that can arise when he says “Sometime during his lifetime, virtually every person is faced with problems he must deal with. Since a comprehension of the truly operational factors is beyond the ken of his natural worldview, he generally relies on emotion: intuition and the pursuit of happiness. Whenever we meet a person whose individual world view developed under the influence of non-typical conditions, we tend to pass moral judgement upon him in the name of our more typical world view. In short, whenever some unidentified psychopathological factor comes into play, the natural human world view ceases to be applicable.”

Since we are living in a time when these factors of which we speak are running the show, we must develop a new world view that more closely matches what is occurring. Learning to study and observe the characteristics involved in political evil on a large scale objectively is not easy under any circumstances. It is not natural, even though a great deal of effort has been made to sell us the idea that it is. I still think most people are basically good, and that what is occurring has got its foothold primarily due to a lack of awareness about the factors involved. Evil is sneaky, and looks for the weakest areas in the body of humanity, those whose cognitive dissonance is more pronounced, and who can be most easily influenced. I look at it more like a handicap, for most would revert to a more balanced and benevolent relationship with their fellowman, if the primary influence towards evil were taken out of the equation. The higher up the ladder you go, the more careful you have to be, for these are humans of a different sort all together.

The first new concept we will be exploring, hopefully in my next post, will be the hysteroidal cycle.
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Re: Political Ponerology: an introduction to some new terminology

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m sharing this post from Bernhard Guenther and Laura Matsues chat on telegram today. I wish I had come back to this topic, as it helps to understand what is currently happening on a worldwide scale.


People still seem to project human qualities into Trudeau, Fauci, Gates, Schwab, and the rest of them which they simply do not possess - as if you can talk reason into them and they will give in at some point if you present the facts and truth with logic, reason, and kindness. Protesting and speaking up is important to make your voice heard and inspire others - to stand up for something bigger than yourself but do not kid yourself that these people in power care about your voice.

Yes, they may throw you some bones here and there to calm the herd but they know their agenda and they are going to double down without remorse. They are psychopaths without conscience. Born psychopaths, not because of childhood trauma or inner child wounding - born genetic psychopaths who literally see you like cattle and resources to be exploited, controlled, or to get rid of. They have zero capacity for any form of love, compassion, empathy, and conscience. They cannot be "healed". No amount of projecting love and light into them will change that.

The biggest illusion many people seem to have is that because we’re collectively connected and we all look like “humans”, we are all are “equal” and the same. Another assumption is that everyone who is not “aware” is just misguided and can be “fixed” or “healed”. While this is true for the majority of humans, it can also result in projecting one’s own higher qualities (conscience, emotional intelligence, empathy) onto others who don’t possess these “humane” qualities, especially people who hold positions of power.

There exists a type of human who has no connection to the higher centers of universal love/awareness by nature of a birth ‘defect’. He/she is simply not genetically wired to embody empathic kindness; while not being able to access these qualities in this lifetime, he/she still possesses the ability to emulate and mimic these higher characteristics quite well, and can even distract us from our personal evolution by sapping our energy and feeding off them.

This type of “human” is the psychopath (comprising about 8% of humanity, most often found in positions of power), who is hiding behind a mask of sanity, creating misery and chaos which he/she “feeds off”. It goes way beyond mere greed, money, and the pursuit of power. Psychopaths have no neuro-biological capability to experience anything close to love, compassion, and empathy.

It’s not a psychological disposition but a genetic one. This is a very misunderstood and ignored topic, especially since most psychopaths can appear as “normal” through their “mask of sanity“ deception. They are not necessarily criminals housed in prisons (nor the Hollywood version of the “crazy serial killer”), but can be CEOs, politicians, etc.[Obama was also an excellent example of a psychopath with an eloquent "mask of sanity".] They can tell you exactly what you want to hear, and appear compassionate, empathetic and understanding…without meaning or feeling one bit of it. They’re also pathological liars who never feel any healthy guilt or remorse based on conscience.

It ties in with the general atrophy of critical thinking skills, and thus the failure to recognize pathological individuals as they are. People who have become "ponerized" are people who cannot see pathological individuals as such and hence take on psychopathological traits themselves. They defend the Trudeaus, Gates, Schwabs, and Fauci out there and re-enforce psychopathological values and beliefs into society. This is how wetiko takes over society and works through people as they become the "brown shirts".

From an occult perspective, the most pathological psychopaths in power are empty shells, vessels for draconian asuric demonic forces possessing and working through them. It's a well-established fact that has been transmitted through various esoteric traditions. Sri Aurobindo, Rudolf Steiner, and others have talked about these "non-humans in human form" in their teachings as well.

“One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways. When the habits of subconscious selection and substitution of thought-data spread to the macrosocial level, a society tends to develop contempt for factual criticism and to humiliate anyone sounding an alarm.”

– Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology


If your question is, what do we do then? First of all, you need to understand the "problem", i.e. KNOW THY ENEMY and also KNOW THYSELF which is the purpose of the Great Work to anchor the Divine Force [which also implies to "destroy" and transmute the enemy within you, your own shadow and heal your wounds/traumas] within yourself [soul individuation] to be able counter-act the anti-divine forces that have taken over this planet and transmute the world via your inner Light.

This is a long process of combined inner and outer work. This process will determine the outcome of this Time of Transition for there is a way up and down as various esoteric and native prophecies have hinted at and it's up to each one of us. No savior is coming to rescue. You are the one you have been waiting for with God's Will, Grace, and sometimes tough grace so you finally answer the call.

- Bernhard Guenther
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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