The Gnostics | Musings, Memories, and Teachings

"She sees now that it is a state of nothingness that is so strangely full in which she occupies space. She can move up and down, sideways and around, a state of awareness waking within the dream.
Her beat is Love, her will fierce, she won’t back down.
-Lucky Boots
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The Gnostics | Musings, Memories, and Teachings

Post by Christine »

“To let each impression and each embryo of a feeling come to completion, entirely in itself, in the dark, in the unsayable, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one’s own understanding, and with deep humility and patience to wait for the hour when a new clarity is born: this alone is what it means to live as an artist: in understanding as in creating.”

–Rainer Maria Rilke
She has walked in this realm since the beginning, her memories often collide without making sense, that is until they do. She wakes this morning with the pink dawn in the Eastern sky. Rising from her slumber last night’s revelations slowly return, these she will try to capture in words on a page.

For several months now experiences from this life have returned like reels of a continuous movie, everything present in the living moment. Lives from apparent ages past merge with this woman sitting here today. Like threads of a tapestry the totality comes into a view.

I won’t rewrite what I’ve shared before, suffice it to say that my memories stream back almost to the beginning of this realm. Ever since I can recall my life’s main pursuit has been, at first knowledge and then the Truth no matter where it led me. I’ve tumbled down into some deep underground chambers and have climbed some exhilarating mountains with resplendent sweeping views only to plunge over the waterfall again, each time finding the strength and courage to swim upstream against the prevailing current.

I will begin my tale by relating a conversation I had a few days ago. There is a young fellow who comes to talk with me every few months or so. He, like so many others of his generation, is brilliantly intelligent, heart centered, well read and yet struggling with the existential questions that plague so many. We became locked in a four hour marathon conversation, sharing personal experiences and then countering each other over the concept of God.

All questing humans will go through stages of reviling to a god who would let humanity continue to suffer such diabolical infirmities. Why?! is asked as indeed it should be. This is often followed by pleading with god for forgiveness, ever seeking meaningful contact with the Divine. My own peace came as the chains of ego manifestation were stripped away, peace arrived with Grace and inner stillness.

As we spoke I held the perspective of the Gnostics and he spoke through his study of the King James Bible. These encounters are not uncommon for me, they never degenerate to judging each other for they are fertile ground for thought. My own brother, several years ago, had flat out said the Gnostics were evil as were all Mystics. For myself this is the fear of the supernatural world instilled by the dogma of the false church. A few days later I decided to do some research to find the arguments against the Gnostics.

A Memory
With his hand resting on my right shoulder he whispered in my ear. “Trust me, Christina.”

I spent four years with an enigmatic Mexican sorcerer named Alejandro, of German descendent, whose tutelage was more often than not extreme and often incomprehensible to my then non-integrated self. I did, however develop a fine tuned sense to question everything. Ultimately he stripped me of all my belongings along with most of my ego identity. Shattered beyond what words can describe, it was the most terrifying event of my life. More shattering came later but that’s a story for another time. To this day I am grateful for what I learned.

His final words to me were; “Christina, don’t let me down, I am counting on you.” Two days later I found myself homeless, almost penniless with a terrible curse wrought upon me, driving North leaving everything behind.

Now many years later still treading the path that had no trail markers I recall with great detail some of what he would talk about. He was an imposing older man with a goatee, wry with his words and loud with his laughter. From my present perspective he brewed a mystical mix from the teachings of Gurdjieff, Steiner, Christianity, and Greek mythos along with an inordinate amount of love for the Führer. This is what would lead me, years later, to research Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, and all the lies we were told by the false historical narrative that few will question. Thankfully more do every day.

The memory that stands out in this moment will help illustrate this writing. Our small group was sitting around a plastic table at a small sidewalk café in a Mexican beach town, it is twilight turning to dusk. Alejandro begins to relate with tears in his eyes and a hushed voice the creation of the first man, he speaks of the care given to each part of the body, how many labored to make man in the image and likeness of the Fullness of the Creator. He stops, looks up and bemoans his unbearable grief at the state of humans today. Alejandro maintained he was the reincarnation of Prometheus whose burden and sentence was eternal. The reason for this part of the story will become apparent.

Musings from Within
Older and wiser now she finds herself ever closer to near total comprehension of all that’s gone before her, the lessons, the loves, the personas developed, and the roles played. Always present was this i that I am. She can look around in spiraling 360° views as she sits in quietude and peace.

Back to my conversation with my young friend and where my nimble fingers took me on my keyboard. The gnosis in me is tangible and real, it pulsates in my veins and resonates in my bones.

There is an unending controversy and opposing views on the Christian Bible. These controversies coupled with the many thesis on Yahweh, the god of the old testament being evil, aligned with Saturn, the death cult, etc. propelled me to look deeper for an answer.

