Mindful Fasting

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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

One expert said that after fasting, the pancreas regrew like in the embryonic state. Does that mean that the damaged cells are replaced by new young and healthy cells?! Then it's not so much about aging velocity. It's more like aging reversal all the way!

As an example, let's say that the body starts with 50% weak cells (damaged, dysfunctional, cancer) and 50% old healthy cells. Then during the first cycle in the periodic fast some of the weak cells are consumed during the fasting period, and then in the eating period those cells are replaced by young healthy cells.

So then after the first cycle the body has say 40% weak cells, 50% old healthy cells and 10% young healthy cells.

After several cycles all the weak cells have been consumed and replaced. What then for the body to do in the next and coming cycles after that? The body now has 50% old healthy cells and 50% young healthy cells. The answer is that the body continues to chew on its own cells in the fasting periods and since all the weak cells already have been consumed it starts eating the old healthy cells. So after the next cycle the body will have say 40% old healthy cells and 60% young healthy cells. And so on until the body has 100% young healthy cells. Total body rejuvenation!
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

I found that even if stem cells can rejuvenate themselves, old blood cells make the young stem cells act old:

"A recent study from Weill Cornell Medical College shows that older blood vessel cells made young blood stem cells act old. ... In a complementary experiment in the study, the youngster cells rejuvenated the old ones." -- https://theconversation.com/how-rejuven ... ging-87497" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

"Recent advances in aging research have demonstrated that old tissue stem cells can be rejuvenated for the purpose of maintaining the old-organ function by youthful re-calibration of the environment where stem cells reside." -- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5253185/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I will do some more armchair research about stem cells. I wonder for example if fasting is able to rejuvenate the blood.
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

Whoa, stem cells remain young:

"Stem cells can spawn other types of body cells, but they have another striking capability—they remain young." -- http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/12/ ... cell-genes" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

So then why does the blood age? The answer is that the blood stem cells do age (or at least act old [see previous post]), it's the pluripotent stem cells, such as iPS (induced pluripotent) stem cells that remain young:

"A fundamental question was whether blood stem cells age differently within a single individual or whether all blood stem cells are equally affected by advancing age. In an initial stage, it was therefore important to genetically mark old blood stem cells, to enable the identification and tracking of those most affected by age. In the next step, these traceable cells were reprogrammed to another type of stem cell -- known as iPS cells, which can generate all cells in an individual and not only blood cells. When the cells are reprogrammed, their identity is ‟re-set"; when these reprogrammed iPS cells formed new blood stem cells, the researchers observed that the re-set had entailed a rejuvenation of the cells." -- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2 ... 101837.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

Clearly the deterioration of the body caused by aging, food, stress and so on is systemic, meaning in all organs, since the blood vessels go everywhere in the body, and those vessels when old make the stem cells act old. What is needed is a holistic approach to healing. Can mindfulness be used for making the body eat junk cells everywhere in the body during the fasting periods? With advanced meditation it's possible to increase the body temperature by using the mind.

"If body temperatures continue to drop under these conditions, death can result. But it was not long before steam began rising from the sheets. As a result of body heat produced by the monks during meditation, the sheets dried in about an hour." -- https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/ ... peratures/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If monks can raise their body temperature by using their minds it may be possible to use the mind to guide the periodic fasting. Sounds tricky though.

On the other hand, Dr. Kroemer explained (from about 11 minutes) that when they remove calorie intake for human volunteers that they see on the whole body level protein activation for autophagy occurring in all major cell types.


That's great. It means that the mindfulness part can be made easy in the periodic fasting. The body then automatically eats junk cells of all major cell types. Autophagy is the process of breaking down cells so that their content can be consumed.
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

Holy crap. In the video in my previous post they talk about how 2 days fasting for mice means at least 4 days fasting for humans. Not only that. Two days fasting for mice cause a 20% weight loss, to the point of killing the mice. :shock: Humans after 4 days of fasting only lose 1% to 2% of the weight (mentioned about 18 minutes into the video).

