EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

"Throw off this ignoble discouragement and rise like a fire that burns all before it."

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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Naga_Fireball »

I agree with Maggie in that a fulfilling existence does not mean the extinction of others.

I can sympathize with individuals without subscribing to their belief systems.

People forget that so many types of people died in world war two. Not just Jews and Germans, but countless other European bystanders, Asians, minorities, unpopular groups.

If we subscribe to Nazism we risk a lot of potential self harm, as others among us can use any excuse to find fault and annihilate us.

I find it is better to be freelance if one is going to be extreme.
We live in increasingly extreme times.
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Naga_Fireball »

P.s. my friends.

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.

William Shakespeare
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »

There are moments where multiple timelines and realities collapse and coalesce, deeply feeling this is one of those times. Ideologies, names, linear historical corruption require that we don't subscribe to any label. For myself this is the very reason that claudia and I bring light onto this forbidden subject, If we stay with it long enough without the emotional triggers going off we can start to delve the substrata and the question as to why and how war is generated on planet Earth emerges.

Indeed there is sorrow riding along side the growing knowledge of the elements that are the corrupting factors, and those elements exist in all of us now, just as the elements for love and compassion do. To thine own self find truth. I have this feeling that truth once seen and incorporated will erase the lies, not in violence but by the dissolving factor of its astounding beauty.

Way too early for me to string together too many words, perhaps I will find more later.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by maggie »

Christine wrote:If we stay with it long enough without the emotional triggers going off we can start to delve the substrata and the question as to why and how war is generated on planet Earth emerges.

Indeed there is sorrow riding along side the growing knowledge of the elements that are the corrupting factors, and those elements exist in all of us now, just as the elements for love and compassion do. To thine own self find truth.
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The True Story Behind Denial: Inside a Historian's Incredible Fight to Prove a Holocaust Denier Wrong

“There are certain things that are true,” Deborah Lipstadt tells PEOPLE. “And the Holocaust is one of them.”

The historian was the defendant in a British libel lawsuit brought by Holocaust denier David Irving when she exposed his falsification of history in her book Denying the Holocaust. The new film Denial, starring Rachel Weisz and directed by Mick Jackson, recounts the acrimonious trial.

“When I first heard about Holocaust denial, I laughed. I thought, ‘This is ludicrous. These are just theories. Who would take them seriously?” says Lipstadt, 69. “Then I began to see there were people who began to think, ‘Well, maybe there’s something to it.’ ”

Her passion for speaking out against lies and standing up for the truth compelled Lipstadt to write and publish her book Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory in 1993, which was one of the first full-length examinations of Holocaust denial. In it, she calls Irving both a “liar” and “falsifier of history,” and accuses him of “taking accurate information and shaping it to confirm his conclusions.” ... ier-wrong/
I attended Emory University where Deborah Lipstadt teaches. There are quite a few students who are Jewish. David Irving must have some serious backing to sue her. His history does not reveal gratuitous money to stage a major lawsuit.

Therefore I think that he is backed by a cabal. As you know cabal is a secret political clique or faction. SECRET is the key word. It uses front men. The real source of the action and generation of motivation is silent, hidden and deeply covert.

I am no apologist because I know that every epoch has been full of chaos, and all countries responsible for grievous injury. IMO each of us individually has participation in the "issue of war". BUT I see through things that make me just shake my head in sorrow. IMO the same kind of CABAL on every level has its puppet strings on EVERY player who like Irving is afflicted with hate. Then the played puppets are responsible for lots of stirred up injury as they project.

Hate Is IMO responsible for the traditional repression of whole groups as "scapegoats ". This was (and is) INCLUSIVE of just about all? It varies from place to place but we know now the list has Gypsies, blacks, women, Arabs and Jewish cultural heritage/expression and now IMMIGRANT politization all HUGE as examples.

I am sure we all know about the fact that "Jews" self identify as "the people of the book" who had a contract with god.
So, with "the Jew", I think there has always been a bit of envy behind their scapegoating. I KNOW from my contact that this culture prizes "book learning" of all kinds and intellectual prowess and culture. They value themselves. I think there is a tight knit clannish group made more so by "pogroms". AND what IF the only intelleigent way to thrive in a warrior world is be the one arming EVERYONE? I am not sad that people use whatever they can to survive.

I am sad that we keep warring all turned against one another voluntarily because we are afraid of one another.
It is very "human" to generalize from very few incidents, EVEN ONE. Therefore, a mugging by a young black man might be triggering of a general paranoia of all black faces. Stranger phobia made white "flight" to suburbs just because one black family moved to a block. That is completely irrational. AND IMO, this irrationality is played like a harp. A seriously disturbed man is the only one who devotes his life to apologism. This apologism is YES, is the inner rage channeled and the rage will burn books, burn homes, burn babies with bombs, burn up EVERYTHING they see as ..."This world full of niggers, kikes and cocksuckers...commies BETTER dead than red. Better no one have anything if those bastards took mine."

