Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

"She sees now that it is a state of nothingness that is so strangely full in which she occupies space. She can move up and down, sideways and around, a state of awareness waking within the dream.
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Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »



Well friends, I find myself this morning with something most precious which is space and time to reflect on all the information I have consumed over the past months, along with some very intense experiences that needed to be integrated. We’ve been bombarded with opinions, hysteria and fear mongering on a massive scale. We are the experiment in full bloom and questions loom asking for deep inner contemplation, what is the truth that is unveiling before our physical eyes? What is real and how do we Become the Real?

I know my words are often wrapped with the inner ethereal outpourings of my soul. Looking back on them over that past years I stand in the truth that emanates from the inner me, my relationships with others and my abiding faith in our undeniable interconnectedness with the Natural Realms.

Transparency of being asks that I declare the perspective which I write from is a long standing knowing that disease states are NOT caused by germs and viruses. This knowing came long, long before I did any investigations, long before I heard about the danger and manipulation of vaccines and the horrid money machine that is now called Big Pharma. The supposed genetics in my family showed up in the chronic illnesses of asthma, eczema, and severe bronchitis accompanied by high fevers. When I was 18 and once again had a fever and started to cough violently in route to my college classes I had to pull over and stop my car, it then that a thought struck me like lightening. It was that I didn’t have to be sick and an inward resolve was made that I would no longer suffer from these familial illnesses. This is empirical and experiential knowledge because after that I stopped getting sick of respiratory disease. Period.

For years I have stated unequivocally that “germs” and “viruses” don’t exist, this was always stated with a certain inner mirth as I watched those who heard me not know how to answer such an seemingly outrageous statement. Even my bio-tech doctor husband of many years was floored to silence, I know he wanted to pull out text books and prove to me that they do cause disease but my resolve and humorously delivered statement left him without a road into to my psyche so he said nothing. I will now leave off my anecdotal writing or it would turn into a book.

**Yes, I have had a few illness over the past forty plus years and yes I resorted to antibiotics a few times so I am not saying that they don’t have a place in treatment of some illnesses. Any biome will exhibit disease states as well as the existence of protozoa such as amoebas, parasites and bacteria that proliferate when out of balance. That said I also have almost solely relied on homeopathic remedies, herbal teas and tinctures along with basic healthy treatment of my body including supplements when needed. Perhaps most vitally I have delved the unseen and potent fields of energy and learned how to employee them to return to wholeness and vitality of spirit.

One more personal comment is that fear is the viral element driving humanity over a cliff right now. Fortunately I have had ample opportunity to conquer, incorporate and integrate states of extreme fear so am able to say that this is probably the most vital piece of the wholeness puzzle. Fear has a place in our psyche and biology, for example when it warns us of impending danger, however when fear drives us to irrationality it is now longer useful and is actually extremely damaging. I will be including several videos that I feel are essential to watch and contemplate during this time of isolation, (interesting definition for no man is an island). My suggestion is to use this time well as we aren’t through the eye of needle yet. There will be a calm time as we reach the eye of the storm but we still have to transit the other side. Be Love, Act Love, Let your Light shine!

I am attempting to distill information to a nutshell version for the variations on the theme are multiplitous. We live in a realm of multiplicity therefore every action, every thought, every emanation from our hearts does go out to be multiplied. Our Work is self awareness that we are in deed creating the world, are you ready to take command of your Being and Be the change? That my friends is an eternal question that is more vital to answer with every breath you take.

Together we are a vital resource and each of us has a voice, an embrace, an act of truth we can enact.

James Corbett has been consciously reporting for over a decade, his call to NOT Normalize the current situation is a sane and passionate voice. He always links the documentation for his reporting, he isn’t an opinion maker he is a careful researcher who presents his findings for your own discernment.

Truthstream Media has done exemplary work to pull back the veil of deception that has kept us from seeing how the Deep Dark State has infiltrated our minds… There documentary The Minds of Men is a great place to start for those who haven’t dared look behind the curtain of deception.

The Higherside Chats is one of my favorite YouTube channels, Greg is an often humorous and always intelligent host. I just listened to this video and it brings up some very important information on Tests and the total unreliability of tests for viruses. Please folks, it is an imperative to open your minds and listen to many perspectives even if they counter the prevailing and supposedly scientific dumps that have you in a state of immobility.

