Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

It’s becoming rather obvious that the small fringe minority is actually just the tip of a very large ice berg that is beginning to melt at a rapid pace, and may create some extensive flooding of pent up emotions that have been building just under the surface for two full years now.

There are so many videos to watch and listen to out there, put out by the non mainstream government sanctioned media, that I couldn’t possibly listen to even a fraction of them, and still get my work done here on the farm. My husband does listen and watch and can barely pull himself away sometimes, and I don’t see that it really benefits, or even informs him that much. I just skim through headlines, reading a little here and there, enough to know we’re definitely not in Kansas anymore. He’ll mention something happening, and I’m like, yeah, I know. That’s why I don’t post much of it here on the forum, as the glut of information is out there, everywhere.

My 14 year old grandson just messaged me a couple days ago, concerned that we may be imminently involved in a war over what is happening in Ukraine. Isn’t there enough to fear? From the fear of sickness, to climate change, to war, to starvation, to what really worries me, the totalitarian worldwide takeover that is looming on the horizon, fear is at an all time high. If I was to allow that energy being purposefully generated to permeate my conscious and subconscious landscape I would not be able to function. So, daily mental gymnastics it is!

I was told my move to start tomato seeds indoors here like I did a little over a week ago was a bold move. I guess maybe that’s true, since I live in such a small space, and weather generally doesn’t improve enough for them to stay outside all the time until at least May, and even then have to be brought in or covered on the coldest nights. I do sometimes put the cart before the horse, and figure, what the heck, you don’t know until you try, right? So far, they are doing ok, but I do need to get some kind of grow light on them, as on gray days they keep growing, but the stems get spindly. I just transplanted many of them yesterday, straight into more of the composting goat poop hay (I’m a firm believer in just trying to use what I have), and they seem to like it!

This is where I focus my energy, though, is on what’s in front of me, and actually directly affecting my every day life experience. Maybe because I grew up with a fairly constant trauma response going for so many years, that now I have worked my way out of it I just can’t go there anymore, under any circumstances, for anybody. Maybe for short periods of time, when something hits close to home, like my grandson being forced to get an injection for something he didn’t want. That did get me riled up. But, even then, I finally move through it where I accept there are things out of my control, and consciously decide to let go. A lot of that going on lately.

It’s hard to even write about my thoughts, lately, as the level of focus required to just stay grounded, balanced, and productive has become fairly demanding. I’m one of those people who can’t even watch certain things happening in a movie, let alone in real life. We watch a lot of science fiction movies and series, my husband and I, and it seems we are watching all the plot lines from so many of them playing out right now on the world stage. I often wonder, who is really writing the script here?

Am I up for what is going to transpire over the next 8 years? Funny how so many I know had lives where one day was pretty much the same as the last, and lived with a fair amount of routine and predictability. That comfort zone is fast disappearing. Even people who aren’t where I am in my understanding, and haven’t really been pondering the deeper implications too much, are starting to feel very uneasy. They are starting to sense that, indeed, a perfect storm is brewing, and if they haven’t built their root cellar, it’s time to start digging! I go to buy mostly fresh produce and food for the cats and dogs about every two weeks, and I’m expecting my next trip out to have less to choose from, and even barer shelves than last time. And, when media tells people to not panic buy, what do they do? Of course, they do the opposite!

I won’t write much today, as I have a list of things to accomplish, and the next few days are going to be busy. I spend a considerably larger amount of time than I ever used to just reaching out to others, checking up on them, writing emails, sending texts, as my tendency to over think, and maybe over feel everything, has given me a somewhat expanded capacity to rise above the morass. I feel driven to encourage, and lift up wherever possible, for I know that’s what people need, and it is one thing I’m good at. The one thing I’m not so good at is letting go of the reins myself, and basically this current situation that is brewing requires a hefty amount of that. It comes back to my thread on faith.

If I look at the situation from a purely physical point of view, even though people are pushing back now, the agenda (hint - UN Agenda 2030?) is still very much in place, and the foundation for what is occurring has been in the works for a very long time. These folks are long term planners. It looks kind of grim. But yet, something keeps niggling at my subconscious, and tells me all is not what it seems. There is a wild card in all of this, and it has something to do with more light coming in, and a capacity to remember what real physical beings in this realm were (and, since time is not what we think, still are) capable of doing. I feel something that reminds me of the morning of the last day of my three day Long Dance experience (in 1999) when I was on the mother drum with 5 others, and had been drumming for some indefinite amount of time, getting sleepier and sleepier, but we couldn’t miss a beat. It was around 4-5 am, and slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, we could all feel a quickening. Even though it wasn’t light yet, we could FEEL it coming. And we started to pick up the pace, energetically. We began to feel invigorated. The whole three day event was, still, one of the most transformative experiences I’ve ever had in this lifetime. You could palpably feel spirit as it moved through each one of us. I remember upon returning home, it reminded me of the next day after taking LSD in my younger years. My consciousness was on a completely different level, a high if you will, that took me weeks to come down from, and in some ways has stayed with me ever since.

