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Update Whistleblower (Hampstead, UK) Paedophile Case w/ Kelly La Sha, Sabine McNeill on Rise Multiversity

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:44 pm
by Christine
In March 2015 Kelly LaSha and Sienna Lea speak with Sabine McNeill to get an update on the status of this most important case


Re: Update Whistleblower (Hampstead, UK) Paedophile Case w/ Kelly La Sha, Sabine McNeill on Rise Multiversity

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 5:05 pm
by norman
The BBC's "serious" radio channel [ Radio4 ] had a program about the Hampstead Kids just a few days ago. I've made a mp3 of it and uploaded it here:

It's pretty scathing about the case for it even being real. They use actors to speak the words of the people involved that they managed to get hold of, and the actors are layering on the silly daftness pretty think.

However, I did find the interview with the "father" pretty enlightening even though it seems to go absolutely against the grain of what I've heard about the case elsewhere.

If you listen to this recording, be prepared to hear something that is 'the other side of the story'.

I don't know what to think. My suspicion is that the case could actually be a hoax and is being adopted as a strawman case to inflict as much damage as possible on the truther movement.

After hearing 2 sides of the story it's a very tough call. [ are there even more sides to the story ? ]

Re: Update Whistleblower (Hampstead, UK) Paedophile Case w/ Kelly La Sha, Sabine McNeill on Rise Multiversity

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:34 pm
by Christine
Hello norman,

Truly you have hit a nail square on the head.

It is the pursuit of truth that earthempaths was founded on, the truth no matter where it leads us. So the question arises, where do we know truth? And a most important secondary one, How do we maintain cohesion in a discussion with diverging points of view?

Our collective feelings are extremely strong on the issue Satanistic child sexual abuse which lies at the root of the evil tree that has taken hold on our Mother Earth. The logical mind that has studied the disinfo campaigns, one might call it an induced cynicism, seeks to have us discredit the story even as are emotions have been kicked into high gear. Most insidious, isn't it? The inner dilemma.

All I can really say and caution anyone reading this is to use your own discernment, embrace Y-Our own Gnowledge are RESPOND according to your own inner guidance.

This is what mine directs me toward.... the issue is a torturous reality, even as I type these words a child is being raped. I won't turn away from that nor will I be drawn into a circular debate on the veracity of these two children's testimony. I care that the public be made aware, I wish more would rise from their slumber, I add my voice to a cry for freedom from centuries of abusive suppression.

The point is so clear once you see it. The rest is a virtual reality for our consumption.

Without our voices rising together, without US claiming our sovereign Respons-I-Ability we will continue down the endless rabbit holes of intrigue.

With the greatness of Love all ways,

“Throw off this ignoble discouragement and rise like a fire that burns all before it.”

norman wrote:The BBC's "serious" radio channel [ Radio4 ] had a program about the Hampstead Kids just a few days ago. I've made a mp3 of it and uploaded it here:

It's pretty scathing about the case for it even being real. They use actors to speak the words of the people involved that they managed to get hold of, and the actors are layering on the silly daftness pretty think.

However, I did find the interview with the "father" pretty enlightening even though it seems to go absolutely against the grain of what I've heard about the case elsewhere.

If you listen to this recording, be prepared to hear something that is 'the other side of the story'.

I don't know what to think. My suspicion is that the case could actually be a hoax and is being adopted as a strawman case to inflict as much damage as possible on the truther movement.

After hearing 2 sides of the story it's a very tough call. [ are there even more sides to the story ? ]

Re: Update Whistleblower (Hampstead, UK) Paedophile Case w/ Kelly La Sha, Sabine McNeill on Rise Multiversity

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:03 am
by Naga_Fireball
Christine bless your precious heart.

You know what bothered me this week?

CNN has a great piece on this subject, except the headline, "the MYTH of child prostitution", is extremely misleading!
It is or was one of their front page stories this week. The story is about the reality of the child sex trade, yet the title says the opposite,
and they think it's witty or something, when the average CNN reader might not even be a college or high school graduate.

Personally I feel like stories titled "the MYTH of child prostitution" or "teen's ISIS packing list" are in very bad taste!

*wrist slaps CNN* tsk tsk :(

You all are very brave to confront this horrid issue,
the human race is pretty unbelievable --