Passion - with all your heart and soul

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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Eelco »

Exit-0 wrote:
It has long been my conclusion, that we exist within a prison-matrix, and that a key component of that system is a Soul-Harvesting-Operation; wherein Eternal Souls are captured during the Death Experience, fed upon for their Life-Experience-Essence, [their Soul-Essence] and returned back into the Matrix as a Soul-Seed into a new body - all for the design purpose of growing-a-new-essence - only to be fed-upon once again. The process can last for eternities, unless one is clever enough to figure-out the structure in a single lifetime, and thereby escape the traps, and return to the Source of Unconditional Love.

Humanity exists in an endless recycling operation, and the hyperdimensional overseers of this operation have cleverly lied to our species, using Artificial Telepathic Technologies, since Humanity was genetically inserted into the system, no doubt, for the design purpose of growing souls for the Feeding Process.
Yes thank you..
I have never meant to disregard what you write here. It's the tone that makes the music so thank you again.
You are absolutely right.

That said. I tend to think about our selves and our Selves as constructs. From the light to the light experiencing life in the inbetween of ego. Whether this ego (personality construct) or Soul ego. separated part of the whole. It is the power of those consructs that make for "evil" entities to pray upon an trap for lifetimes.

However that fact does not change what we are ever. It also does not "realy" trap us as we do not exist we only pretend we are those constructs for a while.
By stating a hard line. say that only 15% of truthseekers will find their destination the ego is in fact enforced to either take offense at being one of the 85% that will remain lukewarm or rejoice in the fact that they will accomplish something. Neither path is wholesome and will keep you trapped.

As soon as one realizes that one is transient in every which way. Nothing remains to be trapped and you can trust that you will forever live as LIFE experiencing itself in some way or another...

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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Exit-0 »

There is no question, here, that we are all separate expressions of one single Eternal Soul, having an individual free-will experiences.

It's only when one wakes-up in the 3-D, in endless incarnations of ass-biting-loops that the individual-self will make the conscious decision to cancel the life-death-rebirth contract and seek to ascend-out of the 3-D-game-program.

Those are, perhaps, the 15% to whom I believe Justin is speaking. Those are most assuredly the ones to whom I speak.

It's my personal mission to encourage a collective community effort that would identify the pathway - of what the compassionate individual-self will inevitably identify as - the way-out.

My comments are directed only to those tortured souls.
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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Shezbeth »

Hmmmm,... something smells good,....

Maybe it is the Abrahamic predisposition of the author,... maybe it is the manner in which the author presents himself as having a grasp on something that only (estimated) 1 in every trillion+ have figured out.

Maybe its the aspects that Eelco pointed out, or maybe its the terminology ('straight and narrow' path?? is this guy for real?).

Thank you for posting, but I disagree with the author; not on point (re: passion) but on authority (grasp) with regard to the content." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Pluto's Child »

Has there been any come back to this on facebook ?

If so is there any elucidation on "13" in the context it was used ?

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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Exit-0 »

Pluto's Child wrote:Has there been any come back to this on facebook ?

If so is there any elucidation on "13" in the context it was used ?

I can't speak for Justin's intentions, Pluto, but from my understanding, there are 13 levels to heaven (dimensions) within the multiverse of possibilities; each dimension having an infinite number of realities, also possible. This is related to why the number 13 is held in such high esteem within occult (hidden) knowledge.

Look here for a description:
[bbvideo=560,315] ... iesetc.htm[/bbvideo]

When investigating a trail of evidence, one must always understand, the meaning is always hidden within layers - like an onion. The answer is never as it appears on the surface of the onion.

Therefore, considering the first 12 levels of haven as those levels where individual-soul-expressions might exist, the 13th level is the place of totality, or the Source, from which all individuality has separated.
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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Pluto's Child »

Exit-0 wrote:here are 13 levels to heaven (dimensions) within the multiverse of possibilities;
Can honestly say I've never heard that before !

How could anyone know that anyway :?: Esp if it's so near to impossible to get into one "heaven" Image
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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Exit-0 »

Pluto's Child wrote:
Exit-0 wrote:here are 13 levels to heaven (dimensions) within the multiverse of possibilities;
Can honestly say I've never heard that before !

How could anyone know that anyway :?: Esp if it's so near to impossible to get into one "heaven" Image
I'm not making any claim to the accuracy of it, I'm simply pointing to the theory, as what my conclusions were, regarding what Justin was attempting to say.

It's all based in a theology of hidden meaning. Few would be able to give any objective proof - understanding is mostly based on faith.

It would take a comment from Justin to fully understand what he was referring to.
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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by heyokah »


Yes, I think Justin was indeed referring to the "Dimensional Planes of Spiritual Consciousness".

"The UNIVERSAL HEART-MIND begins in Realm 13
This Channel serves as the portal to unlimited Potential and infinite Possibility
This is the Heart Stargate and is under the Guardianship of the Pleiadians
Ancient Lemurian transmissions are received through its Universal Central Sun..Alcyone
This is the storage center for the Sacred Geometry of Magnetism and the teachings are transmitted to a collective of Earth Beings
Those able to receive these cosmic teachings have re-activated and aligned their Inner Codes to the 13th Matrix of the Divine Hologram "

Read more: ... usness.php

This concept is probably based on chanelled information.

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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Pluto's Child »

heyokah wrote:****

This concept is probably based on chanelled information.


It does have that "ring" about it . Image

Never seen anything about it in any of the more "traditional" esoteric material, Eliphas Levi, A:A, Golden Dawn, Blavatsky, that type of thing.
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Re: Passion - with all your heart and soul

Post by Eelco »

I talked to Justin on FB this morning.
He seems to be genuinely coming from a place of belief in the 42 LAWS of Ma'at,
I have to investigate a bit more before reaching some conclusion as I never heard of them before.
He send me a youtube link to watch which I have some trouble with...

I'll give it another go tomorrow.
We didn't talk numbers

WIth Love

His affinity seems to stem from here.. ... MIIMiFLUXQ
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