My deep grief has made me mad at IDEOLOGY which is apology used by rageful men used by the puppet masters......
I plan never to return when i leave this sphere of influence.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »

When we move beyond identities and embrace the polar opposites we will have no more war. Myself, I prefer to stay within the knowing voice inside because if we go tit-for-tat we will only generate more walls. There is nothing I have read or heard from Mr. Irving's mouth other than one who searches out truth. He is NOT a holocaust denier and that is MHO, in all of the documents that he lays out before the public he clearly shows that atrocities were committed within the German camps, he shows numbers and journals and newspaper articles from that time, I hardly think he is capable of falsifying over 40,000 documents.

maggie, I feel you and all the deep emotions that this subject will of necessity bring to the surface. Frankly the "cabal" is the scapegoat for everything wrong... I look at the present day reality and I see that the victors have done everything and worse that they project on the German people and Adolph Hitler. I am no apologist either and am ready to confront the frightful truth that the Whole World is nothing more than a false matrix of lies and deceptions. We both follow our heart and that is enough for me.

P.S. EVERY researcher is subject to his own conclusions, how else could we have so many compelling Jesus stories? True neutrality lies in the human heart, one that has imploded duality and finds nothing to defend.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by maggie »

"When we move beyond identities and embrace the polar opposites we will have no more war."


I'll subscribe to your statement. The collapse of the polarity leaving neutrality and no hook.
We can agree there and all who are not hooked may walk that talk.

I looked it up and see David Irving went bankrupt from court I may be wrong about a wealthy covert backer.
On a more abstract level, IMO the secret structure of a CABAL seems to make sense.... groups joined by dedicated energy. Energy devoted to preservation of the "purpose"...basically continuing itself. The self perpetuation becoes independent of people...taking on a "life" in what Vadim Zeland calls the pendulum: Information based energy structures (called thought forms, elementals, AI....all 4th dimensional type structures created by thought) that we are caught in.
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Groups of people thinking in the same direction create information based energy structures called pendulums. These structures will eventually begin to develop independently. Pendulums create their own laws and make people obey them. What people don’t realize is that they are unwillingly acting in the interests of these pendulums. How do we get out of the suggestion that sticks to us like glue?

Destructive Pendulums

Ever since we were kids we’ve been taught to submit ourselves to someone else’s will: performing our duties, serving our country, our families, the political party, the company we work in, the government and even serving ideas…We’ve been taught to submit to everyone else’s will, as long as our own will had the lowest priority.
Everybody has more or less a sense of obligation, responsibility, necessity and guilt. Everybody in one way or another “serves” in various groups and organizations like one’s family, society, educational institutions, one’s working place, one’s political party, and the government and so on. All these structures are born and start to develop, when a separate group of people starts thinking and acting in the same way. Then, new people join the organization/group and the structure grows, gaining strength, forcing its members to follow established rules until it reaches a point, where the structure is able to subjugate large social groups to its will.
On the level of material realization, energy structures consist of people (united by common goals) and material objects such as buildings, constructions, furniture, equipment, technology and so on. But what is the process that enables structures, such as those mentioned above, to be formed? A structure is created when thoughts of a group of people are focused in one direction.
Thus, the parameters of their thought energy become identical. Thought energy of independent individuals merges into one flow. Hence, in the middle of the energy ocean, an independent information based energy structure is created that is called the energy pendulum. This structure starts living its own life, and makes those that took part in its creation obey its laws.

But why are these structures called pendulums? Because the higher and faster a pendulum swings, the more people – adherents – feed it with their energy. Every pendulum has its own characteristic frequency of vibrations. For example, you can make the swings go high up in the air only by applying a force of a certain frequency. That type of frequency is called resonance. If the number of a pendulum’s adherents decrease, the pendulum’s swinging will slow down and eventually its swinging motion will be extinguished. When there are no more adherents to swing the pendulum, it will stop and as an entity, it will die.

Here are several examples of “dead” pendulums: ancient pagan religions, stone tools and ancient forms of weaponry, old fashion trends and vinyl records – in other words, everything that existed before and is no longer in use.
You’re probably surprised – can all these things really be pendulums? Yes, any structure, whose particular features were shaped by people’s thought energy, is a pendulum. You could say that in general all living beings that are able to radiate energy in one direction will eventually form an energy pendulum. Here are examples of pendulums that exist in nature and wildlife: colonies of bacteria, populations of living creatures, schools of fish, herds of animals, woodlands, prairies, ant colonies and so on. Any structures consisting of living organisms that are of a relatively homogenous and well-ordered nature can form pendulums......

