Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

"For the sake of goodness and love, man shall let death have no sovereignty over his thoughts."
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by Christine »

maggie, this subject you bring up is a deep one, the inner - the outer, the fine line that perhaps divides the two. I so deeply go to the place of Be cause, ie: being cause within your own reality and I respect the choice of happiness.

In an infinite Universe of free will we are given such choice, to be honored in another and in each other.

I read your post several times, resonating with parts and pondering others. For myself, the use of the word belief is partial and not complete. I have chosen to use I Gnow, knowledge birthed from experience. Literally the word belief is no longer in my dictionary, for it no longer serves my be-cause. Whatever gnosis I have, I am sure it is due to the process of stripping away and letting go.

The subject is attachments and intentional predatory behaviors that affect us and have for seeming eons of time. Ultimately I know them to be a very integral part of an evolutionary process. I no longer search these archons origin having satisfied my inner quest and visioning. We call them by many names and they manifest (infest) through out entire realities.

What I also see without many veils of denial is the stark, shake me to the core, verifiable reality that we live on a prison planet and on a world at war. For myself I am called to confront it and withdraw all my consent, to stand Be-holding to the truth and nothing more. Pretty arduous to strip down that bare. For anyone who has been in astral battles, been subjected to black magic, been beaten and raped it is undeniable that there is another hurting you. Yes, ultimately you come to the inner steeling of your Being ... so I can easily accept within my consciousness that both inner and outer are equally true.

There are densities and dimensions, it doesn't mean they are separate from me nor do I deny what happens in the ones I can see.

Recently and coming through more visible is the certainty of an orchestration of sound, that each of us in our essence knows our sound and by being true to that we are being what we came here to BE. I fall lovingly into fields of happiness and equally will traverse a torrent of pain. There for me is no dividing line.

Current-ly fierce in Love and Living for the continual moment of now, being swept up on some wave that affects us all. Cheers! for a woman's happiness, means everything for all of us take on a deeper glow.

In Buddha's wisdom he chooses happiness and beyond is awe... cheers for a woman's happiness, means everything takes on a deeper glow.

The journey, the challenge is to step into the
projection room and stop being lost in the script.
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by maggie »

Hi Christine,
I appreciate it a great deal that you cared to reply to my post.

It is certainly true that I have a very different POV on the reality of an external source of interfering energy. I have not always seen things this way and once would have agreed....

I also see without many veils of denial is the stark, shake me to the core, verifiable reality that we live on a prison planet and on a world at war.

At this time, I no longer subscribe to an objective condition and yes, there is war cast around me, yes the walls seem to be closing in, but the REALITY of the conditions is what I cannot see withstanding the test of experience. IT IS JUST CULTURE.

The reason is IMO WAR, opposition, interference, curses of all kinds are cannot exist when there is no CULTURAL agreement. It takes two (at least) and that means it cannot take place without two (at least) so I THINK it is an agreement we play in...NOT reality. Just because it is dramatic does not mean IMO it has reality In and of itself.

For instance, I think I "came in" angry as a 10 month baby, colicky and screaming. I was a prickly child, I do not think I am soft and cozy. I was a perfect CURSE for narcissists because I rebelled all the time. I can SEE how my anger has been at play in my experience...ME Looking for a fight? Yes. And paranoia was inbred...but I have over turned it and is that accidental? No it is a BYpassing my culture.

I am called to confront it and withdraw all my consent, to stand Be-holding to the truth and nothing more.

So lets can we just recall consent from REALITY? That IMO means to me that we chose this "INTERFERENCE" condition as what we play in (not REALITY). IMO There is some "good reason" we created this state. For one thing, it is interesting to me that so much that defines our boundaries is avoiding feeling terrified.

For anyone who has been in astral battles, been subjected to black magic, been beaten and raped it is undeniable that there is another hurting you. Yes, ultimately you come to the inner steeling of your Being ... so I can easily accept within my consciousness that both inner and outer are equally true."

I have not been in any imaginative astral battles or subjected to malicious curses of black magic or beaten ( I was slapped as a child, hit with hairbrushes but when I was big enough, I fought back...I will flail and fling myself furiously, bite and gouge eyes and scratch rather than be beaten), nor have I been raped but I can tell you this much...FEAR OF rape will not define my self image because it cannot be used as a weapon. I refuse to hate myself for being a woman who can be raped, feel my body is potentially an object of violence...I WILL refuse to be terrified by the threats.

I do not live in a moslem country and YES, I empathize with that culture's insanity and yet, I do not agree it is from some outside evil source. People created these thoughts.

Astral battle? The question is what we mean...I think the astral is here and now and where we are living overlaid in the "collective mind".The dream in the day and the one at night are thought formed....

My experience is of crazy making kinds of emotional double binds, general neglect, focused hate, extreme manipulation, gas lighting, deception...just garden variety. Looking objectively, I CHOSE this kind of experience so ONCE and FOR ALL, I will not believe it's reality.

I am as passionate about this as makes me happy (hehe). Love to you, Maggie
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by maggie »

Take away paradox from the thinker and you have a professor.
Soren Kierkegaard

Paradox rules.....

