Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

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Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

This was written two years ago, and highlights some of what has happened in the past, so as to “see into” what might manifest in the future. We have almost a year to see how things shape up. I’ll write more about my own take on what is to come when I have more time. As always, there are both life affirming and life negating ways for this energy to manifest, as we, the people, can influence things.

Future Predictions -When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020
Posted by jonwoodhouse on November 20, 2016

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On January 12, 2020, Saturn will conjunct Pluto at 22° Capricorn. Many astrologers are noting that a Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn can be transformative in the extreme, even potentially very destructive.

Astrologer Maurice Fernandez (published in the Dec 2015 edition of The Mountain Astrologer) – “The Saturn–Pluto cycle occurs roughly every 33 to 38 years, varying according to Pluto’s highly elliptical orbit. This meeting of forces represents, among other things, the redistribution of power in the world or, in other words, which faction will make the decisions that affect the greater collective, whether this occurs in plain sight or behind the scenes.

“From a spiritual perspective, this cycle reflects a rite of passage determining who is most qualified to be the custodian of resources, and thus regulates who will be in a position of influence. In its purest form, this cycle is one of the highest tests of integrity and morality for those in authority, along with a test of capacity and resilience. Beyond the management of power, this cycle is also about the skill to increase power and the value of resources.

“Looking back at previous cycles, we can see that a Saturn–Pluto conjunction occurred in October 1914, around the outbreak of World War I; this global conflict certainly reshuffled power dynamics by dissolving the Russian monarchy, the Ottoman Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which led to the redrawing of national borders within Europe.

1921 – 1923: Saturn square Pluto – the emergence of fascism and totalitarianism in Europe (Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler). 1939-1941 – Saturn/Pluto square occurred during World War 2. “Saturn–Pluto conjunction in 1947 saw the division between India and Pakistan and their establishment as individual. In the Middle East, Israel gained independence from the British in 1948, creating an incredibly complex power dynamic in the region.”

“The following cycle of 1982 marked a time of economic recession in the world, with the highest rate of unemployment in the U.S. since the Great Depression. It also marked the escalation of the Cold War during the Reagan years, later leading to the collapse of the Soviet bloc. Soon after the conjunction, in January 1983, the Kilauea volcano erupted in Hawaii; it has become the longest-lasting volcanic eruption, and is still flowing.”

“On January 12, 2020, Saturn conjoins Pluto at 22° Capricorn for a single, and dramatic, pass. We can expect this cycle to have an exceptionally powerful effect, from the year leading up to the conjunction and approximately two years following it. This cycle is bound to stimulate significant geopolitical dynamics that will affect the distribution of power in many structures on a global scale. Angular aspects between Saturn and Pluto are also known to reflect natural disasters, particularly seismic and volcanic activity.

“At worst, with Mars in Aries retrograding later in 2020 and squaring the Saturn–Pluto conjunction, serious political conflicts and even a global war are possible. We can expect rebellion on both the individual level (people leaving their workplace, reinventing themselves) and the collective level (worldwide protests demanding change). In light of growing separatist sentiment in the US, we may see the secession movement gaining greater momentum.”

Astrologer Robert Hand (his influential books include Planets in Composite, Planets in Transit, Planets in Youth) – “Pluto is about power, but not just any kind of power. It is the power of the transformations that result as things come into being and pass away. The planet Saturn is not usually considered a force for change. It is often seen as resisting change – as being conservative, stubborn, even reactionary. These are qualities of Saturn, to be sure, but that is not the complete story. Saturn has to do with our experience of what underlies all order and structure.

“The Saturn-Pluto combination represents crises that come about as the normal, lawful, and predictable manifestations of Saturn are challenged by the need for deep and fundamental changes in the system, which are indicated by Pluto. Saturn-Pluto change is likely to impose some kind of restriction on our freedom of movement or upon our resources.”

Richard Tarnas (a professor of philosophy and depth psychology) in his important book “Cosmos and Psyche” suggests that the Saturn-Pluto cycle “coincides with especially challenging historical periods marked by a pervasive quality of intense contraction: eras of international crisis and conflict, empowerment of reactionary forces and totalitarian impulses, organized violence and oppression, all sometimes marked by lasting traumatic effects.”

He notes how the Saturn–Pluto conjunction of 1785 to 1788 precipitated the bloody French Revolution, and how Saturn–Pluto alignments are “periods of widespread conservative, reactionary or repressive empowerment.”

He also notes they tend to be times of genocide. Back during the 410-412 conjunction the Roman Empire experienced the most intense period of barbarian invasions. Rome was sacked in August 410, when the planets were exactly 2° from alignment (the same exact 2° from alignment happened on the 9/11 attack on the US).

Writing on the impact of the 1982 conjunction and a connection with the AIDS crisis – “An important characteristic set of Saturn-Pluto themes emerged in the collective psyche in the widespread rise in fundamentalist interpretations and moralistic judgments on the epidemic of God’s righteous punishment of sin.”

This phenomenon he says closely resembled the emergence of widspread views in medieval Europe when the bubonic plague was seen as the result of God’s wrath during the Saturn–Pluto conjunction of 1380-1340. And it was seen again during the conjunction when 9/11/2001 happened and Christian fundamentalists said it was God’s punishment for moral corruption.

“The positive potential of the Saturn-Pluto archetypal complex is usually inextricably intertwined with confronting its negative manifestations—great courage in the face of darkness, danger, and death; sustained effort and determination, intense focus and discipline; moral discernment and wisdom born from experience and suffering.”

(A note on orbs (intensity) of influence. Tarnas employs a wide range from 15° to 20° while some astrologers suggest a tighter range of influence between planets of a few degrees).

Astrologer Louis Acker – The negative side of Saturn-Pluto is about as bad as it gets as it signifies planned, organized, and purposeful criminality, tyranny, and evil at the highest level. The Saturn-Pluto combination is associated with the worst abuse of power and corruption. This influence will reach its peak in 2020 when Saturn is actually conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Conjunctions, squares, and oppositions of Saturn and Pluto generally coincide with very negative and disruptive occurrences such as the beginning of WW2 and 9/11.

This Saturn-Pluto conjunction could bring about the demise of important economic, corporate, and political power structures and the downfall and disgrace of those who occupy positions of power in those institutions. Debt burdened major corporations, governments, banks, and other economic institutions could come to a grinding halt signifying the death of the old established political-economic power structure. These power structures could become even more oppressive and tyrannical as they desperately try to remain in control.
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

So, my own take and thoughts on the Saturn conjunct Pluto aspect coming up next January has to do with the role these two planets generally have and the sign they are in.

Capricorn as a sign:
Self reliant, can go it alone, rugged individualist, also tends to administrate, delegate, has to do with ambition, taking the long view, ability to persevere, have patience, exercise self restraint, or will have opportunities to develop, ruled by Saturn, connected to the tenth house of how others see you, also has to do with big business and what’s out in the open, can also indicate a lot of responsibility, and sense of hardship and challenge, limitations and boundaries, form, rigidity, time.

Saturn the planet, ditto all the above. And so we have Saturn passing through the zodiac sign it rules, which only accentuates these traits. Saturn in a natal chart indicates parental and authority figure influences, and also gives hints about the style of discipline one has experienced, whether fairly administered or harsh, which obviously influences ones own style of discipline later in life.

Myrna Lofthus in her book, A Spiritual Approach to Astrology, says of Saturn, “the basic personality function of this planet is to learn man’s purpose in life” - which, I would posit, is confounded by the negatively oriented Capricornian authority figures of today, due to their organizing/controlling agenda running direct opposition to this needed process of self discovery. In short, they don’t make it easy on us.

Pluto rules the sign Scorpio, and the eighth house.

Pluto is all about that which is hidden, powerful intense forces, volcano’s and earthquakes, birth, death, sex, inheritance and other peoples money, that which lies just below the surface, unseen and occult forces, hypnotism, explosions, violence, war, destruction, going beyond limits, intuition, darkness, strong desires, also obsessions, transformation, and regeneration (Myrna Lofthus, in her book I mentioned above, says “the basic personality function of this planet is soul growth through painful experiences.”)

There is a great deal of interesting mythology associated with Pluto. Basically, it is Pluto who rules the underworld. The more you know your true self, the better you will experience the passages of Pluto, for it will reveal even that which you perhaps may not want to see, about yourself, and the world at large. It only gains power through our resistance. And, Pluto in Capricorn, especially with Saturn passing by, would indicate a transformation of major structures in our lives, from the personal, to the more collectively experienced. That which must transform, will, but it will not be experienced the same by everyone. Resistance is futile.
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

Here is a short update from the same link that was posted shortly after I shared this article here on the forum. It’s good to revisit and refresh my memory again, as I can already feel the momentum building for next year.

Updated 2/18/2019
I felt it was important to put the Pluto/Saturn conjunction of 2020 in context with another conjunction in 2020, of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.  Kosmic Mind says a Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions represent a fusion of tradition and innovation, the melding of antagonistic desires–to maintain the status quo and yet to seek freedom from it simultaneously. These are periods where traditional systems, methods, and approaches are forced into reformation.

This conjunction is likely to correlate with economic and political policies emerging from previously alienated voices and minds, as well as the desire for liberation from the constraints of the past. While the 2020 period of Saturn/Pluto’s conjunction will likely be constraining, Jupiter and Saturn’s conjunction beyond it will help to offer up new solutions which can lead to fresh approaches to managing the economic, social, and political challenges.

