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Wasn’t the Solstice Just Yesterday? And now an Equinox!

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 11:42 am
by karelia ... ipfaay3g7s

Even after all these years, time is still a concept I simply do not comprehend. The Solstice just passed, and now suddenly, the Equinox has passed as well, and we’re full swing in Spring—Nature shows it with the clarity and beauty only Nature achieves. The vine I found at a garden centre last month is displaying tender green leaves that are growing taller and wider by the day.The parsley and coriander are growing everywhere, borage has virtually exploded over the past few days, and the weather is simply divine, if somewhat windy.


The vine, with strawberries and leek behind it, a flower (I think) to the left and one of the volunteer tomatoes behind that.

I have been mostly focusing on improving my living space. The garden is a constant work in progress of course, but I also made some changes in my room so that the work area is somewhat more separated from the sleep area; it’s also ongoing, as I’m planning to make the two walls of the work area somewhat more colourful, and the wardrobe continues to be a work in progress, but I’m slowly getting there. I forget most of the time to take a ‘before’ photo, but this time I did remember, and each time I look at it and then at the wardrobe now, I am very pleased.

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The left shows how it used to look, though I hid the various stains with scarves to avoid looking at the ugliness. Middle photo is the wardrobe painted white and partly decorated, and the right one is the current state. Still not finished, but I’m getting there. Yes, I could have simply asked my landlord to replace the wardrobe—it was already in this state when I moved in two and a half years ago, but it required purely cosmetic improvement; the inside is just fine and probably has a few more years of life in it.

While I spend most of my free time indulging in gardening and creativity and walking, a subject has recently resurfaced: artificial intelligence. Of course it is on many people’s mind now, what with the increasing digitisation of humanity. Some years ago, Alfred Lambremont Webre invited me and a few friends to do a series on the subject; you can probably still find it on yt, and it’s still relevant as ever, though extremely long winding, since some people love to hear themselves talk, and whilst I edited out most of the repeats, the most important parts could have been discussed and said in a couple of hours.

Someone once ‘accused’ me of being completely AI. I laughed it off, but it did lead me to look at the subject a lot closer than I would have otherwise. And nine years later, I still stand behind what I concluded at the time. I continue to maintain that we all have an AI component; it is part of our—the human—make up, and we would not be in this reality if we did not have this. This explains why so many people are glued to their phones, though the important point is that we also have free will, and we can choose to not let the AI component take over our lives. Of course, the ones who fancy themselves in power over all of humanity would rather we absorb the AI vibes via phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, smart watch, smart everything because it makes it very easy to control us. They cannot force us, so they use lies and deception, and many, many humans do the rest, playing into their hands. We must never forget, however, that we have free will. We do not have to spend most of our free time (and a lot of our not-free time, too) interacting with or consuming Netflix et al, social media, or emails; we can make a conscious choice to use AI to learn new skills, to go for a walk without phone, to do some gardening, even on a window sill. It is entirely up to us how we utilise that AI component.

Furthermore, one should not forget that AI has programmers (so do a lot of humans), and programmers are most definitely not infallible. We are reminded of this every time the banking app fails to work, the internet isn’t working, social media sites are down on a global level etc etc etc. I prefer to put my trust into the truly infallible rather than humans because the saying to err is human has always been, is now, and will always continue to be valid.

And now I have cabbage and carrots and ginger and garlic greens waiting to be shredded and fermented.