Who is RFK Jr and What is His Allegiance with Israel?

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Who is RFK Jr and What is His Allegiance with Israel?

Post by Christine »

I am unabashedly apolitical if not fully anti-political. For most of my life I ignored politics thinking it didn't effect me since I was living the life I wanted to live. It was only after the 2016 election and leading up to 2020 that I started following the ceaseless news cycles as TDS took hold. It interested me to see how divided people had become, to observe seething hatred on one hand, and on the other blind adoration. Fascinating that it was that easy to override the most common of senses and erase the last iota of critical thinking.

So here we go again, a new cycle of divide and conquer, a new cycle of the clown show on steroids. After observing without being drawn into taking a side it is so OBVIOUS that no single personality put on the world stage is other than a puppet of the dark ones, the hidden ones, the empty ones that know only a hunger to control. I used to think that most of them were clueless players, their narcissistic tendencies, personal blind spots or greed from being immersed in the matrix game kept them at a low level of gnosis. Today I see it differently, while some remain clueless characters, those who come from a long lineage of political monied families know how the game works and who pulls the strings.

Another piece to seeing from the proverbial 10,000 mile viewpoint, is that having studied history (not the sanctioned versions) both recent and ancient past a pattern emerges that is easy to recognize. No matter how high and mighty a figurehead's words are, no matter how much they actually might believe their words, in truth they have no power. Whether big gears or small cogs they are still performing how the machine wants them to. If they don't, if they truly throw a big wrench into the works they will be taken out. Period.

Watching RFKJr gives me much the same feeling as I got with the film, The Sound of Freedom. Something is off, something isn't what it seems to be, not to mention his groveling to Israel (video posted below). What I first noticed with the release of said movie, is that the psyop was more sophisticated that I had previously detected. They and their AI systems have learned that there are certain tells that "conspiracy theorists" count on to out an operation. Legacy media shoots the project or personality down with ridiculous slurs, like Q promoted it or he's dangerous, etc. So people see this and screech, "See! it must be something (or someone) they want buried." Or they turn off the air conditioning in a few movie theaters and that's used to say this or that must be against the "agenda". And then there is the all important back story, how many years it took to get a project completed, the struggles to overcome against all odds, etc.

It is apparent that while the USA is still the main weapons supplier to the world, it also exceedingly apparent that it has been infiltrated in all agencies and corporations by those who pull the money strings. This is Zionism, Israel, the Cabal or whatever name one prefers to call them. If you haven't investigated this fact it would be wise to do so before jumping on any bandwagon that will lead to nowhere but more war, more destruction, more destitution, and more degeneracy of the human spirit. There are no saviors, no one is coming to save us and to know this is actually a huge step toward true liberation, for it is up to each of us to call upon the Nobility of Spirit inherent within our being. We are far more powerful and creative than the handful of deceivers who have managed to dumb down humanity, even pull the wool over the eyes of the "more aware". Sooner or later everyone will come to the point of sink or swim, live or die. Once it is realized that the outer screen of reality has one purpose and one purpose only—to take you away from your power and sovereign authority you begin to stand up, spirit rises and waves are created in the field. Sooner than later seems to be the wisest course of action.

Sometimes I think, actually deeply intuit, that it is the rise of human spirit that is bringing down the corrupt system, and they know it so are now in a battle for their existence. A dying beast is dangerous, so vigilance, calm, rationality, preparedness, and above all know love—that is our most powerful protection.

I listened to this interview slack jawed, it was so blatant what was being said that it surprised me. Up until recently the allegiance to Israel was kept in the shadows. Now it is required that they come right out and say it. The amount of misinformation and outright lies was so cringe to my soul that I almost didn't watch the whole thing.

So here ya go...maybe others will see it and surely many won't.

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Re: Who is RFK Jr and What is His Allegiance with Israel?

Post by Fred Steeves »

Christine wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:46 pm It was only after the 2016 election and leading up to 2020 that I started following the ceaseless news cycles as TDS took hold. It interested me to see how divided people had become, to observe seething hatred on one hand, and on the other blind adoration. Fascinating that it was that easy to override the most common of senses and erase the last iota of critical thinking.
Same here Christine. But myself being extremely partisan in the realms of politics until I had my Saul of Tarsus moment in 2009, allowing that to start slowly unraveling itself in subsequent years, I well understand the deep vulnerability in people that is certainly well know, and exploited.

