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High-tech Civilisation & the Rupture of Consciousness

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:26 pm
by Cathryn
High-tech Civilisations, and the Rupture of Consciousness or ‘Original Trauma’
In reviewing Brien Foerster’s research into the ancient Peruvian architecture it seems the building techniques have come from 3 distinct civilisations with progressively regressive techniques. The most recent being the use of a type of mortar, a technique brought by the Spanish when they invaded. One single argument against a high tech ancient civilisation is the archaeological absence of any tools and equipment capable of such precision cutting and fitting together of such massive stones. The no tools argument is predicated on there being tools to begin with, that hard or tech tools existed at all. When a singer can shatter a glass with the right pitch of a single note, frequencies seems to me to be a much more likely scenario.

Something happened to destroy the buildings from these ancient civilisations, something so catastrophic that it ended most of humanity and lay to waste those buildings of which very little remains. It also seems that our consciousness took a hit at the same time, relegating the memory of such earth shattering trauma to the depths of the personal and collective unconscious, and along with it the memory of frequency skills. We fell; maybe more than once.

A lecture from Brien Foerster about the 3 types of building.
Filmed at the Eternal Knowledge Festival April 27th -- 29th 2012, Suffolk, UK
From the youtube description:
“It is now known that many of the famous megaliths of Cusco and the Sacred Valley of Peru were made thousands of years prior to the existence of the Inca. Their elongated skull relatives of the coast of Peru may have been not only ancestors, but also immigrants from a different continent. Brien explores the pre-Incan cultures of South America and the true origins of the Inca Empire.”