"If we reify the ‘e‘epa/wetiko bug as being real, “other” and truly existing independently of ourselves, and therefore a substantial threat to us, this virus of the mind will then inspire, magnify and feed off of our fear. Conversely, if we think that the ‘e‘epa/wetiko virus is merely a function of our imagination and is hence, “unreal,” something to be ignored, we have then fallen under its spell, albeit in a different way, such that it can then unrestrainedly act itself out through us, beneath our conscious awareness.

This conundrum points at the extreme paradox that we have to be able to embrace within ourselves in order to get a handle on these trickster-like forces. The ‘e‘epa/wetiko virus exists in an intermediate realm in which it is both real and unreal at the same time (I go into this paradox more extensively in my book). Though not objectively existing in an absolute sense, the ‘e‘epa/wetiko pathogen has a “virtual reality” such that it can destroy not only us as individuals, but potentially our entire species. The fact that something that only exists as a function of ourselves can unleash enormously destructive forces upon the world and in so doing can ultimately destroy us is pointing at – and introducing us to – the incredibly vast, invisible, yet mostly untapped, unharnessed and unrealized creative power that is our inherent human birthright."

Paul Levy The Masters of Deception ... deception/

EDIT: I found Hale Makua through Wesselman's contribution to Paul Levy's article through thinking about the thread here.

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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by maggie »

Tricked out world so full of whatever can be imagined.
I am grateful for the slippery coyote like stealth of my shadow! ... mefromhomeHank Wesselaman conversation concerning Hale Makua's view on our being set up by CULTURE.

"....On that particular day, I asked him very specifically about this issue, which he often mentioned, that we come into this world as gods, it's just that we forget who and what we really are, as well as what we're supposed to be doing here. Makua was quite adamant that human beings, alone on this world, possess godlike qualities. These involve the ability to be creators, to choose. As opposed to all of those well-intentioned transformational speakers, from the top guys on down, who have said things like, "You've got to get rid of your ego," or "You've got to drop your ego."

If you told that to this kahuna, he would just laugh long and hard. Then he would recover and he'd say, "Absolutely not! That's exactly the opposite of what we're here to do! We're actually here to develop the ego. That's why we embody, because the ego is the sole aspect that involves our ability to choose, to create, to become more than we were, to create thought-forms and goals of things that we wish to have or achieve, and then to act on them, to bring things into being."

I mean, it's like I'm talking on this telephone here in Hawaii, sitting in a house that's designed by my wife, and you're sitting in Louisville or Boulder or wherever you are in Colorado. And I used to live there, so I can sort of project my conscious awareness and think about you sitting and talking with me, connected by this incredible technology that we've brought into being. That's a godlike ability, to create what we have created!

The problem is now that we have to develop a sense of ethics, a really hardcore sense of ethics, because if you look at the way we're treating each other and the world at large today, it's hard to believe that we're godlike beings, isn't it?

This morning, I was thinking about the fact that, in all truth, we are the Romans of our time. When I say that, I mean, if you look at ancient Rome, we're very much like them. We're superb engineers. We've created these incredible things, like the Romans did. And like the Romans, we've created these gladiatorial games that go on for weeks and months at a time. I'm thinking about basketball and football and baseball and golf and all of these things that are distractions for the public at large. We're very much like them, although the cycle has come around, and we're at a higher level, hopefully, than the Romans were-for example, we don't kill the gladiators anymore-but we're still very much hooked on these distractions!

These distractions area carefully crafted, in a mystical sense, by an archetypal force who is known as the Master of Illusion. The job of the Master of Illusion, as I've said, is to ensnare us and capture us, so we never find out who we are, what we're doing here, and what this is all about. And so the Master of Illusion is a kind of threshold guardian. He isn't evil; he's more like a threshold guardian, when you think about it. Once you pass the test, once you see who this dude is and you turn off the TV set, or you turn off your little things that are plugged into your ears, you start paying attention to what's going on around you, you've reached a point where it's a definite step up.

You know, I often think of Mahatma Gandhi's statement when he arrived in England all those many years ago, 50, 60 years ago, when some British reporter came up to him and said, "Mr. Gandhi, what do you think about Western civilization?"

He answered, "Oh, I think it's a very good idea!"

"The Ancestral Grand Plan," is about Makua creating the foundation upon which we can build the next cycle. I didn't really think about that until I really began to formally write that book up and consider these concepts, but as you will remember, the beginning of the ancestral grand plan involves involving ourselves in those activities that are designed to expand the consciousness of humankind-in other words, create expansion, rather than separation.

The second part of the plan involves all of the teachers, all of the gurus, all of the kahunas, all of the mystical guy and women who are out there on the path teaching. It involves all of us bringing our students and our acolytes and our initiates together, connecting with each other, creating connection, rather than separation, so that we can really come together to create an entirely new world that we're going to pass on to our descendants. This is really what the goal is.
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by Pris »

maggie wrote: ... omhomeHank Wesselaman conversation concerning Hale Makua's view on our being set up by CULTURE.