It's really not much different than being raised in a religion, a cult, a "superior" tribe, what have you. Anybody else is "the others". I bowed to the altar of FOX NEWS for my information for instance, while "the others", bowed to the altar the likes of MSNBC. Each equally ridiculous in their own right, and never the two shall come to terms with each other. The pull isn't a lot different than that of a heroine junkie, after a certain point, the only real hope of recovery is some sort of outside intervention.

People in this condition are wide open to manipulation, but I've never seen it like this, it continues to be taken to whole new levels. And politics is but one aspect of this overall picture.
Christine wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:46 pm Watching RFKJr gives me much the same feeling as I got with the film, The Sound of Freedom. Something is off, something isn't what it seems to be, not to mention his groveling to Israel (video posted below). What I first noticed with the release of said movie, is that the psyop was more sophisticated that I had previously detected. They and their AI systems have learned that there are certain tells that "conspiracy theorists" count on to out an operation. Legacy media shoots the project or personality down with ridiculous slurs, like Q promoted it or he's dangerous, etc. So people see this and screech, "See! it must be something (or someone) they want buried." Or they turn off the air conditioning in a few movie theaters and that's used to say this or that must be against the "agenda". And then there is the all important back story, how many years it took to get a project completed, the struggles to overcome against all odds, etc.
Yes, very astute observation. While the vast majority of propaganda/manipulation is still aimed at the average person on the street (which is child's play, just a little nip and a tuck here and there is enough to send armchair conspiracy theorists (naturally Q comes to mind) down dead end rabbit holes in a tizzy. Like you're essentially saying this is next level stuff. Unless one has been steadfastly honing their discernment skills, and learning from their inevitable misfires and mistakes along the way, they're going to get swept up in the hysteria right along with everyone else. Just at a higher level.

Christine wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:46 pmIt is apparent that while the USA is still the main weapons supplier to the world, it also exceedingly apparent that it has been infiltrated in all agencies and corporations by those who pull the money strings. This is Zionism, Israel, the Cabal or whatever name one prefers to call them. If you haven't investigated this fact it would be wise to do so before jumping on any bandwagon that will lead to nowhere but more war, more destruction, more destitution, and more degeneracy of the human spirit.
This is where we part company a bit Christine. I don't see Zionism as the problem, only part of the problem. Albeit a persistent one.
Christine wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:46 pm There are no saviors, no one is coming to save us and to know this is actually a huge step toward true liberation, for it is up to each of us to call upon the Nobility of Spirit inherent within our being. We are far more powerful and creative than the handful of deceivers who have managed to dumb down humanity, even pull the wool over the eyes of the "more aware". Sooner or later everyone will come to the point of sink or swim, live or die.
I don't think there's going to be a David Icke style of collective salvation so to speak, no grand awakening, no "Human Race Get Off Your Knees". It is, and will be, on an individual level. One can only change just so much on a metaphysical level and personal transformation if the overall mass of humanity is being pulled in a different direction, in that case we're on that train right there with them same as we are now.

But again, just like I started, this would be without some sort of outside intervention.
Christine wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:46 pmI listened to this interview slack jawed, it was so blatant what was being said that it surprised me. Up until recently the allegiance to Israel was kept in the shadows. Now it is required that they come right out and say it. The amount of misinformation and outright lies was so cringe to my soul that I almost didn't watch the whole thing.
So I watched it, the first half was more case in point IMO. Just another good example. Yes, watching Bobby Kennedy slob the Jewish knob (or any knob for that fact!) is a problem. It's not a deal breaker for me, as I was telling you on Twitter I think he has a lot of other really good things going for him, but I would sure like to somehow get to the bottom of what's really going on here. It's blatant!

Tucker Carlson has been a dragon slayer of these ridiculous republican candidates, using no other method than simple, but deeply probing questions that no one else is willing to do. I'd like to see RFK sit down with him again, and have it not quite so friendly this time. This would need to be all business. Will it happen? (Chuckling) nah, I seriously doubt it.

But as always, I reserve the right to revisit and disagree with myself, so we shall see...
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Re: Who is RFK Jr and What is His Allegiance with Israel?

