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On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:27 pm
by Christine ... e-ability/

We are swimming in a great sea of information and the backwash of disinformation, too much to navigate much of the time, not to mention dealing with our remaining attachment to out-dated beliefs and fear’s corresponding attachment to us.

We, that have been simultaneously letting go as we are aware of an emergent consciousness. know this passage well now, our relentless seeking of Truth has led us to the final confrontation of self with Self. Contemplating as I do while writing; I am not sure which is more frightening, the hold an ego rooted in a false identity has on so many or the response-abilities that come with embracing our true Essence, the infinitesimal you that is invisible to this world and all powerful in its expression.

Words to ponder, I do again and again. For while my mind deeply penetrates the space of the shifting time lines there is a point, a Being at center that is always present, always still, always knowing.

It seems that just when we feel or think that we have a piece of the puzzle in place, we take a quick look at the picture and the whole board shifts, the pieces scatter and it seems we are back at square one. Having done our own Work, inside we know that isn’t the case, something has stayed with us, a piece of knowledge or a new found path in the quest.

At our deepest and most high level of consciousness we are expanding, like the Cosmic Tree, the planetary body we are an integral part of, our roots grow deeper and our branches reach the furthest heaven. This ancient Symbol of Truth reflects our own body, a body of Knowledge.

Collaboratively and individually we have developed finer antenna, we are reading the subtle fields, this takes a sense of peace, an inner calm and the ability to wait, to observe before reacting.

Here we come to view the larger field we are all playing on, it is a web, a net, an interconnecting means of communication, it has taught us as well as attempting to trap us; originally it was set up to collect meta-data, set up to snare us in endless cycles of news feeds, celebrities, the talking heads of mass media keep our attention riveted to the next story, the next new-age fandangle.

It has worked so far. It has worked so well that we the viewer have realized that we alone are responsible for the information we ingest, the reactions we have and what we do with them.

I watch still, watch myself and watch the players on the field, watch the reactions. So when a prominent figure is felled, is outed and hung out to dry, or actually dies or is killed, this sends ripples through the whole. This happen lately, it happens in multiple manners and will of necessity continue to occur.

The effects reverberate through our coherency. We grab the microphone, we discuss someone else’s life on the forums, we call our friends, we post on Facebook and like wild fire the speculations take off, the stories are created, the authorities speak, and the moral compass we rarely apply to ourselves is brought out and used to measure someone we don’t know.

I recognize that no one can know me, not ever really, only I can know me, all else is a distortion and I am responsible for clearing my own distortions. This is the finite point I have come to and from that point of view is my expansion. But I digress.

I have my own measures on how I view “the story” of Zen Gardner. They are unique to me, dependent on my own state of consciousness, dependent on my unique set of experiences and importantly emanate from the State of my own Being, this is my response ability.

Because of my intimate relationship with several people who we consider celebrities in the “furthest from the truth movement” I have felt the need to express, to look for and point out patterns of behavior that belay an underlying lie, to note the tones I feel are the ones that are lasting and constructive and to call out the ones that play on human pathos to keep people subjected to endless streams of useless information. These have been my choices and I stand by them.

This has nothing to do with morality or being better than anyone. It has no desire to prosecute or punish. Without a doubt we are our own jailers and judges, well that is, those who have been naked enough to feel the pain of their own mistakes, those who have been strong enough to stand before the light of their own judgment, those who know themselves well enough to not cast stones or when they do to know that they will feel the repercussions.

This is how I view Zen Gardner; I have read his work, what he consistently published on his website has had a resonance, surprising at times how closely aligned I have felt. I do not see him as a guru or master, I see him as a fallible human being. In my own honesty I can not judge him, I do not walk in his shoes nor sleep in his bed, I only see the shadow of the man, and so I look for the inner light, that core of a soul, that place I know myself in and therefore can know another.