Kosmic Mind says as we look beyond the Saturn/Pluto conjunction and consider Saturn’s conjunction with Jupiter, a new order will emerge from the outsiders–many geniuses, rebels, and the marginalized are likely to gain power and help shape new structures, and incredible technological innovations will help to catalyze that.
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

I know I’ve been going on and on about the first three months of next year. But for anyone paying attention, and factoring in some of this information from an astrological perspective, this is a perfect chance to learn what the likely expression of these intense array of combined energies coming up will be, and then get to experience it first hand and see what really does play out, both personally, and in the larger scheme of things. Perfect opportunity to see astrology, and the cycles and players involved in action. The following article encompasses a great deal of information, so I’m going to break it up into several posts. Very well done, I though, and gives one a lot to think about.

Saturn Conjunct Pluto: 2020 Vision: the Great Awakening Gets Real

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I. The Perfect Storm : 1.12.2020

On January 12, 2020 we have a massive astrological conjunction, all organized around the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, which were conjunct last in 1982. In other words, this is a major cycle. But, in addition, the coincidence in the conjunction of other planets on that day is quite remarkable. In this essay i would like to explore some of the possible ramifications of this conjunction, and how to get the most out of it , both individually and as a collective. Talk about a fateful day!

‘Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.’ — C.G. Jung

First of all, it is important to note that Saturn and Pluto are outer planets. Actually, Saturn is the boundary between the inner and outer planets, and Pluto is the outermost. The way I think of the outer planets, because they are so slow moving, is almost like the stage set in a theater play. I think of the inner planets as the actors in that play, performing their parts against the backdrop of the outer planets, and Saturn is kind of like the stage manager, or director. So this conjunction sets the stage for a whole new act in the play.

So many factors come together at once that it could be called a “perfect storm”. The Storm is upon us, indeed. Like a slow motion explosion, this storm will leave us in a very different landscape. It could even have meant an atomic explosion. Many feel that we have moved off of that nuclear annihilation timeline. A nuclear explosion, yes, but within the human psyche. A war? Yes, but it is a spiritual war. Could this be the “Event”? or the “compression (Saturn) /breakthrough (Pluto)”?

The Great Awakening began with the Square of Uranus in Aries (insight, truth warriors) to Pluto in Capricorn (the hidden control system) from 2009 through 2015. Many of us woke up to what has been going on behind the curtain for centuries, if not millennia. Now, as Saturn conjuncts Pluto it is time for the Great Awakening to get real. It is time to do something about it, to live it.

A Seed Moment

So this is the beginning (and end) of a long term cycle, and as such is a very important turning point for everyone. This next cycle will last until roughly 2054. So let’s navigate this moment with crystal clarity, as it will set the tone for a long time to come. This is a seed moment, right now, and each one of us plays a vital part in how it will turn out.

This conjunction takes place in Saturn’s sign as well, which is Capricorn. So there is a very strong Saturnian flavor to this conjunction.

Return of the King

Let’s cut to the chase: Is this going to be good? or bad? Well, short story: it’s up to you.

Several things are interesting to note about it, however.

First, This exact conjunction of Pluto and Saturn, in January 2020, occurs almost exactly simultaneously with the Sun in Capricorn, also conjunct both Saturn and Pluto. Only one day difference.

The chances of that happening are rare. To me, this signifies the possibility of a kind of “return of the king” moment, as in the end of the Odyssey, by Homer. The Sun is the King, and he arrives on the scene exactly as the meeting between Saturn and Pluto begins. Will he make sure that integrity is the foundation of the next cycle?

Ceres : the Harvest / Child Abduction

Second, Ceres is also, simultaneously, on the very same degree of Capricorn, so it is included in the conjunction.

Ceres is one of the asteroids, and traditionally Ceres is the goddess of the harvest, and really, the Earth mother goddess. So this is interesting to find her there in the middle of an otherwise completely male conjunction.

But the more we look into the mythological background of Ceres, the more interesting it becomes. Because in her story, she has a daughter called Persephone, who gets abducted by Pluto and taken into the underworld.

Considering the Saturnian and Plutonian energies of this conjunction to begin with, I am thinking the presence of Ceres in the exact same degree as Saturn and Pluto as being highly significant.

One of the main themes of this conjunction, which I will elaborate on later, is the pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse, kidnapping, child sex slavery issue that has become an epidemic in much of the world. As Capricorn is Saturn’s sign, and Saturn is the equivalent of Satan, this all hits pretty close to home.

And, we also notice, that the glyph for Ceres, looks very much like that of Saturn, but inverted.





Environmental Collapse

Then, when Ceres’ daughter Persephone was kidnapped, Ceres (Demeter) became so despondent that she, the great mother goddess of agriculture and the harvest, went “on strike” so to speak, and everything on earth stopped growing, crops failed, and there was nothing for everyone to eat. Sound familiar?

Another thing is, could this perhaps be a kind of “harvest” moment coming? When everyone will reap what they have sown?

The Ceres/Persephone drama is playing out here on Earth in so many ways. Could it be time for justice for the perpetrators, the perverted traitors to humanity who have been committing unspeakable atrocities on children? And could these crimes against children and against humanity be related in any way to the environmental collapse we are now enduring?

Also, Ceres (also known as Demeter) was the sister of Jupiter, or Zeus. Jupiter tried to revive her, but later we find that Jupiter had given Pluto, god of the underworld, permission to marry Persephone, without Ceres’ knowledge. After trying sending many different gods who had no luck retrieving her, Jupiter sent his son Mercury into the underworld, and he had partial success in freeing Persephone.

Oh, and did I mention that Ceres was Saturn’s daughter?

Saturn is Satan

As I’ve said before, Saturn is related to Satan. Really, pretty much one and the same, if we were to look at the lowest end of the Saturn spectrum. And Pluto is the planet that rules death. So Pluto in Capricorn is a pretty heavy load. And then add Saturn himself to the mix, in his home sign Capricorn, and we have a very intense energy to deal with.

Can you feel it these days? It’s strong, and relentless, and is taking a long time. There is a lot of crazy stuff going on. It’s pretty obvious by now that most of it is orchestrated by someone, somewhere.

Saturn is also the Goat. (think Baphomet, for example).


You mix that with the Lord of Death, Pluto, and the idea of Satan, the Opponent, and then you begin to see into what is going on “backstage”. This entire combination can add up to government that is Satanic. Pluto in Capricorn.

Sometimes Saturn is referred to as the Black Sun, or is represented too as a black cube. This is a whole huge topic in itself, worth investigating.

Now another thing to remember about Saturn, who is also referred to in Greek mythology as Kronos, is that Saturn eats his children, in particular, his sons. This painting is Ruben’s version of Saturn, or Cronus, eating his son. Apparently, Saturn ate his sons partly because he feared their power when grown men.

I know, that’s just a myth, right? It’s symbolic, i guess, like the way time (Saturn, Kronos) eats everything that he “creates” sooner or later, we all have to die, yadda yadda.

But with this Saturn/Pluto conjunction we are now having to face the very uncomfortable possibility that this is actually way more literal than we may have thought. We are beginning to find some very hard evidence that this very practice goes on in the halls of governments, in basements and in tunnels beneath our feet (Pluto/the Underworld), and has been for a very long time. And, that it is industrial in scale, an epidemic, and that human trafficking and organ harvesting is actually a huge worldwide business. This is the Taurus/Scorpio polarity at its worst: the marriage of money and death.

It’s called Satanic ritual abuse, and it is horrific. It is the kind of thing that, naturally, one just does not want to know about, and the knee jerk reaction would be simply to deny it, and pass it off as a crazy conspiracy theory.

the Apocalypse is the Unveiling

The problem is, more and more survivors are coming forward now, with horrific stories of their abuse, that was at the hands of many of the highest level people in government, politics, religion, the media, and entertainment. It is like a perfect storm coming together. The Apocalypse is upon us. And let’s remember, “apocalypse” means unveiling. Revelation, too. The truth is revealed. We get to see behind the curtain into the secret (Pluto) clubs of of the power structure “elite” (Capricorn), and it ain’t pretty.

This is a huge topic. I know, it’s strong. We don’t want to look. But I encourage you to do your own research. You will soon discover a whole movement of people doing exactly that, with the help of some very courageous whistleblowers. If you are still not seeing any of this, I urge you to WAKE UP. I am not going into a lot of detail about it because this article is going to take another direction. No point in being redundant when so many fine and courageous researchers are presenting excellent work about it online, amid very strong and increasing censorship.

So the vision for 2020 is 2020 vision. Like it or not, it is time to see, with crystal clear vision, the Truth.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”: St Paul Corinthians

Family Reunion

There’s more to the Ceres/Persephone story, but here’s what I find fascinating: ALL the characters in this drama are going to coincide exactly in mid January 2020. Even Mercury, who will be also only two degrees away from the conjunction, at 25 degrees Capricorn.

And then who passes through the exact same spot 2 1/2 months later, but Jupiter, along with Mars and the asteroid Pallas Athena, the daughter of Zeus/Jupiter. She is the goddess of warfare, wisdom, skill, and strategy, as well as Justice. And of course Mars is the god of war too.

So the first three months of 2020 are packed with symbolic energies. The whole family is getting together. Some very intense male energies, especially with Saturn and Pluto, which gives us the idea of entrenched power structures, based on fear, domination, and brutality.

However, the degree symbol in the Chandra symbols for this conjunction is a very positive one, and indicates that this can be a kind of resurrection and restoration of male energy to its higher potential.


An old priest using oil to anoint a carved stone lingam.

The masculine life-force brought to its highest expression. The wise, wakeful, fully present activation of the masculine aspect as something to be reckoned with. Formidable and directly impressive. Bearing such a pronounced potency of being that one can readily take charge of any situation. A karmically well prepared, magnificently endowed attainment. The ability to become like a God. Such intensive awareness of self that you know very well that you are standing in for God the Father as a pure vessel. Nonetheless, you are called to become the quintessential higher masculine as completely as possible to the deepest roots of your being, in order to make a difference and to bring the shared energy and attention to a focal point of the true central clarity and meaningful direction onward from here.