Another video that I consider a must listen to further crack the crack down on our freedoms. Knowledge does give us power only if we act accordingly. Also this podcast with Dr. Andy Kaufman from last week is another real eye opener: 203.5.1- I need a Diaper change and my Imaginary Crown

Earth Empaths has held Truth to be our highest call and in the many years we have been actively sharing this seeking of Truth which has brought us to a radiant knowing that Love is the Truth. How you interpret this is up to you, up to your individual comprehension that requires an enactment of where you will draw your personal line in the sand.

Below are links to websites with resources that I have come to trust, this doesn’t mean I agree with everything they share and/ or promote, it means that they are strong individuals who have compiled an veritable treasure trove of documented information that stands on it’s own merit.

GreenMedInfo – Sayer Ji

I have read and used the resources on GreenMedInfo for a decade now. You can find valuable health advice coupled with a powerful voice for human beings to recover from the oppression and suppression of the disease caused by the overuse of pharmaceuticals by the drug peddling industry.

No More Fake News – Jon Rappoport

John Rappoport is an independent journalist whose work is a dual edge sword of truth, he not only knocks down the prevaling “science” narrative with deft strokes of his virtual pen he is a dreamer who fully embodies the power of our imagination.

Amazing Polly

For those who are politically driven and have been led like docile cattle down the chute of political correctness and social (ism) activism Polly strips away the narrative and clearly shows how the oligarchs that mask themselves as heads of state for the “greater good” are really psychotic parasites that work through tyranny to usurp total control of people, families, societies and nations.

There are so many other people I listen to regularly, too many to add to this short writing. I am blessed in having long conversations with good friends and am currently working at the grass roots level in our little communal microcosm of the greater whole… The first step in self knowledge is always going to be engaging enough courage to remove the falsity of all we’ve been indoctrinated to believe. I know this is difficult work and for some it is just now beginning so if you’re truly awake be prepared to offer assistance where ever you are called.

Love unbound, fierce and free

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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Professor Doom »

I feel there is, for many, a disconnect between experienced reality and inner knowledge.

Your post Christine is true much in the way we can say light is a wave. Nothing wrong with saying that but are we not missing the particle nature of light?

People can get a virus or bacteria from other people/animals. So there is a logical , mathematically proven quanta that carries the disease .

Now , what you are saying is ...you don't care about that , because you can effect changes to/in your body , you can transmute the disease. I believe that you can . I believe most people cannot . Spirit over matter aside I believe your are in better health then most people.

What is lacking is the shaman . The person that can see inside others, that knows where they are coming from and going to. The shaman may say to someone : wear gloves and mask and stay inside; and can say to the next person : there is nothing to worry do whatever you want. Seeing the first person has an energetically imbalanced body and heavy karma , and the other person is aligned with joy and creation.

While I go about my daily routine , passing police and military checkpoints without wearing a mask or gloves or anything...I feel the majority silently (or not) judging me behind their masks and scared faces.

I know I don't need it...but I would never make a general statement that masks are useless or forget the fact that people died and more will die .

Somehow related:

In a memoir written many years after the fact, Yusopov provides a riveting first-hand account of the protracted assassination of Rasputin at his estate in St. Petersberg.

Having arranged to meet together for pastries and wine at his estate, Yusupov picked up Rasputin from his home and brought him to his palace.

To justify eating in the cellar, which had been soundproofed for the occasion, his hidden co-conspirators played records in a closed-off room on the main floor to convince Rasputin that Yusupov’s wife was hosting a small party.

This ruse worked, and the two went down to the a furnished cellar to eat, drink, and converse about politics.

Yusupov offered Rasputin pastries and soon Rasputin began gorging himself on cakes that had been laced with cyanide, chosen specifically because they were known to be Rasputin’s favorite so were the most likely to be eaten by him.
Felix Yusupovs Cellar

Worried that the cyanide, which typically kills almost instantly, didn’t seem to be working, Yusupov invited Rasputin to have a glass of Madiera, pouring the wine into one of several glasses that had also been laced with cyanide.

Rasputin declined the glass at first, but Rasputin’s gluttony for wine quickly won out and he drank several glasses of wine from poisoned glasses.

One of Yusupov co-conspirators, a doctor, had prepared each dose of cyanide very carefully to ensure that every one was strong enough to kill not just one but several men.