These are charged times, these are the days of thunder, lest we find and maintain the peace within we shall be swept away with the furious tide that is approaching our shore.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:36 pm
by Christine
This article is the best I have read to date, someone who "knew" Zen Gardner, someone who observed, waited, reached out and when met with a wall of silence, spoke. ... n-gardner/

By Bernhard Guenther

An Open Letter to Don Ferguson a.k.a. Zen Gardner


Over the past week I have received many messages from people asking me about Zen Gardner’s recent “confession”. He was a member of the Children of God (The Family) cult for 27 years, including being in leadership position.

I have kept quiet over the past week since the news broke and wanted to talk to Zen personally about it since I had some questions. I have “known” Zen since April this year. He liked my work, reposted some of my blogs on his site and I was on his “Now and Zen” show in May. We stayed in contact, changed a few Skype messages and had two Skype video chats. The last time I talked to him via Skype was when he was in Spain last month, hanging out with my friend Benny Wills (from Joy Camp) and others.

I was quite shocked when I first read his article “My Missing Years”. At first I was glad to see that he shared this hidden aspect of his personal life and opened up. It triggered empathy and compassion within me. However, as I was doing more research into the COG cult and also discovered why and how his “confession” actually came about, many things he talked about (and especially the way he handled it) didn’t add up. There was a lot of avoidance, white-washing and not addressing big questions that sit like multiple “elephants in the living room”.

At first I tried to connect with him via Skype, offering my support but also pointing out that I had questions and I felt his articles (especially the second one “A Few Replies”) were coming from a victim/avoidance/missionary stance, lacking sincere accountability and full disclosure. I also connected with Benny to talk about this situation since we both know (or knew) Zen personally (although I never met him in person). We both tried to confront him on some questions we had via Skype message and wanted to talk to him in person eye to eye via Skype. He dodged and avoided our questions and kept responding with “testimonials” of other people who support him during this time. He never made an effort to connect with us via Skype video.

This led me to write a long email to him, being very direct as I would be to any “friend” who’d be in the same situation. In my view good “friends” call each other out when needed to help each other grow. I was not interested in ego-stroking him and “showering” him will all kinds of New Age/Pop-spiritual lingo as I saw so many of his fans do in the comment section of his two articles. The lack of critical thinking and not spotting the obvious red flags by so many people was actually sad and shocking to see. However, I’m also not interested in a public “which hunt” and just screaming out “sick Pedophile” or “Sociopath” as I have seen some people do as well. I wanted to be direct but also supportive and help him to come fully “clean”.

I sent the email to him four days ago (and a copy to Benny as well since he helped me with this email and agrees with everything written in it) and haven’t heard back from him since then. Sadly and very telling he only wrote Benny a message yesterday with ANOTHER testimonial of someone else stating how great of a guy Zen is and AGAIN dodging Benny’s simple and direct questions, while Benny tried to refer to the email I sent him. Since then he also has not replied to any of Benny’s questions.

I think it says a lot that he didn’t even message me after I sent this email (even just to acknowledge that he received it) in which I expressed that I wanted to talk to him face to face; but instead he tried to convince my friend Benny that he’s such a “great guy” who is exposed to an “unfair witch-hunt”, telling him that he simply doesn’t remember everything that happened (if that is not a red flag, then I don’t know what is). The continuing excessive need for validation from others is also a huge and big red flag in itself, let alone the avoidance of answering simple and direct questions from people he knows personally, calling us “friends” and “brothers”.

The reason why I make this email public here (with minor edits due to privacy and for context) has various reasons.

For one, it basically answers the many questions I have received from other people about my “opinion” and stand on that issue.

Secondly, I need to do this out of my own conscience and be very open and clear about it. The last few days have been hard on me to digest all the research I’ve done into the COG cult and the “betrayal”/disillusionment I experienced, realizing that I really do not know who the persona Zen Gardner is. Part of me didn’t want to get into it all or even write this blog but just let “others” deal with it since the cat is out of the bag anyway. I just wanted to keep focusing on my own work. I also didn’t want to fuel a “witch hunt” against Zen Gardner and also give him time to respond to my email.