Even though I’m moving past my prime physically, and have trouble working with the same level of physical exertion that used to be easy for me, I do feel strangely energized. In fact, some days I have to lie down and just work with my body, to get it to relax. It almost feels like my wiring is made for 110, and what’s coming in is 220. I find I have to take good care of myself, and my surroundings, on a constant basis now, and literally can’t do some things I used to be able to get away with. Very little alcohol intake, and can’t eat junk food and sweets. I couldn’t eat most fast food if I wanted to, and even a trip to the city requires a day of recovery it seems. It helps being out here with all the farm animals, wildlife, and forest around. Even the well we had drilled. The driller went through at least three, maybe four different streams of water until my husband decided that it was good enough at about 280 feet. When you go through different streams like this, it creates a vortex of sorts. I am reading a book about this very phenomenon right now.

People from our distant, and not so distant past, understood these concepts better than we do today, it seems, as there are still many holy wells venerated in certain parts of the world. I’ve always been able to feel water. I will end this for now, but something is playing just below the surface, and as more light continues to come into our consciousness, I have no doubt it will become more and more clear to me. But something, something encoded in our very blood, bones, DNA, is being activated, and we ARE the wild card. And I’m betting on us, those who are on the verge of full recall, to turn this ship around, before it completely runs aground. Ahoy there matey, it’s a good day to be alive!
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I feel a writing coming on. My husband has spent the day listening and looking at stuff regarding our bizarre world stage at present, from the Ukraine, to the Truckers Convoy in Canada (the woman with a walker being trampled by a horse and other fun stuff), to what is happening in politics, as well as the convoy starting here in the US.

I went outside and removed most of the iceberg off the second hay barn that had collapsed the roof back when we got all those heavy snow storms. We are going to have another deep freeze for about a week starting tomorrow, so if I don’t get it now, it will be a while before I will be able to get hay out of it,and I kinda need it now. Some of it will be ruined, I just hope not too much.

With so much going on, and having went to the Freedom Market yesterday, I find I’m having to work hard to ground myself in what is in front of me, but it’s exactly what I need to do. Sitting, and spinning, and listening to too much of what is going on that we have no control over, is not helpful to me. Yes, I knew all this was coming. Yes, I’ve seen it all from a good distance away. But still, to be of any help during this monumental transition we are all immersed in, I need to keep my head about me, and my heart too.

You see, even on the local level there is much pushing back, and though not violent (yet), it isn’t pretty. The flagrant abuse of their own rules, laws, and regulations, is stunning to see, both local and beyond, and I’m referring to all who wish to maintain that we all need to tow the line (all who protest) and succumb to the leaders who keep telling us what to do, regardless of how unethical, harmful, and even outright abusive it is. We are told NOT to follow our own conscience, but to obey our governments trampling of our constitutional rights, and to suck it up and go quietly into the night. I don’t think so.

But, they do seem to be several moves ahead at all times, which doesn’t bode well for some on the front lines of the pushback efforts. I’m also guessing they know that. I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are consciously martyring themselves, but it seems that someone needs to rally the troops, or certainly all WILL be lost. The public, at least anyone even capable of changing their mind when truth sufficiently slaps them in the face, needs to wake Up! This has been the plan all along, to reign us all in, get rid of those who won’t comply, and remake the world, our reality, according to their new revised plans for how it should look. They simply do not care how bold they are now, and it will escalate. Yes, that is my prediction. So buckle up folks. It’s going to be a rough ride, no matter what.

For some long time now, I’ve been saying to watch for when UN troops become involved, because it turns out even most cops don’t really want to completely see their country turn into a dystopian nightmare. They don’t really want to go around, willy nilly, killing their own people. No, they needed to bring in highly trained mercenaries, who will have no problem following any order, no matter how despicable or wrong. It doesn’t matter that the emergency order that allows this to happen was enacted without merit. They will still achieve their goal, and whatever consequences may come from it do not seem to be a concern.

And now the bombing has begun.... (and the emergency act in Canada got dropped, just in time...., well, and then the truckers headed for DC...)

On the other hand, I had a fabulous cheese making class last night, and think I’ll go write about it over in the Farm Life thread, while the world is crumbling around us....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’ve started to write a few times this last week or so, but just haven’t been able to stick with it. Too much going on. Plus, my health takes some dips and dives now and then, and just doing what I have to do some days is a struggle. And, let’s face it, the world has a distinctively ominous feel to it these days.