Yusupov began to panic as Rasputin appeared to consume enough cyanide to kill scores of men while. As Rasputin started to have some difficulty swallowing his wine, Yusupov feigned concern and asked Rasputin if he was feeling ill.


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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »

Hey Professor Doom, Thanks for the comments... I rather feel we are on the same wave length for the point of my sharing is that some of us can and do know the body energetics to the extent that we can transmute any poison (the word virus came into usage meaning exactly that, poison). That I feel extremely fortunate to have had all the experiences I have that continuously reaffirm this for myself I find that being in a position to energetically pass on faith and hope as well as solid and often controversial information is exactly where I need to be.

The Light body... more on that in a subsequent post.

People die, they die every day that's definitely a fact. The how and why they die is a valuable question to ask. I am distinctly aware that the fear virus has every cough turning into a death knell and I know of nothing that spreads faster through the human psychosis than fear. Of course the would be rulers know this and use it ruthlessly.

To not misquote me, I do care and I do care unequivocally so. That is to say my spiritual preparation in this life and past ones too has given me the strength and resolve necessary to withstand the storm and be a strength for others, just as they are for me in my moments of wobble when the impact of what we are confronting feels too much for one to bear alone.


“I Looked in Temples, Churches and Mosques. But I Found the Divine Within my Heart.”

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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »

I will also post this video here for those who followed Paul Levy and his work on Dispelling Wetiko.

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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Professor Doom »

Christine wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:25 pm

To not misquote me, I do care and I do care unequivocally so.
Like one art teacher once told us ..."you care and you don't care " 8-)
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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »

An older video but as true now as it was in 2017 during the swine flu... are we awake yet?

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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »

I've always appreciated people that question me, it's in my nature. On Facebook I've recently been the recipient of ad hominem rebuttals because I asked for proof that the SARS-CoV-2 had been isolated and proven to cause a definable set of symptoms. Realizing that I hadn't read the abstracts myself I went to the CDC website and started my investigation, what I discovered was a surprising amount of double talk encased in the language of bio-engineers, it ultimately led me to a product that is used to grow said viruses, it rather stunned me since medium they grow viruses on are monkey kidney cells. Anyone who has researched small pox and polio vaccines will realize that this is barbarity, purposeful or out of myopic ignorance?

Gratefully Jon Rappoport made this video, underlining and questioning the very same questions I was asking.

HERE IT IS ON BITCHUTE. My new past time is downloading videos and uploading them to Bitchute.


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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Spiritwind »

And, unfortunately, this video has been disappeared from YouTube. Not really surprising : (

I do pinch myself daily about how it has become almost normal and acceptable (it would seem so, as I really don’t hear that many screaming about it), that our fundamental right to freedom of speech has kinda went bye bye. Sad times indeed (except a whole bunch of us downloaded the crap out of many of these they have disappeared). Oh well, how does that song, go? Can’t keep a good man down (by Alabama).
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »

Hey friend, I have loads of videos downloaded so if you want me to send any to you via wetransfer do let me know. Check out my Bitchute channel, every chance I get I nab something I think will disappear. Most of the channels that BoobTube deleted are over on Bitchute.
Spiritwind wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:49 pm And, unfortunately, this video has been disappeared from YouTube. Not really surprising : (

I do pinch myself daily about how it has become almost normal and acceptable (it would seem so, as I really don’t hear that many screaming about it), that our fundamental right to freedom of speech has kinda went bye bye. Sad times indeed (except a whole bunch of us downloaded the crap out of many of these they have disappeared). Oh well, how does that song, go? Can’t keep a good man down (by Alabama).
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Re: Let’s Get Real | Do viruses cause disease?

Post by Christine »

Here we are in 2023 and the field exploration about the fallacies of the Germ Theory has become a growing body of science. I am listening to Dr. Mark Bailey in an excellent interview with Maajid Nawaz. He is one of the most well researched, logical, sane, and well spoken critics of this never proven theory.



In this episode we speak to New Zealand Dr Mark Bailey who, along with his wife Dr Sam Bailey, advances an innovative and bold theory that viruses - like Covid and others - simply do not exist. The 'No Virus Theory' is his view that virology as a discipline is based upon completely flawed assumptions about the nature of disease. Listen to this show to hear why he and others think this.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
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