This degree symbol, plus the presence of the Sun (as in the Return of Ulysses) will lend a very positive male energy to the mix, especially if we can rise to the occasion and demonstrate these qualities in action in our own lives.
It is time to get straight.

Uranus in Taurus Stationary/Direct

One other part of the equation that is worth noting is that Uranus, which is now in early Taurus, and is retrograde as of this writing, turns direct the day before the conjunction. I find this also to be an auspicious sign, as one could consider Uranus in Taurus as the new (Uranus innovation, disruption and change) financial system (Taurus rules money).

Is it time for the global banking cartel to fail? We can “follow the money” involved in SO many of the world’s most dire problems, and we always come back to the transnational financiers, the banksters. Of course, whatever happens, it is bound to be a struggle, a face-off of some sort.

Even though this can be a much needed positive change, all of the factors involved could add up to something quite hellish too. That’s why I say, it depends on you. And me, and each one of us. We are going to have to stand up to the totalitarian tiptoe with our totality.

the Spectrum of Consciousness

As with all astrological configurations, there is a myriad of interpretations for any one aspect, sign, planet, or combination, and interpretations can vary considerably depending on one’s level of consciousness. In this case we will be looking a lot at the combination of Saturnian and Plutonic energies, and this combination has a huge spectrum of ways it can manifest.

The I Ching always distinguishes between the “superior man” and the “inferior man”. So, what does that mean? Are some people “better” than others? Well, I’d say this just refers to frequency or resonance. If we look at the work of Dr. David Hawkins, he has developed a way, with kinesiology, to calibrate the frequencies of states of consciousness on a scale from 1 to 1000. At the low end we have things like fear, guilt, envy, anger, and so forth, and the top end goes up through love, to bliss, to enlightenment, with 1000 calibrating to Christ Consciousness.


Levels of consciousness: Dr. David Hawkins

My contention is that an aspect like Saturn and Pluto conjunct, or any other aspect between planets, will have a completely different quality for someone at the high end of the spectrum, than at the low end. This idea that an astrological aspect means one thing and one thing only is preposterous. Are we at cause or at effect? Those at cause will tend toward the high end, realizing that their state of consciousness has everything to do with the quality of their world. So, obviously, the more of us we can get at the high end of the spectrum, the better the “real-world” manifestation will be.

The Toxic Masculine

At the bottom of the consciousness spectrum I would say the Saturn/Pluto combination manifests as totalitarian control. This degenerates into cruel torture, brutality, slavery, and benefiting and profiting from the suffering and deaths of others. And with the Ceres story mixed in, abduction and rape can be part of the mix, or at least the exposure of it. Also the Saturn/Pluto combination can bring things like fascism, dictatorships of all sorts, controlled by brutal psychopaths.

Is that the future we choose? We do have a choice, you know…My own feeling is, we have had way more than enough of the toxic masculine, and that this is the moment for men of integrity (Saturn) to step forward.

The Actual Man

At the top of the spectrum of consciousness what i see in the Pluto/Saturn combination is the actual man. Someone who has true authority from knowing themselves, someone who commands respect (Saturn) authentically, out of true integrity (Saturn). Saturn and Pluto combined makes me think of the wise elder who has awakened to his true shamanic power, and who has integrated the shadow by being the Light Itself. Such a man is a “Sourcerer” to use a term coined by the Toltec teacher Mark Cloudfoot Gershon. Someone who is “at cause”, a master of his own destiny and fate, who acts without karmic consequence, free of attachment to results.

The Pluto influence would suggest this shamanic quality, as someone who is a master (Capricorn) of navigating the unseen realms, resurrecting the dead (Pluto), healing (Pluto) the sick, and protecting the good beings who usually always get the shaft.

Be Christed

We could also think of the actual man as one who embodies the Christ Consciousness, someone who is “Christed”. My view is that Jesus was trying to tell us that this condition of his, Christ Consciousness, (or Christos in Gnostic terminology) is the direct connection to the Transcendental Divine, and that it is each one’s inevitable destiny. The idea that he “died for our sins” on the cross, is a way to postpone having to go through the entire process ourselves, for real. To me, the crucifixion is more a metaphor for how it feels to be Infinite and in a limited body at the same time.

But there’s no way around it, it was really just the torture/sacrifice of an enlightened being, which is something that has happened way too many times, in countless different ways, on this planet, and is nothing to be worshipped and re-enacted.

So, in short, be a Christ, not just a Christian. Some refer to this as being “anointed”. I’ve written more about it here:

Savior Self: the resurrection of bliss
So I submit that Saturn and Pluto together, at the high end, would be the actual man, or the I Ching’s superior man. Saturn’s positive side is like a good father. Strong and effective, but also nurturing and protective to his family. “Like a king he approaches his family” says the I Ching. This man will be respected in the community, not because people are afraid of him, but because they love him. He treats them with kindness, but is not a doormat. He has boundaries, but they are intelligent boundaries, that can tell the difference between people and situations that drain his energy without a reciprocal offering, and relationships and people who are supportive and empathetic. Like a healthy cell in the body. This is Capricorn, with the Cancer polarity integrated seamlessly. It is not something that has to be done, as in some kind of “behavior modification”, but rather arises spontaneously when one has relaxed into the zero point awareness of their own Divinity. The ability to respond.

So this is our present opportunity. How will we meet this conjunction?

Cooperation is Electric

And women will have to change, too. With the North Node in Cancer, and the two asteroids present in the conjunction, women will learn how to be warriors, AND nurturing compassionate beings at the same time. Our Central Intelligence is beyond gender. It is our Infinite Intelligence beyond duality. It is Pure Radiance, which lights up the faces and the eyes of man and woman alike. Let’s face it, right and left, male and female, are complementary energies. The light is only generated when the polarities integrate, resolve the opposition, to create the current. Cooperation is electric. And with the light comes Illumination. WE are the Actual Illuminati, let’s face it!

IA: Pluto in Capricorn / Deep State / the Cult of Corporate Control

Here’s what comes to mind for me. Saturn, and Capricorn, have to do with the structure of society, government, politics, dominant top-down systems of control, and so forth. Now, the Pluto part of the equation has to do with what is hidden, occult, and the underworld.

So one obvious interpretation, at the low end of the spectrum, if we mix the two (Pluto and Saturn), is a government that is hidden, or secret.

So this immediately brings to mind the whole concept of the “deep state” which has been coming more and more into the public eye of late. Now this term is a hot button, that provokes a lot of reactivity, it is often called a “conspiracy theory”, but i ask you: did you ever notice how, no matter who gets elected, they never do what they promise to do? And have you noticed that, no matter who gets elected, the wars and suffering continue? The money enslavement system reigns supreme, and the lies continue unabated. So much so, that now many people are shocked and outraged when presented with the truth, because they are so used to being fed lies, that the truth feels like an insult.

Really it takes almost zero research, especially nowadays, to find actual proof, all of it in verifiable public records, that this idea of a hidden government, of trans-national (beyond accountability to any country) origin, has been steering events on Planet Earth for a long time. Centuries, millennia even.

I have also noticed that people who refuse to even consider this idea of an occult control system/government are way more confused by world events than those who are willing to at least accept the possibility of a hidden government as a premise, and to do some digging into events, both current and past, with an open mind, to find out if it could actually be the truth. Once you begin to see the connections, suddenly it all becomes very clear, that most of the suffering on Earth is caused on purpose, through puppets whose strings are being pulled by some very dubious “characters” and entities from behind the scenes.

And, upon further research, you begin to see the scope, depth, and sheer depravity of this secret cult of control. They will literally stop at nothing to maintain their grip. If necessary, they will destroy the entire planet. Life means nothing to them.
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

Part 2 (Saturn Conjunct Pluto)

Pluto in Capricorn: the cult of government

So for this essay I am going to be thinking of Pluto in Capricorn as the Deep State. Although this term is fairly recent, the phenomenon itself has been going on for a very long time. It is nothing new. Some people refer to it as the New World Order, or Illuminati. But whatever it is called, it is obvious, (is it not?) that there is an agenda behind the curtain, and what we are witnessing on the world stage is a drama, a pre-scripted drama of untold and unnecessary suffering, done (dare i say it?) ON PURPOSE.

Dare we say it? Is government a cult? Well, with Pluto in Capricorn, that could very well be the case, quite literally. But upon further research, we find that this cult has been operating in various evolving forms since way before any of us were born. The idea that this “deep state” is something new, and therefore a “baseless conspiracy theory”, is not borne out upon closer inspection.

And one of the best ways to trace this is to look back through some of the previous Saturn/Pluto conjunctions, as well as oppositions.

Pluto-Saturn cycles: a history of totalitarian control vs enlightenment

1518: Saturn Conjunct Pluto
This is the last time Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn, the same sign as they are now. Two months before the conjunction is when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg and began the Protestant Revolution, also known as the Reformation.

1750: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
Industrial Revolution begins

1786: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
Kant’s What is Enlightenment
1789: end of “age of enlightenment”
French Revolution
1787: US Constitution

1802: Saturn opposite Pluto
Ralph Waldo Emerson birth 1803

1818: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
birth of Thoreau 1817
birth of Karl Marx 1818

1833: Saturn opposite Pluto:
Transcendentalist movement: Emerson, Thoreau 1820s and 30s

1851: Pluto Saturn and Uranus conjunction:
1848: original publication of the Communist Manifesto – Marx and Engels
Marx himself had Pluto and Saturn almost conjunct in his birth chart of 1818. the actual conjunction took place in 1820.
1854: Thoreau publishes “Walden”: the “Walden Years” were 1845-1850
1851-1864: The Taiping Rebellion – Self-proclaimed prophet Hong Xiuquan revolted against the Qing Dynasty with his Christian cult the God Worshiping Society. Spurred on by visions, Hong rampaged across China, taking Nanjing in 1852, which he governed for 12 years. Hong was found poisoned in 1864. The conflict claimed at least 20 million lives.