Most of the time I don’t feel too bad anyway, as I have a lot of good things going on, too. It’s full steam ahead with food production, and distribution. But I have also been rereading the book called “When God Was A Woman”, by Merlin Stone. It is interesting to me, how when I go back over previously read material, more and more pieces fit together about our real past, and it doesn’t leave me with a warm comfortable feeling. The shadowy cast of characters, going back into deep antiquity, demonstrates to me that what is happening now, has happened in slightly different versions, time after time. The world has been populated, and then depopulated, over and over. And this so called “priesthood” is always lurking behind the curtain, with only the chosen representatives allowed in the public eye, so we are never allowed to see who they are.

There are many bread crumbs left to follow, though, with enough diligence in sifting and resifting through the evidence. I can’t even tell you how many books I have read over the years, with bits and pieces to assemble into some kind of coherent picture from them all. It stretches my mind into a pretzel sometimes, for this so called priesthood is a master of deception, slight of hand magicians tricks, and infiltration of every aspect of our lives. We often don’t even notice, until it’s time for another “reset”. Which is where we are now.

I have got to get busy now, so have to tear myself away. But my overwhelming emotion of the day is outrage, at least at the moment. I want it to just fucking STOP. So while they have us all scrambling here and there, running all over the game board like a flock of chickens, they continue on with their ultimate goal of culling the herd, and getting the rest back into their pens. No more free range, as we are becoming “un-sustainable” and too hard to control. They have never had any intention of letting this reality construct become what it used to be, before they arrived. In a way, they really are quite primitive, because they can’t do anything different than what they have become accustomed to. In a way, they are handicapped, and retarded. It’s the old Darwinian might makes right, survival of not really the fittest, but the most cunning in a diabolical way, and use subterfuge, violence, and fear as their weapons of choice. Some serious psychological fuckery mixed in there too.

I’ll come back to this.
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I said I would come back to this, and with the pouring rain, it looks like sooner than later. Plus, the internet doesn’t want to work, so can’t waste time there!

After sifting through all the information I have at hand, repeatedly, a story does kind of emerge. One that is a bit controversial. And I’m not sure how the original time of Atlantis fits in here, either. But, it appears, that a world wide civilization existed that was primarily Goddess oriented, and there weren’t even any fortifications around many ancient remnants of those societies. So they weren’t warlike, and the old “it’s human nature” adage is pure garbage.

A couple things, though. One, is though the bible talks about about “the sons of god” mating with human women, it originally was probably giant women mating with much smaller human males. There is plenty of evidence to support this. My feeling is that perhaps over all, society operated at a much more humane level than it does today, but there is clear evidence that there was a yearly ritual of the high priestess, standing in for the actual goddess, who chose a young human male to mate with, and then ritually sacrifice. Sounds kind of gruesome, but it’s undeniable that this occurred. I would guess these original priestesses were physically much larger. There are many statues, bas reliefs, and other artifacts that support this. Plus, the whole idea of some godlike, presumably large, males mating with tiny women doesn’t even make sense.

It’s been a very long time, since I read the book “The Holy Science” by Swami Sri Yukteswar (like, 40+ years ago), when I first learned about the idea of yugas. It’s easy for me to grasp the idea of cycles within cycles of time. And it does seem that we actually devolved ever since we hit a high point in our existence here, and got less and less aware, and less and less able to grasp certain concepts, as well as losing the level of emotional and psychological understanding we had attained. In short, we became more primitive. At one point, it appears that the goddess oriented society suffered as a result, and the leadership became more and more narcissistic, self serving, and arrogant. Instead of serving the people, they, the priestesses and queens, began to see themselves as Gods in their own right, but without the previous love for the people they were supposed to serve.

This is when I believe these hordes of Indo-Europeans began to descend, with their patriarchal ideologies, war chariots, and priest-hoods. It seems the story always indicates they came from mountains, areas where there were active volcanoes, and were associated with fire, lightening, and flows of lava. They began to woo these queens/high priestesses, and marry into these royal families that were already in existence. And what they couldn’t control, they killed. It didn’t happen overnight, and didn’t happen at the same rate everywhere. But as we moved farther and farther into the darkest part of the cycle, the Kali Yuga, we became very primitive indeed. You can trace these tribes, and slow takeover, throughout what evidence can be tracked, with slightly different names, but the story remains the same. Infiltration, takeover, that’s what they do, while disguising themselves in the story fed to us in our history books so as to muddy, distort, and obfuscate the truth. I also believe this was always the plan, behind the scenes, in the real power behind the thrones of all royalty throughout the world, that shadowy priesthood. They use the same old tried and true strategies, over and over. They infiltrate all of the secret fraternities and organizations, and hide behind a false front of “serving humanities needs”, and “keeping us safe”. It all a lie, and always has been.

And I’m not saying Indo-Europeans are all bad, or are all to blame. The rulers are never even of the same blood lines as the people they claimed to have some right to rule. And interestingly, I have seen historical images of giants, towering at least a foot or more taller than even the tallest normal sized person, from all ethnic groups, black, white, Asian, Arab, and so on, so this has nothing to do with race. I would imagine there were many offspring from these original matings of giant women with much smaller men, who traveled about to other areas. Of course, all the original giant peoples of this world eventually died out, and the ruling class came to look more and more like everyone else. But they are not like everyone else. They still adhere to their skewed thinking they have some right to rule, and a serious superiority complex.

