AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Christine »

Max Igan continues to tell it like it is.

[youtube] ...[/youtube]

Fireworks, Smokescreens And The Coming Smart Prison

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 321 - American Voice Radio, January 19th, 2018 -" onclick=";return false;

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"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader." - Plato

"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman

“I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” - Rumi

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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Anders »

Nick Bostrom is an expert on superintelligence and future AI risks. He seems to be a transhumanist when judging by his vision of the future:


Personally I believe in the new earth in the Bible and that it will be much better and powerful than transhumanism, but in case that's just fiction transhumanism is a backup plan for me. :) But no microchips in my brain or uploading of consciousness to a computer cloud! :o That sounds scary as hell to me.
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Christine »

Thanks Anders ... walking in between the new earth we are. If "they" have their way transhumanism will not be a choice but an installment and I doubt anyone will be given an opt out clause. Somewhere I see a blend, the rite use of technology within the developing new earth.
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Anders »

I listened to Linda Moulton Howe now in a video and she said that Trump in a speech was talking about going to Mars and also that the U.S. has the Air Force, the Army and the Navy, and maybe we need a Space Force, Trump said.

Holy macaroni. Many people might actually think a U.S. Space Force will be a good idea. After all, they have watched sci-fi movies about such scenarios and shows like the Stargate series on television. I like for example SG-1, but when I heard about Trump's plan it sounded over the top cartoonish to me. Like little children playing in a sandbox with space toys and wanting to take those toys and play outside the sandbox, haha.

I suspect Trump is just playing a role, but if transhumanism and super intelligent AI develops along the same line and mentality, then say hello to Skynet!!!
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Anders »

Hardcore Christians will be helpful in the fight against transhumanism. I find it fascinating that the Bible describes how the second beast (which I interpret as the New World Order AI/computer system) will force people to have a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads. That to me sounds like the implantable microchips or RFID tattoos. And some Christians agree.

"The chips are implanted in the right hand, which is consistent with the verse. They are also used for buying things, and can be used for many other applications. Then there's the fear these implants will become mandatory in the future. Presently, they are optional but as they become more mainstream social pressure alone will compel people to accept them." -- ... p?id=75695" onclick=";return false;

How can I agree with hardcore Christians when I have transhumanism as a backup plan? Because I will refuse to get a microchip implanted in my hand. I'm only willing to accept technological progress that is non-intrusive. Hopefully it will remain an individual choice which means a peaceful scenario is possible. If a microchip, RFID tattoo or other some kind of intrusive biometric becomes mandatory, then a fight, or at least refusal to cooperate will become necessary.
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by maggie »

This conversation hovers over all the issues we are presented. What questions are substituting for the questions we should be asking?

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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Anders »

Self-driving cars are already quite capable. Due to legal and political issues I think it will in practice take many years before ordinary people can buy self-driving cars. I heard an expert saying that what will happen is that companies like Uber will be able to have self-driving cars much sooner, because they can specify the conditions for the cars, which simplifies the operation a lot and I was thinking that the political and legal issues will be much simpler when it's the companies that own the self-driving cars that are legally responsible.

Another expert (or could have been the same one, I don't remember) said that AI today is even better at flying drones than driving cars. And think of the possibility of weaponized flying drones, yikes. :o Check out what the best humans can do with flying drones:


Artificial intelligence guidance is capable of even more advanced maneuvers than that. Someone said, I think it was on the Alex Jones show, that if a drone comes after you, just shoot it down. But even if you had like a shotgun ready, taking down just one of those nasty killer drones will be difficult. And with a swarm of say 10 flying drones, they will have put a bullet in the head of the person trying to take them down before he or she is able to shoot down a single one of the drones.

Mainstream media is ranting about North Korea being a nuclear threat. What a joke! Nuclear weapons are a hoax. A practically real scenario is instead that North Korea manufactures millions of flying killer drones, automatically controlled by AI and equipped with night vision, IR, sonar, radar and video cameras, plus a magazine of bullets for killing people. With solar panels for long distance flight, and small and hidden enough to avoid radar and satellite surveillance, imagine what harm such swarm could do.
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Re: AI Artificial Intelligence, developement and implications

Post by Anders »

In this video Douglas Gabriel, a former NSA systems analyst presents some wild ideas about the dangers of information technology.


Douglas mentioned that Rudolf Steiner has predicted the internet and wireless connections as a web over the earth, and indeed I found:

"And the concrete reality is that the intellectual thoughts evolved inwardly by men today will in time to come creep over the earth like a spider's web wherein human beings will be enmeshed, if they will not reach out to a world lying beyond and above their shadowy thoughts and concepts." --" onclick=";return false;
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