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November Simply Passed By

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 5:46 pm
by karelia ... -passed-by

I’m not even sure how that happened. One minute it was November, and the next, December had started. And all I noticed was it was becoming cooler and the days were shortening. My days passed seamlessly one into the next, filled with work for-a-living, tending to the garden, doing some knitting, and pondering. Pondering probably took up most of the space, or rather time, and it happens regularly when I keep my hands busy with yarn or thread or while cleaning. There was an interesting looking full moon in November.


We went from peculiar sunrises to such torrential flooding I thought the next deluge was happening.



Literally a minute after the downpour started.

Success in the garden is currently somewhat mixed. I’m still waiting for the lovage to come up I kept sowing over the course of about three months now. The cabbage is still too small to be identified when it should, according to the seed package blurb, be half way to harvesting now. But then, the spinach and rucola/rocket, the chervil, and the volunteer tomatoes are absolutely thriving and offer abundance. The oyster mushrooms are popping up in places unexpected and the pink ones definitely out of their time frame; they’re typically a summer ‘shroom. Some of the pepper seeds I planted from various store-bought peppers have started to flower; it will be exciting to figure out which variety/-ies they are. They also could be tabasco chilies, which I had bought seeds for.


I am 95% certain that I will enjoy home-grown tomatoes for my Solstice breakfast.



Pink oysters and a golden oyster cluster in the same pot. I have no idea how that happened, but I’ll gladly harvest them.

Speaking of food (oh—what’s new?), I had the most varied-to-date harvest for an omelette a few days ago. Radish, carrots, chervil, spinach, rucola. I’m still hoping for a good crops of chives and curly parsley to add.


The cannabis plants are in various stages from drying, waiting to be separated into buds and trimmings, curing, to ready, either for smoking, which I rarely do, or for being turned into edibles, which I am excited about. The vodka-infused buds and trimmings are also ready to be strained into a liquid so I’ll have tincture at hand. Not only that, but a friend is willing to try taking it regularly to see what effects it has in both psycho-active and health-enhancing characteristics.


Harvested, dried, cured, decarboxylated. Now waiting to add nutrition and perhaps some psycho action to butter or some such.

The ponderings went particularly deep in recent weeks. From the concept of Flat Earth to the existence or not of Jesus to reading the various scriptures esoterically rather than literally because, you know, walking on water is one thing, but surviving days in the belly of a whale? So reading it literally, which has never made much sense to me, is probably not the right way I thought. And so far, so good. Reading it from the esoteric perspective and recognising the symbolism makes a lot more sense. But more on all that in a separate post sometime in the future.

Gardening - Living Soil