Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

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Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

Post by Spiritwind »

Christine brought my attention to this recent recording on crrow777 radio, and found it an hour well spent. They talk about a book by Michael Hoffman that is available for free as a PDF, which is the second link. It’s called Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, and it’s 118 pages long. I’m already half way through, so it’s an easy read. If you already know the occult underpinnings behind everything we see happen today, but are still looking to fit the pieces together, this will do it. Even though I feel like I know a bit, I am seeing aspects I didn’t know, or see as clearly, from this material. And, as I thought, they only get away with it, because people just WON’T STAND UP! And, as I also suspected, while everyone is worried whether someone has their mask on or not, or catching a potentially deadly illness, the infrastructure for our continued demise is being rolled out with lightening speed. Weapons grade 5G plays into this. When they start offering free cell phones (which they already are), and other supposed “gifts” it should be a red flag warning. But, who’s paying attention? Not many, it seems. So, I just keep putting it out there, and thankfully so do others. ... kk33-free/ ... arfare.pdf
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

Post by Spiritwind »

I finished reading this yesterday. It seriously depressed me for all kinds of reasons. I spent considerable money taking a bunch of occult knowledge type workshops in 2003 offered by the Rocky Mountain Mystery School, and, though I am still glad (sort of) that I took them, it is for entirely different reasons now.

I spent years studying and learning about astrology as well. Up until fairly recently, I was trying to become “more spiritual”, until I realized I had it all wrong. I already am spiritual, being a spirit animating a human body. I don’t need to get more spiritual, I actually needed to learn how to be human. Especially since living out here, in nature, I’ve realized the whole farce of man believing he is supposed to have some kind of power “over nature”, to tame it, to use it as he sees fit, rather than learning to be a part “of” nature, and to humbly submit to the awesomeness that is already all around us.

The native peoples of this land I live upon lived for a long time being a part of nature, living in harmony with it, and taking only what they needed. They understood the very spiritual nature of EVERYTHING THAT IS. It’s very possible that many tribes were actually the remnants of seemingly more advanced cultures who “chose” to live a more simple life, after previous events caused these civilizations to crumble, decay, and disappear over time. The very thought that we needed to change from already receiving all that we needed, to some concept of not having enough, and needing to demonstrate our “power over” the natural world, is the height of arrogance that has led us to where we are now. We have been hoodwinked.

Anyway, here is a couple of paragraphs that stood out to me as I neared the end of this short book. It’s going to take me a while to get over just how in our face it’s all become, and just what’s really been done to almost all of humanity, and the natural world, in the race to achieve some kind of “perfection”. Perfection for whom I might ask? Certainly the way we live now is NOT BETTER. And it appears it’s only going to get worse, because of the magicians currently in charge of this construct that has been overlaid over the natural world. What they have in mind is full on enslavement of a sort we have been warned about, but generally not taken seriously. Somber times indeed.

Pg 111
“The natural order, the extravagant beauty, the very divinity of creation-untampered, could only remain, in the cycle of time, for so long in its pristine state. Sooner or later the fake concept of man apart from nature and equal to God, would arise.

Man's scientific knowledge and brain power, as expressed by the founder of modern Freemasonry, Elizabethan court- astrologer John Dee in his Monas Hieroglyphica, would achieve undreamed of control, manufacture marvels of scientific "magic" and other byproducts of the "splendor" of the masonic hell-on-earth we see all around us in the cities of the modern world.

For the realization of the Kabbalistic conceit of the Hermetic Academy, nature has been transformed into an industrial- technical, polluted, raped hell. This is the ultimate swindle of the insanely arrogant secret society praxis which falsifies human perception and calls it "higher consciousness." The Freemasons—the "Big Builders"—have worked feverishly to construct the trash-grid that hides the soaring splendor of the everyday miracle that is God's handiwork of sun, sea, stars and forest and then they offer to sell us the glasses that will penetrate the trash.”

Pg 113
“The greatest miracle of all is God's creation. Everything else is illusion peddled by hucksters in striped pants from under a circus tent. Occult adepts are adept at nothing but fraud, dressed up with dazzling showmanship; skilled grease monkeys in the garage of the mechanical universe, but simians all the same.
When the showmanship carries the day, the grease monkeys are presented as masters, maguses and wizards and get craters on the moon named after them.

There is no escaping fallen human nature. Those who claim to have the key, have oiled the skids to Plutonia, not Paradise, to the 'hunimal' and the 'golem,' not humanity, much less the "higher man." To know our limits is not a limitation. It only signifies that rather than perpetually trying to surpass our Creator, we cultivate our sensitivity to the incomparably beautiful vision He has bequeathed us as our birthright, and drink everyday with joyous appreciation at the fountain of miraculous glory that is His natural creation.

Edward Abbey expressed the view of traditional people throughout history who have felt deeply moved and humbled and grateful to be alive amid the awesome splendor, the sheer miracle a moment that constitutes Creation Divine.”
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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