This week in review

"If life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car. And objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are."
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

Just did a random search on DuckDuckGo for Rand Paul, to see what came up. Got kind of a smile out of it. Strange strange times we live in. Who do you believe out of these three links? You can probably guess which one made me laugh. It’s like we’re watching, in real time, some kind of cross between a comedy and a horror show. ... t-n2593805 ... lmologist/
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

This is very bizarre, so make of it what you will. We really have entered the Twilight Zone, as well as the Outer Limits.... it’s only 13 minutes long.

Jab: Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs, Parasites Birthed After Injection
Polish Scientist Discovers Aluminum Parasites In Jab
Stew Peters Show 10/15/2021 ... ction.html
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

I know I haven’t posted here in a long time. But, for once, I see something amazing and good happening. This was posted 4 days ago...


Latest I heard is that they are not being allowed in to Ottawa. I have a number of friends in Canada, and I’ll look to see if any good videos with updates are posted and share them here. We’ll have to watch closely, through alternative media, to see what happens, but people all over the world are paying attention to what happens here, and convoys of truckers are starting to come together in many other countries and places. Courage, as well as fear, can be contagious.

Power to the people, and especially right now, TRUCKERS!!!

And here’s a music video that was posted just yesterday...

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

Interesting that those videos above have already been removed. Anyway, thought I would share this article I read this morning, as I found it thought provoking, and, frankly, in stark contrast to anything you will hear in the mainstream. Since my goal is to participate in creating the alternative to what these would be globalists have in mind for humanity, I’ve made a commitment to my growing community of like minds to stay the course and share alternative views. I will not feed the beast, that dines on our fear and outrage.

STORM CLOUDS GATHERING - Alternative Information on Ukraine, Canada and Globalists

Two major events unfolded this past week in parallel: the attempt to shut down the truckers protests in Canada, and the beginning of hostilities in eastern Ukraine. In both cases the globalists are making strategic errors. The combined effect of these errors will be even more significant as they interact.

One example: the police crackdown in Ottawa has been a public relations disaster. Police on horses trample a woman in a mobility scooter and arrest hundreds of protesters only to release most of them down the road with no charges (they knew charges wouldn't hold). Not a good look. This comes as more and more veterans and law enforcement are finding the courage to break ranks and take a stand. And by freezing bank accounts of those supporting the truckers the Trudeau administration has inadvertently undermined the legitimacy of both the state and the banking system and pushed many moderates over to our side of the spectrum.

Then there is the shelling of eastern Ukraine and the mass evacuation of civilians to Russia. Those who said "nothing will happen" are now officially wrong. No, Russia is not about to invade. The real story is that the U.S. backed extremists who control the Ukrainian military have started their long planned campaign to retake the Donbas. It starts with artillery, but expect incursions by the Ukrainian side at some point soon. The president of Ukraine (Zelensky) might not have even given the order to attack. He's not the one in control. The U.S. is setting a trap for Russia, but it is almost certain to backfire.

The timing couldn't be worse given the logistical realities of a major war in eastern Europe. Now that the elites have exposed their totalitarian agenda, will their attempted pivot to a foreign enemy succeed? Might the ill will they cultivated by mandating vaccines for police and armed forces come back to haunt them? Might truckers and port workers play a role in obstructing the the war effort as well? These should be viewed as goals rather than predictions. The outcome can be influenced.

Now is really the most critical moment to wake up soldiers and police officers. Show them what is happening. Show them that their real duty is to restore human rights on the home front and arrest the criminals running this clown show. Every seed sown is important. A single soldier refusing to pull a trigger can start a chain reaction that brings down a regime.

Discussion @OpenSourceTheNews
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

Not much time these days, but will share this small snippet of what we are up against. Thankful I live in an area where a good number do actually see the handwriting on the wall. We are at war, a war against all life (except for the “special” few group, which no one I know is in). And, most just don’t even see it coming.

Biden pays farms to STOP - EU out of Feed - Meat taxes & Chicken permits - Up to you to GROW FOOD!


Not going copy paste this article (too tired after mucking out a pen) but will just drop this link here. I’ve had people say, “I haven’t had any problem buying what I want” who think, again, we’re just a bunch of nutters for telling them to plan ahead, even just a little bit. And folks out here are definitely on to the real story behind the whole chicken culling process under way.

20 Facts About The Emerging Global Food Shortage That Should Chill You To The Core ... l-you-core
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

I don’t post much anymore about what’s going on, other than from a more personal view usually. Don’t have much time, for one thing. Most of the people I know and associate with can see the train wreck approaching and have for some long time now. We are at war (I know, I keep saying it) and I’m personally bracing for impact. It’s affected every aspect of life, and it’s gaining speed. I feel better having participated in networking with like minded people, in anticipation of what everyone on the planet is going to see and feel by this fall and winter. Since I live in a rural area, and happen to know many farmers, I can tell you that they are definitely all aware that something is seriously not right. It’s hard to wrap my mind around such diabolical long term planning to orchestrate what is unfolding, and I admit that sometimes it’s hard to stay optimistic and focused. Sometimes I just want to sit and spin, but it makes my head hurt, and I feel better keeping busy. Now if I can just get everything I want to plant to grow, since I’m still wearing snow pants quite a bit. Last year I was wearing a bathing suit in May. Geez Louise!

Why Are Dozens Of Processing Facilities Burning Down? ... -down.html

With each passing day inflation rates soar to sky-high levels. Prices of groceries, fuel, and housing are rising astronomically every week. As Americans struggle to afford basic necessities, the United States government is hemorrhaging billions of dollars overseas. Simultaneously, domestic supply chain issues have left shelves increasingly barren, and rampant shortages are impacting the lives of millions. Unfortunately, citizens must now brace for yet another unexpected blow.