1867: Saturn opposite Pluto:
aftermath of The Civil War, USA
Canada formally begins as a nation
Mexican independence from French
Marx writes “Das Kapital” Although Karl Marx did not create the word, it was after his work “Das Kapital” (1867) when the term “capitalism” began to be widely used to describe an economic system based on private property as the means of production.

1883: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
death of Marx: first German edition of the Communist Manifesto first electric light bulb invented around this time, 1st telephone call NY to Chicago
Northern Pacific RR last spike
US/Brazil telegraph
1884 Tesla moved to US
1888 – Tesla’s demonstration of his induction motor and Westinghouse’s subsequent licensing of the patent, both in 1888, came at the time of extreme competition between electric companies.
Early 1880s: the courtship and marriage of Sigmund Freud and Martha Bernays.

1899: Saturn opposite Pluto:
1898 – The United States Military Government in Cuba was a provisional military government in Cuba that was established in the aftermath of the Spanish–American War in 1898 when Spain ceded Cuba to the United States.
1899: The Boxer Rebellion – Under the rule of Empress Dowager Cixi, the secret society the Harmonious Fist began slaughtering foreigners. Known as the Boxers, they won Empress Dowager’s support when eight European countries sent troops. China lost the conflict, and the West imposed sanctions that permanently weakened Qing rule.
1899 – 1st known use of the word “automobile”, appears in an editorial in The New York Times

1914: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
World War 1

1931: Saturn opposite Pluto:
The Great Depression
1931: Civil War in China – Fighting between the Red Army and the Nationalist Party escalates into an 18-year-long conflict. (China)

1947: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
1945: end of WW2 and beginning of UN
1947: beginning of CIA, Tavistock Institute, and International Monetary Fund (IMF)

1966: Saturn opposite Pluto:
Summer of Love, psychedelics, Vietnam War
1966: The Cultural Revolution in China – This campaign was initiated by Chairman Mao to erase Capitalist and traditional Chinese influences of the People’s Republic and introduce the philosophy of Maoism to fill the ideological gaps. Schools were closed and Chinese youth directed to take the lead in change, resulting in youth gangs known as the Red Guards attacking undesirable citizens. Chaos led to martial law, Communist Party purges, and 1.5 million deaths.

1982: Saturn conjunct Pluto:
beginnings of the personal computer and the internet. TCP/IP

2001: Saturn opposite Pluto:
9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, New York

the Atheistic / Saturnian Roots of Communism
It is interesting to see how many Saturn/Pluto aspects have had to do with the development of communism, but it is really just about top-down control systems, and occult based totalitarian power structures. You know, the pyramid scheme of pseudo power. And if you trace these systems back far enough, you always come to the same character(s), pulling the strings. Just follow the money.

So let’s not fall into the kind of thinking that says: if you don’t like communism, you must be a capitalist, or vice versa. Haven’t we exhausted the possibilities of both of those systems? Do we have to keep repeating the past? Haven’t we seen the inherent failure of both models, for different reasons?

And it is becoming increasingly clear that both communism and capitalism are controlled by above, by the supra-national banking cartel. These banksters are without loyalty to any ideology. They go with whatever brings them the most return, and to back both sides of a conflict is one of their favorite practices. Saturn/Pluto all the way.

“You say that Marxism is the very antithesis of capitalism, which is equally sacred to us. It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites to one another, that they put into our hands the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis.” – Loeb banker Otto Kahn

How about something entirely new? How about holocracy? Have you heard of that? I hadn’t, until yesterday. Or holographic society? Sacred economics? Have you heard of these ideas? These are 5th density ideas, which we won’t even notice, until we free ourselves from 3rd density limited awareness (duality, basically).

One huge problem with the top-down control system is that it does not allow these new possibilities to take root, especially ones that will truly support actual freedom. The system/matrix is not inherently creative, and always replicates itself in synthetic versions, with fancy names, that just perpetuate slavery and suffering, and keep the pyramid in place. And any truly new ideas or inventions that would empower the people, are immediately crushed and suppressed, or else co-opted with a synthetic, imitation version of the real thing. Or, they are kept from the people, but used by the power structure as a weapon.

This really requires nuanced thinking, like: it is one thing to be against organized religion, and another thing altogether to be in denial of Divinity. Isn’t it obvious that organized religion is part of the top-down hierarchical control system? And isn’t it equally obvious that the Divine Reality is undeniably ever-present?

To try to force people to believe something, or to try to force them to not believe in something, goes hand in hand with the tendency humans have to place the authority outside of themselves. Authoritarian power structures can’t function without this kind of consent from humans.

If you think about it, atheism is very Saturnian, as the basic tenet of atheism is that only what you see and perceive with the senses is real. So Saturn, the physical manifestation, is all there is. There is no greater Divine Reality beyond it all. And therefore it coincides with the Satanic in that way.

Even the communist symbol gives away the Saturnian connection:
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

This was a really really long article, and I’ve been holding off posting the rest because I may not be able to post the images with it at the moment. Both our laptops are out of commission, and it’s really hard to do with the iPad. I’ll try, but no guarantees. There’s two more parts to it after this, and, for those interested in astrology and cycles and “reading the energies” to get an idea of how they might manifest in your life, and the world at large, it’s quite informative.

Here’s the link again so you can reference the images for now: https://kitwalkermusic.wordpress.com/20 ... 2Ncub9kowo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Part 3 (Saturn Conjunct Pluto)

Karl Marx
One would just have to take a closer look at the “father of communism”, Karl Marx, to see the Saturn/Pluto combination in action, in his birth chart.

Apparently his personal life was a complete mess. More details in the link below. Quite fascinating, actually, it gave me a bit of a “Wizard of Oz moment” to see how the ideas of this really quite dysfunctional “man behind the curtain” could become so influential in this world, even today.

Obviously, none of us has met the man personally, and there is plenty written about Marx in a positive light. I tend to distrust “officially sanctioned” history, though, since as we know, history is written by the victors. And I just can’t help but equate this story of his personal life to the results of his ideas in the “real world”. Communism seems to be just a magnified version of his disastrous personal life, if what is written in the following article about him is true.

Grouchy Marx
So I think it’s probably safe to say this character was towards the toxic masculine end of the spectrum. His birth chart, as well, has Saturn in a wide conjunction to Pluto, in Pisces. Among many other problems, apparently he was alcoholic (Pisces), which opens one up to all kinds of parasitic and negative entities. And, it is ironic that the author of Das Kapital, all about money, (and really a definitive work on capitalism, oddly enough) had Sun and Moon conjunct the north node in Taurus, the sign that rules money. He obviously had something to learn about money, but by many accounts, his personal financial life was a complete disaster. With South Node in Scorpio, his past habits dragged him back into self-destructiveness, and using the resources and money of others.


Karl Marx birth chart
Also we notice that the Pluto Saturn conjunction in his chart is square to a Neptune Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius near the midheaven. Of course this can have a wide spectrum of ways it could manifest, but because he was unable to accept Divinity, I’m afraid this massive square probably manifested as a self-possessed misanthrope more than anything. Fits of inspiration perhaps, obviously an over-developed intellect, overblown and grandiose ideals, but devoid of heart force, thus disconnected from the human reality. Certainly, he does not come across as a happy or loving human being.

Marx of the Beast
Although Marx was genetically Jewish, in his young life he was Christian, but gradually migrated to the atheistic side, and even the Satanic side. Did he make the Faustian bargain somewhere along the line? Did he sign “the contract”? (Saturn rules contraction, and i daresay the Saturn/Pluto combination could definitely be the territory of the Faustian bargain.)

Although we probably won’t find much about Marx’s Satanic leanings in the socially accepted literature about Marx, there does exist a book, written in 1976, called “Marx and Satan”, by Richard Wurmbrand. From the foreword:

“Marx began life in a God-fearing family. It is documented that he was once a Christian. But a drastic change at some point in his life led Karl Marx to a deep personal rebellion against God and all Christian values. Eventually, he became a Satan worshipper who regularly participated in occult practices and habit. By examining Marx’s poetry, plays, correspondence, and biographical account, Richard Wurmbrand builds a convincing case for Marx’s undeniably Satanic preference. Marx’s own statements expose him as a hater of God, and therefore, a hater of God’s creatures-those who have suffered under Marxism and communism. Wurmbrand, who was imprisoned for 14 years in Europe for his outspoken views against communism, urges Christians not to be duped by Marxism’s benevolent disguise as a mere political or economic theory. He reveals the true root of Marxist thinking so that Christians will recognize the evil therein and stand against it. Having been a prisoner of the Communist government in Romania, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand has thoroughly researched his subject and seen its effects firsthand. “

you can see the book for yourself here: https://www.academia.edu/37075048/Marx_ ... Wurmbrandt" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Kapital Matrix
Also what I find quite curious indeed is the idea that although Karl Marx did not create the word, it was after his work “Das Kapital” (1867-Saturn opposite Pluto) when the term “capitalism” began to be widely used to describe an economic system based on private property as the means of production. Even a brief look into this book reveals an obsession with “things”. Some of the most dry and boring reading I have ever seen. I just don’t see how it qualifies as “philosophy”.

And, for someone supposedly against capitalism and materialism, he sure had capitalism down. Somehow, everything reduced to a commodity to be used. Strictly material plane. (Taurus) That’s my “uneducated” impression at this point.

So in a certain sense, we can thank Karl Marx for the two atrocious choices we now find ourselves thinking we have to choose from today: capitalism and communism. Did he invent them both? At the very least, he was a useful tool for the banksters, by helping to set up this capitalism vs communism dichotomy with which humanity has been struggling for a long time. It seems that communism came about really more as a manufactured reaction to capitalism, in order to keep humanity divided, rather than a valid alternative.