Post by Christine »

Christine wrote: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:46 pmIt is apparent that while the USA is still the main weapons supplier to the world, it also exceedingly apparent that it has been infiltrated in all agencies and corporations by those who pull the money strings. This is Zionism, Israel, the Cabal or whatever name one prefers to call them. If you haven't investigated this fact it would be wise to do so before jumping on any bandwagon that will lead to nowhere but more war, more destruction, more destitution, and more degeneracy of the human spirit.
Fred Steeves wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:23 pmThis is where we part company a bit Christine. I don't see Zionism as the problem, only part of the problem. Albeit a persistent one.
That is why I said: "This is Zionism, Israel, the Cabal or whatever name one prefers to call them." Having spent a decade now looking into the roots of evil it is obvious to me at least that we are dealing with the synagogue of satan as warned of in the Bible. To come fully up to date on this agency of evil it is rather necessary to see that they hide everywhere within all agencies, governments, media, and human beings doing their bidding, albeit often unaware that they are. Why people remain willfully ignorant is a question often bantered around the café table at El Árbol.

The below is a reply to my new friend as she asks these questions and is prepared to look deeper.

"On the Khazarian mafia, I have done several deep dives. While there is much historical truth in this, in my opinion it is a bit of a diversion from the real culprits who now hide in many places. I've also spent years investigating who the Jews are, it's a damning story that develops out of studying forbidden and hidden history. Fundamentally all the history were taught is a lie. There is a work that I feel is important to understand how this "mafia" was created by Robert Sepehr, his book 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Sabbatai Zevi I linked the title to a video he made on the subject. In the video he explains that they became what is known as crypto-jews, these are Jews who claimed to have converted to Islam and Christianity (the Jesuits are totally taken over) though they remained loyal to their original "religion of sin". Over the past several hundred years they also infiltrated the Masons, The Templars and most all esoteric societies."

I also realize that by naming them we can't really alleviate our own compliance with this evil system. Too many folks are locked into raging anger without looking within, the outcome is truly up to each of us. Perhaps this remains the reason I continue to do deep dives into the hidden, stolen, and forbidden history of our realm. I will be posting some very interesting information soon, so stay tuned. 😉
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Re: Who is RFK Jr and What is His Allegiance with Israel?

Post by Spiritwind »

"There is a work that I feel is important to understand how this "mafia" was created by Robert Sepehr, his book 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Sabbatai Zevi I linked the title to a video he made on the subject. In the video he explains that they became what is known as crypto-jews, these are Jews who claimed to have converted to Islam and Christianity (the Jesuits are totally taken over) though they remained loyal to their original "religion of sin". Over the past several hundred years they also infiltrated the Masons, The Templars and most all esoteric societies."
I have that book and have read it. It was very enlightening. It is good to understand that ultimately these beings that believe they are entitled to rule over us have been infiltrating, assuming the identity of others, and using any and all means to stay hidden from direct view. Even those whose names we know and see aren’t the real beings who pull the strings and call the shots behind the scenes.

I have a good friend who comes from a Jewish family and recently started seriously researching, and she is quite horrified by what she has discovered. It is important to remember that those who continue to commit acts of rather extreme prejudice against the rest of humanity, and life in general (what’s happening is hurting all life), even though they may wear human looking body suits, do not even consider themselves a part of the human race. They feel they have a divine right to rule over us by any means possible. Of course, by divine, they are not referring to any god like figure the rest of us identify with, and we do aid and abet them in innumerable ways by our ignorance of just how big the problem really is. I don’t even have an answer for an evil this big and overarching. I do know they shun all things good, such as empathy, love, compassion, kindness, truth, integrity, and honor. So I try to cultivate more of all of those, as well as just greater awareness of how I give my power away to them and their minions.

The other thing is, they don’t have a problem mimicking those with the above characteristics, and do have many in the lower ranks who are there to confound and deceive us into thinking that they are champions of humanity. I do believe there are forces of good, who can even work through some of the actors on this current screen of life, but I will not put my faith in any of them. My only hope is that there are more of us who are awake or are currently waking up than we know, and that these forces for good hold a few winning cards they haven’t revealed yet. Timing is everything. Even the good guys can be good poker players. Looks like we’re all going to become more aware of what’s really going on, as the race is on, and team dark has a timeline so will likely continue to reveal their real motives as time goes on.
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