The silver lining in all this, though, is that time is on our side. The pendulum always starts to swing the other way, and one cycle of time eventually gives over to a new one. I believe we are collectively moving back towards the light, and are waking up. I also believe it’s going to be a lot harder, if not downright impossible, for the bad guys to win, again. We ARE getting more aware. Maybe not everyone, but certainly a much larger number than this realm has experienced in a very long time, linearly speaking. This one fact changes everything. I don’t know what will actually play out in my lifetime, and it may not happen in one, or even two generations. They may even appear to win, for a time. But since in reality the ruling class does not seem to be able to access this higher level of awareness that is now becoming attainable with greater ease, they won’t be able to outthink us so easily. What may have worked, time after time, before, may not work out quite the way they planned. I’m counting on it.

So even if I don’t see it in my lifetime, I will still move in that direction, towards the light. I will continue to remember and awaken to the full potential of being ness that we lost as we traveled through the dark night. It’s hard, to remember some of what I did, and who I was, and the traumas I experienced, but with each remembering, I become stronger, freer, and more aware. It isn’t as much work as it used to be. And I am not alone in this journey. In fact, I’m connecting with more like minded people these last couple years than I have met my whole life. Something is stirring in the deep, and it’s not all bad.

Ok, I finally got that all out. All for now.
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I definitely have way too many thoughts these days. Just not enough time to write them out. They were chemtrailing the heck out of our skies a few days ago, and I’ve noticed that I seem to have serious sleep disturbances on those days, as well as becoming ridiculously thirsty. Also, the rain they had forecast for the next day mysteriously disappeared. Even though we did have a lot of snowfall this winter, that stuck around for a long time (still a few little patches here and there), they are predicting a drought season again here. I believe it is by design. We never even used to have a fire season. If they tank the farmers here this year again, and hay prices are like they were last year, it’s going to be rough. I don’t want to have to borrow my neighbor’s (who doesn’t want to know us anymore) sickle, to cut grass down to start storing for winter. Then I’m really not going to have any time. Makes me realize farming back in the day was a full time experience. No time for entertainment.

When I don’t get any sleep, and spend the day with an upset stomach, dizziness, and headache, it really makes me question whether I can even keep doing what I’m doing out here. Usually on those nights when I can’t sleep, I also have dark disturbing dreams, and my usually sunny disposition is damn near impossible to maintain. I have to really work at it. And I am unable to get much done, which then makes me feel even more behind. But, somehow I rally myself together, and choose to keep going. I am going to have to make some tough decisions this year, based on our new reality.

When I start thinking, which I especially do after being sprayed like a bug all day, about all that “they” are doing to try and keep to their agenda (UN Agenda 2030 in case you were wondering), and the Georgia Guidestones (which calls for not very many people left), I have to process the rage that inevitably comes up. Between the GMO everything, and the glyphosate they spray on crops, along with HAARP, chemtrails, 5G, fluoride in the water, and toxic medical practices and injections that are going to not only create even more chronic illness, but also kill off a large portion of those who keep lining up for them, it’s not a pretty picture. And if that wasn’t enough, we having a looming war situation being cultivated and sold to the public as inevitable. They are even trying to make it sound like the damage that it is further doing to our world’s food supply is somehow a good thing? Huh??? (Not to go on and on, but must mention the current culling of chickens going on, due to their made up Avian flu scare thingy.)

Pardon me if I can’t quite go along with that logic. Above all, though, is the fact that the majority of people, though sensing something is amiss, are generally not seeing what I see. Though it’s true that I know and associate with primarily people who do see, we are still very much a minority. And even at that, most are still not moving into a position of readiness, except for our market idea. Some, who live in the city, are still doing some community action with things like the school board. But building actual communities of several families and individuals, who have a big common garden and that kind of thing haven’t even begun here. It is interesting that they have done such a good job at destroying the concept of tribe. I attended a meeting recently, where people who do have land talked about what they would expect from people wanting to create a more communal situation. Much to be considered. Especially if they start arriving with suitcase (and probably not much else) in hand, after a SHTF situation has already happened. Whole different ballgame there.

And, where we are, being off grid and all, people definitely aren’t going to show up until there is no other option. Composting toilet, small living space, and a whole bunch of other adjustments to make, not to mention the hardships that come with winter out here, make this a last resort option, even for those who have been out here and like what we are doing. Our property is off the main road by about a half mile access road, and is actually way more defensible than those who live right off a main road. It’s heavily wooded, thick brush in places, and a lot of rural, and uninhabited land behind us, along with many out buildings. I think we’ll be staying right where we are. My only big concern, is fire. And there is no way just the two of us can clear all the debris that make it even more of a fire hazard out here, unless we had nothing else to do. We might be able to load up all the animals and pull at least one (if we are lucky, both) RV’s out of danger. This is another reason why I am working on getting to know how to use my ham radio, and get connected with more people out here.