However, as I was taking some time for myself, staying off the computer for a few days and just letting the information digest within me, contemplating and meditating on it, I got the strong message from within that I do need to make this public statement and let it all out. I can’t stand on the sideline about this. It’s like my conscience doesn’t leave me any other choice and I tried the best I could to speak to Zen in person to no avail. I also consulted with a few friends besides Benny for some feedback (to check my own possible blind spots and/or reactive behavior) and I also sent them the email I sent to Zen. All of them agreed with what I wrote and encouraged me to post it publicly, especially since there are some issues addressed that most of his “followers” don’t seem to see or address or “don’t want to see”.

In the end it ties into what I wrote about in my last essay. We are in the times of “unveiling” and “splitting” as the dark is coming to light to be transmuted and transcended and there is no hiding from it. There have also been other synchronicities and signs in my life over the past week, confirming that this is the right step to take. Some people, including Zen Gardner himself, will maybe see this blog as part of the “which hunt” (while others may even think that I’m too “easy” on him), but I trust that anyone with some grounded and embodied awareness knows and sees the true intention of it in light of the Time of Transition that we are in. One thing I can say for sure, this email/article is not coming from a reactive-projecting place, but from a place of consciously responding, even if I do call a spade a spade as you’ll see and I am very direct in parts. Call it “fiery compassion”.

“Real compassion kicks butt and takes names and is not pleasant on certain days. If you are not ready for this fire, then find a new-age, sweetness and light, perpetually smiling teacher and learn to relabel your ego with spiritual sounding terms. But, stay away from those who practice real compassion, because they will fry your ass, my friend.”

~ Ken Wilber

Thirdly, I realize more and more that all this goes way deeper than most people are aware of and I’m still wrapping “my head” around it as new information is coming out, including possible CIA/MK Ultra connections to the COG cult, tying into SRA since most of these cults (especially when sexual trauma is involved) are also “fronts” for MK Ultra operations (which the cult members/leaders themselves are usually not aware of whatsoever), hence they get away with these kind of “practices” for all these years, because it is being “allowed” from behind the scenes. However, there is no factual confirmation or proof of any of that which I’m aware of as of yet. It affects the so-called “truth movement” (whatever that is anyway in this day and age) in more ways than most people seem to be aware of; let alone looking at it all from a hyperdimensional “archonic” perspective which I haven’t even gotten into (yet).

And lastly, it is also to counter-act this “guilt of association” fallacy/nonsense that seems to go around, affecting many people who have even just talked to Zen or were on his show at some point, which is ridiculous to say the least. I don’t know anyone personally who actually had any idea of Zen’s past, including the ones I know who have been in contact with him personally.

However, my own difficulties of dealing with this topic over the past week (it’s not a pity-plea but simply about stating my own process) is NOTHING compared to the many children that suffered and still suffer as adults under the consequences of being in the COG cult.

Before you continue reading please watch 8 minutes of this video (from 50min to 58min) to see what The Children of God cult does to people and keep in mind that this young woman did NOT have a choice as a young child and didn’t join the cult as an adult as Zen Gardner did, who was a member of it from age 22 until age 49, even in leadership position. If you don’t have tears coming up watching this, then you need to check your ability to actually truly FEEL compassion/empathy as opposed to just an “intellectual” acknowledgement of “compassion”.

What is interesting to note is that this Anthony Robbins documentary apparently just came out last month on Netflix and was just uploaded last week on YouTube. It’s a very interesting “coincidence”/synchronicity in light of the revelations about Zen Gardner, as if there is a “higher force” that wants this information to come to awareness to help make the darkness conscious for healing and transmutation. The video should start at the 49m42s mark if you hit play:


So, here’s the email. There are resources for further reading/watching at the end, just a small selection. There is way more out there (and more will come out) but it will get you started to do your own research and make your own conclusions:

Continue reading here.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:03 pm
by maggie
I follow certain writers, Bernhard Guenther being one. The way he approached the issue of how a person, birth name Don developed his persona Zen as if he could erase a whole and very UNHOLY chapter, was really important IMO.