But let’s notice how similar the two ideologies are: both parasitic, both set up to benefit the small minority at the top, and both controlled from the top down. Marx’s “solutions” were always to be implemented by “the state”. There must be a better way to go, but am going to venture a guess that whatever it is, it won’t end in “ism”.

Henry David Thoreau
Just for comparison, let’s check the birth chart of Henry David Thoreau. Notice that he has virtually the same square as Karl Marx, (as they were born less than a year apart) the Saturn Pluto in a wide conjunction, in the first house, square the Neptune Uranus conjunction at the midheaven. (Both have Aquarius ascendant, only 3 degrees different.) Interesting to note how differently this very powerful and volatile aspect manifested in the lives and legacies of these two men.

Henry David Thoreau birth chart

Thoreau was very close with Ralph Waldo Emerson, (both were Transcendentalists,) who outlived him, even though older, and one can get a beautiful insight into the character of Thoreau from Emerson’s touching and poetic eulogy of Thoreau at his funeral, published in full here: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/ar ... au/306418/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
“he had the source of poetry in his spiritual perception” – Emerson

Definitely seems of a much different frequency than Marx, much higher up in the spectrum of consciousness.

What I find interesting in the comparison of Marx and Thoreau is this very strong internal struggle (square) both of them had, between Saturn/Pluto (the “dark side”), and Uranus/Neptune (enlightenment). Seems to me, in Marx’s case, the dark side won out, and in Thoreau’s case, the force of enlightenment. Although Thoreau was very austere (Saturn/Pluto), and wasn’t very good with money either, he applied that austerity to himself first in true humility, forging a very practical kind of spirituality, and was no stranger to silence and the stillness of Nature. In his case, the Saturn influence manifested as a very deep integrity, one who would walk his talk, and obviously first and foremost a true lover of Planet Earth. This is just my impression, for what it’s worth.
Now, back to the topic at hand.

Saturn conjunct Pluto: 1947
If we even go two cycles back, to the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Leo of 1947 we find some fascinating evidence. In 1947 we were just coming out of World War 2, so the previous Saturn Pluto cycle of war, including the atomic bomb (ruled by Pluto), and we came into “peace time” supposedly, with this new phase at the conjunction.

All conjunctions between any pair of planets are the equivalent to a new moon, where the moon conjuncts the Sun, each month. In this case it the pair is Pluto and Saturn. The new moon is the beginning of the cycle. An interesting thing to note about new moons, and therefore all conjunctions, is that at a new moon we don’t see the moon. It is conjunct the Sun, and it takes a few days for the moon to separate enough from the Sun to be able to be seen, which at first comes in the form of a crescent, very thin.

So lets apply this same principle with this conjunction. Whereas at the opposition, or full moon phase, the culmination is very obvious to all to see, as the full moon at night, at the new moon we will find that events beginning at the conjunction will take some time to become visible, much like a seed that first sprouts underground and takes some time before it is visible above ground.

The Central Intelligence Agency & Tavistock Institute
So I was looking for some events of 1947 that began quietly, underground, and only later began to be visible. Imagine my surprise when I found out that 1947 was the year that two VERY influential organizations began, within a few days of each other:

The Central Intelligence Agency, and the Tavistock Institute. As well, of course, as the United Nations, which began around that time too.

The first, the CIA, is much more visible, in a sense, than the Tavistock Institute, which is in London, but they are very much connected, and have had a profound effect on world events since then. And I am really hard pressed to find a way to explain any of those effects as positive for any of us, except in ways that I am sure were not intended.

As I love to decode the meanings of words, I find the name of this Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, to be nothing but a cruel joke, a bitter deception played on us all. More about that later.

Here is the chart of the “birth” of the CIA. Note the almost exact Pluto Saturn conjunction in Leo.


CIA “birth”chart

And, as well, the formation of Israel happened under this same Saturn Pluto conjunction, May 14, 1948. Note the Saturn Pluto conjunction, near the midheaven, in Leo. The Moon and Mars are there in Leo as well, all square the Taurus Sun. There’s Taurus again, like Marx. Definitely some control issues! Make of this what you may, it is just worth pointing out this influence in the astrology of Israel.


Israel “birth” chart

Social Engineering
If you are still on the fence about whether or not there is a “Deep State”, I encourage you to research into the beginnings of the CIA, because even though it officially began in 1947, it is often overlooked, just HOW they began, and who was involved.

Simple to explain. Most of us know that many Nazi officials and scientists after the war were invited to the US to start this organization, and that’s where the warning buzzers begin to go off. Say what?? look it up: Operation Paperclip. It is right on the official CIA website.

As it turns out, many of the world’s “intelligence agencies” began at the same time, and are all connected behind the scenes, with the purpose of steering world events in a particular direction. For more details on exactly how it was done, I recommend this video from the excellent citizen journalist from Canada, “Amazing Polly”:


the 60s/ Summer of Love/Haight
Anyway, let’s take a look at what happened at the Saturn Pluto opposition that followed that conjunction. it was in 1965 roughly, and Uranus was conjunct Pluto as well, making it particularly volatile. So what happened then? The 60s! The sex drugs and rock and roll, the Vietnam war, psychedelics, the foundations of the New Age movement, spiritual cults, so on and so forth.
I recommend research as well into the 60s and the involvement of both the CIA and the Tavistock Institute, which is a “think tank” which is behind most of the fashion, trends, music, arts, politics, and so forth. The term for it is social engineering.


a Tavistock “creation”, from 1966

Have you noticed how these words like “hippie” for example, just suddenly miraculously appear at a certain moment? Or social movements such as “punk”. Unfortunately there is a lot of evidence to show that all these trends are manufactured, in “think tanks” such as the Tavistock Institute (the “mother of all think tanks”), and the herd follows suit. “The trend for this year is such and such.” Didn’t you always wonder just where all these fashion and entertainment trends came from? Who thought all these things up?

And, really?? The Summer of Love took place on Haight Street?? I never could get over that one.

Fracturing the Mind with Trauma
Once one begins research into the methods of the CIA and Tavistock, one begins to see the level at which their secret programs have been working, and the torture and ritual abuse are one of their mainstay practices for fracturing the minds of people, breaking them so to speak. Don’t believe me? Look it up. It’s never been easier to do research than it is now. There’s no excuse for being uninformed now.

So we can see that these two organizations began in relative secrecy in 1947, and then the fruits began to manifest towards the opposition in the mid 60s. And then, as the opposition waned, we could see the derailing of the hippie movement, and its ultimate collapse, as these horrific scandals with the likes of Charles Manson and Altamont (both in 1969) overshadowed the loving component, which just didn’t have the warrior’s backbone embedded. The hippies were too drug-addled to really see what was happening, and, as the internet didn’t exist yet, the narrative was controlled by the corporate media for the most part.

By the time the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 1982 rolled around, we had pretty much given up on the hippie lifestyle, and most of the hippies became “yuppies” (where did that term originate?) got jobs and houses and mortgages, had kids, and relegated peace and love to the back burner.

Conspirator’s Hierarchy : The Committee of 300
for a deep dive on this subject, you can read the entire book, from 1991, of John Coleman here:

https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad- ... .300.R.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

and note that this pdf download of the book is hosted on the CIA’s website! Hidden in plain sight.

“All information that I provide in this book comes from years of research backed up by impeccable intelligence sources. Nothing is exaggerated. It is factual and precise so do not fall into the trap set by the enemy that this material is “disinformation.” For the past two decades I have provided information which has proved to be highly accurate and which has explained a lot of puzzling events. My hope is that through this book, a better, clearer and wider understanding of the conspiratorial forces ranged against this nation will come about. That hope is being realized as more and more young people are beginning to ask questions and seek information about what is REALLY going on. It is difficult for people to comprehend that these conspirators are real and that they have the power I and many others have attributed to them. Many have written to ask how it is that our government does nothing about the terrible threat to civilization? The problem is that our government is PART of the problem, part of the conspiracy, and nowhere and at no time has this become more clearly evident than during the Bush Presidency. Of course President Bush knows precisely what the Committee of 300 is doing to us. HE WORKS FOR THEM. Others have written to say, “We thought we were fighting the government.” Of course we are, but behind government stands a force so powerful and all-encompassing that intelligence agencies are even afraid to mention the name “Olympians.” Proof of the Committee of 300 is found in the vast number of powerful institutions owned and controlled by it. Listed here are some of the more important ones, all of which come under the MOTHER OF ALL THINK TANKS AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS, THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS with its far-flung network of hundreds of “branches.”

Saturn Pluto conjunction 1982
And so, continuing on, inquiring minds want to know: what was cooking secretly behind the scenes in 1982, and the period shortly before and after that?
Well, it was the personal computer, and the internet. Although the first commercially available Apple computer to really catch on with the public was in 1984, (was George Orwell in on something? ) we can see that it was being cooked up for a number of years before that at least, including the marginally successful Apple II, in the late 70s.

Also the TCP/IP protocol, upon which the internet is built, was being developed in those years, and came together in January 1983. Of course, the internet didn’t really get going for a while after that, but there again, it is like the seed sprouting underground, and then later pushing above into the light.

The internet began as ARPANET in the mid 60s. This looks to have been at first part of the government, but one can speculate that this idea of total control and surveillance, “1984” style, was already in the works. Interesting that it was just getting off the ground in 1984.

So it is likely that the internet, and the personal computer, were part of a larger plan, which is really beginning to consolidate now, of total surveillance. One only has to look at the phenomenon of the newly emerging 5G Social Credit Score in China to see where this is headed.

the Silver Lining
But what they may not have foreseen is the amount of positives that would emerge from the internet, including the availability of SO much information to everyone, about virtually everything. The joke is, the surveillance society cuts both ways, so that these days, it is really almost impossible to keep a secret. And this is a huge problem for those whose deceptive work is predicated on maintaining secrecy. They may have arrogantly thought that they could spy on everyone without the camera being turned on them, but now everyone has a movie camera with them at all times.