The other thing that is happening to impact folks decisions, is the fact that land has went through the roof out here, even into Idaho, where it used to be fairly inexpensive. Our property has probably tripled in value (thankfully the tax assessor hasn’t caught up to that fact), and the cost of putting in a well has almost doubled. The fact that we don’t have an actual home here makes our property taxes manageable even on a low income. But my daughter and her husband, who have been trying to buy a home in the city, have been making offers considerably higher than what the sale price calls for, and are still getting beat out by higher offers. My worry there is that when the economy totally tanks, which it will, all these people will be stuck (just like back in 2008), with homes they paid too much for, and can’t sell. So many people who have a high mortgage payment will be left in dire straights, should something unpredictable happen to their income.

But, I have to say, that overall I am optimistic about the people who live out in my neck of the woods, as many groups are serendipitously finding each other, and creating quite the networking system overall. And they are all freedom minded folks who just are not going to comply anymore, with being asked to go along and actually assist with our demise. Quite the contrary. More younger individuals and families, too, than I would have expected, but very happy to see. Maybe those communities, real communities, still have a chance of coming together after all, just in the nick of time. When they are openly telling us to prepare for food shortages, you can be sure it’s part of the plan. I’m thinking about grabbing another 50lb bag of wheat, while I still can. Never know, it might be worth more than gold down the road.

I’m sure I’ll have a ramble again soon enough, but I think that’s enough for now. Hope ya’all getting those seeds planted....
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Janus Quirinus
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Janus Quirinus »

The Georgia Guidestones were surely conceived with the best intentions, it features very sensible recommendations, especially its sixth principle. It's first principle is actually very mild compared to what the humanist freethinker Bertrand Russell recommended: bacteriological war. "If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full." This may sound harsh, but he was strictly speaking from a biological pov, no room left for political or humanitarian considerations. He also posed this question to his detractors, "The world will have achieved a new stability, but at the cost of everything that gives value to human life. Are mere numbers so important that, for their sake, we should patiently permit such a state of affairs to come about?"
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:05 pmBetween the GMO everything, and the glyphosate they spray on crops, along with HAARP, chemtrails, 5G, fluoride in the water, and toxic medical practices and injections that are going to not only create even more chronic illness, but also kill off a large portion of those who keep lining up for them, it’s not a pretty picture.
The earth is already thoroughly poisoned from burials being preferred over cremation, that's the origin for resurfacing diseases. All these modern chemicals you've listed are merely the cherry on top.
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:05 pmAnd if that wasn’t enough, we having a looming war situation being cultivated and sold to the public as inevitable. Pardon me if I can’t quite go along with that logic.
I personally hold that WW3 is inevitable on the physical plane, but that the "invasion" of Ukraine is blown out its of proportions. I happen to know exactly how the capitalists think and why they believe war is the only way out of their mess. They don't want to take any responsibility for it, but would rather blame external threats and menaces.
Spiritwind wrote: Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:05 pmAbove all, though, is the fact that the majority of people, though sensing something is amiss, are generally not seeing what I see. Though it’s true that I know and associate with primarily people who do see, we are still very much a minority.
Ever heard of the inventor Viktor Schauberger? He wrote, "There are a few individuals possessed of great foresight, who are still in touch with Nature and are able to perceive the insanity of our work in its true light. Their ceaseless efforts are a solemn, though sadly-unheeded admonition to their contemporaries. The latter are preoccupied with the exigencies of day-to-day existence and incapacitated by over-specialisation."
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

Janus, I don’t have much time right now, to really respond to what you wrote with any depth, so must be brief.

“The Georgia Guidestones were surely conceived with the best intentions”
- uh, no, I don’t think so. Might come back to this when I have more time.

“The earth is already thoroughly poisoned from burials being preferred over cremation” - uh, I don’t agree with this either, but also don’t have time to respond to.

“I personally hold that WW3 is inevitable on the physical plane” - maybe, but I tend to think it’s way more complicated than that.

“Ever heard of the inventor Viktor Schauberger?” - yes, I have heard of him.

Anyway, the following is just some more thoughts I had and wrote down this morning. Must get to work finishing a pen I’m getting ready, so I can get everyone situated in preparation for our last doe to kid.

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday, about evil, and she said something along the line of she doesn’t believe there is a single actual entity, a Satan so to speak, that opposes mankind. I responded something along the line of feeling that we had a hand in the creation of an opposing force, and that it gets its power because we give it to it. In my mind, it has taken on a persona, a beingness, so to speak. Is it real? Or should I say, is it any more real than who and what we think WE are?