The Gnostics
My questions were not left unanswered. Who is Yaweh? Why is there so much confusion in so many minds? Why were the texts from the Nag Hammadi left out of the approved versions of the Bible? I used to own a copy of the Nag Hammadi having purchased it on a strong impulse many years prior. The classic story of a book jumping off a shelf while browsing in a book store.

The same day several friends sent me a video, Divine Image Destroyed, that seemed to answer some questions of how the black robes of the death cult are attempting to rewrite our Divine body’s code.

At the end of the video I felt drawn to further ponder the Hebrew letters YHWH being encoded in our DNA. While that may be true something didn’t quite ring Truth through to my bones. Continuing my search I was led to this website which throughly rang true and lit me up.

The Secret Book of John

Excerpt: Then he began to teach me, saying: the One has all power. Nothing rules over it. It is God and it is a Parent, the Father of the Fullness (Pleroma). It presides over the Fullness, the spotless light that no eyes can see. It is the Invisible Spirit.

To call it a god, or to say that it is like a god, is not fitting, for it transcends every god. Nothing is above it or greater than it. Nothing that is inferior to it can contain it, for it contains everything within itself. It is eternally self-sufficient. It is perfect fullness, and it has never lacked anything that would make it more complete. Its light is utter light.

The passage below is where my experience with Alejandro collided into a moment of realization. I sat vibrating full of an ethereal light, beyond space and time and thought.

Excerpt: They created with their own powers, in accordance with their own characters. Each of the powers contributed something to the man that corresponded to a part of the image they had seen, the image of the perfect first human. And they said, “Let us name him Adam, so that his name will be a shining power for us.”

So the powers began:
The first, Goodness, gave him a soul of bone.
The second, Forethought, gave him a soul of sinew.
The third, Divinity, gave him a soul of muscle.
The fourth, Lordship, gave him a soul of marrow.
The fifth, Kingship, gave him a soul of blood.
The sixth, Zeal, gave him a soul of skin.
And the seventh, Understanding, gave him a soul of hair.

The text goes on in great detail down to the toenails and contains some surprises. . . . continue reading here.

Realization came. Resurrection is in the Blood. Let Thy Body be filled with LIGHT. This is the body of Christ.

The Most High is Unnameable, Everywhere Present and thus shall remain forever more.
The Hymn of the Savior

I, the perfect Forethought of the Fullness,
Have transformed myself into my children.
Before anything else was, I am.
I have traveled all the paths there are to travel.
I am the riches of the light.
I am the memory of the Fullness.
I traversed the thick darkness,
Not stopping until I came to its prison.
The foundations of chaos trembled.
I hid from all the evil ones
And, unnoticed, passed by them.
A second time I went there
And appeared to the beings of light –
I, the memory of Forethought.
I infiltrated the dark depths of Hades
In pursuit of my goal.
The foundations of chaos trembled
As if to collapse on those who live in chaos and crush them.
And again I hurried back to my luminous root,
For the day of their demise had not yet come.
A third time I went there,
I, the light that shines within the light,
I, the memory of Forethought,
So as to penetrate the dark depths of Hades.
My face beamed with the glow that would destroy that place
As I came to the heart of their prison:
The prison of the body.
I said, “Whoever has ears to hear,
Arise from your sleep.”
Someone wept heavy tears,
Wiped them away, and wondered:
“Who is that who calls my name?
Where has my hope come from,
As I lie in chains in prison?”
I answered, “I am the Forethought of perfect light,
The thought of the Virgin Spirit,
Who guides you to the seat of honor.
Arise! For you have heard me.
Discover your root, which is I, the benevolent.
Shield yourself from the angels of pain,
The demons of chaos, and their snares.
Stay alert, now that you are awake
And have taken off your prison clothes.”
I raised and sealed that person
With the glowing water of the Five Seals
So that, from that time on,
Death would lose its grip on that one.

Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik, painted when she was 8 years old.
The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Janus Quirinus
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Re: The Gnostics | Musings, Memories, and Teachings

Post by Janus Quirinus »

Christine wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:43 pmWho is Yaweh?
He is a thought-form: figment of people's imagination given shape and form in the world of spirits. Here is an excellent illustration for the concept, skip to the 17m57s mark. "People's imaginations manage to shape a monster." It's being continually sustained by the prayers of Jews and Christians and the only way to get rid of it is for the Jews themselves to renounce him in their majority. "Usually, monsters of the imagination are nothing to fear. They're popular for a short time, and even if they gain a form, they're weak. They usually disappear soon after." Corroboration from Iamblichos: "For these idols are extinguished with much greater rapidity than the images which are seen in mirrors."