Only 1% loss of junk cells is fine with my method, because the fasting cycles can be repeated as many times as needed, and I believe that the effect will increase over time once the body-mind gets the hang of it. Then what about 4 days fasting needed for that? Well, I have scheduled 3 days fasting, but there is also the night before the fasting period so that makes it more than 3 days, enough for around 1% loss of junk cells in the beginning I estimate (amateurishly :)).
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

Now I'm preparing to start fasting tomorrow. I have had pizza and red wine today. Maybe not what's recommended. :lol: Anyway, I decided to use an easy mindfulness approach and trust my body and focus on the psychological suffering and the inner body awareness practice. And take it easy with water and only drink when I'm actually thirsty. I heard in a video a doctor saying that in marathon races they used to have very little water, and then they changed the regulations to have loads of water stations and some people became seriously ill after the races because of having been drinking too much water. The brain of one woman swelled so much by the water that she was unconscious for days.
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

I have now started the first fasting period (the first night). And now what to do? Obviously I tell my body before I go to sleep tonight that it should start eating junk cells instead of making me hungry in the morning. I heard that toxins are stored in fat cells, and the liver has to process those toxins to make them water soluble and then it's easy for the body to expel the toxins through urin, sweating and even pooping them out. And so I give my body the go ahead to freely expend energy on that process.
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Spiritwind »

Anders, I think it's great you started your fast. It has so many benefits, in ways that go way beyond just the food aspect of it, and you can learn so much about yourself and your own process from the experience. I know I do every time I have fasted. My biggest hurdle is myself, really, and my own mindset. But it's also like exercising a muscle, only it's a mental muscle, and that is directing your will. Sounds simple, but we all know it isn't. I can't tell you how many people have looked at me with a look I can't even really describe, and then proceed to tell me, dismissing the possibility out of hand, that they could not do it. They could not give up food under any circumstances. Anyway, kudos to you and I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes.

PS: I did add the salt water flush in the morning on three days of the fast, mixing a teaspoon of sea salt in warm water first thing in the morning. It does work, very well. Just make sure you don't have anywhere to go for a few hours. The second day I did it I waited a full four hours before I got a response and was on a road trip. Not good, is all I'm gonna say there.
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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

Oh crap, now the hunger feelings are coming. This is the first morning of the fasting period. I feel confused about not eating or planning what to eat today. I have to remind myself of what Dr. Group said in the video below from about 3 minutes, to steer my mind to water only:

"I know that there has been a lot of questions about why I am not putting apple cider vinegar or Himalayan crystal salt in the water. That's a very good question. The answer is: what I'm trying to do is what's called hardcore water fasting. In order to shut down your digestive system completely you cannot add any salt or any apple cider vinegar to the water. If you do, then it will trigger your digestive system that there may be food coming in. And the whole point of water only fasting is to shut your digestive system down completely, so your body can utilize all of its energy sources for autophagy, which is cellular regeneration and stem cell production, and seeking out and destroying and eating all of those abnormal cells. So there is lots of different types of fasting, but the hardcore water only fasting is what I'm doing. That means nothing, absolutely nothing can come into my mouth or can be added to the water, because then it's unnatural and the body recognizes that."

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Re: Mindful Fasting

Post by Anders »

Maybe what I told my body and mind before last night worked. My hunger has been fairly mild so far. But not eating food still sucks. Before going to bed this time I will allow my body to produce pleasure feelings by consuming junk cells. There are way more resources from junk cells than can be consumed in 3 days. The idea is to produce similar pleasure feelings as from sugar such as when eating candy or drinking soda.

In ancient times when people starved, their minds and bodies didn't know for how long they needed to be without food. Would they be able to find food in 1 day or would it take 30 days? A very stressful situation when there is such uncertainty. With periodic water fasting the situation is the opposite and the certainty of the process allows the body (at least in theory) to skip the preservation mode and just go feasting on junk cells at any rate.
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