I also talked about how I personally deal with what seems to be a demonic realms that acts through humans weaknesses, that literally seems to feed off our suffering, and truly wants to cut out any display of the higher qualities such as empathy, honesty, integrity, and love. It wants to create a rendition of reality that is like your worst dystopian nightmare, a virtual horror show of degradation, fear, and sadistic pathology on a scale most cannot imagine. That IS what it appears to want.

But, BUT, it does also appear that this, however created, entity cannot access the higher realms. It, in fact, ceases to have any effect or control over us, once we are able to live in a higher frequency state as our normal state of being. With the above named attributes of empathy, honesty, integrity, and love. So the answer is, not in trying to change the world, but to continue working on myself, to achieve a greater and greater amount of time spent in this higher frequency energy. For me, it takes daily effort, and only after years of feeling like I wasn’t making any progress at all, it seems to have gotten somewhat easier, despite how dark the outer reality is becoming. I tend to think we are literally moving towards a state of greater and greater awakening, as part of a cycle that moves back and forth, in an elliptical fashion, towards darkness and light.

I do try to engage in activities that I sense will be helpful through this tumultuous transition we are currently undergoing. I do strongly feel it’s going to get bumpy, a little nerve wracking, and challenging for all, in various ways. Can we prepare for every single scenario of what and when anything can happen? I don’t think so. I’ve seen people quite overly engaged in prepping. I prep too, but at some point I just want to love and enjoy life a bit while I’m still here. At some point, I say, it’s good, I can take time off, or just take needed time for myself. It, too, is a kind of oscillation, between moving out, and moving in, day to day.

Another thing I see, it’s just so common, is judgement. It can be big and obvious, or it can be small and seemingly inconsequential. But it’s there. Tribal people back in the day had to live with and around each other, sometimes their entire lives, as well as depending on one another for survival. I’m sure there were many different personalities at play, but they had to do a lot of just allowing each person to be who they are. I don’t think they had the purposefully created differences most of us have today, with different religious beliefs, political outlook, and fairly disparate hierarchical societal structures we all have to cope with now. No one hoarded to the point of putting everyone else at risk. It sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it?

So, people don’t really know how to get along anymore, in a truly tribal fashion. It’s not socialism, either, or even communistic really. It’s acceptance, it’s inclusion. Of course, they didn’t have big elaborate for profit prisons, health care institutions, indoctrination systems called school, either.

It had a holistic nature based relationship with basically everything. I’m not Native American in this life, nor do I even know anyone who actually lives this way today, successfully. But I am tribal in my heart, always have been. All our pain, suffering, despair, and constant striving for that carrot that seems out of reach is contrived, made up by this devilish unseen back room dimension, out of mosts conscious view, and believe you me, it is very real.

And every day, really, my thoughts are of the divine, the higher realms. They are very real to me too. I know I only have X amount of time here, and someday, the plug will get pulled. I simply won’t be inhabiting this body anymore, and though the process of departure doesn’t exactly excite me (let’s face it, not everyone gets to die in their sleep), I have come to a place of acceptance. In a way, it allows to me to live freer, more in a state of grace, and less fear about the outcome, either for myself, or the world at large. It’s all part of a big long process, and can be looked at many ways. One way isn’t right, and another wrong. Often, we can’t see the whole picture, so make assumptions and errors in judgement. Plus, we have been purposefully deceived. It’s like finding your way out of a maze that keeps changing as you move through it.

Anyway, I find it’s best to make a point of accepting the fact that I’m not in charge. I don’t even want to drive my own vehicle, without a connection to whoever, whatever it is, that has helped me find my way without encountering so many pitfalls, and helps me avoid certain experiences I just don’t need to have anymore. My day to day experience of being here is tremendously better than it used to me. I think I’ll keep moving this way.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m trying to finish my farm life post, but have so many thoughts rolling around in my head that aren’t really farm related, so I’m going to see where this goes.

It’s a strange thing, that on the one hand, I see so much potential, much of it undeveloped and unused, in humanity as a whole. When I did our first Farmers Market on Saturday, we had two delightful young women who you could tell fit right in with us rebel types, who see more of the bigger picture than average. And some of the folks who came to see what we had were absolutely awesome in their enthusiasm and support. I’ll write more about that in my other thread.

But, at the same time, I’m also discouraged, a little bit, because I see how stuck humanity has become, from lack of proper guidance. All our major authority figures, from politics, law enforcement, education, medical, religion, to economic models (think, WEF) have led us astray. We have been programmed quite effectively to give our power away, and even our ability to reason and think for ourselves. None of our politicians can be trusted. I have met a few law enforcement personnel that have actually been helpful and caring, with still a modicum of integrity, but not very many. Education is just another arm of the indoctrination program, with religion it’s second arm. Not everything I was taught was bad, or wrong, just most of it. Medical authorities have actually become another way to extract our allegiance, while slowly (or quickly) killing us, all the while profiting from it. Not that it hasn’t helped some people.