Compartmentalizing is familiar to me. I even came up with the idea all by myself at one point, seeing how I could not even remember big pieces of my experience. I became really angry with a friend who challenged me on why I was unable to recall. I felt angry because I was not in control of what I could access. I am certainly thinking thus splitting is my old strategy to keep from madness. But gently I wish to knit the holes into my person-ness. I don't value looking good over being real.

This inability to remember makes it possible to do things and not feel the terrible fault of abyss at our feet. If we cannot feel what we do, we can continue practicing evil (as opposed to live) because of barriers set up we do not see a crime. A NARCISSISTIC SOCIETY STRUCTURE HAS TRAINED US. THIS MUST NOT BE EXCUSED BUT UNDERSTOOD.

The issue is that Zen wants to lead us somewhere he cannot go himself. This used to be how a pundit could speak out, a preacher could just say anything with no need to walk the talk, a leader could have a public face and a private "truth". The culture we have been immersed within is based on duplicity as a basic. But we can see through this disguise now. High Machiavellianism uses a justification of beliefs in some mission that is bigger than one's TRUE SELF and "real" life. Nothing is bigger than one's REAL and (possibly sordidly messy) life. "It's the end of the world unless....." belief of some great threat from an outside source is invoked by all great liars. Abuse of ALL KINDS and Machiavellian manipulation is part of the program we have to accept BECAUSE (it's the end of the world). No time to examine and correct one's own self...must save a world.

From wiki
"Machiavellianism is also a term that some social and personality psychologists use to describe a person's tendency to be unemotional, and therefore able to detach him or herself from conventional morality and hence to deceive and manipulate others. In the 1960s, Richard Christie and Florence L. Geis developed a test for measuring a person's level of Machiavellianism (sometimes referred to as the Machiavelli test).[8] Their Mach - IV test, a twenty-statement personality survey, became the standard self-assessment tool of Machiavellianism. People scoring high on the scale (high Machs) tend to endorse statements such as, "Never tell anyone the real reason you did something unless it is useful to do so," (No. 1) but not ones like, "Most people are basically good and kind" (No. 4), "There is no excuse for lying to someone else," (No. 7) or "Most people who get ahead in the world lead clean, moral lives" (No. 11). Using their scale, Christie and Geis conducted multiple experimental tests that showed that the interpersonal strategies and behavior of "High Machs" and "Low Machs" differ.[9] Their basic results have been widely replicated.[10] Measured on the Mach - IV scale, males are, on average, slightly more Machiavellian than females.[9][11]"

The words I have read from the "Just Wondering" writer always seemed hollow, repetitive bleats and shallow. His eyes look haunted and he has a gaunt "starving" look. His presence is not what I would want to emulate. I hope he can use this epic fail for his good. He is responding as programmed so far. IMO he may have invited the opportunity to save his soul.

Because I have done/do "like me as a persona", choosing my favorite parts from the shredded, the ripped and torn fabric of my Self, I can only nod my head at this blatant example of FAILURE TO BE TRUE.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:37 pm
by Christine
maggie wrote:...

The words I have read from the "Just Wondering" writer always seemed hollow, repetitive bleats and shallow. His eyes look haunted and he has a gaunt "starving" look. His presence is not what I would want to emulate. I hope he can use this epic fail for his good. He is responding as programmed so far. IMO he may have invited the opportunity to save his soul.

Because I have done/do "like me as a persona", choosing my favorite parts from the shredded, the ripped and torn fabric of my Self, I can only nod my head at this blatant example of FAILURE TO BE TRUE.
Thank you so much for your post, I have read it several times now. Deep contemplation on "programs" this morning, seeing them running the show here on planet Earth. Conscious or unconscious makes no difference to outcome. This isn't about forgiving, forgetting, or any soppy emotional response, this is about Be-ing willing to stand naked, transparent, bare and as you so evocatively wrote; "the ripped and torn fabric of my Self", be cause we are a fractal of a torn Whole.

