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How to live without a script

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 6:24 pm
by norman
Another, but quite different, drop in.

I got a lot from this 4 way chat, taking what I wanted and leaving the mindgod essence of it behind. It's all in such good humor, that was easy to do. Sparky profundities galore.

How to Live Without a Script with Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan

Re: How to live without a script

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 1:17 pm
by Christine
The most important work of being a human is to shed oneself of the indoctrinated scripts. Thank you for sharing. đź’–

It isn't a particularly easy task since the world matrix is set up to keep us from doing so—politics, ideologies, finance, and religions have conspired to make it appear to be an impossible journey. Ever since I started writing and making videos online I have had a bi-line; "It's time to step out of the script and into the projection room." Little did I realize at that time what a perilous journey this would become, the thing is that the more you strip away the false egoic identifications is the degree to which Spirit can work through you. Unexpected doors open, new insights appear, and you find that there is always a helping hand just when you need it the most.

As one moves closer to the Creator (how ever you choose to define this Intelligence) one finds within the self an unbound love emanating in all they do, in all directions, and throughout all time.