I do actually know a few people who have indeed been saved through medical technologies and techniques. My youngest grandson would not be here, were it not for the nurses incredibly dedicated care when he was born three months early. Another woman I know, actually after going to a naturopath to get properly diagnosed, was saved through a medical procedure. She would not have been able to sustain life much longer without that intervention. I’ve also talked to several people in one of the various medical fields who have expressed an inability to do their job according to their conscience, because of the increasingly profit based orientation from higher up. It creates a great deal of stress for them.

And our economic models are life deadening. Of course, that is by design. But some people are only beginning to change their views and strategies because of the increasing pressure that is being applied, because they can actually see what is coming our way. The rest, well, it’s not looking good, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. Even at that, if the weather continues to be so unpredictable, and we can’t grow food or raise livestock, then it’s going to get rough indeed. I’m going to do a bit more research on where all the abandoned mines are (and make sure they weren’t mining uranium!).

Another thing, though, is that most of the people I am getting to know are various versions of my younger self, and still get triggered easily due to unquestioned beliefs and life patterns. I don’t have any problem with Christians, because many of them are able to see some of the bigger picture and have done a great deal of research. They can see the demonic nature of our current rollout by those who believe they have the right to rule us, and cull us from time to time. But, then they kind of have to get on the pulpit and carry it a bit too far. When you think you already know it all in any particular area of knowing, then you tend to close your mind to anything that might challenge that, or expand on what you think you know. Plus, I don’t like to be preached to.

And, it’s just not fun dealing with people who have a hair trigger on the emotions, but don’t know it. I don’t like trying to figure out where someone is coming from all the time, nor walk around on egg shells, for fear of offending them. I don’t ask questions when I go to the grocery store, about who someone really is that is waiting on me, now behind a plexiglass barrier (at least for now the masks have come off), and don’t really care. But if I was to live in a small community of people for survival purposes, I would choose my companions carefully.

Lastly, since it’s time to get busy with chores, is that every crowd seems to have at least one person who tries to dictate for everyone else. They think they are right, without ever having done any personal reflection on how others actually view them, and like to tell everyone else how it’s going to be. They are usually all about the “rules”, as well as coming from the “what’s in it for me”, or, in the case of the Farmers Market, “what’s in it (monetarily speaking) for the Grange”. They are not generous in spirit, and actually come from a rather miserly dogmatic perspective. They don’t even know they are shooting themselves in the foot when they do this, and for me, it’s a real turn off.

I remember when I started a community block watch type program at one of the mobile home parks we managed years ago. It got off to a great start, and some good things did come out of it. But, as is often the case, one couple started to come to meetings, sat in the back with a rather sour demeanor, and clearly projected dissatisfaction and a judgmental attitude. Because I was the manager, it turned out to be a conflict of interest. This particular couple was also very behind on their lot rent and mobile home payment, to the point where they finally had to move. I couldn’t jump up and say “shut your mouth and sit down” and “you aren’t even going to be here soon”, because that information is confidential. I wish I could have though. They did ruin it for everyone else, and they weren’t the only one. We had one other nutter who started to attend, and soon after all the good people with great ideas quit coming. So, there’s that particular issue. And it is already raising its ugly head, but I’ve learned a lot since then. Gotta go, now, though.
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I have to jot down a few thoughts from this morning, before I run off to get more farm type things done. For some reason, I looked up the deeper meanings of two terms the other day. They were atheist and agnostic, and I wondered what the real difference was between the two. First entry from a google search:

Technically, an atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a god, while an agnostic is someone who doesn't believe it's possible to know for sure that a god exists. It's possible to be both—an agnostic atheist doesn't believe but also doesn't think we can ever know whether a god exists.

I thought about this, and my own very personal, and very real, experience with something that I feel has taken me from belief to knowing. Of course, it all depends on your interpretation of what god is, which greatly varies from person to person. I like to side step the “naming” process, and go straight to the heart of the matter. For me, I freely call this something any number of terms. Universal Creative Intelligent Loving Energy is probably my favorite, but I also use Source, Great Spirit, Creator, and others. What I’m talking about though, is just that, an intelligent, benevolent, creative, AND loving field of energy that can be communicated with, and it’s not just a one way conversation, either.

Yes, God is Real! Whatever this something really is, for me it is tangible, benevolent, and very tied to this planet, this realm of existence, as it appears to be in EVERYTHING! My body included. I’ve been engaging in an ongoing, daily, exchange for some long time. It probably started for real for me, when I did my fast in the mountains for three days back in 1993, and especially since being on this property, has become quite pronounced in how awe inspiring this connection has become. Like, I feel a true reverence for this field, this being that literally appears to inhabit this entire realm, and the deeper my connection grows, the more it truly feels like a warm and loving embrace. It brings tears to my eyes, just thinking about it. It produces a state of grace, and gratitude.