When questioning an others' programs, in the same breath on must question their own and relentlessly keep the pressure up in doing so. I stood on the edge of my limits again this morning and the voice answered softly and yet emphatically, NOW, stay there.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:50 pm
by Christine
Contrary to ZG's claims that a mob is out to lynch him, WE the People are sick and tired of the harvesting of our children. This single unveiling has the potential to rip the psychopathic societal programs to shreds.

Reach your limits, stand there, hold ground and don't back down.

There are glitches in the programs everywhere, thank you Randy Maugans.

Digging In The Dirt: Zen Gardner, Occult Abuse, and the Art of Deflection
by Randy Maugans | Aug 22, 2016

“Even now, the illusion of control invokes the “victim” to step forward, polishing the shovel; no cognizance of the bodies left buried…in the Zen Garden.”

After his (self) exposure as a member of the sex cult, Children of God (The Family), popular internet figure, Zen Gardner, a/k/a, Donald Ferguson, seems dismayed at the blow back from (some of) the alternative media communities. His latest article, “Sifting Through the Debris”, once again contrasts his stark confessions with a healthy dose of desperate victim status. This is the modus operandi of a sociopath, albeit, a “love and lighter” sociopath. Let’s parse words, as they are the means to dissolve this vicious cycle of abuse: Sifting Through the Debris.

The title alone wreaks of victimhood. Who sifts through debris?

Ferguson opens the article with a bit of a magic trick—a semantic magic trick—but deftly executed, as one would expect from the former media spokesman for a child sex cult.

“Not just my own life that has been seriously derailed from its previous direction and that of my children now being put through this renewed societal abuse syndrome, but of the so-called truth community in general.”

Continuing…(and I am excerpting here, but not reconstructing the narrative) he writes:

“Knowing that the external triggers are what is unresolved in ourselves is essential to personal growth and realization. This may sound a bit dispassionate or disconnected to those who want me to grovel in remorse and guilt and shame, but I’ve worked past all that. What’s left is your reaction. And some people have some serious work to do, as do I.“

This indictment of the entire “truth” community (or the part that saw through his self-serving bullshit from the start of this affair) Is a classic deflection technique that places the perp on par with “other folks”, notably those who did not give him a pass so easily. “Unresolved issues in ourselves…”??? Deflection, again, as Zen has had lots of time to allegedly deal with HIS issues, apparently. Having spent years on the web masquerading as a expounder of “truth” and “light” while concealing some very important aspects of his own background. A background that informs his own spiritual development.

Next line: Trigger City
Classic. Utilizing language to alter perceptions. “Trigger” is a psychological/mind control term. It infers a seeded response via trauma-based methods. Note how Ferguson writes in passive voice—like all of this just “happened” to him:

“We were supposed to be in this together, supporting and helping each other. But it’s apparent that certain triggers are alive and well in so many that a sudden tide replicating the matrix mainstream mindset based on fear and hysteria were set off, and caused a chain reaction.”

Excuse me here, but, again, who is the “we”? That band of sycophants who drooled over your every word, article after article? You know, the ones about “ascension”, how humanity is experiencing an awakening, a new consciousness? Somehow “we” got expanded to include those who recognize that simply revealing facts about a 24 year association with a child sex cult, and packaging it as just another “life lesson” didn’t cut it.

Worse, that someone so revered, so placed upon a pedestal as a wise teacher who “grew up” in the counterculture of the 60s and 70s” was somehow mired, for most of his adult life, in a debauched mind control sect…? That this “minor admission” did not disqualify his flowery prose and sage pose? This didn’t matter? It’s not a “fender bender” on the highway of life, it’s a train wreck with a madman at the wheel. A train with child passengers! Hysteria? Or the response of a community who have documented pedophilia and mind control.

So, let me be clear: FUCK NO, we are not in this “together”.