"....On that particular day, I asked him very specifically about this issue, which he often mentioned, that we come into this world as gods, it's just that we forget who and what we really are, as well as what we're supposed to be doing here. Makua was quite adamant that human beings, alone on this world, possess godlike qualities. These involve the ability to be creators, to choose. As opposed to all of those well-intentioned transformational speakers, from the top guys on down, who have said things like, "You've got to get rid of your ego," or "You've got to drop your ego."....
On a personal note, I don't like the term 'godlike'. For me it implies (fosters) the megalomaniacal mindset while also implying that there is a 'god' or 'gods' out there -- a being, beings, or a 'group of beings' -- with the ultimate megalomaniacal mindset.

maggie wrote:....If you told that to this kahuna, he would just laugh long and hard. Then he would recover and he'd say, "Absolutely not! That's exactly the opposite of what we're here to do! We're actually here to develop the ego. That's why we embody, because the ego is the sole aspect that involves our ability to choose, to create, to become more than we were, to create thought-forms and goals of things that we wish to have or achieve, and then to act on them, to bring things into being."
Now, THIS is what I'm talking about. I love this. This is amazing for me to read because I recently came to the same conclusion on my own (as far as I am aware).

I'm finding maggie's posts intriguing, somewhat complicated (wordy? covering several topics?), and not sure whether to give them a thumbs up lol!
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by Pris »

maggie wrote:Tricked out world so full of whatever can be imagined.
I am grateful for the slippery coyote like stealth of my shadow!

This morning, I was thinking about the fact that, in all truth, we are the Romans of our time. When I say that, I mean, if you look at ancient Rome, we're very much like them. We're superb engineers. We've created these incredible things, like the Romans did. And like the Romans, we've created these gladiatorial games that go on for weeks and months at a time. I'm thinking about basketball and football and baseball and golf and all of these things that are distractions for the public at large. We're very much like them, although the cycle has come around, and we're at a higher level, hopefully, than the Romans were-for example, we don't kill the gladiators anymore-but we're still very much hooked on these distractions!

These distractions area carefully crafted, in a mystical sense, by an archetypal force who is known as the Master of Illusion. The job of the Master of Illusion, as I've said, is to ensnare us and capture us, so we never find out who we are, what we're doing here, and what this is all about. And so the Master of Illusion is a kind of threshold guardian. He isn't evil; he's more like a threshold guardian, when you think about it. Once you pass the test, once you see who this dude is and you turn off the TV set, or you turn off your little things that are plugged into your ears, you start paying attention to what's going on around you, you've reached a point where it's a definite step up.

"The Ancestral Grand Plan," is about Makua creating the foundation upon which we can build the next cycle. I didn't really think about that until I really began to formally write that book up and consider these concepts, but as you will remember, the beginning of the ancestral grand plan involves involving ourselves in those activities that are designed to expand the consciousness of humankind-in other words, create expansion, rather than separation.

The second part of the plan involves all of the teachers, all of the gurus, all of the kahunas, all of the mystical guy and women who are out there on the path teaching. It involves all of us bringing our students and our acolytes and our initiates together, connecting with each other, creating connection, rather than separation, so that we can really come together to create an entirely new world that we're going to pass on to our descendants. This is really what the goal is.
I like sharing. I like it when others share. The act of sharing... as equals.

When it comes to 'distractions', I like to create my own all the time -- preferably what I consider to be productive, creative ones. Because of them, I am able to cope better and stay positive in an insane world. It's important to keep my focus on what I want.
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by maggie »

Pris wrote:
I like sharing. I like it when others share. The act of sharing... as equals.

When it comes to 'distractions', I like to create my own all the time -- preferably what I consider to be productive, creative ones. Because of them, I am able to cope better and stay positive in an insane world. It's important to keep my focus on what I want.
Thanks for reading what I posted...I like the way you think.
Many things I think about are convoluted, weirdly connected distractions but they help me stay positive too....

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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by LittleTree »

Maggie! Thank You. Friggg, would love to linger and must go...Thank You for this line "I do not believe in attaching entities that will attack us.

Something in us is projected. Also it must be us, as otherwise we will never encounter what symbolically the projection means."
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pot meet kettle

Post by Naga_Fireball »

Oh wow, so to whom do we credit the resurrection of the "you're a troll for disagreeing with me" thread?

An original post might be refreshing, won't find it i the boneyard of blame..
LittleTree wrote:Maggie! Thank You. Friggg, would love to linger and must go...Thank You for this line "I do not believe in attaching entities that will attack us.

Something in us is projected. Also it must be us, as otherwise we will never encounter what symbolically the projection means."
Brotherhood falls asunder at the touch of fire!
He finds his fellow guilty of a skin
Not coloured like his own, and having power
To enforce the wrong, for such a worthy cause
Dooms and devotes him as his lawful prey.
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Re: Removal of Troll & Psychic Interfering Energy

Post by LittleTree »

huh?! actually, not, cause I don't really care too much. You are a fire ball indeed. go get in your own head and heart, you have no clue as to my thoughts about this, nor i fully understand your bone.

as for my little interesting realization and thought about this, it did have to do with this:" onclick=";return false;

it's a nicer thought what Maggie shared about life being reflective and a little nibble of the big nugget for me personally.
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