I’ve written about this so many times, in so many different ways. Yet, most of the people I personally know, with the exception of just a very small few, do not have this experience to draw from, and for them it’s still a big unknown. But, is it really? I can testify to the fact that everyone I talk to has had at least one or more transcendent experiences in their lifetime, and maybe many, but they still discard this as not being proof of anything. The big difference is, they don’t actually engage it, and call it in, and literally talk to it in your mind, every single day, throughout the day. For me, it’s like a best friend. I wouldn’t dream of doing anything important without consulting it first, then watching my thoughts and what comes into my field of experience throughout my day. It shows itself in a multitude of ways.

Thing is, it is never intrusive. Unlike some other energies that like to confuse, mimic, and deceive. You really do have to learn to intuit, with some degree of accuracy, where the voices in our head are really coming from, and read the energy behind them. But it is completely doable.

It’s interesting to me that last night I dreamed, for some time, about a baby raccoon coming to me, and being really friendly, and wanting my attention and to be around me. For raccoon, among other things, represents generous protector to me. It’s just one of the many ways in which spirit, whatever this really is, talks to me. I literally feel the love energy that comes through, and that can not be mimicked. It reminds me of that field of loving energy that came over me when I was six, standing in the driveway, talking to god. I’ve really known all along. I just had to re-mem-ber. The outer world does nothing to validate the magical world we all experienced as children, so we slowly forget, and then go through our lives with longing, often for what we don’t know. When it really has been there, all along. And it costs nothing but your time, attention, and suspension of disbelief that’s it’s even possible to know.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Thoughts, thoughts, too many thoughts...

Post by Spiritwind »

I’m writing a farm life post I haven’t finished, but decided to switch gears and jot down some thoughts, again.

I realize this forum doesn’t have a lot of activity, but to me it still has a place and serves a valuable purpose. For one thing, we are definitely headed into some very dark times ahead. So even though I’m often the lone poster here, what I write is from my actual experience, and my own thoughts and observations, that seem to run counter to the prevailing paradigm that is being thrust upon us. I don’t have endless time to be on the internet, and sometimes find it difficult to find the time at all. We got rid of our awful Hughes Net satellite rural internet provider because they just sucked so bad. Now we are down to just our cellphones and the reception isn’t so hot. Sometimes it’s good enough to watch a video, and sometimes I can barely check my email and have to keep trying.

I’m writing now for several reasons. One is, I took a peak at a couple other forums I rarely ever look at anymore. Earth Empaths was mentioned at one of them and referred to as basically being dead. No, it is not dead. I do not engage in group think, and do not require the approval of others anymore. In fact, I don’t need validation to be who I am at all anymore. I truly don’t care if I am the lone voice in the wilderness. I will not be silent, and I will say what I observe, and what my truth is, whether anyone agrees with me or not. I have no doubt I would be booted off both of these other forums just for being who I am, which is why I am grateful to have a place to express myself where I will not be attacked, derided, and marginalized as if I am some kind of nutter because my view of reality is considered “dangerous”. It surprises me how many people have succumbed to such levels of mob mentality, where you must conform or else. It’s scary for so many reasons, and goes way beyond any forum involvement. Right now, it’s a world wide phenomena.

It’s also interesting how people just have to slow down when driving by an accident, gawking out of curiosity, rather than empathy or concern. I’ve seen puppies almost kill one of their litter mates because it wasn’t as strong, energetically, as the rest. I took that puppy home for a few days, and then returned it to its litter mates. Totally changed the dynamic, and they no longer attacked it. It doesn’t bode well for humanity as a whole that we cannot see how primitive we really are, and the pack mentality that is being used against us by our would be controllers.

For me, I remember, whether it’s in my DNA, my blood, my bones, a time when there were actual physical beings living here in this realm that demonstrated a much higher frequency of behavior, that energetically was on an entirely different wavelength and makes us look very primitive indeed now. It makes us look stupid. If I belonged to a truly advanced race of beings, and I peered down upon earth, as if through a looking glass, I would be appalled. I would not want to engage. It brings tears to my eyes, how much we have lost, and yet we are unaware. Why do I remember? I don’t know, but I do. And it makes me sad in a way that is hard to describe in its depth. Sometimes it feels as if we really are doomed, and maybe even deserve all the hardship that is coming our way, as well as the great loss of life that will surely accompany it.

So much more I want to write, and will come back to this. Right now it’s more important that I keep on task with what I have going on the home front here, with markets, gardens, networking, creating solutions and energizing them with my actions and intent. It’s more important than trying to generate more traffic to our little hole in the wall place on the internet here, by engaging in unnecessary drama, mud slinging, and contentious behavior. People love to gossip, and not in a kind way, either. Yet they seem to have no awareness that what they do does not actually put them in a favorable light. And I love it when people get on their high horse and determine what is “true”, “factual”, “scientific”, and “acceptable”. Not just for themselves, but for everyone else. Truly mind blowing it is. Every damn day now. I’ll be back.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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