.......And since every living organism represents an energy unit, it can also be considered a pendulum. So, when these pendulum units group together and start swinging in unison they create a group pendulum. It stands over its adherents like a separate and independent superstructure. It will make up rules for its adherents, in order to keep them together but also to attract new ones. Such a structure is self-governing in the sense that it develops independently, according to its own laws. Its adherents don’t know that they are acting by the laws of the pendulum, and not of their free will. For example, a bureaucratic apparatus develops as a self-governing structure, independent of the will of its separate officials. Influential officials could, of course, make certain independent decisions, but these decisions cannot be in conflict with the laws of the system. Otherwise, such an advocate would be rejected. Even a single person, who is already a pendulum by himself, isn’t always aware of his own motivations. One example of such a person is the energy vampire.
Any pendulum is destructive by its nature. This is because it takes energy from its adherents and establishes power over them. The destructiveness of a pendulum is evident in the fact that it doesn’t care about the fate of its individual adherents. The pendulum has only one goal – to maintain a constant flow of energy from its individual adherents, and whether this will benefit or harm an individual adherent is of no concern to the pendulum. If a person is under the influence of a system, he has to live his life in accordance with the system’s laws. Otherwise, the system will chew him up and spit him out. Being under the influence of a destructive pendulum can easily ruin one’s life. To break free from the pendulum and not suffer any losses as a result is usually a very difficult thing to do.
If a person is lucky, he will find his own place in the system, where he will feel like a fish in the water. Being an adherent, the person gives his energy to the pendulum, and the pendulum, in return, provides him with an environment where this person is able to live. But as soon as an adherent starts breaking the rules of a given structure, the frequency of his thought energy is no longer in sync with the resonance frequency of the pendulum. The pendulum is no longer getting any energy from this adherent. This results in the pigheaded adherent being thrown out of the system or even destroyed.(VadimZeland.... Reality Transurfing chapter II
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Here's a thought.
If it was true, I am assuming it (Holocaust ) did happen;
Would it then be moral to subject one's children to only one side of the story and raise them up into blindered warriors who honestly believe the Zionists?

I'm not certain that I'd have had any military interest at all if i had not been raised on stories of Fat Man & ♧Little Boy, and of course, Corrie ten Boom and others who happen to have had their stories put on a pedestal while other groups, non white groups, are still targeted in our own country?

Like, what sort of free country executes black kids for stealing cigarettes? America does.

I don't understand how in a country so full of ww2 history that a lot of Americans act like Nazis...

I concludeas others have that Nazism AND Zionist make me wanna hurl huge chunks.

:( of food
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Christine »

I am finding I have much to share, shall wait until tomorrow. Thank you maggie, thank you Fireball and thank you all. Stuff keeps surfacing and fast so it takes a lot of focus to get the linear thoughts straight. Rest well friends.
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Re: EE Raw: The World at War | Sorrow is Knowledge and why we must speak

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Dear Christine,
It's creepy, i was talking about the USS Liberty incident and apparently there's been a somewhat similar one, ugh ... l?adkey=bn" onclick=";return false;

US strikes hit 3 radar sites in Yemen, Pentagon says
By Faith Karimi and Ryan Browne, CNN

Updated 1:01 AM ET, Thu October 13, 2016

(CNN)Three US strikes hit radar sites in Yemen early Thursday, hours after missiles targeted the USS Mason warship in the Red Sea, the Pentagon said.

The strikes were carried out in "self defense," the Pentagon said.

targeted by missiles in the Red Sea.

US strikes hit 3 radar sites in Yemen, Pentagon says
By Faith Karimi and Ryan Browne, CNN

Updated 1:01 AM ET, Thu October 13, 2016
The destroyer USS Nitze launched the Tomahawk cruise missiles targeting the coastal radar sites.
The destroyer USS Nitze launched the Tomahawk cruise missiles targeting the coastal radar sites.
Story highlights
US: The three sites targeted were in remote areas
Initial assessments indicate all three targets were destroyed, official says
(CNN)Three US strikes hit radar sites in Yemen early Thursday, hours after missiles targeted the USS Mason warship in the Red Sea, the Pentagon said.

The strikes were carried out in "self defense," the Pentagon said.

They come after two missiles targeted the US warship off the coast of Yemen on Sunday -- but missed it and hit the water instead.

The USS Mason was fired on again Wednesday while conducting routine operations in international waters off the Red Sea coast of Yemen, according to the Pentagon.
'No damage to the ship'

"The ship employed defensive countermeasures, and the missile did not reach USS Mason," Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said about Wednesday's incident.
"There was no damage to the ship or its crew. USS Mason will continue its operations."

The three sites targeted Thursday were in remote areas, where there was little risk of civilian casualties or collateral damage, a US official said. All the sites are in Houthi-controlled territory.

The destroyer USS Nitze launched the Tomahawk cruise missiles targeting the coastal radar sites. Initial assessments indicate all three targets were destroyed, the official said.

Developing story - more to come
CNN's Ross Levitt contributed to this report
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
~William Cowper
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