Countless food manufacturing facilities nationwide are being destroyed by a mysterious surge in fires. Could these bizarre blazes be mere coincidence or is something insidious unfolding behind the scenes?


Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” — Henry Kissinger

While Billy Boy is accumulating vast amounts of farmland and Department of Agriculture representatives move towards edible nanotechnology, a series of peculiar structural fires have swept across the country. Beginning in late 2021, major production plants are burning down at an alarming rate.

One can’t help but wonder: what is the statistical probability of such catastrophic instances repeatedly taking place at critical locations? Take a look at this chronological list that documents targeted sites and decide for yourself.

* October 12th: Darigold, a dried milk company in Idaho, is reduced to ashes.
* December 9th: JBS beef plant in Pennsylvania erupts in flames causing severe destruction. 
* December 13th: A boiler explodes at a Mississippi poultry feed mill resulting in irreparable damage.
* December 13th: A massive fire engulfs a food processing plant in San Antonio, Texas.
* January 7th: Hamilton Mountain poultry distributor in Washington is devastated by suspected arsonists.
* January 13th: Cargill-Nutrena Feed Mill burns for over 12 hours in Louisiana.
* February 3rd: Mauston Wisconsin River Meats is devoured by an overnight fire.
* February 15th: Bonanza meat company in Texas erupts in smoke.
* February 22nd: An inexplicable boiler explosion obliterates a food manufacturer in Oregon. 
* March 16th: Nestle food plant in Arkansas catastrophically burns for over 24 hours. 
* March 16th: An Indiana Walmart Distribution Center ignites and is investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives.
* March 23rd: The Sherbrook food factory suspiciously incinerates and injures 5 workers in Canada.
* March 24th: A potato processing plant in Maine spontaneously combusts and demolishes the building. 
* March 28th: Over 50,000 pounds of inventory is ravaged by a fire at an Arizona food bank. 
* April 12th: An elevator fire at a Kansas grain producer causes significant damage. 
* April 13th: A single-engine Cessna 208B flies into an Idaho potato processing plant, killing both the pilot and passenger. 
* April 14th: Produce distributor Taylor Farms in Salinas, California burns uncontrollably which leads to the evacuation of surrounding communities. 
* April 19th: A fertilizer production company catches on fire and triggers mass displacement in Kansas. 
* April 19th: Azure Standard, an organic food manufacturer based out of Oregon, is declared a total loss after suddenly succumbing to disastrous flames. 
* April 21st: A plane crashes into a Georgia General Mils facility killing all occupants. 
* April 26th: Hormel Foods in Virginia is scorched and prompts a Fire Marshal examination. 
* April 30th: Perdue Farms in Chesapeake, Virginia, detonates following a processing tank fire.
* May 2nd: Another major food processing facility is incinerated in Fresno, California.
* May 9th: Flames consume Palouse Grain Growers, a feed manufacturer, in Washington. 
* May 12th: A sporadic explosion at an Illinois BioUrja plant destroyed two 150-foot tall grain silos and caused over $2 million in losses.

Modern warfare has evolved into a covert operation targeting the very foundation of human survival. Increasing food costs combined with manufactured scarcity could have horrific consequences on society. Desperate people may turn to the state for help. Dependence creates subservience and those who do not obey will go hungry.

Independence is the greatest act of rebellion. Now is the time to make preparations for you and your loved ones. Stock up on nonperishables or grow a garden. Get to know your neighbors and build communities with like-minded individuals. In an era where the powers-that-be seek to divide us, true revolution can only occur through unity.
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

I am going to come back to this article with some commentary when I have more time. It’s ridiculously long, so I’m not going to copy and paste it, and in fact haven’t been able to slog through the whole thing. It’s very worrisome, though, as I am one of those people who didn’t take the shots, didn’t wear a mask, don’t believe 5 year olds should be told they can choose what sex they want to be, don’t believe pedophilia should be normalized, don’t believe full term babies should be allowed to be aborted, and do support the Constitution. I also don’t feel guilt over having white skin, don’t identify with the label of fascist, white supremacist, terrorist, Covid denier, right wing extremist, or any number of other labels being applied liberally. Although I am spiritually minded, and do believe it is a Satanic agenda being rolled out, I am also not a Christian with extreme views as I am very aware that the god of the Old Testament was genocidal and believed women were to be subjugated. I do agree and believe in the true message of Christ, regardless of who the historical character really was, and do follow those basic tenants of forgiveness, kindness, integrity, and faith. What they are describing in this article absolutely blows my mind, and paints some rather broad strokes that further the divide, and inflame both sides (which I believe is the intent). Read at your own risk.

Living with the far right insurgency in Idaho

A radical GOP faction, in open alliance with extremists, is seizing power and targeting its opponents with cruelty. Some wonder: Is it time to leave? ... 4db7282bd6
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Re: This week in review

Post by Spiritwind »

I must add a few thoughts here. It’s funny how one group believes they are liberal, and the other group also claims to stand for freedom, yet neither side is really free. What does seem to be missing is empathy, on both sides of the fence. A deep adherence to a “belief system” also seems to be part of the problem. Neither side seems to realize they are being played, and pushed into a corner from which there seems to be no escape, only escalation and an eventual showdown. In my opinion, both sides are being used against each other, which is a tried and true tactic. Even when my husband was in the military he was trained in these subversive ways to pit people against each other, and plant suspicion and doubt. Neither side seems able to sit in quiet contemplation, and ask their intuition to help them discern truth. Oh yeah, that’s right, we’re not supposed to rely on such things as intuition, regardless of how many times throughout life it might have saved your butt. I’m more certain than ever a part of me is not from here at all. It’s time now, please beam me up Scotty.
I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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