So this brings us to the idea that each one of these Saturn Pluto cycles has a positive side too, most likely an unintended consequence by the controllers (Saturn Pluto). The late 60s brought a lot of positive changes in society too, and those of us who navigated the 60s without too much damage were able to build on that in many ways that has led to a more grounded and practical spiritual movement, based on real truth.

Totalitarian Tiptoe
So this cycling of Saturn and Pluto seems to coincide with the promotion of some kind of totalitarian agenda, and we can see the endgame coming into view: world government, world domination. So many of the things that were initiated at the conjunctions, and the events that happened at the oppositions, like the attack on 9/11, start to reveal an overarching and multi-generational plan, being carefully and ruthlessly built at great cost to humanity and the planet. It is hard to imagine a good end result to this plan. It seems to end really, in the complete destruction of everything and everyone, except a few billionaire cyborgs in their fortified underground bunkers, eating their Soylent Green, and engrossed in some virtual reality video game technology.

But we also see an evolution of the “silver lining” to this cloud, which included the invention of the electric light, for example. The compression of Saturn and Pluto always seems to lead to some kind of breakthroughs too.

Perhaps this time around, we will ALL re-connect our multi-dimensional circuitry, and realize the Light that we each are. And that will include realizing that we are not alone, and that this current battle is being waged as well on a higher level beyond Earth in 3D, and has been for some time. I have a feeling our minds are going to be blown at the scope, both negative AND positive.

There again, the word “totalitarian” has the solution embedded within it. Be TOTAL. In other words: WAKE UP. FOR REAL. No one can do it for you. And you will produce a kind of reverberant shockwave that will affect the morphogenetic field in ways much more powerful than you can imagine now.

But will you do the Work? (Capricorn is work, discipline). If you do not control your own mind, someone else will.
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

This came out before the end of the year. I feel this is an appropriate time to review what has been, is, and what may be happening in our future, astrologically speaking. Uncanny, if you ask me! As I already knew, without any look at the “stars”, we’re in for a rough ride ahead. Good to be as informed as possible. We already know those who work against the “people” use astrology to time “their events”. Easier to prepare, if you have an inkling of the landscape you’re about to enter ahead of time (even though we are already smack dab in it).

2020 Horoscope



The 2020 horoscope is truly apocalyptic. 2020 Will be the most crucial year for (what used to be called) “western civilization” since 1945. This is for several reasons, of which the planned total 5G pollution of every spot on Earth is the most insane, actual and deadly threat for every living organism. I must however emphasize that “apocalyptic” does not mean “disaster”, but a time of total confrontation that cannot be escaped. A Saturn-Pluto conjunction squared by Eris is catalysing the already existing tension field between the politicians and the civilians world wide. The result of this confrontation can only go in one direction or another. 

I will analyse the 2020 new year chart step by step, after first explaining what a mundane astrological prognose is all about – and what it’s not about. I will include asteroids and dwarf planets as they provide us with crucial details and vital extras. Although the outcome of this article outlines the general tensions of 2020, my main goal is not to play the role of doom-prophet, but to give you a glimpse of a decipher-process: How exactly were the astrological conclusions in this article drawn, and where do we stand with our free will when this divine quality of our soul seems to contrast with the term “prediction”?

The last decade again and again people have posted fantasies about the end of the world, based on what they called “very rare alignments of planets”. I’ve practised astrology for over 35 years and never used the term alignment, because it isn’t an astrological term, but a nonsense word invented by non-astrologers. The social media are plagued with Blood Moon doom-posts and Galactic gates mumbo jumbo and the more popular, the more ridiculous they usually are.

Astrology is a very complex science/art, based on a non-mainstream concept of science and mundane astrology, i.e. astrology that is used for “predicting” worldly events, has the highest level of difficulty. Technically it is now possible to create astonishing accurate predictions, using the western astrological system, upgraded with asteroids. However such a report would take months of hard work to create – despite the use of computer speed. This because the astrologer should not only look at the New Year-chart, but at the chart of every day of 2020 and include asteroids, black lights, midpoints and fixed stars. Also the last eclips predating the new year would have to be examined i.e. we would have to thoroughly analyse 365+ charts in the highest mode of complexity.  A more general outline however is very well possible. And these more general outlines are the kind of “predictions” I’m also restricted to.

Why is 2020 horoscope a time bomb in relation to whistle-blowers? Whistle-blowers play an important role in 2020, but contrary to the Alex Jones-type, these are whistle-blowers of the Edward Snowden category, who disrupt the system from the inside, directly or indirectly.

The big question of course, is whether it is possible to say something definite about 2020 that, without any doubt can be expected this year to happen. I will not disappoint you, nor will many of my professional colleagues, because a transiting Black Moon on the Ariespoint combined with a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the New Years chart in Capricorn, the sign of the status quo, the governments and officials, the institutes and institutions, the old collusion-  system and its patterns and habits, is what we call a give away. And as an astrologer specialized in asteroids, I can safely ad “We can be damn sure the “fireworks” won’t stop after New Years Eve!” This because Saturn is sandwiched between Arawn (a quasi-satellite of Pluto, moving in an almost identical orbit) and Pluto, while both Saturn and Pluto are conjunct 2001 KF77 (a hot headed whistleblower-asteroid of the Centaur-class), while Eris squares this four-double conjunction in Aries. Eris is a so called Scattered Disc Object (SDO), almost as big as Pluto, and often dominant in huge disasters and the charts of warmongers – and wars or ongoing conflicts.

To illustrate the paragraph above a bit: Alex Jones has a wagon load of 2001 KF77 in his birth chart and Hillary Clinton, whose presidential campaign was sponsored by 97% of the weapon and war industries world wide – because of her marketing skills to promote preemptive wars and genocidal conflicts – is pretty much soaked in Eris. This means that 2001 KF77 is the most interesting player in this configuration on the positive side. If I would approach the 2020 horoscope traditionally (this is what heaven looks like and deal with it!) this Centaur is in fact our only hope. Translated in normal language, 2001 KF77 in the centre of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction squared by Eris (offering unbearable extra pressure to this tension field) means that whistle-blowers play an important role in 2020. But contrary to the Alex Jones-type, these are whistle-blowers of the Edward Snowden category, who disrupt the system from the inside, directly or indirectly.

What is the chilling relation between the 2020-horoscope and the World War I chart?

The good thing is, we will not be bored by 2020. The bad thing is, Eris (dominant not only in Hillary, but also in the Fukushima disaster) and Saturn were in a very tight square-aspect (90 degrees, denoting conflict and tension) on the day World War I started, on July 28, 1914. (Saturn in 27 Gemini 16’48” in coming square Eris in 27 Pisces 32’52” Rx). A conjunction Saturn-Pluto (1 Cancer 27’32”) was within a 4 degree orb, thus weak, and became exact on October 4, 1914 at 18:25:49 UT, whereby Saturn and Pluto (2 Cancer 13’39”) were conjunct the asteroid Verdun. The first important historical event of a series of preludes of political events that lead directly to World War I, was the The Triple Alliance, an agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. It was formed on May 20, 1882 and at that day Saturn was conjunct Neptune (gas, infections) and sextile Eris.

World War I took the lives of over 7 million civilians as a direct result of the war, while resulting  genocides and the 1918 influenza pandemic caused another 50 to 100 million deaths worldwide.

The sign Cancer rules the civilian(s) as opposed to Capricorn which rules the officials, the governments, the state, the ruling system. So, just like on the day of the outbreak of World War I, we have this Saturn-Pluto conjunction (within one degree at 00:00 hours 2020!) plus we have in both cases an exact Eris-square (within one degree) to Saturn (and Pluto). But, and this is the big difference, the epicentre (Saturn-Pluto) is in Capricorn, so the imminent catastrophe of this configuration, is most likely a catastrophe for the political settlement, the ruling system or those who imagined themselves untouchable – among them a hand full of big tech horror-companies.

Elon Musk/Space-X, Amazon, Facebook, OneWeb, Telesat, Roscosmos, Aerospace Science and Industry Corp who want to launch & activate ten thousands of 5G-satellites, planned the polluting and damaging of every living square inch on Earth. Their CEO’s desire the “legal” raping of every open air space, the rape of every child on our planet playing outside, the rape of even the entire Amazon rainforest, with the same microwaves that killed hole swarms of birds already.

With the full support of all 29 NATO-countries, 8300+ Scientific medical studies, that conclude often extreme dangerous non-thermal effects of microwaves are ignored. Fieldstudies are ignored. Many Appeals by medics and uncorrupted scientist, like the Freiburg Appeal and the most recent anti-5G Appeal are deliberately ignored by those, having ethically reached the same degenerated state of mind as pedophiles and nazi-doctors.

There will be be no place to hide on Earth if these megalomaniacs are not stopped with all means possible. Considering “war”; this horoscope is not pointing at war per se, but the “war-thing” does lurk around the corner and the situation is edgy and potentially dangerous.
Defining big tech and 5G astrologically
Concerning the truly horrifying situation that Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the 5G maffia, who simply think they OWN our lives, are allowed to TOUCH the bodies of our children (not with their genitals but with a radiation that can fry children’s testikels and eyeballs) and OWN our planet and future and thus have the right to expose us 24/7 to 5G-shit via satellites, we first of all have to take a look at Uranus and dwarfplanet Makemake, as this object is linked to satellites and hightech. Than we also have to take into account Ixion (conjunct Pecker), Mercury, Electra, Castalia, Älvsjö and Talos. It is tricky for astrologers to adres a certain brand new phenomenon to a certain planet or sign as there is not much expertise available. Satellites and 5G are not the biggest problem where classification is concerned. I’ll come back on the asteroid specifics later in this article.