In Age of Reason, Thomas Paine points out that "Satan" was not original to the Jews and in a later work, he draws attention to how "Satan" in the OT is merely the wrathful aspect of Yahweh (2 Samuel 24:1, 1 Chronicles 21:1). Also see Numbers 12:9-10 and Job 2:7.

Cyril Scott writes in Music and Its Secret Influence, p.g. 130: "Looked at clairvoyantly, they often appear as a dense miasmic vapour with tentacles reaching out in all directions, ready at any moment to pounce on the unwary and inject their poison into their emotional organism."

Spiritualist corroboration for thought-forms: "a cloud or column of luminous vapor".

Biblical corroboration for Yahweh appearing as a dark cloud of vapour: Genesis 15:12, Exodus 14:20. It's worth noting how Julian the Apostate employed this account as an authentication for the augury.

The thought-form Yahweh counterfeits a benign daemon which presides over the realm of the deceased. Afaik this account is only preserved in the Nag Hammadi version of Asclepius:
Listen, Asclepius! There is a great daimon. The great God has appointed him to be overseer or judge over the souls of men. And God has placed him in the middle of the air, between earth and heaven. Now when the soul comes forth from (the) body, it is necessary that it meet this daimon. Immediately, he (the daimon) will surround this one (masc.), and he will examine him in regard to the character that he has developed in his life. And if he finds that he piously performed all of his actions for which he came into the world, this (daimon) will allow him ... (1 line missing) ... turn him [...]. But if he sees [...] in this one [...] he brought his life into evil deeds, he grasps him, as he flees upward, and throws him down, so that he is suspended between heaven and earth, and is punished with a great punishment. And he will be deprived of his hope, and will be in great pain.
A clairvoyant friend of mine appears to have corroborated it. The top comment from a mystic also relates a similar experience.
Christine wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:43 pmWhy were the texts from the Nag Hammadi left out of the approved versions of the Bible?
The early Christian myth-makers were pragmatists. They omitted these narratives for the same reason they neglected Plato, they believed it was too theoretical. The four synoptic gospels were obviously selected for sounding plausible in their times and for seemingly corroborating each other. I suspect that the four gospels were originally a collection of sayings, akin to Gospel of Thomas. I presume that most of the Nag Hammadi's content belongs to counterfeit gnostic sects, as it's "discovery" in the very year of WW2's conclusion was too coincidental, as if to celebrate a triumph rather than representing a breakthrough of truth. The crippling mind disease Zen Buddhism likewise made its modern appearance in the 1950s. It's worth noting what charlatan Dolores Cannon observed regarding the subsequent "discovery" of the Dead Sea Scrolls:
I was to discover that even today, over thirty years after the excavations of the ruins of Qumran, the Essenes remain a mysterious, secretive group. I was disappointed to find the books were mostly repetitions of each other. All but one were written in the early fifties. They each described the discoveries of the scrolls and the later excavation of Qumran. Each discussed the translations of some of the scrolls that had been found intact. They all came to the same conclusions about who or what the community was. The authors all referred to each other as experts on the subject. I might as well have been reading one book. I wondered why, after all the glowing reports of the "greatest discovery in the history of mankind," there were no later books written about further translations of the scrolls. It was as if a door had been opened and then suddenly slammed shut.
Last edited by Janus Quirinus on Mon Jan 17, 2022 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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Janus Quirinus
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Re: The Gnostics | Musings, Memories, and Teachings

Post by Janus Quirinus »

Christine wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:43 pmI spent four years with an enigmatic Mexican sorcerer named Alejandro, of German descendent, whose tutelage was more often than not extreme and often incomprehensible to my then non-integrated self.
What kind of questions, if any, did he pose to you? A fit teacher first ascertains his pupil's stage of development before making the incomprehensible comprehensible.
Christine wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:43 pmFrom my present perspective he brewed a mystical mix from the teachings of Gurdjieff, Steiner, Christianity, and Greek mythos along with an inordinate amount of love for the Führer.
He sounds like a typical eclectic occultist. Steiner was wholly unreliable. I'm not sure about Gurdjieff yet. Which aspects of Greek mythology and Christianity did Alejandro borrow?
Christine wrote: Fri Jan 14, 2022 5:43 pmAlejandro maintained he was the reincarnation of Prometheus whose burden and sentence was eternal.
Could Alejandro remember his most recent incarnations, as was granted to Pythagoras, who could also remember the full meaning and content of those lives? Also, I'm skeptical that Prometheus refers to a specific individual. Like with most Greek myths, it remains a distorted symbol, tantamount to "Lucifer" and the serpent of Eden (pioneers punished for their contributions to the world).
"Much has been, much will be, and in the middle of past and future lies the present. But the present is always only the interval of half a breath; there are no means to measure it." - Sajaha

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