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Just Random Moments to Be Grateful For... Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 6:21 pm
by Christine
Gratitude is numero uno in keeping balance in these trying times. There are days when one has to remind herself of just how abundant life is, and it is! I am fortunate to have people around me to share the good times and the hard times with. Along with a few cool cats.

Wishing everyone here on the forum moments of wonder, lots of laughter, and the courage to confront the times ahead. Love you all!

Meet Cooper, he's adopted us and it was love at first sight.

He likes the sun on the roof and is always watching over the shop.

Catrina fell in love with Cooper at first sight too, and she's picky!

Meet Michael, he's a neighbor to the shop and always helpful even if he is a normie his sense of humor allows for us teasing him.

I found the joy of cooking again and this curry veggie soup was so good and nourishing, both body and soul.

Our pumpkin pie, me and the granddaughters made a few pies last night. Not sure how this will turn out since when not paying attention the three year old dumped a bunch of spices into the bowl.

Blue skies and big white clouds, a reminder that no matter what nature is beautiful.

I could post hundreds of photos but will leave these few here for the time being.

Moments keep running through my mind as a harmonizing movie. There is one thing I can say without reservation and that is that the acquired wisdom which comes from living life without regret gives a soul wings and a heart that can still soar.

Re: Just Random Moments to Be Grateful For... Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 9:52 pm
by Cristian
Que se arruinen los canales de noticias
Con lo mucho que odio la televisión
Que se vuelvan anticuadas las sonrisas
Y se extingan todas las puestas de sol
Que se supriman las doctrinas y deberes
Que se terminen las películas de acción
Que se destruyan en el mundo los placeres
Y que se escriba hoy una última canción

Pero que me quedes tú, me quede tu abrazo
Y el beso que inventas cada día
Y que me quede aquí después del ocaso
Para siempre tu melancolía
Porque yo, ya lo sé, sí
Que dependo de ti
Si me quedas tú
Me queda la vida

Que desaparezcan todos los vecinos
Y se coman las sobras de mi inocencia
Que se vayan uno a uno los amigos
Y acribillen mi pedazo de conciencia
Que se consuman las palabras en los labios
Que contaminen todo el agua del planeta
O que renuncien los filántropos y sabios
Y que se muera hoy hasta el ultimo poeta

Pero que me quedes tú y me quede tu abrazo
Y el beso que inventas cada día
Y que me quede aquí después del ocaso
Para siempre tu melancolía
Porque ya, ya lo sé, sí
Que dependo de ti
Si me quedas tú
Me queda la vida
Pero que me quedes tú y me quede tu abrazo
Y el beso que inventas cada día
Y que me quede aquí después del ocaso
Para siempre tu melancolía
Porque ya, ya lo sé, sí
Que dependo de ti
Si me quedas tú
Me queda la vida


Re: Just Random Moments to Be Grateful For... Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 1:56 am
by Christine
Funny, how the future crashes into the past and it happens all over again. I know.