The problem lies with the fact that these super companies like Google/Alphabet, Facebook, Amazon, Facebook, SpaceX etc. and their CEO’s are still seen as door openers to the future, technical renewers, and this image is not Capricorn, but more Aquarius, Uranus-like. However, these super tech-companies behave and function as political powers, have tremendous semi-bureaucratic political and social influence, are in many cases interwoven with warmonger NATO and almost every government that practises the global neoliberal and new world order politics. They are also supported by the press and the juridical system and tax system that simply puts them above the law and above ethical responsibilities.  From this point of perspective, astrologically speaking, these tech-companies, together with corrupt NGO’s, NATO, EU, braindead governments, big banking, Wallstreet, tax systems, the Full Scope Dominance-doctrines of the USA and China, mass media, big pharma, big oil and petrochemicals, big multinationals in general ARE the system. At least in everyday practise they ARE the system, and this links them to Capricorn, Saturn and the upheavals of 2020 due to a very special astrological situation (the latter acting as a lubricant for what’s already going on as a reaction world wide to what can be summarized as the “Politician-problem“).

Why the 2020 horoscope is the chart-reading of a filtered reality. Why this is always the case with mundane astrology. And something about the all good things happening.

We are almost there. Just this paragraph and we are going to the sec astrological part of this article. But I have to write this, because it is always neglected and of such crucial importance for understanding astrological predictions!!

The problem with astrological predictions concerning the world (mundane astrology) is that we always have to deal with basically 3 realities instead of one.

* First of all there is nature or natural reality, to use a better term, as nature is also part of ourselves.
* Than there is the contemporary cultural reality we dwell in, better known as the Zeitgeist.
* Thirdly there is the basic part or dead weight of this Zeitgeist (post-modernism, The Politician-problem, the western worldview, the Christian base of guilt and submission, technocracy, mobocracy, oligarchy, mediacracy, endless wars with economic motives legalized with media-lies, pragmatism, American Full Scope World Dominance (the PNAC-strategies), rat race culture, banking system, tax-nonsense, the stock exchange pest, third world exploitation, etc.). Then embedded in this deadweight there are trend problems like pollution, a dying nature, the thread of 5G satellites and antennas, the radiation-overkill we already deal with, health-fascism with forced vaccines and witch hunts on naturopaths, surveillance marketing, the coup of the big tech companies, the ongoing tension between New World Order politicians and the population, the bankruptcy of political integrity , pedo-networks, the Epstein-scandal aftermath, etc. etc.).

To make a long story short: This modified reality is radically out of balance when measured with the standards of nature. The Earth and our drinking water is poisoned with round up, people are sick and mentally enslaved by smartphones, insects and birds are disappearing by billions, banks and big industry, almost entirely relie on lies, media lies and wars.

This artificial sphere or Zeitgeist filters the natural input of transiting planets and asteroids, emphasizing their negative features much more than their positive.

Translated to astrological psychospheres: First of all there is far too much of the Fire and Air Element (negative Yang, a far to quick, aggressive and superficial way of living, resulting in the liquidation of true awareness and the human mode) compared to Earth and Water, resulting in negative Yin (Orwellian control systems, fear based government, massive bureaucracy, mass-thinking). This artificial sphere or Zeitgeist filters the natural input of transiting planets and asteroids, emphasizing their negative features much more than their positive. It is something neglected by most astrologers, but realizing the fact that our Zeitgeist FILTERS astrological influences by their resonance and the fact that in our current episode, it is very difficult to embed and materialize the positive features of planets and asteroids, the paradox is, it makes a mundane prognose much more easy. Alas…. I proved this several times in the past years in my year-horoscopes, published by Frontier Magazine.

Perhaps some readers will have the Jesus Christ!-moment right now. Indeed, this is a bloody depressing and negative view on our current world mode. Well it isn’t the complete view. This is just the sick part, the obstacle we have to get rid of as soon as possible. But I paint this ugly picture because so many splendid initiatives and creative ideas are launched at the same time. Billions of trees were planted in 2019 in India and other countries. Biological food gets more and more popular, just like the small business, supporting the local economy. Inventions are made to clear the oceans of plastic and people are protesting everywhere all over the planet for democratic and social rights; France, Hongkong, even in my own stupid country: The Netherlands. There is a clear signal that millions of people all over the world want to get rid for once and for all of this small group of psychopaths who poisons, bombs, exploits, overshadows the world and makes everything sick and dead, while adding absolutely nothing creative, except a web of lies and stupidity enforcement strategies. Lets handle the cards to the planets of 2020:

Schematic overview of the dominant aspect of the 2020 horoscope combined with the parallel of this Saturn-Pluto square Eris configuration in the horoscope of World War I.  This aspect denotes a powerful clash between the rulers (the system, the collusion between politics, big banking, hightech and big industry) and the ruled (angry civilians, natural reality and unpolitisized culture), like a boil bursting open, letting the puss out. Eris is in Aries, while Cancer is the sign of the civilian, but individuality belongs to Aries. And this is suffocated by the system causing the anger among civilians.

1. The Sun, the heart of the year in the 2020 horoscope
The Almuten Figuris or strongest planet of the chart is Mercury. This denotes information, communication, transport, traffic, language. Sun is conjunct the word power/NLP-Plutino 1998 HK51, Prokne (cruelty, revenge, hatred), TRIUMPF trine “parasite/empire-Centaur” 2002 PN34. The strongest player is the Plutino 1998 HK51. So in the heart of the 2020 horoscope we see that 2020 is about language, the power of words and the misuse of words and communication, like censorship enforcement, technical discrimination of key words/websites or modern witch-hunt terms like complotter, tin foil hat etc.. Sun is also conjunct Prokne, which isn’t good at all, especially because the asteroid Sysiphus is opposing Sun. Sysiphus hinders the “shining and radiating” with the repetitive hindering of result or conclusion. Sun gets support from a very unpredictable Centaur, 2002 PN34, which fuels the Sun with either an urge to “build an empire” (create and/or solidify a strong power structure) or to act as a parasite (which is almost always the case with modern politics, but within the 2020 horoscope configuration this is extra emphasized.

2. The osc. Black Moon on the Aries Point in the 2020 horoscope
In mundane astrology the Black Moons are extremely important as they function as forces that make the energies of the zodiacal degree they are transiting and aspects they make with fixed stars and planets/asteroids manifest very concrete, though often deformed or in a process of purging. The Aries Point is an important point as it is the location the zodiak starts. It is seen as a doorway-point where the astral or morphogenitic realm flows into our concrete material world. There has been much discussion whether we should use the corrected Black Moon (BML) of the uncorrected (osc. Black Moon). However, as far as my 20 years of experience with these black lights goes, they are both important and strong players. The position of the osc. Black Moon on the Aries Point denotes that the horoscope of 2020 is very strong about confrontation and the purging of things, rules, positions, processes that are simply not right or just. However this force has a dark side in that it can also deform every process going on.

The tension caused by the Arawn/Saturn/2001 KF77/Pluto/2001 XA255 conjunction square Eris is significantly catalysed by the positions of both the Sun and the osc. Black Moon in the 2020-chart. The current system which is almost entirely based on selling bullshit and desinformation to the classes who still do the real work
3. Saturn-Pluto squared by Eris
I have already discussed this dominant aspect in the 2020 horoscope above. This is a potentially very dangerous and powerful aspectation. Saturn, Pluto and Eris are heavyweights, slow moving with a deep penetrating impact. Pluto’s force is catalysed by the Plutino Arawn, who not only acts as an extra fuel for Pluto but hardens the aspectation significantly as it also catalyses the isolation and coldness of Saturn. As this powercluster is fused with 2001 XA255, the worst case scenario is an increase of persecutions of people and groups, hars condemnations, problems with transportations at the end of the traject, or on a larger scale war, in whatever version or shape available in the postmodern chaos. In the positive sense it also stimulates the falling down of rotten political idols due to scandals and thus this Centaur can act in perfect synergy with the encapsulated whisle-blower Centaur 2001 KF77! En there is more pointing toward the latter: within the Saturn-Pluto square Eris, the asteroid Leviathan opposes Eris in Aries (representing the civillians) and squares Saturn-Pluto in the sign of diplomacy and treaties, Libra. Leviathan is about state lies, state secrets, official truths (lies). This brings us to the true meaning of the term Apocalyps. “Apocalypse” (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning “revelation“, “an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling”.

So this complex aspectation points to a hars clash, a world wide awareness of the politician problem and how this has to be solved on all fronts, social, economical, in the context of human rights, privacy, democracy and a general concern for the Earth, nature, the trees and ecosystems.

Their is a special profession that makes a living out of revealing the truth: investigation journalism. And this profession will have its golden year as asteroid Itokawa (research journalism) is conjunct Damocles (destroying or dismanteling the closed system, often from within). And this conjunction is sextile Eris (pro the civillians) and in half sextile to the System (friction aspect).

This aspectation is strong in Aquarius, the sign that hates suppression (except in the chart of “Mister FEMA-camp” Dick Cheney). Eris (the civillians) is trine Varda. Varda alway want to make a substantial impact everybody knows about. Finally the asteroid Hooke (humanism in the true sense of the word, freedom loving, very involved with nature, the Earth and its suffering) opposes the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, pointing towards resistance to ecocide and ecorape by representatives of the System.

