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Humanity Gone Crazy

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:15 pm
by Catlady888
Humanity Gone Crazy

Ok, here it goes .. got to bare my chest or breasts so to speak since I am a woman.

Have we gone stark raving mad? Like mad squirrels being dispersed by a master director who threw a bunch of nuts in the air. We are running after this nut and that nut and the nut over there without any plan or any organization of what to do. Where are the leaders being man or woman to lead us out of our dilemma? Who is standing up for being human? It certainly isn’t our politicians … they are causing many of the problems by not dispelling the fear and in fact fanning the insanity for profit or power. In fact, they appear to be some of the worst of the squirrels by repeatedly contradicting themselves as they strive to uphold the official narrative.

Humans can be amazing and wonderful. The good of being human: Kind, compassionate, caring, brave and self-less. Who saves a drowning child or rescues a kitten from burning buildings? Who wraps a refugee in a blanket or gives them the coat off their back? Who comforts parents in the face of tragedy .. loss or harm to their children? We humans do all of that and so much more .. daily.

When did we become less than human? When was it ok to hide our faces behind masks? So we are muzzled, silent and afraid. Collectively, most humans dare not speak out against something that is so harmful to all of us. The ones who are wearing the masks and the ones who have to watch as their fellow men, women, children and even babies disappear behind a veil. So, in the west, we condemn women in burkas but we voluntarily hide ourselves behind designer masks. The fact a mask matches our outfits is no less the fact that we are still muzzled and distanced as we watch each other suspiciously from behind our veils. This is the worst of humanity. Our vulnerability to herd behavior and our naivety. We believe nearly anything we are told if it comes from some “authority”. The result of our brainwashing as children in a repressive and mind controled school environment.

Is this a way for a free society to live? Is this a way for anyone, anywhere to live? If that is the way the majority of humans are going to live, then let the “virus” take me now. I will not live that way. In fear, in isolation and in ignorance. There is no virus. I repeat there is no virus that is out to infect us. Viruses are useful. Produced by our own bodies to detox and re-create wellness. People who have good health do not get sick. People who have toxic bodies can and do get sick. At this particular time in history, when we are being exposed to more toxins than ever, many people are getting sick. And, most are recovering in spite of the toxic load. Humans are amazingly resilient.

Prior to all this virus nonsense, how did we survive last year? Or the year before that or the five years before that? Or the 100 years before that? Did we all hide out in our homes, disinfecting ourselves and wearing masks? NO. We did not. We have been living for a long time now. Building businesses, going to school, learning, associating with one another and creating societies that come together to worship God.

So, do we now stop all that activity, stop our lives because a few experts tell us for our own safety we need to cower in our homes? What happened to our common sense? What happened to our ability to discern the truth from lies? I am sad to say that I don’t recognize this world and the people that live in it. Wake up people wake up to the truth before its too late.

Over and out, Carol - CatLady888