Read more here.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 1:47 am
by maggie
Randy Maugans said:

"Worse, that someone so revered, so placed upon a pedestal as a wise teacher who “grew up” in the counterculture of the 60s and 70s” was somehow mired, for most of his adult life, in a debauched mind control sect…? That this “minor admission” did not disqualify his flowery prose and sage pose? This didn’t matter? It’s not a “fender bender” on the highway of life, it’s a train wreck with a madman at the wheel. A train with child passengers! Hysteria? Or the response of a community who have documented pedophilia and mind control.

So, let me be clear: FUCK NO, we are not in this “together”."

I don't want to be "in this together" collective on any level.
IMO for me this is the central POINT that I am NOT response able for what is not mine.

BUT what IS mine is the place I will stand on the spinning wheel of MY history in a collective experience.
Something like what avails you to own the WORLD if you have no center of integrity.

But I am asking for a magnificent pass for us who are all inside still children, innocent and beautiful and we were used and abused by a collective story that is vile and disgusting and is encapsulated by the dark triad of narcissm, Machiavellian manipulation and psychopathy.

We have all been victims and victims become saviors and perpetrators in turn and THIS when one adds sadism become the tetrad of evil intention. IMO we are responsible for repudiating all willingness to participate in this lie about who is whom and what is what.

We are responsible for healing our trauma, If we do not, WE are the ones who lose.
IM I am not dependent on the world to change and heal.
This is my freedom.

Don looks worn out We are meant to shine. We are potentially so amazingly beautiful. I want juicy life-fulness and that means I have to pull myself together. No one can do that for me.

anyone can lose out precious "time" being untrue, it is up to that point of consiousness and free will to to feel (or deny)and know what is valuable (or still always be guessing). Freedom to fail and grow means we cannot behave perfectly up to our ideals, but failure to live our ideal means we should keep on working THERE. I am inspired when I see others who can focus there on healing where it counts.

I AM not stuck with shallow persona to guide my relationship to "the other". What is beyond us that is not capable of splitting apart in traumatic scattering of essence is My Self. She is who knows to Be True and live up to the potential of human magnificence.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:11 pm
by Naga_Fireball
Didn't one of the Rockefeller boys express some concern regarding what the internet would do to society?

It has taken me a while to see this & I'm still working on it. My old blog for instance. Occasionally accurate but wholly narcissistic. If it hasn't been for that one factor I wouldn't have lost track of the work.

It's very tempting to over create ourselves , to be over adorned on the internet. Imagine an ostrich wearing 200lbs of gold... She would not be running very fast and some might say she is no longer an ostrich at all.

The human condition is Ridiculous by default.

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:32 pm
by Naga_Fireball
P.s. the above post was random, not targeting a specific person or groups. Lol @ my stupid choice of illustrating a point.

Hoof n mouth is going around ?? :(

Re: On New Age Celebrities, Zen Gardner, the Internet, and Our Response Ability

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 12:35 am
by Edythe
I've been reading ZG for a long time. I, too, resonated with his words, but, I cannot say that I am surprised by what has happened. Things are unraveling so quickly these day and the evil filth that runs this world is being dragged into the light.. exposed for anyone who has opened eyes to see...What does surprise me is that ZG is so ego driven that he didn't think this blow back would take him out??? Did he think that by confessing his sins, he would be absolved and forgiven.. and welcomed back with open arms as a survivor?

Years ago, I was at a place in my journey where forgiveness, unconditional love (for ALL living things) and other assorted new age pleasantries were a very large part of my naive thinking. I am a survivor of childhood horror. I was programmed to forgive and forget.. I did forgive and did forget large portions of my childhood.. but, I've broken free of that program and now I do not forgive and I am remembering. I have no sympathy nor forgiveness for this person. He is not a survivor, he is a perpetrator whose ego empowered him to confess his sins with no thought of retribution.

IF.. he was somehow magically enlightened during his tenure with COG family, why didn't he tell his targeted alt community BEFORE he began his path to guru-dom? Something doesn't feel right ...

Love and Power! E