So this complex aspectation points to a hars clash, a world wide awareness of the politician problem and how this has to be solved on all fronts, social, economical, in the context of human rights, privacy, democracy and a general concern for the Earth, nature, the trees and ecosystems. It also points to a year of great revelations and scandals.
4. The astrological players concerning 5G in the 2020 chart
In the 2020 horoscope Jupiter is the so called Doryphory (protector of the chart).  Jupiter in Capricorn means restricted progress and stimulates the “think before act”-routines and a more reasonable approach of problems, issues and ideas instead of a cheer optimistic “go for it!”. Jupiter is conjunct Icarus (inspiration, original insight) and in exact square to “satellite-dwarf planet” Makemake, who also rules 5G-satellites. Makemake is conjunct Logos (beta-intelligence, linear thinking, calculating). Another big player/representative concerning modern technology and crossing boundaries is Uranus. Uranus is conjunct a retrogade Damocloid called Dioretsa (the unusual, time reversal) and in strong opposition the jurisdiction and judgement-Plutino Rhadamanthus. Rhadamantus is very strong in Scorpio.  Varuna (big international media event/news; super expansion) squares in Leo both Rhadamantus in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus.

Concerning 5G the core problem is electrosmog terror based on the imbecility that a test with a salt water filled silicone head (thermic effect dictate) was enough to overrule all serious science and epidemic reports studying the true effects of microwaves on living organisms, plants, animals , humans and ecosystems. Within this context we have to look at asteroids who have a more specific role with electricity: Electra, Castalia, Älvsjö and Talos. Than we also have to take into account Ixion (conjunct Pecker) and Mercury. Mercury, the Almutem Figuris or strongest planet in the 2020 horoscope is conjunct Castilia, an Apollo asteroid that is related to everything bad about wireless technology and the negative impact of microwaves on the human biology and health.

Electra is conjunct Teharonhiawako (dichotomy), Susansmith (false accusations) and Izhdubar (failure, wrong strategy, crime). Älvsjö which has to do with severe suffering of people with EHS is conjunct Apophis in pisces (fear of falling completely apart). Ixion (the process itself, Frankenstein technology) is conjunct Pecker (denying the boundaries of other people, rape lust, drawing negative attention) and 2001 KN77 (anger management, self control). Ixion is in the sign of space technology (Sagittarius). My expectation considering the mess above is that governments and companies assisted by NATO’s complete insanity and the braindead Chinese government will keep developing and launching satellites with 5G and other space warfare technology, whereby part of this pandemic wil continuo down here in the cities and other areas, which will see a great number of protests and clashes and also lawsuits. A “5G-accident” is possible to as a prelude to a lawsuit.
5. The Moon/Neptune/Nictimene-conjunction in the sex degree 17 pisces and the Weinstein/Epstein-stuff continuation

The 17th degree pisces is the most sexual degree of the zodiac. Moon is conjunct with Neptune, Nictimene, Teheronhiawako and Phoinix. In plain language: sex scandals especially the misuse of young underaged girls (Nictimene) will again be a hot issue in 2020, and will come to the surface either brand new or as loose ends aka the unfinished story of especially the Epstein-scandal.

There is only one thing to be added: “sex-plutino” 2005 PQ21 is conjunct Scheat (disaster, conflict) in the last or anaretic degree of pisces (now or never) and square MC.  However our society is thus organized that for highly placed people there is no real sanction. Prince Andrew lost a few patronships, but that’s no big deal when compared to a normal conviction like 20+ years in prison among pedo-hating fellow convicts. Epstein was murdered in his cell to prevent him from giving the press more revelations in this context which would have had severe political consequences as is probably crystal clear to every person in this world with an IQ higher than 40.  Dziewanna (bad shit, very painful situations) and 2001 SQ73 (pressure fluctuations) conjunct 1999 TD10 (invasions) are feeding the Moon/Neptune/Nictimene cluster. However, in a world where most parent rape the body of their own child(ren) with Wi-Fi, tablets, wireless computers and smartphones, while most of the time staring addicted to a stupid screen, scrolling though loads of social media shit, this whole rape and abuse subject in relation to respect for child rights has gone of the track in such an obscene and absurd way, this subject cannot be touched anymore in the normal astrological way. It just keeps filling me with useless disgust about this world wide decline of morals and human values, flanked by a breath taking disappearance of lateral intelligence.

6. Extras:
I expect an unreasonable war or law enforcement as a cloak for real problems as Mercury is opposed the creative drugs & artistic genius Plutino 2002 VE95, which I nicknamed Creative junky in my Dutch asteroid guide. (This Plutino was strong in the charts of Herman Brood and Jean Miquel Basquiat.)

Makemake is afflicted by Jupiter. Makemake does not only have an association with satellites, skyscrapers, hightech etc. but also with swine flu and pandemics of viral diseases. This affliction can denote an outbreak of a disease similar to for example the swine flu.

To answer the question whether the 2020 horoscope shows a financial market meltdown: No, not directly. However the financial system is completely entangled with the ruling system and the ruling system will get severe punches in the face in 2020. We will see another mortgage-crash coming somewhere in the near future, not based on astrological data, but on health-rot. 50% Of all Americans is already chronically ill and we see similar figures in Europe due to radiation, sick making industry food, lack of sleep, financial pressure and other rat race stuff. This simply ends one day in exhaustion and crash.

The European Union is already under great pressure and there is a serious chance we will see Brexit-follow ups.
Planets do not enforce. They just provide mood and tension fields. Human courage and human creativity has in most cases the final word….
Happy New Year

ATTENTION: follow up article: https://vamzzz.com/blog/lockdown/
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

A friend on FB shared Uma Viggiani’s recent post on her astrological perspective of these current times we’re in. I thought it had some good points worth reflecting on, so sharing it here.

As many of you know, I am an astrologer and seek understanding through the language of the stars. For years now, I have been listening to astrologers talk about the upcoming planetary alignments of 2020 with gravity. I’ve been researching and reading. There are many others who go deeper and say it more eloquently but these are my thoughts in the wake of what’s occurring right now.

There is a meme going around that says:
“The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was during the Rodney King Riots.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was the American Revolution.
Neptune was in Pisces when Rome fell.
We have all 3 right now.”
Most of this is true. “Edit- Neptune was in Libra during the fall of Rome.”

But that’s not all. There is so much more to it.
The eclipses that set this off at the beginning of the year happened when 6 planets were transiting in Capricorn with Pluto. The merging of them all with Mars and the South Node and the eclipse is what signals the energy for Covid and the pandemic. We are approaching another 3 eclipses, the last in the Cancer / Capricorn axis so things are escalating.

But this spot in Capricorn is crucial because the United Sates is on the brink of what is called a Pluto Return. The little debatable planet, discovered in the 30’s, takes 248 years to make a revolution and is headed back to that same place in it’s orbit that it was in when the United Sates was birthed.

As someone who has been through a major Pluto transit and having seen how they work in people’s charts, it’s very challenging, deep work that changes you for good.

Pluto roots out toxicity, exposes and transforms it with intensity.
Capricorn is the Patriarchy, systems of control, the financial systems, those in power, responsibility.

Pluto also relates to deep soul level transformation.
We are already seeing this toxicity be exposed.
Our systems are so broken.

Voting systems that don’t work, gerrymandering, voter suppression, electoral college, two sided politics, two parties that don’t actually represent….
The media, mockingbird, the attack of the media, the sensationalization, conspiracy theories, the actual truth, the many truths, the capital “T” truth, not knowing what to listen to, who to trust, what is real…
The financial systems, banks, bank bailouts, corporatism, corporate greed, CEO’s that make 145,000x more than their employees, the ultra-rich, the ruling class, the elite, the 1%…
Racism, a country founded in slavery, white supremacy, black lives matter, the militarized police state, martial law…
The medical system, no health insurance, poor health insurance coverage, overuse of opioids and prescriptions, the food systems, pesticides, subsidizations, factory farming…
What else….?!

As we can see now, and over the next few years, we will be watching and collectively experiencing a systemic and soul level transformation of a nation. We are witnessing A Collapse of an Empire. This time is a time of Critical Transformation. Whatever changes are made during a Pluto transit are Final. The US will not be the same country in a few years.

The Rebirth of Our Nation will not be pretty. Plutonic transformation is like digging up graves, dealing with bones… It’s like opening the floorboards of your home to find it’s filled with rot and decay and you have to take the whole house down to make any changes. It’s like finally having your deepest skeleton in your closet revealed and the only way to deal with it is get into some intensive therapy and face it head on, lest it destroy you.

It’s so intense and we are all feeling it already. It’s a process. Hang in there. There is another side to this. In the history of the world, we are doing great. The word Apocalypse means the lifting of the veil - may we all see clearly.
We need a Transformation not a Revolution.

The UpRising of the People is the way forward.
We have to put our country, our government and our systems back into the hands of the many who want to see all people THRIVE, not SURVIVE.

Stop, Listen, Go within.

What really matters to you? How can you adjust your awareness to reflect that?
Get more Local, Really talk to and connect with more humans, find your Community, see how you are the same. Come together. Play. Pray. Vote. Grow Food. Be Kind. Be Brave.

We can do this.
Infinite Love and Blessings to you all.
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Janus Quirinus »

Interesting, which calendar are these predictions based on?
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Re: Future Predictions - When Saturn Conjuncts Pluto in 2020

Post by Spiritwind »

I don’t know exactly what chart she used, but here is the chart for July 4, 1776, which is the day Americans celebrate their Independence. Interestingly, it’s not the day it was signed (August 2, 1776), but Pluto would not have moved significantly in that amount of time. Pluto is at 27 degrees of Capricorn at that time, and is at 24 degrees Capricorn right now, and retrograde. It will turn direct on October 4th of this year, and gets close, at 26.48 degrees of Capricorn, before it turns retrograde again on April 27th, 2021. In January, 2022 is when Pluto finally gets to 27 degrees of Capricorn, and has an exact conjunction with the US chart of July 4, 1776. So, these are long term influences, and I do not expect these current issues to disappear. It’s all leading up to something, some big changes taking place.

I see your love shining out from my furry friends faces, when I look into their eyes. I see you in the flower’s smile, the rainbow, and the wind in the trees....
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