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"Temple in the Sand"

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:36 pm
by Edythe
I wrote this poem after dreaming of a past life in Egypt.. and no, I wasn't Nefertiti! ;) I was the daughter of a man who made beer and bread for temple priests. I wasn't anyone special, just a girl who lived in a little settlement outside the temple walls.. I hope you enjoy.

"Temple in the Sand"

I dreamed beneath the ancient sky;
Shimmering stars...a comet fly
Past the moon's craggy face,
Opiate clouds, ephemeral as wraiths.
On sand as soft as silk I lay
Warmed by the desert sun at day.

Dreams of temples, columns and halls
Scorched by the sun, their crumbling walls,
Illuminated by the desert moon
Paintings of long forgotten runes;
Distant echoes and shadows creep
In my dreams as I sleep.

Shadows, like ghosts fill these rooms
Rising like spirits from their tombs;
Funeral linens and statues of gold,
Jars of alabaster, smooth and cold
Once graced these hall in ages past
Now, candles and lamps no longer cast
Their soft light on these crumbling halls
And faded paintings upon the walls.

Only ghosts live in this space
Silent...mute, chained to this place.
Never hearing, never seeing
Floating, drifting, bodiless beings,
Deathly pallor and funeral trapping
Eyes that see only distant happenings

Phantom priests hold ancient rites
Praying to strange gods in pale moonlight;
I watch their prayers rise to the sky
To un-hearing gods who long ago died...
As distant echoes and shadow creep
In my dreams as I sleep....


Re: "Temple in the Sand"

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:26 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Most excellent, your writing reminds me of Edgar Allen Poe, the rhythm is here but your wording is less clumsy, and he's famous 0_0

I'm doing a terrible job telling you this is damn good poetry.

P.s. alan or allen??

Re: "Temple in the Sand"

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:55 pm
by Edythe
Howdy dear Naga.. What a wonderful compliment that my poem reminds you of .. that guy. (not alan nor allen.. allan! :D ) I hope it evoked a sense of mystery for you. Thank you for reading!

Love E

Re: "Temple in the Sand"

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:11 pm
by Naga_Fireball
I'm going to read it again right now. But kicking myself cause a book of his was on my shelf when I asked about the spelling. Eek smartphones...

Thank you :) Allan , odd spelling